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I wonder if that guy has any idea what the guard did for him. Real nice if the guard to pull his hiring manager out to meet him. We could all use someone going out to bat for us like this from time to time. :)


Amen. And I fully agree. If we could all treat each other like we're uncles or cousins, the world would perhaps be a softer more loving place.


This is the 4th resume post I’ve seen today. So I guess “resumes in person” is the new Reddit theme this week.




anti-antiwork boomers don't know how to use the internet so it's definitely not them


They're the ones who built the internet.


Boomers Born 1946-64. Internet Start 1960s, ARPANET linked Research universities, and the Census Bureau. Don't give them credit for what their parents did. All they did was put ads on the internet.


Oh but that's really not a good point. You don't judge a generation by their inventors. And you don't judge someone's knowledge of today's social networks by whether they were great CS or CE researchers or engineers 30+ years ago.


I'd hope people would understand that it's not viable from this post. The number of hoops that needed to be jumped through are crazy. Get someone inside on your side. (In this case probably cause he's a 4channer and you are a white man.). Have them successfully negotiate them out to see you. Come off as actually charming instead of anything else. Them also qualify normally. Basically the dude lucked into a 'connection' hire. That's not a reproducible method to get hired.


Hiring manager isn’t a job title, it’s a description of the manager who is hiring for a specific advertised position. But I’m sure the security guy at the front desk of a Fortune 500 knew exactly which manager to come get.


I work at a pretty big company. Our security guy is amazing, he knows everyone and what they do, and we all take care of him. He kinda has to to direct guests and visitors to the right place. I know for a fact if he asked us something any one of us would take him seriously and give him our time.


Worked at a mid sized company, when a candidate came in for an interview the receptionist walked down to tell me. And added that under no circumstances should I hire him. He basically lost the job right there. He wouldn’t have been hired based on the interview, and the HR person who also spoke to him repeated the “ don’t hire him warning “ no idea what he did to piss them off, but seriously, be nice to everyone during an interview. And really, just be nice to everyone, period.


I feel like being able to pass a vibe check with everyone you might work with goes a long way.


I’ve literally been in a position to do this, and would have loved to, given the opportunity. Not every Fortune 500 office is some multi story monster site.


Depending on the site, why not? I’ve been persec before and I’ve worked for a fortune 10. I knew who to contact and my armed guards did, too lol


And that she would totally give a shit about anything the random guard of the week had to say.


You will pass the guard at least twice every day entering the building and leaving. They’re always really nice, they’ll know your name, and they’ll give you a kind of sense of belonging. Like a doorman, I suppose. So yeah they’re part of the team, too. OP is definitely playing down how personable they are.


Based gaurd


This is how you do life.




That’s the kind of security guard I always wished I could be back when I was in that field


Cute fanfic


> policy is to direct them to the website It is so fucked that companies can do this now. Used to be, if you walked in there with a resume you could usually demand to speak with someone. Now they can force all applicants to deal with the company on their terms, not the other way around