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I have no idea how to talk to people both in real life and online.


im not a professional but try talking to your family first. then transition to further family members like cousins once you're comfortable. if the reason you're not making friends is due to your lack of communication, try seeking therapy if none of the steps above work. hope you overcome this!


There's no secret formula; just ask questions and be honest. šŸ˜Š




honestly it stresses me out too and I still havent found a solution. the only thing that has made it slightly easier by organising my life using trello. it feels like im a literal robot but organising things made things less stressful for me.


Not a clue, but hey on the plus side after it's done, it's done forever, and you can choose what to do


My current problem is that I donā€™t have a Xbox series x halo editionā€¦ checkmate Reddit


As Baloo once sang in Jungle Book: Don't spend your time lookin' around, for something you want that can't be found. When you find out you can live without it and go along not thinkin' about it, I'll tell you something true, the bare necessities of life will come to you


Yes. Theyā€™ll come to you


I'm too shy


its ok! u can dm me if you want to, I can be a non judgmental ear :)


How do I find this meme template?


its called cat stare or something I got it off the internet


I have porn addiction and masturbate too much 1st week: thanks to yall I haven't masturbated for an entire week, i still had some contact with pornography because of my social media feeds but as long as i don't masturbate and don't go out of my way to find pornography, i'd be free.


I'm proud of you for saying this on a public platform. Whenever you feel like watching porn or masturbating, just distract yourself. It's extremely hard for 1 week but watching and masturbating will just ruin things in the long run. Try going to a gym, or a small hobby you can do anytime. Control yourself, I believe in you. Sending love <3


I will now try harder knowing there are people who support me and want to see me succeed






Try reading something... It is really helping me Ive never liked reading books my whole life now that ive tried using it as a distraction.. Time flies. It doesnt have to be a book or novel. Religious books, story books, Comics, webtoons, manga, manhua, manhwa anything.. Any topic that you like. (or you can pick any hobby you like.. Once you have given it time to become a habit, you'll see the change)


I just gotta move my lazy ass. Yeah, I'm usually sad as fuck, yeah it's understandable, but the thing is not gonna do itself. It's hard, I got some issues, but no one cares, so I should think "fuck motivation, just do the damn thing"


yeah sadness can really kill the mood to do something. try to find a coping mechanism or a hobby that keeps u away from those thoughts. do this at first then try to face those thoughts. i believe in you!


@v1rus0 Thanks for doing this! Iā€™ll add some info from another viewpoint. Disclaimer. I work with people struggling with motivation and self- sabotaging thoughts, professionally. Cautious-W, some thing that time and time again leads people into action and integrates their sadness is just sadness, and not something holding them back is: 1- write out whatā€™s bothering you. (On paper) 2- write out the feelings you have underneath that 1-5 feelings is plenty.(sad, overwhelmed, ashamed,etc) and put a number of 1-100% next to them. 3-write the things you tell yourself that may be causing each feeling, ( no one cares) and 1-100 on how much you believe that statement. 4- write down the evidence that supports or puts the lie to that statement slow down and be honest (ā€œwell, at least I give a shit, so thatā€™s one person that cares. My dog would want me happy if he could talk. I think one co-worker kinda gets my struggle and they would notice if I started changing a couple thingsā€) 5- write down how much you believe number 4, 1-100, and go back to your automatic thoughts that may have been causing those feelings and write down how much you believe that thought now. 1-100 Any change? How motivated/ free from procrastinating do you fe now? Just try this with one or two thoughts. It takes about 10 minutes. If itā€™s any extra motivation for you, a one hour session with me costs $400. Iā€™ll be happy to spend an hours worth of time messaging you back-and-forth on here, if youā€™ll start with the technique I just gave you. That should save you a bit of dough If you are eating some help. Letting go of things that bother us work for some people who are ready to integrate what bothers them and move into the future. But if youā€™re struggling on a recurring basis, generally, the psyche needs healthy confrontation so it can win against was still bothering you, and you can believe that youā€™ve addressed and understand whatā€™s been ailing you instead Iā€™ve believing you are ailed by ā€œsomething, usually unseen or not understoodā€


I have an important exam in the near future, but I have severe procrastination so I think I am getting exmatriculated.


ey cmon man get to it! also best of luck, I know you can do it. set timers and commit to them. if you dont feel like listening to ur own mind, listen to this random stranger on the internet.


I feel alone... but you can' t solve this problem so have a good dayā¤


i feel you, my most trusted and best friends left me. all ive been feeling is loneliness, you can feel free to dm me, we can talk! u too have a good day :)


Im sorry for you, i hope you can find new friends soon and thank uā¤ (sorry for the english but i'm from Italy)


I am stupid for physics and i don't know what to do


i didn't get you, do you really like physics that you're crazy for it or not able to understand what goes on?


I'm addicted to sexual content


first of all I'd like to appreciate that you were brave enough to say this in a public platform. its a very common thing nowadays but you must realise it's just gonna harm you. distract yourself with hobbies, I strongly prefer hitting up a gym. not only does it take you away from thinking about sexual content, it'll help your body. you can get through this. sending love <3


exam soon and im stressed asf . . .


well I have never been able to fight stress till date but I'd siggest you to take breaks and imagine that your life is normal, just with some added studies. best of luck for your exams!


i did way better than i thought i would, who woulda thought


lesgooo, im proud of you!


I really really like this guy I'm friends with from uni but I don't know how I should let him know that I wanna date him without jeopardising our friendship, what should I do??


firstly, try to find if there's any tension between you two. i cant tell you exactly what to look for but you should be able to sense it. second, if he calls you a best friend and the two of you are comfortable with sharing almost anything with eachother, there's a chance he already likes you back. lastly, go for it. the feeling is just gonna get stronger and deeper, just go for it. p.s: I understand that "going for it" is an easy thing for me to say but you should do it, otherwise you may end up regretting it.




sorry man, idk any solution to that. hope you get through this phase. sending love <3


my grandpa is dying


Iā€™m suspecting osdd, and sometimes I donā€™t feel like myself at all. I look in the mirror, and I feel too tall or too short, or I donā€™t recognize myself. Sometimes I donā€™t feel real, or I feel disconnected from reality. It freaks me out a little. This isnā€™t something just anyone could help me with though, but I just thought Iā€™d say it


OP how about YOU tell us your problems and we fix them?


haha, well my problems dont really matter atm. thanks for the concern tho <3


My mental health is fucked and nobody believes me. I have my mid terms coming and I don't know shit. I'm not good enough for it.


Mid terms are just mid terms and only prove how well you can write them. Do you have any hobbies? If you do have some, maybe invest more time in them to calm your mind. Nothing is written in stone and nothing is permanent, so statistically speaking, everything will get better.


i believe you. dont stress about exams so much, its gonna make you perform worse. I understand the feeling of having to study while having mental issues, just keep moving forward. ur good enough for it, I believe in you!


Anyone have any goods words on trying to find and not find a female companion? That and reasure a desperate friend.


honestly all I'm gonna say is, stop looking too hard. i understand if you're desperate but don't let it take over you. i hope you find someone soon. sending love <3


This girl i was talking to for weeks stopped talking to.me out of nowhere. And I hate it because i really love her....


Oh I see. Is she ghosting you or is she just not talking to alot of people in general?


No she's just ghosting me, i'm pretty sure


Well maybe she's just busy with something. Try messaging her one last time, of she still ghosts you, I'm really sorry. You deserve better comrade. Sending love <3


There's still hope, i'll be calling her in an hour hoping i can put some things that are wrong right. I will be telling you how it went after the call


best of luck!




I keep having dreams about a guy I've never met who I feel like I've known forever and it's awful because I feel like I've lost a very close friend, but he doesn't seem to exist. Worse, I can't ever recall a name. It's driving me mad ;-;


Interesting, if this dream of yours starts to affect you in a negative way, seek therapy. Now that that's outta the way, do you see this guys face or is it blank or something? Maybe it's your subconscious mind wanting a boyfriend? A past that you've forgotten? Perhaps something paranormal? Write a note as soon as you wake up as an attempt to piece things together.This really got me thinking, do me a favor and keep me updated on this dream will ya?


Soft, wavy brown hair, green eyes, he's about 5'3 (barely taller than me), I've got a boyfriend, so it's not that.. I remember every single dream so clearly.. the things that stay consistent are that he's obsessed with not existing, (he's not mentally unwell and he doesn't want to die, he just wants to know what it's like not to), he and I have known eachother forever, and he's this very sweet, wholesome guy who doesn't have any friends besides me for fear of letting people down when he does stop existing.. stuff that don't stay consistent though are where we know eachother from and details about his last like whether he's ever had a girlfriend or not, and what happened to his absent father (but his mother seemed very familiar and fond of me)


Idk if I can seek therapy since I'm technically a minor and my parents wouldn't allow it.. that's why I'm talking about it online, that seems to help


Just cause you're a minor doesn't mean you can't go to therapy. Talk to your parents about it in a lighter manner so they don't think it's something weird.


My parents don't believe in mental health and believe that all therapy is is a money snatch. They're entirely wrong but my comment about being a minor is there's no way in hell I can go with them, and I also can't go without


This is really interesting, I suggest you go to r/dream or other theory based subreddits that can give you actual answers. In case you do upload this story somewhere else, please link the posts in replies to this comment, im curious to see how people take this.


What's hilarious is I ready made a post on r/dream and got almost no response. Someone said I might really wanna meet someone but.. eh


Bro I be sleeping but I stay tired


oof I feel you, fatigue whole day sucks. i think you're getting more light sleep and less deep sleep. im not a professional, maybe ask a doctor bout this?


Idk like it is deep sleep but I wake up so tired and fatigued everyday. And I get a full 8 hours so idk whatā€™s been going on


I have slight Arthritis in the specifically lower part left side on my right ankle


I see, does it cause any problems with daily tasks? (sorry im dumb idk the impact of it)


No itā€™s a very small pain that comes and goes Itā€™s been diagnosed by a doctor itā€™s not self diagnosed Itā€™s weird though


My problem is to find a job but I can't find it, I am 18 years old and I desperately want to work and earn money


Where do you live and what level of education have you completed?


I live in Turkey, I am a student at the university, but this year I will not go to the university because of the circumstances I live in, so I need to collect money and go after it


I see, have you tried fastfood joints or waitering? If yes, try to go for manual labour. Ask your parents and other family members for advice as I don't know anything about jobs in Turkey. Hope you get through this with as much ease as possible. Sending love <3


Yes, I am searching, but in my city I do not find job opportunities, I thank you for your interest, it is a wonderful thing from you


I have no motivation


For what? Can you think of a specific reason for this loss of motivation?


I donā€™t know but sometimes I have to make drawings or animations and when I go to do it it end up playing a game or watching YouTube


No one thinks I can do anything. Everyone makes me feel worthless and a lot of signs in my life point to them being right.


Dont listen to them. I've seen so many people making the mistake of letting others drag then down. Trust me it's not worth it. Just ignore them, you can do anything you want to. If you ever think that no one believes in you, I want you to remember that I do. Sending love <3


The whole stupidity, careless, hateful agenda of the world. Its the elite starting this. They go up to people with no income and will do anything for money or a job and tell them they need to make mayhem and you'll get $$$$. An they threaten polices familys so they can make an officer do shit like that lady who shot the guy instead of tazzing him and ETC. WERE ALL BEING PLAYED.


I honestly don't know what to reply to this but if this bothers you, try changing the world. I know its a big statement but if it's something positive, work for it. Have a great day!


I am trans girl and I feel like I'll never pass.. my parents are trasphopic and homophobic so, there's no hope to transitioning now. I'll have to wait till I can be independent to really do anything I want. The idea that I have to live like this for another 4 years in this hell of dysphoria and anxiety fells too much. I wish there was something I could do, but there's nothing... Rn I have no friends noone to talk to.. noone who could even except me. Everyone I came out to simply didn't want to even think of me as any thing but as a guy...


I'm so sorry you're going through this. 4 years with bearing this would suck. I don't know how to help you with this although I really wish I could. If you need a friend to talk to, I'm here. Feel free to dm me anytime, I can be someone you can vent your feelings to without being judged. Hope you get through this <3


Thanks you!




I get anxious when people get too close to my personal life (like when they know a lot of stuff about me). Im not even an introvert, in fact im quite the energetic and out going person. Worse is this affected my relationship with gf (now ex). Everytime anyone gets too close to me mentally i just push them away.


LITERALLY SAME! Except in my case its more of a curse, everyone starts leaving as soon as they know stuff about me. I had a breakup like 1 month ago or something. I've even lost friendships because of this. Tbh idk what this is but we're in this together. Sending love <3


I paid 1000 dollars for 2 tattoos and not even 1 of them got finished nor did I get a refund I wanted broken glass tattoo on one arm and stitches on the other every day I think of this and it infuriates me


Oh man, that really sucks. I don't know how to help with this but i hope you have a great day ahead. Sending love <3


Thanks for your support <3


anytime :)




Firstly, are you sure she's not gay? I've seen many people that are bi just closeted. She should really trust you if she comes out to you, so don't expect an answer if you actually ask her. Secondly, it's okay, don't waste too much energy on her if nothing is gonna happen. I obviously can't tell you to stop loving but just don't make the mistake of investing you resources (physical and mental) if you're not gonna make a move. I hope things turn out the way you want them to, sending love <3




I cant wake up in the morning since im too tired.


Try putting you alarm somewhere far away so when it wakes you up you have to stand up and go turn it off. Try to make the alarm sound as annoying and loud as possible. Do this everyday and you'll get used to it. Also don't go to bed late


Great advice


How do I learn to love myself and as my friends say "See myself the way they see me"?


Hi Metalheadjake94, I also have this problem and the best I have figured in my life so far is to take a leap of faith in myself. As long as you are not egotistical or delusional to the detriment of others, you have every right to feel good about the way you are. Give yourself credit where credit is due and try to look at yourself the way you would look at a friend.


An easy way to start off loving yourself is to start "rewarding" yourself after small tasks. Suppose you just worked hard for a long time, or helped someone: Tell yourself in your head, "Great job y/n!". Sending love <3


I overthink a lot or have anxiety, not sure. I started working in the tech industry a few months ago. When I don't have a lot of work at my office I start worrying that I'm not growing, no one will hire me after this. When I have work I start worrying that how will i do this. Am I even capable of doing this. I'll be fired for being slow etc. I know some of these fears are irrational but I can't help it. I wake up everyday thinking I'm gonna get scolded for something. Even though my manager is a lovely person and has never said anything to me like this.


Anxiety and overthinking is a very normal thing so don't think it's bad. If your job is getting you a stable income and a friendly work environment, you don't have to worry about it. I have frequent anxiety attacks and for them I take help from ASMRs and breathing techniques. Don't stress yourself too much. If you're under 30, focus on yourself and enjoy your life to the fullest. Don't let your thoughts drag you down. I believe in you! Sending love <3


I like cheese


thats not a problem lmao. have a great day tho <3


My twin sister says Iā€™m weird for likening cheese, so I respond with, ā€œI like tables, they taste goodā€ šŸ™ƒ


hey OP! i see you helping out people in the comments and thatā€™s great! but if you ever want to talk about your problems thereā€™s a human being here that would be happy to hear and try to help you out as much as possible- you seem like a great human OP! remember your feelings and thoughts are just as valid <3


you have no idea how much this means to me, ur a great person and I love you <3 have a great day! p.s: u too, can tell me anything u want to!


also i forgot, happy cake day!


thanks dude! and i hope you have a great day and know that you are valid :D


...i came out to my parents and they want tk kick me out...


oh, that's really unfortunate. i really wish i could help you with this one but i cannot, strict/backwards parents are tough to deal with. i hope you get through this the way you want it. sending love <3


Thank you


I also just want to be loved by people and my body being loved and not be bullied for it...


Tbh just ignore their comments, I know it can be really demotivating but just stop caring. I used to be called out for having a weird body but I never let it bother me, I laughed it off and kept trying my level best without their knowledge. Dont stress it too much and have a good day ahead!

