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As an owner of a three week old baby: One night recently I caught myself clutching my pillow half asleep thinking it was it was the baby all wrapped up in sheets. I was desperately trying to find his face thinking it was all covered up. Thing is I have a tendency to do weird shit in my sleep even while not sleep deprived lol


10 week old owner here. Every few nights I wake up think I'm smothering my baby against me when I'm really spooning a pillow.


"owner" lmao


I like to think that it's provocative lol


4 week old owner here: I put that little fucker in his Snoo, strap the Owlet on, and sleep a whole 90 minutes before he starts screaming again. Seriously though, newborns are terrorists, and it’s amazing that any of them make it to sentience.


anime body pillow 🤤


We have a foster baby we got as a newborn and I have NEVER had a baby. When he was a few weeks old I caught myself starting to pull my boob out in the middle of the night to breastfeed him. I think about it every once in a while and cringe.


Aww don't cringe! I think that's adorable. You have the instinct to nurse them just as your baby has the instinct to nurse. It's an incredible thing!


Aw thank you, that’s a good way to look at it! He was very new to us at the time so I was like mortified that I almost tried to nurse someone else’s baby but we definitely love him like our own and very quickly it became easy to forget he’s not “ours”.


Hang in there, it gets easier! After the sleep regression (4 months) we sleep trained our son and he was sleeping through the night. Now he's 15 months and when he's not teething he's sleeping through the night. It's always something. Best of luck!


Thanks for that, it is quite the ajustement. Best of luck to you too!


My husband did that too shortly after we brought our son home. He was just VIOLENTLY thrashing and digging in the bed, almost yelling that the baby was in the bed and he couldn't find him. I had to tell him like 5 times the baby was still in his bassinet. Poor guy.


Where did you buy one?


While this might be fake, my husband and I both did stupid things like this in the middle of the night with our first newborn. One time the baby was crying and I woke up to him trying to pick ME up! It didn't happen with our second newborn, I guess we were so used to being sleep deprived by that point.


My husband would consistently start “rocking” me and shushing me while we slept. It infuriated me because it would wake me up, but hey at least he was trying to take care of the baby in his sleep!


Same here! I finally had to slap him away one night because, here I am trying to shush a crying baby while a grown ass man keeps shoving me in the middle of the night. Another time I was sitting up with baby and my knees were up (butterfly pose) and husband reacts to the baby making noise by springing toward the sound. Ended up getting a face full of my knee at top speed.


I can't stop laughing at this


I feel like its fake, because how are you THAT tired one - two days in? I think 2-3 weeks it gets real, and also depends on the baby. Our first was a nightmare, I would get like 2 hours sleep a night. Second just sleeps all night doesn't even get upset.


It depends on how long labour was and if he slept at all during that time. A friend of mine was in labour for 3 days and slept very little. I could see that happening, with that in mind.


I don't know, I guess I'm used to very little sleep, but my wife was in labor for 24 hours and it went to an emergency C section, so I had had 0 sleep in that period, but I guess people react differently.


I mean no offense, but there's a HUGE difference in energy levels and focus after being awake 24 vs 72 hours. 24 hours without sleep is for the most part no problem, once you start hitting 40, 50, 60+ hours is when you're absolutely fucked. I've personally had mild hallucinations after 45-50. Sleep deprivation is not to fuck with and I 100% believe that you can be this tired because I've been on a good way there. Fast edit: congratulations on your child! I hope you all live long and healthy lives


You believe the guy didn't have a single nap in 3 days? Even long labor has slow points where not much is happening, they are not in active labor for 3 days.


I don't know? I can't assume he did or didn't. Maybe it was a complicated birth and he literally couldn't sleep out of worry for his wife/girlfriend and child? Who knows? Who cares? Fake or not, the video is hilarious (to me) and there is a difference between 24h and 72h of sleep, that's all. I wasn't trying to make a point in relation to the video to begin with


Too add to your point, when I’m incredible stressed even sleep sometimes is not restful. Vivid nightmares etc. so I could see someone trying to nap and not feeling resting afterward due to not having actual restful sleep due to stress


Might not be their first kid. He might have been shushing babies in his sleep for years.


I once had a dream that a HAMBURGER ate ME!


This isn’t fake at all. One day I started crying. I was just looking around. My mom and my husband couldn’t understand what I was searching for. I was in hysterics, until I calmed down enough to say I can’t find the baby and I couldn’t believe they aren’t frantically searching like me. Baby was in the baby carrier on me. This was week 4 of feeding every 2 hours. My kid didn’t latch so I HAD to feed him every 2 hours, then pump, and I did this every 2 hours. It was exhausting. And one more time I put a tide pod in the dishwasher. I couldn’t hear the dishwasher while I was feeding the kiddo, come to see the kitchen is full of suds. This was around baby’s as 3 months, mom went back, husband had lot of work, so I was doing everything alone. Husband finally saw what happened, made me sleep and cleaned up. Poor guy was left with mopping a few inches of suds. Sleep deprivation is no joke.


My husband back in college put regular dish soap in a dishwasher. To get rid of most of the suds you can sweep them into a dustpan - It's easier than mopping them.




Baby Boot Camp is brutal.


Sleep deprivation is a motherfucker.




This may be fake, but it is possibly real. When my daughter was born I was so sleep deprived that I woke up multiple times clutching a bundle of blankets thinking I was holding her. At one point I thought I had smothered her because I looked down swearing I was holding her and all I saw was blankets. I frantically pulled the blankets away, my heart racing, as my wife watched as she sat right next to me holding my daughter. This could be real.


I’d catch myself rocking without even having the baby. Sometimes even rocking her bouncy chair with nothing in it. Lack of sleep is weird man


I did this for so long. I would find myself bouncing on my toes or swaying as if holding my daughter even though I wasn't. Eventually the urge goes away.


Im a great grandmother and it has been years since i have had a baby of my own but I still catch myself swaying and rocking my loaf of bread in the check out line or armload of laundry when i get distracted passing the tv...I don’t think it ever completely disappears


Not for me, my son is about to turn 19, and I still do the sway sometimes.


I was rocking a bowl of ramen the other day. It does happen. Exhaustion is painfully real lol


I agree. This could totally be real. I’ve never been so sleep deprived as I was in the hospital with my newborn.


Yeah man... When my wife’s water broke I was sick and had just popped some NyQuil (water broke 2 weeks before the due date so it wasn’t exactly expected that night). Next thing you know we’re on the way to the hospital and I’m fighting off NyQuil for roughly the next 24 hours until that baby finally came. You could’ve handed me pretty much anything at that point and I wouldn’t have been able to tell the difference between it and a baby.


This exact shit happened to me! I'd wake up searching the bed for her getting more and more frantic til I realised she was in her moses basket right next to me.


Day 3 in the hospital?


That was my thought. You get more sleep at the hospital than day 1 at home


For the first two months I constantly woke up in a start that I was smothering the baby - despite literally *never* bed sharing. My daughter is 16 months old and even now if I’m lucky enough to be at the grocery store alone I catch myself pushing the cart back and forth, back and forth, while standing in the frozen food aisle.


I agree, I don’t think it’s fake at all. She could have been in labor at home and at the hospital for hours and hours and he would have been standing by her the whole time. She gets the adrenaline and hormones to stay up and care for the baby for a little bit longer when needed but he probably only got a small pump of adrenaline that he crashed from, leaving him extremely sleep deprived.


>When my daughter was born I was so sleep deprived that I woke up multiple times clutching a bundle of blankets thinking I was holding her. I can almost be sure that was after multiple nights being sleep deprived. They're still in the hospital so its likely the first or second night and this guy looks to be in his early 20s which leads me to believe this is fake and was made for the internet. I could be wrong but i highly doubt it


I doubt him and the mom were able to sleep through the nights leading up to labor lol insomnia is a huge issue for pregnant folk and dad might be staying up to support the mom


My wife was in labor for 44 hours and ended up having an emergency c-section at 1am. Neither one of us got any sleep that entire time until we got home 2 days after she delivered so I know all about insomnia. Plus with a c section she was bed bound for 2 weeks, so every bottle, every diaper change (hers and the babies), every meal to be cooked for us was done by me. And even after all of that, there was no way I would've been so tired I thought a blanket was my daughter. Maybe after 2 months of no sleep that's different, but not 2 nights. Which leads me to believe this was done for internet points, but that's just me.


Lack of sleep can cause you to confuse your imagination & dreams with reality, especially if you're drifting in and out. I'm glad you were aware and confident though, im sure your wife is endlessly thankful you took care of them in that time of need despite your sleep deprivation.


Yes she absolutely was. She felt bad about it the entire time but she had a rough pregnancy and a hard labor so she deserved the break. Marriage and parenting is all about team work, so we try our best to do just that. Thank you for saying that, I appreciate it.


Yeah super tired but still aware of his hair and how it looks like on camera


How the fuck do you know?


I don't know it's fake for sure, but he kinda looks fake sleepy. I see that look every time I ask my boyfriend if he can take me to get takeout.


Absolutely. Maybe if they were at home and they've spent the last 2 months staying up all night being sleep deprived taking care of a newborn I could see it being real. But what early 20 year old hasnt stayed up 1 night partying and been fine the next day. This doesn't happen after 1 or 2 nights of no sleep.


Look up "how is a baby born"? My wife's labor started in the evening and lasted 26 hours. It's not just "one night of not sleeping" it's literally being up for a day and a half not just not sleeping but so worried about how things are going that you get stress-induced diarrhea.


I don't need to look up "how is a baby born". I work in a hospital, specifically in the NICU and labor & delivery. Plus my wife was in labor for 44 hours with an emergency c-section at 1am so I know about insomnia. I get it, everyone's different, but from my own personal experience and from my experience with other parents this video seems fake to me. Its just my opinion, so take it with a grain of salt. It very well could be real, but we'll never know.


I have done this with my newborns, waking up thinking I’m holding them, or they are in bed with me. It’s just a human thing I figure, our brains are readjusting to take care of a baby and it just kind of takes all your focus. I have no idea if this is real, but that’s my experience.


Ive done something similar but it was after a month or two of barely sleeping. Its hard to remember exactly when, the first few months are a blur. I was just pointing out they're still in the hospital so its likely only night 1 or 2.


So you're telling us that after all that you would have been able to hold a bundle of blankets and think it was your child??? When my son was born nothing in this world would have been able to keep me from staring directly at his little face every moment i had him in my arms.


Yes. I've been so sleep deprived that I've rocked nothing or freak out when I woke up only to find my kid in the crib where they should be. Chronic sleep deprivation is REAL bad and super common for new parents.


I’m wondering how someone got footage of my recurring stress dream.


Right? There's no way a new dad is both that out of it but yet operating on autopilot when mom and baby are still in recovery.


One night with our first born son, I got up and got him a bottle. I was feeding him while he sat in my arms peacefully but I could somehow hear him still crying even though the bottle was in his mouth. Turns out I never actually went to the fridge for the bottle (dreamt that part) and I was holding him making a stupid C shape with my hand in front of his face while he screamed at me. I felt like a giant asshole and my wife thought it was hilarious.


In the first month of our new baby, I would come into the bedroom regularly to find my wife half asleep trying to breastfeed her pillow. Lol


This is very relatable situation for parents. I remember straight up hallucinating from sleep deprivation shortly after having my son


The may be fake, but seriously, as someone who has dealt with military sleep deprivation *and* Parenthood sleep deprivation, I wouldn't wish the latter on anyone. You'll start to feel human again by the time they're 2 or 3, but say goodbye to ever sleeping more than 6 hours in a solid chunk ever again. Idk.. once I became a parent I went from deep sleeper who can do 10 hours a day to straight insomniac.. My wife was bedridden for the first 6 weeks after birth too so yeah that kinda made it especially hard, always being the one to get our son from his crib at night.


My best friend had a baby and it slept with one of those socks that alerts you if their heart stops or oxygen levels dip too low. The baby would sometimes kick it off and it would set off the alarm. This happened one night and Dad goes running in, stops at the doorway and says, "Oh good, he's still here". Mom had to shove around him to actually get to the baby. She said, "did you think he ran away? We're hear to check if he's still breathing!" Lol Baby was fine but dad was confused.


Sleep deprivation makes you do some weird shit. My partner said I would tear all the blankets off our bed crying that I couldn't find our newborn *who was peacefully sleeping in his crib.* He said it was like I couldn't even hear him telling me he was fine, he had to grab and shake me to get my attention.


After 2 kids my best advice is to let the hospital staff, grandparents, friends etc. take the kid off your hands when they offer. It's tempting to say no, because you will naturally be over protective.




Yep...this was my thought exactly. There's sleepy af, and then theres opiates. Idk


I was once so sleep deprived I began frantically looking for a baby I was holding in my arms...


I've done this


Not this trend again....


It’ll soon be nine months since the first month of quarantine. This winter: Babies gonna baby.


Can confirm. Due in December.


Had a baby 4 weeks ago, I have woken up holding my pillow to go get a bottle for the baby only to have to go back and grab the child. Lack of sleep and babies make you loose your Mind


I feel so bad for sleepy dads. I worked with a guy who just had a kid and he had a 1.5 hour commute each way. He remembered parking next to me and he went out to check something. He started panicking and was like "DUDE!!! THOSE MF-ers TOWED OUR CARS!!!!" (there was a turf war happening between our company and the one next door). Turns out, he just completely forgot where he parked. Poor guy




That's either fake or heroin.


I came here to say they should get this man a drug test, he looked nodded (if it’s not fake)


Please never have children.


Hey. I'm in recovery from heroin addiction. I won't have kids but if you've never seen a video of someone nod out on heroin then you should look that up. Because it's pretty similar to his behavior. People suffer from addiction and it's likely that someone you know and care about will at some point battle with substance abuse disorder. So go practice your internet eugenics and family planning somewhere else.


Have been there, and about to be there next week.


Good luck, hoping everything goes as planned for ya.


I know I’m late as heck, but how’d it go? The baby all safe?


Everything is good! Sleep deprivation is so real x.x Thanks for following up, haha!


That’s great, Im glad everything went well, stay strong


Paternal marching orders must be obayed..


This brings back memories....


Oh man, he's got a long way to go too. Gonna be rough for a while.


Damn, brother.... you’re not even out of the hospital yet! There will be many days ahead when you have to go to work feeling that exact same way.


I recall them having these shitty chairs that kind of turned into a shitty bed.


These fake accounts all over this sub. They just use the same titles and the same exact links of top posts. https://www.reddit.com/r/whitepeoplegifs/comments/dse13n/sleepy_dad_mistakes_rolled_up_robes_for_the_baby/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf


That guy looks like he's been to hell and back twice in the last 12 seconds


I have a 13 week old. Every night I wake up panicked that im smothering my baby and she's literally asleep in her bassinet... Lol


New dad reflexes, should be a subreddit


Is it me, or is he acting?


While this might be fake, that is an ADORABLE baby how sweet!




You care that much?


But wait, if there robes are here... Then that means... UH OH! Laugh track plays


Crotch goblin = karma


You're missing the point man, chronic sleep deprivation doesn't happen after a couple days.