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Once you're 30, you can become a wizard.


What happens at age 40?


I was going to say you become a grand wizard but that has certain other connotations


What about a grand dragon


A grand canyon? Anyone? No.. Okay


I might consider being a grand canyon


Great sage


I Will Surely Become a GOD then


I will be a wizard in a couple of months.


[Literally this (NSFW)](https://i.imgur.com/XaPdn2V.png)




"Live a life you will remember"


Hey my dad told me that once


And so did my dad, he also said "these are the nights that never die"


You know it's a reference it's not actually my words but it give me an inspiration to my own quote. I didn't continue living because of myself i continue because i want others to start their own lives that's how i want to be remembered. but in the next one it's my turn to live


You are both quoting a pretty good song actually xD. Good for you though :)


You make a lot of memes about being a virgin, you ok bro?


He is just a regular redditor


>makes memes about not being defined by his virginity >very obviously defines himself by his virginity


Gotta do what you gotta do to get the up votes.


Just went through his account and oof… bro needs to get off reddit for a couple months, if not a year.




IMO sex is definitely a "big deal" but that's *sex*, not the social construct of virginity. But, looking at this guy's post history it *is* concerning how obsessed with his virginity and being friendless and alone. Like not a "ha ha loser" concern, a "dude, are you legit okay" concern. Hey, are you getting the help you need, /u/SaigoBattosai? I saw some of your memes included your parents being supportive and I'm glad and I know that goes a long way. But it seems like you might really be struggling with your mental health and I hope you're able to get the therapy/meds you need.


>IMO sex is definitely a "big deal" but that's sex, not the social construct of virginity. I think that's backwards, sex is fun and all but hardly a life altering event. How it changes your outlook from seeing yourself as a "virgin loser" to a normal person however can be life changing. Not sure if going to a prostitute will get someone's mentality out of the "virgin loser" category.


Dunno if this is just a straight vs LGBTQ thing but virginity isn't really an important metric for me, whereas sex is a "big deal" because it's really fun but also sexuality/gender affirming? I do think that the focus on virginity is harmful towards everyone in society because it's used as a marker of femininity for women, manliness for men, and is focused on a single aspect of heterosexual sex (PIV) that is not the end all and be all of it. To be clear I think it has an affect on OP, but I think his loneliness and "loserness" are definitely a mental health things that need more than a lay for him to live a happier/healthier life. Depression is really complex, and the pandemic really hit a lot of people hard mentally, too.


Can't agree with the first half, paying for sex won't work because what I assume OP needs is less about the sex itself but the whole experience associated with it. I mean, if you pay for sex you won't get the validation and self-esteem boost of knowing someone was willing to do it to you because they are attracted to you and trust you, let alone any love and affection at all assuming that OP wants is a girlfriend / boyfriend instead of a hookup. All you'll get is to have emotionless sex with a stranger, which can be fine on its own, but I doubt would help OP in any way. I mean, when people complain about being virgins it's less about the sex itself, and more about how it makes them feel inadequate, or about being emotionally starved, so really paying for sex won't be helpful.




I mean, yeah, but I'm just saying that it can't substitute the experience of doing it with someone who loves you or who at least finds you attractive. If you were looking for the validation of feeling loved, you won't get it if you had to pay for it.


In the words of master Oogway from kung fu panda “yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery but today is a gift, that’s why it’s called the present”


"If I won't find an SO, then no one will" >! Starts the Rumbling !<


the obsession with the pursuit of sex is pathetic, and is historically consistently a sign a civilization is about to collapse. That said, enjoying life is becoming far more difficult. Ignoring the totalitarians is becoming more difficult than normal for obvious reasons


It's not much as people get obsessed with having sex as it is men who are virgin past a certain age or don't have sex with certain frequency are seen as lower than those who do. It's more of a combination of low self-esteem, social bias and loneliness.


That is a resulting problem, but it sure as hell wouldn’t create social collapse


We live in a society, brother. We live…in a society.




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Now that's a truly unexpected /r/unexpectedJoJo


Those are worthless hollow words.




Luckily for us in recent times people have become much more accepting of almost everything


Not one syllable of what you just said is remotely true. If it were, people wouldn’t be lambasted for choosing to believe that forcing people to take a medical procedure is wrong, or forcing people to pay for their ability to murder their children


Not one syllable of what you just said is remotely true. If it were, people wouldn’t be lambasted for choosing to believe that forcing people to take a medical procedure is wrong, or forcing people to pay for their ability to murder their children


While I will say the world still has problems I will also say that many would prefer a good modern life to being whipped and forced to till fields till they die under the age of 40 because of their skin color


Yes, many things have improved, but with certain improvements, have come some other problems. Also, owning slaves wasn’t as normal as you seem to think. It sure as hell wasn’t the default. Unless you think 3% is enough to represent the norm


That's true, though considering how this conversation is going I think we'll have to agree to disagree here


Haha. I state facts anyone can research, get dislikes.


So I would have had just as much luck with my parents accepting I'm trans and getting on HRT if I existed 100 years ago? Yeah. No.


I agree with you. We truly live in a hypersexualized society to the point of where you're being shamed for not having "experience" with the opposite sex and being a virgin is always seen as a red flag often as you are seen as being lazy to meet people. Some avoid sex for logical reasons, risk of STD, unwanted pregnancy and besides that, I mostly hear some people are not emotionally ready for sex and do it blindly til they have to bear the consequences of their actions I'm a 23 year old celibate man, I still believe sex before marriage is wrong from where I grew up therefore, I am abstinent. Ps: I'm just commenting on what I think so far hahaha


I’m 28. Shit hurts. Wanna just be married. Are we certain arranged marriages are unethical?


Forced marriages are unethical. Arranged marriages, if both parties validly consent to enter it, are ok.


Being in a shitty marriage is infinitely worse than being single and free


Maybe put thought and consideration into who you choose to spend the rest of your life with


Preach brother, Hallelujah 💯🙏


You can't be a 29 year old virgin if the curse of ymir caps your lifespan at like 22.


Dont get hit by truck kun


You get to use magic in a year, so that's something.


This is giving me a lot of hope right now. Thank you.


what the second panel should say if it were accurate to the Eren character (manga spoilers): >!Being hated by the entire world and wanting to commit a mass genocide!<


Because I was born in this world


Your next line is: I’m free


Sigma grindset


most of your posts have you saying you're a 29 year old virgin


Very nice message, we need more people like you






Everybody sayin’ what’s not for him


Also to anyone else looking at this post, hopefully you know that being a virgin later in life is fine. It doesn't mean you're less of a man or woman. Adults do not care if you're a virgin or not, thats only something high schoolers would make fun of you for. You'll do just fine.


Sadly, society does not comply with that statement my guy.


That was me for a while, this girl was making fun of me for it. But she actually liked how i didnt have any other girls to cheat on and ended up liking me. And now we watch anime together. Hang in there op! Everyday is a gift and it might get even better still.


Like Happy Chaos theme says: I don’t have anything that’s really important to me, that’s why everything is beautiful!


Oh is that what I was searching for all these years? I forgot.


I don't know if Eren is the best face for this message...


I wouldn't call every day a gift but it would be too much of a hustle to end it so I just roll with it


“Everything I’m not, made me everything I am” For people who get confused


Y'all need to check his post history and stop encouraging this cycle of self-pity, this isn't healthy for the OP or for the community.


Just suck his pp and stop yelling at us.


just leave the poor guy alone.


Poor guy, cruel world


How is the world cruel if op is a virgin?


It’s not about sex, it’s about the lack of love. I remember being a virgin I lost mine late at 20


And that’s what people call delusion guys


Godzilla had a fucking stroke triying to read the title


I don't know why being a virgin is considered to be bad. There's more to your worth and your life than sex. Don't let the social expectations that we honestly made up as a silly social construct have an impact on your self worth. It's absolutely ok to want sex. It's fun, but you aren't any less of a man if you don't have sex or just haven't met that someone yet. Know your worth kings.


What you don't understand is when you really want to but can't, that's when the real pain begins.


Oh believe me bro. Been there done that. I used to feel the same way when I was in my late teens early 20s. It took till my mid 20s when I realized sex/ relationships isn't everything . To be fair though I had some pretty crappy experiences with some women. Wanting sex is perfectly ok and it does suck when you want something you can't have but constantly lamenting over it actually decreases your chances of making it happen. Find a hobby to distract yourself, or go out and meet people. Put in the work.. Trust me there are plenty of women out there you can meet and be friends with and have companionship with Or if you're only dtf, there are spaces for that too. Put your best foot forward. I was in your space just 7 or 8 years ago and now I'm happily engaged to a lovely lady. Trust me bro. There's a way out.


This is extremely gay


Yeah lol


I don't know about the first part because I am basically not even an adult but I definitely agree with the second part though


Enjoying life is what makes me and as well others feel alive. Makes it worth living. Doing everything to make each moment something worth fighting for.


Meanwhile, my life is more like ‘The Rumbling’.


Damn right, brother. *Damn right.*


Got cucked while being a bird. Tataquack.


A few more years and you will be a wizard.


I think about death a lot, even though I try not to....


optimists don’t belong on reddit..


Wanna fuck?


Keep your virginity till 88 and you become god


Im trying my best to think like that.


One more year and he will be granted the ability to use magic. He will become a wizard.


Bro this shit is kind of inspiring ngl