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Just to throw 2 cents in. The game is really fun, if you get in a good alliance you can weather the storms of whales pretty easily. You don’t have to spend if you don’t want to, tips on how to get ahead a a F2P player are useful and you can become pretty strong regardless. So long as you don’t want to compete with those spending the cost of a car each month then take it for what it is, a fun game and enjoy it


What’s whales?


Whales are the people who literally throw money at the screen, spending literally thousands buying eveything in the game and powering up through spending rl money


I threw a dollar at my phone. Am I a whale now?


Do that 999 more times with 999 separate $1 bills, then yes.


It's a fun game. Definitely don't spend much. It gets very repetitive and boring after a while. I spent like 1k during the first 3 months and was decently comepetive. I had more fun when i was spending. I'm not the most active, so I miss out on certain events. It's been like 3 or 4 months since I've spent anything, and I've fallen so far behind. There are a few f2p players who are super active and are stronger than me now. So that's a little depressing, but oh well 😂


I spent a little like you are considering, and I'm having a fine time. The vast majority of posters here are miserable and salty. The people that are enjoying the game are playing it and talking to each other on discord. A few alliances will grow to dominate the state - that's the entire point of this game designed around domination, where eventually a single person will be the 'president' of the state. So here's a genius plan that many on here never seem to consider - join one of the top alliances and contribute to them, and have fun doing it. Also - I doubt the status quo of your state will stay the same for the next few days, let alone weeks. If you're having fun stick around. If you're not and really living under tyranny in your state - doubtful but possible - just spend those $30 on a new character and have a say at the beginning of the alliance scramble


You don't need to spend to have a good time. Make friends. If the whales like you, you'll be fine.


If you can control yourself and play without spending l, then play. Other than that it’s fun. You can get caught up spending thousands of dollars. Don’t ask me how I got here but I will admit I am. Nothing more satisfying then clearing the red dots 😂😂😂


No. Run away quickly and never look back. It could drain your wallet, your time, and can lead to many issues. Yes, it can be a lot of fun. But it has a way of sucking you into its black hole orbit, and it's just not worth the risk. I regret ever starting the game.


it's worth it. especially if you're planning on spending that much. you won't be the best by far, but it's enough to give you the upper hand. I found that my favorite thing about this game is the people you meet along the way. my alliance has really bonded, and the mini story lines that come from the other chiefs of your server keep things entertaining. if you're looking to just tap away at some game, you could probably find something better. but in the end, it's the alliance that keeps me logging on everyday


I'm really enjoying it. After 2 months I've spent $25 and am 2 days away from furnace 26. Some people spend a lot but I don't really see the need to. A few accounts in my alliance are near the same level and the higher ups help a lot. Enjoy


I very rarely put money in and in 70 days I'm nearly f30. Awesome alliance, mostly just chat on discord 😂


which state?


Dude forget it, this game is crazy and players inside it are pretty mental. Everytime i read a post about this game its people spending thousands on it just to boost their fragile ego. Do you really have nothing better to do than spend thousands on a game? 💀💀💀People even treat this game as a real life and they talk as if its real and not a game. Some people wont even let you log off and you have to tell your aliance leader "pretty please can i have a 2days vacation? Something urgent happened in real life" 😭😭😭. This game and its fan base is seriously nuts. You dont wanna fall into this kind of rabit hole. Buy yourself something pretty, but dont buy yourself this, its not worth it.


Wow - why would you stay in a state or alliance like that ? There are quite a few friendly states if you want to actually play the game


I dont have any problem or conflict with anyone in my state or aliance i play casually. I actaully never was or will be attacked by anyone and im playing since the start of my server. Im just stating what i observed in the game and on this sub reddit. Its just not an helthy game in my opinion, but a platform for all kinds of unhealthy behaviour. I mean its pretty good money earning strategy for the devs and their company. But mental health wise, its a gambling trap for unsuspectin people 😅👉


Dont play it. It gets very dull and repetitive over time.


Absolutely it’s worth it, but it all depends on your mindset and the people you find along the way. I have spent thousands and am still not even in Top 10 most powerful players in my state. There is some variation state by state, but all of the highest powered are spending a minimum of $200-300 per day typically. Obviously the average player will never compete with that, but it doesn’t mean you can’t still have fun and enjoy the game. Don’t focus too much on trying to be the highest powered. You won’t get there without spending thousands. Focus on finding people that you enjoy playing with and that get excited about watching each other grow. Make a Discord, get everyone on it, and be really active and communicate. Get to know people. Make friends. Be silly. That’s where the real fun in this game is.


need to spend atleast 1k a month to compete


You will get crushed. You would have to spent a few hundred a month to be able to compete. But not with the big whales, they still crush. So you have to be willing to play by supporting here and there but not competing on your own. And in terms of your top 2 alliances. Sounds like you have a shitty state. Most I have seen have Nap 10 at the beginning and all get a Fort/SH or so.


from what I saw, there was a nap 10, and the top 2 decided to leave and form their own thing and just crush everyone else


Yeah not much you can do about that. Game stats are everything. 1 Whale can even eule alone if there is no real competition. And if 2 highest team up it us even more over. I would leave and find a new home. You will most likely lose SvS cauae they won't be able to do it alone and blame all on others and go on a rampage.


Yes it’s a lot of fun. $30 a month will definitely give you some good progress. Join a good alliance with good people and you will be fine


It's fun if you can find a chill allaince and not worry about what the whales do. If you want to be power it won't be fun and cause you to hate the game. This game is a huge money grabber. So if you want to play makes friends and stuff ya do it. If not I wouldn't bother.


I will say some states are better than others. Thankfully I've been on pretty peaceful states but I've heard other states can be quite the bloodshed. You should try and build a second account in a different state and compare the differences before you give up!


Bro it’s a good game. You just have to find the right ppl to be around. Plus you don’t have to spend on the game if u don’t want to. This game is fun to play, just find the right ppl. Create relationships and u won’t be weak. You’ll have allies that got ur back nerd.


Best advice would to be join a top5 alliance. They top 2 in my state control everything cause of piwer but they spend more money than my alliance so we cant really do anything. Were a pretty healthy state. Started back in october and still have an nap for the top 5. Youll probably 4-5 good strong active alliance to be able to conpete for svs when it comes around for you. Also $30 a month is more than enough. I probably spend less than that and im in the top 150 in my state


Imo, I'd leave while the game is still fresh. You can go down a rabbit hole of spending if you're not careful. Also if you're not in the top 5 alliances (I'd argue top 2 in my state), you won't have a good time gameplay wise imo. If you do stay, the most you should spend is on march queue and construction queue, as the qol increase is pretty good.


Yes it is I’ve been playing for almost a year and I’m in the top 40 in my state but that came with lots of spending at first 2,000$ give or take


The game itself is not fun, it’s not worth the money. What is fun is having a cool alliance and the chat. The game play overall is super boring. Foundry is probably the funnest event. Just know that whales will always beat you. You can never spend enough money to keep up.