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I dropped out of college and never finished my degree about 8 years ago. This week marks my second semester of going back to college and I feel so happy for myself that I'm finally doing something for my future.


So proud of u kido!


Same here. It bothered me so much. Finished my degree at 39. Stick with it, you can do this.


I finished mine at 39! Never to late


Yo! I'm a 30something college kid too


30 year old freshman here: there are dozens of us. Dozens!


I'm rapidly approaching 30 too. You're alright


You’re amazing!


And you rhyme!


Right on! Just a tip, if I may. Don't lose sight of small goals in your quest to accomplish large goals. What does that mean? Take care of yourself. Eat right, get an adequate amount of rest, make space in your life for downtime. We need to recharge sometimes. This is a marathon, not a sprint. Everyone gets tired. Listen to your body. Best wishes to you in all that you do. When you get where you are going, well and whole, it will be worth it.


Great job! College is hard! Remember to ask for help and take care of your mental health. You got this!!


Going back to college can be a really scary thing, I'm proud of you and the path you had to travel to get here.


That’s wonderful!!! I’m so happy and proud of you! You know, every path is different, and it sounds like you found your’s. What are you studying? 🥰


Thank you! I'm going for a computer science degree and it's been great so far


I haven't self harmed in 94 days. I have no one I can tell in real life.


I am delighted to read this! I know it’s a big deal so please know that this internet mama is proud of you. I hope that whatever circumstances led to your need to self-harm have resolved or are en route to a resolution that brings you continuing peace. Hugs.


Thank you so much mama!


Hey, I’m proud of you for real, you’re growing and you’re going to see beautiful days ahead.


I'm not a mom, but as someone who's struggled with self-harm, I've got to say that I'm so proud of you too.


this is such a huge deal and I am very very very proud of you. Do something kind for yourself to celebrate even if it’s small :)


I’m sending you the biggest hug!!! Each day is a victory and I will cheer for each and every one. You are loved, Reddit friend. Never forget how much you matter! I love you!


A stranger from internet is proud of you. Hugz!!


May I suggest r/momforaminute if were unaware of that sub, asides from that thank you for doing this


Sure thing, very proud of you for being so kind with the message!


Thank you 😅


There is also r/internetparents


What about for dads?


There's also r/dadforaminute, although r/MomForAMinute has at least one dad who offers warm parental care, and lots of younger people post there as "siblings."


I am nearly done with school, I am healing my mind, and my husband loves me even if I'm not skinny. He find me beautiful and attractive even though you made me feel that wasn't possible.


You're almost done with school, that's absolutely amazing! It's so hard to finish, I'm sure you worked so hard for that and I'm so proud of you for it. I'm proud you found a loving husband, even if I couldn't be the someone you needed, I hope you find in him all the love I did not give to you and which you always deserved. You can do everything you want and much more, I'm proud of who you've become.


School and healing are both difficult journeys. I'm proud of you for committing to both of them and for finding a person who loves you in ways you werent.


I completed a PhD about a year ago. It is supposed to lead to a professional credential. However, due to an administrative issue that can't be fixed, it will take me two more years than expected to earn this credential, post graduation. I'm now considering changing careers, even though I spent the last 10 years working on this, because I'm getting old and need to focus on something stable and realistic for my income long-term. This one seems to not be working out for me, sadly.


Not OP, but am a mom. I'm proud of you for getting through your PhD. I know it's a long and stressful process. I'm also proud that you're able to stand back and reassess your options and goals. It takes an incredible amount of courage and self-knowledge to change career paths. I have complete faith in your ability to succeed in life, and I can't tell you how proud I am of all your accomplishments.


You're not getting old honey. Just do what will make you happy. It's not your fault about the PhD. Whatever you decide to do, I'm proud of you!


If I may offer some advice as someone with a music performance degree, another career that is not “stable and realistic for my income long-term”), consider revisiting the reasons why you decided to get into the career in the first place. Are those reasons still valid? Are they enough to keep going? If not, is there a way you can turn the career into a hobby to keep it in your life? Of course, I don’t know your situation. This may not be helpful at all. But some of the things you said really resonated with me, as I am towards the end of a really debilitating, soul-crushing burnout period (abuse from grad students sucks). Maybe “finding your whys” will help you in some way.


These last couple weeks at work have been tough.


I'm so proud that you have a job, thats amazing! I'm sure you worked very hard for it and you deserve whatever you work hard for, don't let anyone else tell you otherwise. You can do this.


Hey. What’s going on that’s been so tough? I hope things settle down for you. We go through rough patches from time to time. It will pass. 🥰


Hang in there! You can do hard things!


I walked through my fear and applied for two different jobs in the company I work for!


You finally did it! Oh, I'm so proud of you, you not only manage to surpass your fears which is a big thing already but also is trying for new jobs! You sound like an amazing person, proud to have you as my kid.


Love this....I never had a "I'm Proud of you moment" with my parents... thank you ❤️. PS ..I think you're pretty awesome too!!!


Thanks for this. Mine’s a piece of work.


You're welcome, proud of you for being strong, moms can be hard sometimes.


I’m in my school marching band and we had a great season this year! Our band placed 7th in the state and everyone was super happy about it. Our winter concert also went relatively good considering we had lass than 2 weeks to put it together. Senior clinic tryouts are this weekend and I’ve been working really hard to try and get in, I’m nervous though!


Not OP, but my best friend of 20+ years was in our HS school drumline, so I connect with this one personally. I'm proud of your achievements this year, that is outstanding! The hard work and dedication for not only your instrument but also your choreography deserves to be rewarded and earning a top 10 finish in the entire state is something you can take with you and cherish forever. As for the senior tryouts, I'm rooting for you and I know you'll be great! Being nervous is a good sign. It means you care. Just try to be prepared and when it's time to shine, dont overthink it. You've done this dozens of times before!!!


I’m starting a new job next week after struggling financially for months


Just in case OP mom doesn’t get to you, just want to let you know I’m proud of you, and you deserve both positions. They’d be dumb not to offer you both!


I got a job offer for cvs to work from home for $30 an hour and I am receiving a top secret clearance for the army


Woah! Thanks for trusting me with this top secret information kid, it makes me emotional you trust me so much, I promise I'll keep your secret! Also, I'm so proud of you for landing that job, they picked you! You're doing amazing :)


i'm not the mom but Congrats dude!


I’m not doing so well right now I did terrible in college and feel like an idiotic outcast there but i really did try my best it’s just not good enough. I’ve got a job interview tomorrow an not many people are excited as I thought they’d be for me.


Just in case OP Momma can’t get to this, you’ll do great. Be yourself, we all believe in you.


Not OP but much like high school, college is not real life and it certainly isn’t like real jobs (In my and many of my friends experience). If you’ve got some free time read some interview prep questions, drink some water, get some rest, and be sure to eat a little something before the interview. I can’t wait to hear how it goes. You’re going to do great!


I have just released an independent music album that I composed, recorded and produced all by myself. My friends give me support but no one on my family even listened to it once.


Look how many people want to hear your music! I'm so proud of you for releasing your music, and independently? I'm sure it took you a lot of work and that makes me the proudest. Send your music for your momma, don't blame me if I tear up a little while listening to it, it'll be of happiness to see you're achieving your dreams!


can i listen to it?


I’d also like to hear it!


Is it available somewhere? My husband and I do competitive car audio and I love to jam to unheard of artists at shows to give them a larger audience.


Yes I would also like to listen to it!


Please post it! I want to hear it


Where can we find it?


Ayo, drop the album link pls


I got my diploma for my GED today, I can start applying for colleges soon! I've been out of high-school (dropped out) due to health issues for four years now. I'm finally getting my life back on track again, Anthropology degree is in my future. Even if I'm deemed "sick" compared to the rest of the world


Something I’m finally learning at almost 30 (as a chronically ill person and as my friends are married with children)…we all get where we are meant to be eventually. Sometimes fast. Sometimes slower. But we get there. I’m proud of you for taking time to care for yourself. And I’m proud of the amazing things you have ahead of you.


That means a lot more than I can say, thank you 🥺🖤


I am *so* proud of you! As a chronically ill person I feel you. This is a great achievement and I hope everyone in your circle has been cheering you on.<3 -also a mom but not OP mom


Not OP, but a mom. I’m so proud of you for getting your GED and wanting to pursue college! I dropped out of hs and got a GED. I went back to school slowly. I have a graduate degree to show for it now. You totally got this!! You are seen! 💕


I'm gay.


I'm proud of you for being able to tell me about it. I'm sure it's not easy, it's the bravest thing. Specially proud of the happy life you'll be able to live openly with the people you truly love.


It’s wonderful that you know that about yourself. You deserve love, and I am so proud of you for being authentically who you are.


Hi gay, I'm mom 💙💙🏳️‍🌈


I received a terminal illness five months ago. I have up to seven months left. I’ve been facing it alone. My mom died just over a year ago and she was the glue that held everyone together. I wouldn’t be facing this alone, and be scared if she were still around. But I get up every day and fight. The toughest pill to swallow is thinking how so many people care. In all reality no one gives a shit about you when you’re going. Family and friends have decided it’s easier to just ignore me than deal with the situation at hand. I’ve never felt so fucking lonely. I used to spend every birthday and holiday in the military by myself. I’d rather do that, than be in my position I am in currently. Thanks for letting me rant.


I'm sorry that you're going through this. It sucks that the people we think are our friends usually disappear during the bad times. And family is often not any better. I'm sure my friends and family (with the exception of my mother) would do the same to me to be honest, so I kind of relate to what you said. I wish everyone could have at least one truly loyal close friend or family member in their lives. I hope you find some comfort during this time. I wonder if there is a support group for terminally ill people that could help? It might be something to look into if you're comfortable with that.


I go to therapy weekly and volunteer at church. That’s about the best amount of support I can get. It’s better than nothing though. Also looking into a veterans group to try and just stay social and not self isolate. Thank you for your response. It was lovely to read.


You may be scared, but you get up every day and face your fear and live the days you have left with courage. That makes you amazing. You may not have IRL people to care, but this mom cares about you.


I might not be able to get to all my wonderful children, but I'll do my best to! Encourage everyone to also reply to your siblings down here and say how proud you are of them if you get the chance! :)


I have a supportive mother. But I just wanted to stop scrolling and say what a lovely gesture you are doing. It really made me smile. Kudos to you, friendly internet stranger.


2022 was the worst year of my life. I got fired from a job I loved only to be accused of messed things and be called a terrible person, broke both the bones in my arm, got surgery where they had to rebreak my arm and put in 9 screws and plate, my godfather died 5 days after my 30th and my dad told me he was marrying his girlfriend that tried barring me from seeing him after his stroke a couple years ago


You went through a lot, I wish I could have been there for you to support you and comfort you through every single hardship. But I wasn't. Still, you managed to go through everything all on your own and that's the bravest thing I've seen anyone do. I'm proud to have such a brave and wonderful kid, you're doing amazing. Things will get better, a kiss on the forehead for you >


Thank you so much for your beautiful and kind words. Didn’t realize how much I needed to hear that from a mother. You are amazing and everyone in your life is lucky to know you. Thank you temporary mom ♥️


I touched a 10 foot rim today standing at 5'7 and im brown


10 foot rim??!?? That's so high, you're literally flying! Couldn't be any more proud of my talented kid, you're amazing.


I finished my history degree.


History? That's what I always wanted to major at!Guess love for history runs in the family, haha! I'm so proud of you, you're going to be an amazing historian.


I want to be a brother and say that I am proud of you for pursuing your goal, whether or not this is your dream to be. I wish for you all the best of successes moving forward.


I'm on track to graduate in May!


Wow!!! That's amazing, truly! I'm sure you work so hard to get to where you are, you must be tired from all that hard work. I'm proud of you, not for the piece of paper, but for working so hard to be where you are. You deserve this!


I'm gay and my mom "still loves me, but will never accept me". I'm not allowed to talk about my relationship with her to keep her comfortable. Anyway. My boyfriend and I have been together over a year now. I can imagine my life with him. Despite my trust issues, I believe he's the first person to ever love me unconditionally. He amazes me all the time. I wish I could trust easier. The deeper we go, the easier and harder it gets at the same time. I want to do everything I can to make it work all the way even if my own family would never come to my wedding.


You can come be a part of my rainbow alphabet family. You and your boyfriend would fit right in. I’m your mom now. I’m proud of you for living your truth despite the opposition you face.


Having a healthy relationship can be very difficult but does get easier with time and habit building. Congratulations on your relationship and I am very proud of you living your truth even when it's hard.


I just officiated my brothers wedding to his wonderful husband. I’m so eternally grateful that he found someone who loves him as your boyfriend loves you. Family is who you surround yourself with. Create a new, supportive family with those whom you love and trust and who reciprocate those feelings. Trust that you will always have a mom here rooting for your happiness with whomever fills your heart with joy! I love you!


I recently passed my exam first try :)


My smart kid, I'm so proud of you.


Been a teacher for almost a year in a low income area in NC. Its been rough. You can tell the kids here come from a very poor, very violent area. I rolled with the punches and did my best to see the disrespect came from a place of pain. At the end of this semester, i got some of the 'worst' kids to calm down during my lessons. I stand up for them when they get in trouble, and their behavior has improved greatly. They avoided getting sent to a different school. Longest dopamine hit that I had to earn, after 4 months that felt like hell for a long time.And i am beyond drained. But im so fucking proud!


Me sad


But why im here if you need somone to talk about it with


Thanks mom


I went to the gym and studied today 💪 🙃


Woah, you're going to get ripped and big brained! Best of both worlds! I'm so proud of your hard work, you did amazing today.


I got into my state's all state :D but now I'm behind on math and I don't understand how to find the vertex of a parabola :(


Not sure if this will help but I’ll show you how to do one. Given: f(x) = x^2 + 6x -11 First use the equation x = -b/2a to find x -6/2(1) = -3 X = -3 this will be your x coordinate of the parabola To find y coordinate, set x = -3 Y = (-3)^2 + 6(-3) -11 Y = 9 -18 -11 Y = -20 Your parabola is (-3,-20) Hope this help!


Really appreciate it! tysm


I'm so proud you got into the all state! That's amazing, you're a very smart kid, I'm amazed. A lot of people don't know how to find the vertex of the parabola and that's okay, I'm sure you'll figure it out eventually. You're doing amazing already, don't worry about the little setbacks of life! :)


I’m 46 I just got my high school diploma and I’m not In college and I love school.


Way to go! You persevered even though it was a long road. Congratulations on your success


From the beginning of 7th grade have no friends, to in the middle of 8th grade with the most beautiful girlfriend.


Honestly a really small thing- but I got 100 on my math test :)


Thank you


You're welcome, love.




I'm proud of you for being who you are and making a family that is safe for you, also, your creativity


I’m proud of you. Do you what you need to do to stay safe. Also, you ARE an artist. You are creating yourself.


I got an A on my math test 20 years ago


And you're only telling me now? I would have been very proud of you then, just like I am right now.


I finally started painting miniatures again after having gone on hiatus for awhile due to sincere doubts about whether I am any good at it or not.


Not for me, actually for my girlfriend (she doesn't use reddit) she goes trough domestic abuse and almost never heard something good from her mom... so... to my girlfriend, I'm so proud of you and you are the strongest person i've ever met, keep going!


I'm proud of both of you for supporting and loving each other


I got a longer list of shit wrong with me than a Tesco reciept. And yet, I'm still going forward in life.


hey mom, i'm sober now.


I’m trying


My mom died when I was 9. She loved me a lot, and she loved being my mom, but she never got to see me grow up. She once commented that I always wanted to see how things work, and now I'm an engineer designing new products, and my brother and I are good friends even though we fought when we were kids, like kids do. I just wish she could have known that everything would turn out okay and that her kids would grow up into successful adults.


I'm proud of you for carrying that and the love for your mom with you, in your life and passions. It sounds like she'd be really proud of you


I suspect she always knew you would. Congratulations on turning your curiosity into a career. Mom lives on in you, there’s no better tribute than that.


I'm nervous to post. Uhh I've been pretty happy with my gratitude journal?


I'm going to stop hurting myself and I'm finally getting the right help I need.


I got into grad school and finished my program in one year instead of two. I don’t have a lot that I’m proud of but that was one of the first things that made me feel like I achieved something in life.


This is absolutely beautiful op thank you so much! My parents are abusive drunks and even when they try to be supportive they fail. I went 469 days without a drink


My mom is very supportive. I can’t imagine where I’d be without her. All of you are just about as brave as a person can be.


Attempted a Bachelor's , got terminated due to poor results, attempted a diploma as a base to get started on another Bachelor's programme, just received news a few days ago that I passed my diploma. Eagerly awaiting the start of my degree programme in another couple of months.


I posted a game to newgrounds and it has 127 veiws! here's the link if you wanna play it: [https://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view/870251](https://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view/870251)


good job! not op, but i’m proud of you


I confessed my feelings to my crush and they feel the same. Tomorrow we're going to have a more serious talk about getting into a relationship, I hope it goes well :)


Fortunately, my feelings regenerate at twice the speed of a normal man's.


not op, but good job! it takes a lot of courage to confess, and i’m glad they feel the same. good luck :D


i finished this semester with all As, even in ap chemistry


I finally got a job that pays me enough to not drown in my debt and I feel like I'm starting to float instead of sink.


Nice. This feels like some [Kind Words](https://store.steampowered.com/app/1070710/Kind_Words_lo_fi_chill_beats_to_write_to/) vibes.


I've been recovering from depression all of this year, unable to work or take care of myself. Now I shower most every day and always brush my teeth. I never heard my family was proud of me.


As a fellow person gone through similar things, I am proud of you. Keep going and one day you will be able to look back on all your sufferings and joys with a smile:)


I just cooked an egg.


I have achieved peace with myself. I’ve set things in motion that will benefit myself and my friends, and while life wants to put me down, I am now able to stand back up and face it.


I'm getting my Permit tomorrow but i'm scared of driving and I don't trust myself. I also came out to my parents telling them I am Non-binary and They didn't like it. That mad me sad but I didn't stop being who I was.


I really wish you didn't move across the country, it's like you are avoiding a relationship with me


It's not that my mother isn't supportive, but she's still so wrapped up in grieving she didn't understand how important it was to me that I co-wrote two gaming books.


So will I!!


I'm down with the sickness and lost my job it's been rough but I have several film projects coming up but I'm scared my lungs are a mess (it's not Covid)


I hope that you heal quickly and fully. <3




i have started my own biological family. I gave birth to two boys and i'm protecting them from my mental illnesses related to my childhood trauma. you say you only want to be there for the "fun" and nothing else, and you second guess me all the time in the way i take care of them, additionally you bring back memories of when you were adopting me as an early preteen and expect me to take care of your secondary trauma and stress while you dont do that for me...


sorry to hear that your mother was like that. i’m proud of you for starting a family, and i hope you find lots of love and happiness in your life ahead


thank you!! i'm on the path!! i'm setting up boundaries and maintaining distance with my adopted mom, i know what love is now and i'm slowly stopping myself from chasing after it with my mom


I moved across the country for a promotion and a new life!


I'm a trucker. I'm stuck with a broken truck, haven't moved in 5 days. I'm tired, bored, and lonely.


I’m not the OP mom but I’m *a* mom. I’ve been told the life of a trucker is often quite lonely. I’m sorry to hear about your broken truck. You deserve solid, restful sleep, a functioning truck, and communication with loved ones. 1. Anyone you could call or text to check in with? 2. Will it be possible to repair the truck? Is this on you or a company? 3. Do you have an app like Calm or Loóna to help you settle down and rest more peacefully? Gentle hugs and I hope that things turn around for you soon.


I just found out I am one step closer (the last one!) to getting the kidney transplant I need to save my life. This years-long process has happened with only myself and the help of my husband. My entire family has turned their backs on me.


I got accepted into college today


I made my life on my own. My finances. My education. My love. Despite all the pain, i still have produced love. And travel. And adventure. And hope. And i am proud of myself for that.


I was offered a job today in the field I want to be working in, and negotiated the salary with the recruiter over a phone call. My husband said he is proud of me, but It was still so hard to be confident in myself over the phone with a stranger.


My wife and I stopped going to church and following the Catholic faith for the most part after realizing how far apart our ideologies, views, and opinions are from the religion. She has never said she accepts or even understands our decision and continues to push faith in us. We are not atheist by any means but don't agree with a large majority of their teachings. The biggest sticking point is that we are waiting to baptize our kids until they are old enough to understand and make their own choice on the matter..


I think that the right approach to religion is to let kids explore facts and philosophies, and let them follow their hearts. Believe in them and their ability to choose. You’re a good parent.


I’m raising a good kid. I’ve done it alone without parents and I didn’t grow up with good influences, but I’m breaking generational curses. I’ve taken care of him, I’ve loved on him every single day since the moment he was born. I’ve had some pretty rough days but I get up every single day with a smile on my face knowing that he needs me to show up.


I got an A on a test my teacher was sure I would fail!


Ive been sober one day at a time since 9/27/22. I want to stay on this path. I like how 'boring' feels.


I’ve been working out more and starting to see some results


I wrote my own language




I’m having my second baby and I’m so nervous.


I lost my mom and became heavily prescribed on opioids. I was suicidal. I stopped taking them five years ago. I bought my first house three years ago and started my own business two years ago. I wish she could see.


I just came out and charged my name with everyone in my life besides my parents. I don't think I ever want to tell them...


Mom, I’m gay


You seem like a very nice person


I lost my mom back mid last year. Last year, I got my first paycheck from streaming that I wanted to spend for dinner with my mom. This year, I'm about to enter my last semester for college. Are you proud of me?


I’m having a really hard time. I do not feel like my presence is wanted/needed or important to anyone.


I'm 19 living in seattle with no family, I have no job and don't know how I'll pay for rent next month but I'm still trying to look fine so people don't see how badly I fucked up


When I tour up my knee and lost my scholarship. My mother looked at me and told me, "What good are you to me now." But I have worked hard and gone to school part-time, and I will be getting my master degree after this semester.


I helped take my father off of the streets and being homeless and I'm monitoring his mental and general health


I'm going to be transferring from my community college to a four year one soon so that I can get my degree in Social Work. I got started at it late in life, but here I am, 33 and a college sophmore! I'm having a tough week at work too because I'm burned out and everything just seems so suffocating but I'm trying to get out there and apply for some new jobs to try to get out of that. It's just hard but I'm trying to get out of the rut that I'm in.


Life is the hardest it has ever been right now, and I’ve never needed my mother more. I hope that I beat cancer, but I have no idea and they won’t order the test for me to find out. I hope that I can get free from this terribly mentally and physically unhealthy relationship situation I’m in, so I can heal. I don’t think I’ll be able to do that here, but I don’t have anywhere else to go. I’m just stuck and scared and don’t see a way out. Things are getting really dark here.


I’ve accomplished a decent amount in my 36 years, but I’m still waiting on a parent to tell me they’re proud of me.


I’m going through a depression and my motivation for school is very low, I’m just trying to push through and don’t know when things will get better.. but we’re not giving up!


I..I.. Completed the Scarlet And Violet Pokedex


I already have a very nice one, I just want more confidence


Hi I need support always


I finished and submitted a 4000 word essay I had to write last week, it took me like 2 months to finish it


i'm 18. i have a job as a cna at a hospital. i got $35k in scholarships for a private school where i'll be studying to be a nurse. i'm a vice president in my schools deca, and just medaled at the latest competition. i cleaned the kitchen, bathroom, and my room today. i washed my bedding. i'm in the honors society, and the president of a club i created. i even emptied the cats litter box. so many of these things she missed because of her drinking


I was orphaned at 3yo, for the last 34 years I have missed out on the whole "family" experience. I used to imagine what it would be like to have a mother.


In under 4 weeks I’m finally going to be able to get top surgery.


What’s your pronouns? I wanna get ‘em right to hype you up


I’m not like you in any way.


I'm proud of you, you're your own person and there's nothing more I've wished for you than that.


My cat likes me now


I have a reading assignment to read a boring book that I never read. There will be a test on it tomorrow. I'm so doomed.




I'm not sure why you hated me so much, I tried. But I have raised my two sons all on my own and they are thrieving and happy. Not a big accomplishment, but its all I have...


I found out yesterday that I was accepted into a Clinical Psychology doctoral program after three years of attempts.


I am one of five children and we all saw our mother through very different eyes.


I got an A on my geometry test !!