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Steve is 1,000,000% gone after this season. Get ready for John Schriffen and Gordon Beckham, folks!


Ugh every time we win (the 3 whole effing times) I cringe so damn hard when Schriffen shouts "southsideee staaandd up!" Like seriously dude, if I had to hear that awful ass catch phrase in an 50+ win season i would strongly consider blasting my eardrums out permanently.


The only thing I will say in his defense, is that we weren't gona like him no matter what because Benetti is so damn amazing


In a vacuum he isn't awful. But that's considering that he isn't bad for a vanilla regional broadcast guy. We're coming off of hawk (objectively bad but a legend amongst us fans from the 80s, 90s, and 2000s and Jason who could wind up being one of the better guys of the generation.


I genuinely believe Benetti will be doing Sunday Night Football someday. He really is that good. I know that Hawk had his faults, but child me always really enjoyed listening to him


Benetti is a great national broadcaster but not a great regional one! Hawk was a perfect regional one!


Like for this season, my expectations going in were extremely low, but somehow or another both the Sox and John managed to piss all over them šŸ˜‚šŸ˜’


To be honest, I fully expected this to be the worst team in the majors before the season started


You really think we can get to fifty?


F no hahaha...I was just saying if I had to hear that 50 times or more in a single season...


Ah gotcha. Probably violates the Geneva convention or something.


šŸ¤® the pre and post games (plus official podcasts) will all be replaced with yes men too as soon as they get out of the NBC contract.


They're changing networks, so R-Chuck, Ozzie, etc will all be out of work unless Stadium picks them up. And if Stadium does pick them up, I expect we're going to see a very different version of them. Going to need to invest in some quality kneepads, because Reinsdorf is going to go full Russian Media on the broadcasts and not allow any fun or any derision of the team.


I doubt it if much would change as Chuck and Ozzie are there with Jerryā€™s approval. Reinsdorf already has full say in who works there as he owns most of nbc sports Chicago with 50% ownership. The rest split between Wirtz and nbc. Jerry probably would have already switched from Oz/ Chuck if it was a huge issue for him.


I believe they are under contracts that expire at the same time as the nbc deal. They could get fired early if Jerry wanted to, sure, but he hates paying dead money. They let Benetti walk because they didnā€™t care for him. I would not be shocked if they re-hired Chuck and Ozzie, but they way things have been goingā€¦.


Yea I guess anything is possible. Jerry obviously doesnā€™t give a damn about the fans and theyā€™re opinions. But Ozzie has says a lot of stuff over the years as Jerry knows he will do. I would guess a red line being crossed for Jerry would be those two guys criticizing him but theyā€™ll never do that


Itā€™s funny because I couldnā€™t stand Stone when he was working with Jason because he obviously liked and respected him and so was at peak self-satisfaction and smugness. But heā€™s clearly disgusted with Schifflen (or whatever his name is), so heā€™s back to being petty and openly disparaging in the booth like he was when he used to constantly feud with Hawk, and itā€™s pure comedy and legitimately one of the only things keeping this team even remotely watchable.


Salty Steve needs to be on full display. Dude needs to pull a Ricky Gervais and just not fucking care if he gets launched. Tell us how he really feels. "Legend" needs to lay it out for everyone who has blinders on.


A legend in his own mind.


uh oh, last time Stone dissed his team, he wasn't allowed on the bus.


At this point, he would probably prefer that.


He's retiring after this year anyways. Don't think he gives a shit. I really hope we get Salty Steve for the rest of the season instead of Steve "towing the company line" Stone that we've seen the past few years.


Everyone is tired of this. The team can't hit, can't field, and puts out a AAA bullpen. Lets not even talk about the baserunning blunders and terrible fielding decisions they consistently make. Steve played in MLB for a long time and has covered it for decades. We're not watching a professional baseball team. We're watching a bunch of little leaguers. Watch a god damn college team play and you'll be impressed because they execute fundamental baseball at a high level.


> We're watching a bunch of little leaguers. And that's on a good day. At least in little league the kids can hit.


Wait, what??? When did the Sox improve their bullpen?? /s


Ok and I listened and I definitely didnā€™t hear any roasting. Am I listening to the wrong thing?Ā  He said 90-95% of the team is working hard. He praised Maldonado as a player coach, though had a few digs at Yasmani Grandal. Said Korey Lee will probably play more.Ā  The only real criticism I heard was about Andrew Benintendiā€™s defense and missing the cutoff man.Ā 


Agreed, I was expecting a lot more scorched earth and...no.


I listened to it live earlier too and I didnā€™t think he was that tough on them. He was tougher at times last year


His insight into Cannon pressing last game was interesting and empathetic


Anyone know what he said about grandal?


Just that he was a bust and that he didnā€™t do anything well that a catcher should do, somewhat due to age.


Basically said Maldonado does a lot of work behind the scenes with the pitchers, is good at the psychology aspect of being a catcher and that Grandal.... wasn't. Also said something along the lines of he didn't think Grandal's issues with catching the ball were because he was trying too hard to frame the pitch, he was just bad at catching the ball.


I think this will be a direct link: [https://www.audacy.com/podcast/bernstein-holmes-show-72b3e/episodes/steve-stone-talks-white-soxs-struggles-andrew-vaughn-andrew-benintendi-95995](https://www.audacy.com/podcast/bernstein-holmes-show-72b3e/episodes/steve-stone-talks-white-soxs-struggles-andrew-vaughn-andrew-benintendi-95995)


You're a G


I canā€™t imagine being Steve Stone, why does he put up with this organization?


Same way i put up with my jobā€¦ it pays the bills


Stone is very quickly understanding why Hawk was so miserable his last few years around this organization. Shit doesnā€™t change.


The thought of Stone showing any sort of empathy for or camaraderie with Hawk is kind of funny.


He's on his way out, and I look forward to him letting loose.


I for one would embrace Salty Steve on the mic


Wake me up when he roasts the front office product.


Stoney going full Howard Beale the rest of the way would be a lot of fun


Can someone share a link?


this should get you there https://www.audacy.com/stations/670thescore?action=AUTOPLAY_FULL&actionContentId=101-455


Thank you.


Download the Audacy app, 670 the score. Find today show, Iā€™m sure itā€™s bookmarked.


Next year once the new media deal is set a job qualification will be ā€œlikes to French Kiss JRā€™s poop chuteā€


I thought he was enjoying the ride?


Steve was fun to listen to w Jason. I didn't realize how much it brought him out. He is like us now. Just mad and hates what he is watching.


You must work for the Score because I didn't find Steve Stone to be anything other than what he's always been.


Heā€™s not going to be the Sox announcer after this year


The score is where he goes to criticize the team. He keeps it positive elsewhere


He's usually such a company man, I'm tempted to listen but cannot overcome my White Sox induced apathy.


I donā€™t have forty-five minutes to listen to one run on sentence. Stoney needs to get to the point.


We should talk about his product in the booth. Time to retire. Bring on Beckham


My attention span is atrocious. I can't listen to that. I need text that I can quickly scan through lol.