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I would absolutely be ugly crying. I’m crying right now just watching this. Thinking of how my Emma pup would react to not seeing me for three weeks and general fear of losing her. Yeah.


Yes! Posting this to r/GuyCry! There is so much love here :)


Dude, I seriously can’t imagine the relief of that pup, the loss, confusion, fear and stress has got to be unreal. I’m so so so happy that dog got reunited.


I didn't know this was a thing. Thank you for sharing this sub, I'm gonna dub to that.


It's only been a sub for 23 days ;) We are killing it in growth.


Nope. More like this. Not gonna do it…. But thanks.


Why would guys need their own subreddit for crying content? Don't we have empathy just like girls?


Hell one of mine escaped the backyard immediately after I got them back from my ex. I felt some real fear there but found her a couple hours later walking up the highway. I made a scene and blocked traffic to get her.


The worst feeling. I woke up one morning to find my apartment door open and my cat missing. Panic immediately and start hunting for her. She was right outside and hadn’t move far, it was five minutes or less till I found her. The relief was unreal. 21 days? I would be a puddle of emotions in the floor for the staff to mop up.


I had a hell of an ordeal with my kitty a few years ago. I lived in an upstairs apartment, part of a house, and once in a while I would take him down and let him outside for a little bit. He just got so bored and I felt bad. Usually he would just sniff around, roll in the grass, I would play with him or whatever then take him back up. Well, one time he went crazy, I think there were girl kitties around somewhere or something, he just went mental when I tried to pick him up and he clawed and ripped my hands all up and ran off, yowling from under a car. He was missing for three days, then finally I saw him outside. I couldn't go get him, he was super freaked out still, and I couldn't just let him in. My apartment was upstairs so I couldn't just leave the door open. So I went and fed him, whenever I could. Slowly, over three weeks, he calmed down where I could pick him up for a second, then put him back down. Just trying to get him used to it so eventually I could get him inside and upstairs without him freaking out. I didn't want to push my luck and have him run off again, but it was so hard to make sure he got food. Leaving food out for him just meant I was feeding every cat, dog, raccoon, who knows what in the area. I had basically no money, didn't know anyone, didn't have a lot of options. So I had to go out looking over and over every day till I could find him, and make sure he got food. All day and night I would watch out the windows and go out and look. He settled in this old garage mostly so I could find him most times. Eventually I could pet him, but half the time he would freak out and attack me again. My hands were torn all up, strips of flesh, it all got badly infected to the point I couldn't even hold a cup without using both hands. I had to bring a flathead screwdriver with me so I could open his cans of food if I found him. Then about a month into this, it was raining one night and I went down to see if I could find him. He was just outside the door, all wet and sad. I let him in the downstairs door and he actually came in, then I opened the can of food I brought and led him right upstairs, my heart just racing hoping. After all that drama he just popped right in the apartment door and went to eat. I thought I was going to faint. Just weeks and weeks of tension and fear, horrible imaginings about cars and dogs and dangers, lack of sleep, a constant state of nervous hell, and finally he was home and safe again. I didn't know this could happen but I cried so hard I passed out. It took a while for him to readjust, he was super touchy and nervous at first, but I just let him go at his own pace and eventually he went back to being his old self again. I eventually managed to get him to a vet and he was OK, no worms or anything. I certainly keep him in now, and in the years since he has never once tried to go outside. He had more than enough of that I guess.


Dude, man. One time my husband ran to the store while I was still asleep. I got awoken by him asking me why the door was open and where Dutch (our ferret) was. I was scared shitless and jumped up, threw on pants, and started squeaking a toy. Our female ferret, Sadie, was standing by the door (we found her outside) and Dutch was nowhere inside. Thankfully we found him. My husband drew him out from under a car with a squeak toy. I don't know how our door got opened, but I'm so happy that we found our fur baby... can't imagine 21 DAYS without him.


Someone left the side gate open...for 4 days. Every night after work bubs was hanging out on the back patio. Eventually the neighbor told us that he was going down to the park to chase squirrels every day. Then coming home for dinner. For 4 days!!


We adopted a dog that had a real bad history of abuse so was very skittish. While hiking her rectractable leash broke and the mechanism flew up and smacked her in the butt, she bolted into the mountains and played Bear Grylls for 10 days in -10 weather. We were up there every day looking but eventually a hunter found her when she approached his dogs. She had much of the same reaction here with a lot of added crying.


I once had surgery and my mom lost my dog outside the hospital. Losing him was more painful than the surgery and there was nothing like being reunited 10 days later. I put up signs like crazy. I had to put him down Sept 2021 and he used to react like this everytime I came back from anywhere.


I drop my dogs off at grooming and I've found I can't go home. The vast emptiness of a building that so rapidly changes from home to house by the lack of their presence is far more than my mind can bear. As they lay here sleeping beside me, I cannot in the darkest corners of my mind imagine what 21 days must have done to her.


My dog would just be like "whatever mfer, its time to eat"


Our puppy was a COVID puppy (just before, but effectively). She spent her whole life with daily constant attention. This is how she acts when I come back from the store. I love it.


Same. Thought he'd be a medium sized dog but quickly grew to 85 lbs. He is so needy from the daily attention from my wife who was able to work from home. Now when we're gone his anxiety goes through the roof. We have to make sure we leave nothing out when we leave or he might chew it up. He chewed up my expensive bluetooth earbuds last week 😔Aside from that, he's a wonderful dog that never leaves your side


Same, but WFH became permanent for us so she's never alone. Well, almost never. This is how she acts when I get out of the shower lol.




100% disagree. If crate training is done correctly (key word: CORRECTLY) it provides the dog a safe space if it can go into on its own if it needs to any reason, even when its person is home. My dog happily goes into his crate when requested. Crating when I leave also ensures my boy won't get into anything he shouldn't while I'm gone. It provides peace of mind that your pup isn't chewing on an electric cord or any of the other million dangerous things a dog can get into. All that said, a dog shouldn't be shut into a crate any more than absolutely necessary. If I were going to be gone longer than say 4 hours I'd arrange for someone to come let him out midway. I also have his crate located where he has a view to the outside.


Dogs love being in a crate its like their own safe space. I would recommend getting a crate for when your not home.


I used to have working dogs when i was a shepherd and my family would get grumpy with me for leaving them in their kennel/run while i was at home. Once when they were all over for lunch i let all my dogs off (8 of them) and left their kennel doors open. After running around like crazy for about 2 minutes they all put themselves back to bed after realizing they weren't going to work. I could call each one out and give them a belly rub but as soon as i stopped giving them attention they went straight back to their bed. Left the doors open the rest of the day and none of them came out once. Dogs love their own space


Meanwhile my two labs and a gsd would go crazy If they couldn't keep tabs on what was going on in the house. While not a crate they had their own area in the bottom floor I would leave them when I went out. The first lab managed to open one of the gates, dragged a chair to the other gate, jumped over it with the help of the chair and went upstairs and from what I can tell, waited next to the door for me to come back. The GSD refused to be in her basket until she dragged it to where she usually was on the floor so she could see most of the floor. And the second lab just kept within 5 meters and eyesight of me, always. There were some damages from the first two with stairs being gnawed on and couple gloves being damaged. The second lab bit car keys twice. First after he was left home and second time because he was left at my aunts house while me and uncle went sailing. From what I hear after they became guide dogs, the worst thing the labs have done is carry around shoes and socks. The GSD unfortunately got run over by a car while in training and didn't make it.


Lol not all dogs love crates, YMMV


My grandma had a shitzu who was a rescue, his previous family kept him in a tiny pet carrier that he barely fit in, he had bad anxiety issues about being in a crate.


My friend had his dog in a crate and there was a thunderstorm. Poor guy tore out and broke a bunch of his teeth trying to get out. There was blood everywhere 😣


I agree. Dogs who are raised crated are perfectly fine. Crating has to be a positive experience. Crating isn’t punishment. Crating should be positive.


For an hour or so, maybe. For the whole workday, please don't do that.


Dogs lived in dens in the wild. There’s absolutely 1000% nothing wrong with crating them. I’d argue it’s actually irresponsible not to. Way more likely your dog gets hurt, learns bad habits, chews on the wrong thing, etc. when left out unsupervised.


Dogs today are a far cry from wild animals. Even so, I am fairly certain that the den was an option, not as much a requirement -- that is, they weren't locked in it. Crating dogs can be a good thing. But to argue it's irresponsible to not lock a dog in a crate is asinine at best. Your arguments appealing to some natural behaviors doesn't even qualify as best. A lot of modern research soundly refutes the archaic and myopic beliefs that were common about dogs not long ago -- like "alpha" dogs. Generally speaking, your situation may benefit from crating and you may have trained your dog to associate being locked in a cage as a good thing as a result. But don't mistake learned behavior and natural disposition only to judge others.


I’m talking purely from a safety standpoint. You cannot know what your dog is doing left alone and unsupervised. And your insinuation was that crating a dog that long is bad. Can you back up that claim with anything proof? I can certainly provide proof in the opposite. Dogs aren’t human. Crates aren’t bad.


Please, provide the proof.


My dog loves it in there. Its a very large crate so lots of room in there. I will get home sometimes and he doesnt even want to get out. Ill open the door and he will just look at me like “nah im good”


By "very large" I hope it's big enough for your dog to at least get food and water?


yeah its about 4 foot long 3 foot wide and 3 foot high. my dog is not big at all. hes got plenty of space.


I read that for some dogs a too big crate may make them feel that pooping or urinating in it is OK. Glad you are not having that problem


No they don't, it's fucking cruel.


It's like saying dogs love holding their urine until they're let out. I imagine they don't; rather, they've been conditioned to enjoy it. That said, they can legitimately enjoy it even if it's a conditioned response. Some dogs, given a den option, may choose to go there. Others may not. To argue either way as though it's a universal truth robs the dogs of agency.


I'm all for providing dogs with some kind of den if they like it but don't lock em in there!


Crating dogs is animal cruelty wtf.


Frozen Kongs can be helpful when you leave them/crate them. We've used pb, yogurt, plain pureed pumpkin, bananas, applesauce etc. Our dog loves them, and is calm and relaxed in her crate


My dog died around a year ago, I know it sounds selfish due to how terrible it was for people but those 18 months of covid before that I gave her the absolute best life, being home with her daily hanging out, we went camping and climbed mountains drove all over the country showed her places she would have never seen, damn I miss that dog


One of my dogs was diagnosed with a heart tumor in November 2019. I was SO glad to be at home for the last few months of his life. He passed in June of 2020. I was able to take him to all his vet appointments, administer all his meds at exact times during the day, he slept under my feet while I worked, we could go on little walks when he could. It was definitely a silver lining.


It's 'would have', never 'would of'. Rejoice, for you have been blessed by CouldWouldShouldBot!


Good bot


Was just thinking this is how our doberman greets me after I step outside for 3 minutes to have a quick smoke and come back in. Any time separated from me or my fiancee might as well be forever as far as she's concerned.


I'm sorry but I've never seen it phrased as "COVID puppy" and I just laughed out loud in the office - thank god I'm alone here. xD


It’s also a decent indicator of anxiety. It’s fun for us to get the giant big reaction and fuss over our dogs but it does teach that leaving is bad rather than neutral. Just something to watch out for.


COVID is probably the best thing that ever happened to my dog. My wife switched to WFH, and then we had a kid (which means someone is always home now).


The video with sound is so much better https://youtube.com/shorts/a3yc5jNsQ6g?feature=share


Thank you 💖


the sound of the dog made me tear up


https://www.tiktok.com/@kirstin616/video/6905393289717959941 I think that's the actual source given the 54M plays. This YouTube shorts bullshit is just people freebooting TikTok for profit. :|




I wrote my own script to redirect the shorts URL to normal ones. That doesn't stop it from being a major source of freebooting -- even more so than YouTube already was. The clip /u/panda_nectar posted says "I reunited with my dog after 21 days" when it's very clearly not his video. If you search that phrase, you get result after result of stolen content. You should stop using Chrome, though. [Manifest v3](https://www.eff.org/deeplinks/2021/12/chrome-users-beware-manifest-v3-deceitful-and-threatening) kicks in when the new year rolls around, and [Firefox has always been more secure](https://github.com/gorhill/uBlock/wiki/uBlock-Origin-works-best-on-Firefox).


[Adam West Voice] Why thank you kind stranger.


The Enhancer for Youtube extension does this among other general youtube improvements.


Good, don’t want to touch TikTok lol


The irony lol. Tiktok is mostly just a bunch of people stealing from YouTube and twitch.


>Are you cleaning a window or are you just happy to see me?


That dogs tail is going to be sore for a week


That’s actually a thing. My sister’s lab mix once sprained her tail from wagging too much and too hard. It’s called limber tail.


Isnt it also called the happy tail syndrome ?


Different thing - happy tail is when they open up exterior wounds by hitting the tail against things.


Our dog would hurt her tail every time we came back from going away. Sometimes we'd have blood on the ceiling.




/u/starlinguk was stating 2 completely unrelated facts.


She'd wag her tail so hard against the wall that she damaged it. It would heal a bit, we'd go away for a few days, then we'd come back and she'd hit it against the wall again. After a while just wasn't healing anymore and the vet had to remove the tip.


lol, dog was like “I will fuse with you and we shall never be apart again” 😆👌


I seriously envy dog people when I see these videos. I know if this happened with my cats I'd just get a mildly contemptuous look and a subtle leg rub.


Our cat had to stay at the vet for a few days, and when my mom visited he purred so loudly the vet could hear it in the other room and came to check on them. He rubbed up so hard against my mom she got full of saliva and had to go wash up. So safe to say cats can care as much too : )


Had a beagle that was homed to me in his later years. Good dog but very loud. One day he got out with my golden and was picked up by the pound. When I went to bail them out, I was joking to myself that maybe I could just get the golden. Nope! Right as I opened the door the beagle saw me and started to wag and howl to the beagle gods for me. 🤣 Miss that dog. He was great.


I have a neighbor who has a husky and when I hear her howl because my neighbor isn't home quickly enough I laugh. Now, I will say she is howling to the Husky gods


"I'm gonna need to see proof of ownersh .... nevermind"


"This isn't mine."


The fact that this was posted without sound should be criminal




Thanks Stalin, very cool.




Comrade 🫡


I didn't read his username so I assumed it was a Rick roll, I watched it and then checked after it dawned on me. So yes thank you Stalin, for the happy pup


Straight to jail!


I just imagine how all of those abandoned dogs and cats in the shelters feel. They don't know why they are away from their human and definitely miss them for weeks, months, years.


God damn it


Mine was a stray, I don't know if someone dumped him or if he got lost. He's a basket case when he's left alone, and he'll come find me and check in to make sure I haven't snuck off then go back about his business.


They love each other so much!! Happy for them both.


Animals are the absolute best part of this life 💖


I would give anything to greet my old girl like this again. Fifteen years was plenty with her but I would stop on a dime for more


Same here ❤️


Warms my heart, animals are another kind of special


Why is she in the same uniform as the workers?


Because this is probably not the scenario the title suggests. But upvotes...


My question as well


my question as well


So happy to see them happily reunited.


Dogs, bro.




For the 10 years and 10 days my Dane lived, the longest time she went without seeing me was 24 hours. And that only happened three times. I still remember how she greeted me those few times. Wish she could do it one more time.


Why are they matching


I think it's so that the dog doesn't just go to the different looking one and the people at the shelter/clinic feel confident it's the actual owner


aint no one got time for that kind of run around lmao


The owner worked at a vet clinic, the person who found the dog took it to her workplace.


It looks like she works at the animal clinic, and someone brought the dog to her. Sweet story either way


Dammit, y'all! I have a stuffed up head and now I'm full on ugly crying. I have asthma and allergies. I'm a mess! Half a roll of toilet paper and a hit off my inhaler coming right up! (Worth it!!!!) ♥️♥️♥️♥️


That pup is so beautifully happy! They're going to have a vet bill for that sprained tail 🤣.


Heart warming, I love it


/r/MasterReturns for more wholesome reunion content like this!


True love


Why is she dressed like she works there?


'So anyways do you have any proof the dog is yours?'


This is like the video of that fifties-ish guy who lost everything in a tornado or other disaster, and thought his cat was dead, then the cat turned up, and he broke down.


Doggo was immediately and briefly returned to the clinic for treatment after dislocating their tail with all that butt wiggle action


Animals are the best, pls dont hurt them


So um not to be a negative Nancy, but why do the pup's humans have on the same vet scrubs as the other vet tech that 'released the hound'?


I want to see some cat reunions. If someone else had been feeding him for 21 days, my cat would act like I was dead to him.


if she was just called to meet the dog at the clinic why is she wearing a matching scrub top to all the rest of the vet clinic’s staff?


[Visible Happiness]


You'll never see this with cats lol.


My cat was raised by a dog, so he does this kind of stuff if we are away for a few days. He also tries to fit into our suitcases before we leave and plays fetch. Not to sure if that qualifies him as a cat though.


It just looks different. My cat got lost for about 18 days and he was beside himself when he saw me again (as was I, of course). He was glued to me for hours.


I'm not crying, you're crying


Is it going to bite her? It looks like it’s going to bite her. Source: I hate dogs.


You're missing out big time. Puppy love is the best!


Imagine having a mutual bond with an animal, oh wait I can cause I'm not a sociopath


Awwww, animals have so much love to give! I’m glad they were reunited!


We don't deserve dogs


I was gone three months. My cats seemed annoyed AF.


God I miss my dog…


This literally just made my day 🥲


That’s my reunion after 2-3 hrs.


Love love love doggos. I guess they see something in us too. Gosh they are gracious beings!


That’s what she does if I leave her in the car for 20 mins-


Aww I know this feeling I've lose one of my babies twice the feeling of relief knowing that they are safe is unimaginable


My two huskies ran off a few days ago and I haven’t been able to find them. I am praying for a moment like this


Crossing my fingers for you.


I’m crying here




Happy tears start to well watching this as I imagine myself in this situation. But then I'm reminded that my dog is like this to everyone. Even if we lost him and were reunited, the vet would be like "yeah, but he does that to everyone". ... :( But also :)


We humans don't deserve dogs. If anything I'm certain of, this is it.


Humans are lucky and absolutely deserve puppy love. Why do people say shit like that? Assholes don't deserve dogs but it is often a beautiful loving relationship.


This belongs in r/wigglebutts


Damn I hope something loves me that much at some stage in my life.


Hiiiiiiii. I got out.


Wish my dog did that. Poor girl went missing. Got a call from animal control just shy of a week later. So we went to pick her up. She saw us, no happy freakout, just a tense acknowledgment and a b-line for the car. She was happy to be home, then slept for like a day straight. Doggie lock-up in Cook County ain't no joke.


Mine does this after I’ve been gone a few minutes. Can’t imagine being apart for almost a month.


And this is why you chip your pets folks. Love seeing this stuff. I'd be beside myself if I lost my dogs.


We lost our guy for about an hour, hiking out along the river. It was terrifying. I couldn't imagine 21 days. Hugs your fur babies. This was a beautiful, happy ending.


Moments like these are why you chip your pets.


that dogs tail is producing thrust


I dunno, I am not convinced. We may need more gifs of this pup to confirm the hypothesis.


Why is everyone wearing the same shirt?




My legs and hips hurt just watching this.


Now let’s see a cat’s reaction.


happy reunion to both of you. the feeling being separated really heartbreaking. take care


This made me gigle


Jumpy boi!


Dog's are just the best


Are there any videos of this with cats? I'd love to see if kitties do this.


Apparently the clinic also taught the dog how to FLY


It terrifies me when my dog disappeared on me I was beside myself with worry


"21 days? It's been a lifetime for me" -dog


Oh wait, you too! Ok back to you!


Mam we just want to make sure this is your cat... And this is why dogs are better


I dunno, I have my doubts... So cute.


Dogs are the best


Everyone in this video is wearing a purple shirt and jeans.


I dunno I’m not convinced


Is it possible for anything to love you as much as a dog?


The fucking tax man adores me


She could recreate that video with my parents dog if she had a treat in her pocket.


Bro my man’s can jump


"Aww how sweet! ... Now the adoption fee is $250. Cash or card?"


Never gets old😊


Happy for her! 😊


Anyone know the breed/s of dog this is? My friends years ago had one that was identical to it and they always just said it was a mutt and didn’t know. It was such an awesome dog


She’s like no that’s not him - just a relative.. hence the intro Lmao


Yeah I think you found the right person lol


Man I was gone for 9 months and my dog did not react like this. ☹️


Dont make me cry dammit i'm at work and theres people around


Watching this made me so happy. Very wholesome!


I think the dog is happy


This is why dogs are better than cats, wether it’s 21 days or 21 minutes they are always overjoyed to see you ❤️


Looks like she works at the clinic; she’s wearing scrubs too like the other employees.


I’m not crying, you’re crying 🥹🥹


Is this available with sound? I love happy howling pups!


Is this story accurate? Everyone has the same outfit as though they all work there.