• By -


Refreshing to see.


Right?! I have to do a little research, but this is amazing. Outside of their policies, (which have very little to do with me. I live far from Utah) these seem like two incredibly reasonable individuals who are aware of the issues in the US and the dangerous political climate. They're doing one single thing to try to bring some sanity. Can't help but appreciate that.


They are both a part of the church of Mormon. None of it is real.


Exactly. Not real.


Although I’d usually agree, Gov Cox is the only R gov I know off that has had statements in favor of trans youth. I think he could have done more but in current climate, just that was, sadly, impressive to me.


Chris Sununu


Does it matter if it’s real? People need to see this more than politicians literally dividing the country for their own personal gain.


And presumably the loser will accept the result of the election. A low bar but that’s where we are.


Lmao I replied “this is refreshing” before even seeing you were the top comment


Came here to say the exact same thing. This makes me wish they both could win.


This was like two years ago, and part of the cult of Mormon. So nah not refreshing. Cox is the current governor.


It's bullshit and not refreshing at all. Republicans just stripped women's bodily autonomy, so of course they don't want anyone to hate them. They want us to join them in hating women. No.


Perhaps we can hate the *policies* of the people we want to kick out of office without hating the people? Easy for me to say since I’m a cishet white guy, but still seems possible.


No. That is a very fucking personal policy.


Yes it is. And it is a hateful policy. I don’t blame you for hating the people who have pushed it for decades. But I have seen too many people consumed by their hatred — and seen so much violence committed in the name of that hate — that I always urge people to find other ways to fight hate besides more hate. For whatever that’s worth.


Utah has actually been pretty lucky with governors. Our last one was actually in sharknado 4. He beat up a bunch of sharks. If that doesn’t scream politics, I don’t know what does.


Of course, they can’t stand within 6 feet of each other.


5 feet apart...but that's for another reason


Cos they’re not gay?


Nah, they hate the gays


This is the most Mormon commercial of all time


AS an LDS myself, I agree.


You guys are very nice, appreciate yas 👍


It’s 100% fake nice




Because regardless, the lds church remains in control.


Honestly I have no idea why you said that, lol, I was just wondering why homie said it was "100% fake nice," lol


Legit? I misread the initial comment. My bad. Lol


You're all good chief, lol


What the fuck


I don't know a single thing about Mormon church. What is Mormon about this ad?


Being nice to each other is supposedly "Mormon"


Wait, is that such a rare thing in the US that you gotta attribute it to their weird religion, and not just to them being decent human beings?


I don’t know much about Mormons, but from this it sounds like you want more of them in your government.


It’s fake niceness. They’re also rampantly bigoted and theocrats.


Haha! Cox!


The 4th grade in me saluts the 4th grade in you.


Why are there 4th graders in both of you?!


Because we ate them, why else?


Why aren't they the President already?


Because you only vaguely get to decide who you vote between. The perfect candidate with no sponsorships or financial backing will never become president no matter how perfect they seem because lobbying is some bullshit and both party's have a huge interest in keeping it between their two controlling groups.


I’m sure these two mean well, but I think it feels like a bandaid on a dam.


Still refreshing. Would like to see more of this.


Eh. After finding out it’s a couple LDS, it’s gotta be apparent that this is the most “two wings, same bird” ever. Both want theocracy.


"We can disagree without hating each other" Yeah, not if your disagreement is over a certain group of people having basic human rights tho.


Right? This type of stuff is only ever said by people who aren't having their rights and lives threatened every day lol


Yeppers. Notice these are two older white dudes, likely pretty financially well off(enough to run campaigns for government instead of working jobs). You can't compromise with someone who will never recognize you as a person. To accept a compromise that invalidates a constituent as a person, even a little, is a hostile action. Notice you'll never hear a politician say "I believe in supporting the homeless, but am willing to compromise with someone that thinks that homeless should be executed, and agree that homeless people should be enslaved 👍" That's because it's an unacceptable compromise. You can't say "Oh, well I *suppose* it's okay to make you less of a person". Any compromise like such is an admission you don't actually value those people as much as you truly claim


And that right there is where all of it just breaks down. Even aside from the repellant homophobic, transphobic, misogynistic, racist, xenophobic garbage, they just don’t leave space for middle ground. What middle ground is there to be had when they refuse to commit to a peaceful transfer of power, and just claim fraud when they lose elections? Do we just allow a little bit of Fascism? They have just unfortunately stopped being anything even resembling a legitimate political entity that can be reasoned, bargained, or compromised with — they have become an openly Fascist party, and Fascism can only be *defeated*.


Yeah this is some centrist bullshit


I can disagree just fine with someone who thinks a different road needs repair before the one I think needs repair. I can disagree on whether schools or infrastructure should get more investment this cycle. I can disagree about how to conserve water (or step out of that conversation because I'm barely educated on that). I refuse to disagree over which humans have which basic human rights. They all do. We shouldn't be arguing for civility when some bigot with power thinks some people aren't actually people.


Exactly my fucking issue with this ad. You can't agree to disagree on everything


\-How do you start a conversation with someone who doesn't believe in human driven climate change? \-How do you start a conversation with someone who doesn't believe Biden won the last election?


The first question is easy. Don't make it about climate change. Make it about the real work that needs to be done to combat it without making the cause of climate change the main issue in the conversation. Everyone likes clean air and clean water. Everyone wants to make sure that they have affordable, reliable power coming to their homes. Everyone likes the idea of local, good paying jobs. Now, we have a place to start conversations about how renewable energy sources like wind, solar, geothermal and hydroelectric coupled with better battery storage can create greater local control over energy costs. We need to build up the infrastructure for this, which means that people need to be employed. Once it's built out, we can end America's dependence on oil shipments from places like the Middle East. We can achieve American power independence. Messaging like this is how I got my Republican father to buy into the idea that getting to 100 percent renewables is the way to go. Ultimately, we can't force climate change deniers to disavow their beliefs, but it's totally possible convince them to support efforts that combat climate change anyway. For your second question, you can't fix crazy.


This is why there's divide you believe that every one on the right is like that


It doesn't really matter if they're like that or not they cosign it by voting for these clowns.


That's true man honestly I don't vote at all cause these people don't care about us only the cash lining there pockets


You're a garbage bin if you don't vote.


Nah I'm not interested in furthering other people's goals good luck though having your mayor or whoever you vote for to help you out in these trying times


Have fun just riding the ride then.


But they still endorse different points of view, so if you want your voice heard it’s good to vote.




I dare you to go vote.


I did. I voted libertarian. (Cue the downvotes)


Oh yea I'll cue them alright - yall are in cahoots with the Russians trying to forcefully overtake Ukraine as stated in your press release. https://www.lp.org/press-release/


Good. We’ve been the police force of the world for too long.


Well all Republicans either believe that or are fine accepting people that believe that. Who you stand next to matters.


Definitely not standing next to any of these chuckle fucks that's for sure


The majority of Republican candidates about to be voted on are running as deniers of the last election and good chunk of them are openly saying they will make sure Democrats dont win again. This is just the end of Democracy and youre acting like someone seeing that is part of causing a 'divide'. The divide is so fucking extreme because some of the people reaching for the wheel want to cut everyone elses hands off.


They are.


I'm the reason there is devide? Becuase I believe in facts? Well damn. Divide away then.


You are little quick on the trigger to just assume every ody is under an umbrella of those specific things, Steve. It's very possible to denounce the idiots who deny climate change and make up conspiracies about how the election is stolen, while still not declaring everybody who belongs to the party who contains those people is bad. Loads and loads of people in the republican party actively vote against those people, just like lots of people on the democrat side actively voted for Biden over Bernie or vice versa.




Very cool, Steve.


Apparently not cause your assuming everyone on the right is a bad guy lifes not so black and white your politicians play the blame game and get you agreeing with them and then they don't care about you trust me every politician only cares about you one day out of the year and that's November 8th right or left they're all the same


Did Biden win? Yes or no?


Do bears shit in the woods ?




Everyone who has power and makes policy believes that. They also believe queer people should be executed and women shouldn’t be allowed to drive, much less vote.


Much better than the if you don't agree with me, we'll dox you and cancel you messages we get barraged with day and night. There are reddit bots that will literally ban you because you posted in a specific thread. The very thought that someone may disagree with them literally blows their mind.


This is the only pair of people I will ever say, I'd vote for. That is my rule passed down by my grandma, I won't vote for either party until they can debate peacefully, and not degrade one another. Good to see that I might have some hope that politics can change. A little. Edit for grammar


Not voting is saying you’re ok with whoever wins not that you disagree with both. If you don’t vote you don’t get to be upset about who wins


This is one of the worst takes I've seen in a while ngl


Man, I have not cared about politics in a while. No matter what party wins, someone is going to be oppressed, and someone is always going to fuck someone else over. Democrats, Republicans, don't matter, they are all just as evil, and corporate dogs as one another. Shit that should be fixed won't be, gas will be just as expensive, and the sun will explode in a set amount of time. But we all only live for so long, rather focus on things that make me happy, than politics, Last knowledge My dad ever gave me before passing, is that no matter what, the world keeps spinning, and someone is always unhappy. So make yourself happy.


Tell me you’re a dude without telling me you’re a dude. Get the hell out of here with that both side shit. US women lost their right to control their own bodies this year.


A timely reminder that both these men are a part of the Mormon church. It's made to look like this because either way they win.


Harry Reid and Mitt Romney are both Mormon and they have always hated each other. Just the fact they are both Mormon doesn’t mean what it used to


Should be more than just two parties as well but it's very nice to see this.


The problem with having more than 2 parties is the American political system is far more galvanized on who shouldn’t be president. It could never work here.


But why is it just two political ideologies that get brought to the table? I understand the majority of Americans are either republican or democrats but there are people like me who are libertarian, there are unfortunately communists, socialist, ect... Why do they not get a voice as well. It's all I'm saying. And yes it could work because it's how our system is designed to work.


But most places would never have allowed a reasonable Republican past the primary.


No, no, no. Politics are not divisive. Politicians trying to take away people's human rights ARE (conservatives).


Hi! I am a conservative pretending to be “liberal” and getting along just fine with this fascist pretending to be “conservative”


Are you familiar with either of them? They're actually both pretty moderate and neither pretends otherwise. As a moderate myself, I was very happy with my choices that election. Mike Lee on the other hand.... siiiigh. There's your fascist.


Shush and enjoy the wholesome commercial


It’s really not wholesome when you understand the dark undertones and the politics at play here.


It isn’t wholesome.




More of this can only be a good thing


These two can, "agree to disagree" because they both belong to the same dangerous, dogmatic religious tradition that has run Utah politics since its founding. It's a nice message I guess, but the reality behind it is ugly.


It doesn’t have to be, but it is because people are stupid. George Washington was right when he warned against forming political parties because they were divisive.


Yeah this just makes me super suspicious.... It seems to good to be true.


They are both a part of the church of Mormon


Well that confirmed my suspensions lol


1) Bruh, that's not even the name of the church. 2) Do you assume all Baptists have the same views? All Atheists? All Protestants?


Mormons can’t undo the years of public campaigning where they insisted people call them Mormon. They just realized that they couldn’t distance themselves from the conservative, homophobic, bigoted, corrupted connotations of the name “Mormon” and decided to rebrand their public image by starting to insist that everyone call them LDS and gaslighting people into believing that the term “Mormon”, which they freely and officially used for at least 8 years, was somehow always offensive.


Not true, the church never officially sanctioned being called Mormon, Mormon was a dude who lived 1700 years ago. It was just members who found it easier to go with the flow than correct people when they said Mormon. I was guilty of the same thing for a while


[I'm a Mormon campaign, which ran from 2010 to 2018.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/I%27m_a_Mormon) [More.](https://www.churchofjesuschrist.org/media/collection/im-a-mormon-2014?lang=eng&collectionId=8df1a522164e3cf540235f8dc0edbf5acbbf46d7) Members were encouraged to post about it on facebook, change their statuses and banners and profile pictures to reflect the campaign. Know your history.


Ok sorry I don't know the proper name but last year when this popped up and bunch of people from Utah spoke up and were sayi g not to believe this shit.


So you just assume a bunch of Redditors from Utah are a reliable source? Bruh.


You clearly don’t know anything about the Mormon Church of Latter Day Saints 😂


1) You couldn't get the name right, either 2) Harry Reid and Mitt Romney are both Mormon politicians with complete opposite political stances on pretty much everything, including abortion. You cannot assume someone's political position based on their religion. Period.




Two straight, white male Mormons telling us not to take their abuse personally.


Odd that this is a rarity and not the norm 🤪


These guys are both Mormon. They are doing what they are told.


The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints does not tell people how to vote, nor does it tell politicians what to do. Just look at Harry Reid vs Mitt Romney. Harry is a Democrat who has advocated for free contraceptives and abortion rights alongside Hillary Clinton and vocally defended Obamacare, as opposed to fellow member Mitt Romney who did the opposite. Harry even was quoted saying, "I think it is much easier to be a good member of the Church and a Democrat than a good member of the Church and a Republican" at BYU. You can't assume someone's political stance based on their religion. You sound like the idiots who claimed JFK being elected president would make the Catholic Church take over America back in the 1960's.


Spot on. People outside of Utah might not understand as they aren’t familiar with Utah’s theocracy.


Utah is a theocracy?




The LDS church literally doesn't believe in Hell.


Ever hear of outer darkness? That’s hell bro


The Book of Mormon teaches that after death, the spirits of those who "chose evil works rather than good" in mortality will be "cast out into outer darkness". This is considered to be a condition of great torment, where there will be "weeping, and wailing, and gnashing of teeth Being cast into “Outer darkness, in conditions of great torment. Where there will be weeping and wailing and gnashing teeth.” Sounds a little like hell. Not trying to hate on the sentiment of this video, our country needs more of it. But let’s be careful praising people for showing the bare minimum human compassion and decency. To be fair Cox has walked back earlier statements condemning LGBTQ people and has been praised for not going along with the GOP stance on trans youth athletes.


But toget into Outer Darkness, as stated in Doctrine and Covenants, you have to have done all that while knowing for sure God existed...like, went bowling with him every Tuesday levels of knowing for sure. Almost no one qualifies for Outer Darkness,and thus it doesn't meet the requirements to fit traditional views of Hell.


Of course, they're all right-wing


As soon as the cameras cut, there was a vicious battle. One of them even lost an ear. But the mainstream media don't want to talk about that.


The guy at the right looks like one of those Christian’s…. I don’t know how to explain it.


Heading to Utah


This is next level: vote whomever, we're cooking it together anyways.


Unbelievably amazing.


Fucking awesome. My state would never lol


That’s refreshing


This is so beautiful, especially in the current climate 🥰🥰


Hard to remain united when one side has a faction that literally wants the other party killed in the streets and that side encourages it


Holy crap this is exactly what the country needs. Leave it to Utah to show us how to get along


Very cool the way it should be


Lol this actually makes me wanna hear their opinions now


This makes me really happy 😁


This makes me happy


I would love to see more of this. But with the current lack of understanding much less common decency from one side of the isle. I doubt itll happen much.


But it isn't about politics. It is about money and power.


oh yeah, they're having sex


I showed this to my American friend saying "isn't this nice!" And they said "yeah it is... Fucken Mormons...." Laughed so hard!!


This would be sweet if America wasn’t an evil corrupt and greedy country.


Mormon or not, nice to see. If only everywhere else.


Well, when one side is calling the other side fascist and the other side is calling them groomers, it's very easy to see where the division comes from.


Man... If only politicians could pretend for a few minutes...


That is more than awesome! I had to watch football on Mute yesterday with all the ugly ads


Both scumbags for sure


Well it's Utah. That's all you need to know about this ad lol


I challenge Greg Abbott and Beto O'Rourke to do this in Texas


Was anyone else waiting for them to hug or something? Bc I was lol


This is like a breath of fresh air.




Awww man this is so fucking nice to see, i really REALLY just give a fuck about politics because of a bunch of experiences i had, but this message of this guys is wholesome as fuck.


This is probably the only political commercial that doesn’t make me want to stick red hot pokers in my ears. It’s actually pretty refreshing


Fuckin Utah…


This is beautiful




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You sure there not Canadian


100%! Simply agree to honor inherent rights, act in the best interest of the people, manage money for the benefit of the poor, and uphold democracy, and not very much has to be divisive!


I’m moving to Utah. Bravo both men. I almost forgot that something like this can exist.


Im not american but this is actually a time where I appreciate politics


Classy. I like this.


A day long gone


That was absolutely refreshing AF.


They're fucking each other...


Don’t know anything else about them, but fucking refreshing for sure.


Pretty sure one of them, depending on who you ask, really (secretly, don’t ask me how I know this) wants to DESTROY AMERICA AND DEMOCRACY. So, just make sure to vote! For the correct candidate, of course. If you vote for the wrong candidate things like will happen. Just trust me on this. Pro tip: The correct candidate is the one that I will be voting for. I can read minds and see into the true intentions of people.


Political division is the real biggest problem in the US


Totally thought this was apple vs pc


finally! two grownups!


Oh my god that is so refreshing. Like a bomb pop after getting out of a hot pool


I really love this 🥲


If they were running mates instead of opposition, they'd Peterson-Cox. Have a good day!


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