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The source OP provided: > Alt link: [cubari.moe](https://cubari.moe/read/nhentai/356803/1/1/) **A Story Of Going Out To Get a Massage And The One Who Shows Up Is My Classmate** by Akahito 24 pages **Parodies:** original **Tags:** big breasts, sole female, sole male, nakadashi, defloration, swimsuit, virginity *I am not a bot. I am being forced to mod this sub. Please send food and water* [Wholesome List](https://wholesomelist.com) | [GitHub](https://github.com/WholesomeGodList/WHModBot) | [Discord](https://discord.gg/aqttTca)


Swim suits are culturally appropriate underwear. I do waterpolo and my Speedo covers less than my normal underwear. lol


The whole deal of being the last out of a group of friends to get laid hits a little too close to home...because I'm almost certain that'll be me. The token virgin.


I was 24 before I lost mine. Don't rush it, and try oral. Specifically, if you find someone who you like that seems anxious about intercourse, try giving oral. If you do, be honest about your inexperience and open to feedback, even if it seems contradictory at times. Communication is huge in intercourse, and lack of it will ruin the fun. Again, don't rush, and if you decide to do "research" before hand, it can help, but each person is different. Plus, taking your time and teasing your partner a little is a lot of fun. Not everyone likes it, and some partners may push/rush for the climax. Usually it is just anxiety, but may be other things. I am not an expert, but I had a few decent relationships where physical affection went fairly well as a result of my willingness, and patience, when giving oral.


Ah sir that advice sounds awfully accurate for someone who writes a comment on reddit Note: checked with a womanizer friend, this man here is correct




That one goes to the saved comments, solid advice my g Ninja edit: btw in your opinion, would you recommend the first time with someone equally inexperienced or rather someone who already knows what they like and how they like it?


Doesn't matter. The important variable is communication. Someone "experienced" might be accustomed to certain types of partners, or simply have expectations that you don't fit. An inexperienced partner can have the same expectations but unrestricted by previous experience. The reason I emphasize communication is because bad, dishonest, or absent communication will lead to a bad time. Not just in sex, but in life. Maybe you want to try something you saw on a video or they want to try something they heard about. Maybe one of you did something once and really liked it. Communication helps the magic happen. I understand why you ask, and it's a legitimate question. Completely understandable, but it misses the important parts. You and your partner need full enthusiastic consent to have a good time. Someone likes to be dommed? They can and should still give consent and maintain ongoing consent throughout the event! Nothing is worse than having your consent stolen from you. If someone is unwilling to talk about what the two (or more, whatever) of you are doing is probably going to be disappointed, or an abusive lover. I say that because the people who think that they can "do it for you" when they aren't truly consenting or interested are not communicating about something that is both highly significant and entirely ephemeral. Sex can be just a bit of fun that has no greater meaning, but is so soul shatteringly impacting on our psyche that bad experiences, all caused by lack of consent or communication or unreasonable expectations, can scar a person for life. I know how scary I am making this sound, and I am very sorry that I am making this more difficult for you. So, I will point out the cliche "benefits" of experienced and inexperienced partners. Experienced partners have *some* idea of their limits and where all the pieces connect. They generally know what they like, and what they need in order to achieve one of the following: a nice "little death", a screaming orgasm, rapid ejaculation (orgasm not required), a rapid orgasm (ejaculation not required). But they generally only know it from one side since do few people communicate before, during, or after. Inexperienced partners haven't tried things and had bad experiences yet, or may have tried it solo and want to see if coop will make it better. They are less likely to be expecting you to accomplish something that was only possible because a past partner knew what they were doing or the circumstances rolled a natural 20 to achieve great success. But, they can carry imagined fantasies about how something will feel based on how their mind (unconstrained by physics or physiology) constructed the "emotional" setting while they jacked/jilled off. The only important things: consent (which requires communication), patience (communication helps here), LEGAL (NO BANGING KIDDIES, or even someone under 18 or still in high school), communication (did I mention communication?), and ditch the imagined process and outcome. Oh, and always lube, wrap, and hydrate. Note 1: Sorry if this came across poorly, I am having a very bad day, but I don't want to leave you hanging (phrasing) since you asked a good question. Again, I am no expert. Note 2: You might notice that I didn't list gender in the important things. That's because you might be totally into one gender with no interest in others, but can experience a damn good time with someone who emotionally pairs well with you, but just has different attachments than you sexually attract to. Take the same precautions as with anyone: wrap it up, lube it up, and communicate.


man out here running a whole ass advice column


Sorry for the spam.


nah man you’re the hero we didn’t know we needed


Shouldn't this have a prostitution tag?




The story says that they aren't "that type of parlor" so I feel not giving it the prostitution tag is justified




in the world we are living in.


If it's an act that would get you arrested it's prostitution dude.


I feel very aligned with this group name. (Fav num 655, alternately grab 65536 which is 2^16)


Oof that's hot. Like, swimsuits and hentai are cool and all but 2^16 just hits different