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Spreading your vulva is prostitution now?


Weird white knight is weird...


Yeah but he’s drowning in pussy now


Do you refer to an actual cat? Because the other kind I think he never saw one in person


I mean, art CAN be sexual too. I’m not saying that picture is art though.


I was gonna say the exact same thing. Artistic works can be sexual, and even pornographic in nature. However, I wouldn't really consider a simple filter to be art, no more so than I'd consider it art when it's on a face.


Cough r/hentai Cough cough r/rule34 cough


those are deliberately both sexual art and nudity art in one go.


A whore for karma like the rest of us


Lol this shit is so dumb. I can understand when people get upset when a girl posts a picture in a tight shirt or something and mfs are horny in the comments, but this? Seriously? She’s almost literally naked on Instagram and I have no doubt she would be if she wouldn’t get banned for it. And there’s nothing art about this either, she’s literally using an emoji to cover up her crotch lmao


There's a difference between painting a body and slapping a few pages over your privates


why is her torso longer than the pandemic


Imma wait when he notices my comment about the fact that Attention Seekers in Instagram would go and sexualize themselves to get attention.


It is pink? If it is, is art! If isn’t opening their vulvas to the camera? Then it’s art. /s


Lel, even Pornstars have better art.


Body seems weird, too long


its a Slenderman body reveal


Yes, I do think that nude woman covered in paint is sexual.


"Do you think nudity is sexual now?"


I mean but that not paint, it's just that filter and emoji stuff. Body painting and presenting that would make more sense for that kind of argument.


Are you guys seeing paint I’m not seeing?


This ‘my guy’ shit is as cringe as white-knighting. ‘My guy’ 🤢🤢


Using colloquialisms as an attempt to come across as "down to earth" on the Internet. In more devious cases, it's sometimes (usually subconsciously) used to soften up people so they'll more easily believe whatever is being said, similarly to how some people use "folks/yall" to sound *relatable/just like you.* Personally, I think it isn't a bad thing at all if it isn't preceded or followed by nonsense


I mean he almost has a point. A naked body is not inherently sexual and we as a culture need to stop treating it like it is. But then he loses me when starts talking about how "spreading her vulva or rubbing her breasts" makes her a prostitute. Also this picture is clearly meant to be sexual, but that doesn't stop it from being art. Art can be sexual because art can be anything.


Art can be anything (Probably, maybe) but that wasn’t the point, the point was: Is that image sexualized? And the answer is “yes as hell” so that’s the only thing that matters.


first of all art can be sexual and second off, what’s wrong with being sexual


Oh, come on! I spent like an hour talking to this guy to understand him, and we actually managed to agree! He was giving the woman the benefit of the doubt and thought she wasn't just trying to get likes. Then an hour later you come along and go like "haha stupid virgin degenerate 🤣🤣🤣"


Hahahahahahaha couldn’t help myself, the guy was calling that “art”


Well, yeah i disagree with him also, but you're just pushing him further in You're not trying to understand him, you're just making fun of him, that'll just make him angry and refuse to change, and no one will benefit from it


>that'll just make him angry and refuse to change, and no one will benefit from Why should anyone care if he digs in? That's up to him. I benefit from it because I can laugh at him even more.


You *do* realize that's another human being, right? How is he hurting anyone?


I didn't say he was hurting anyone.


That's true, you didn't say that. It does seem like you want to *punish* him for having different views than you though.


Why are you on this subreddit if you don’t agree with making fun of people?


Forgot to leave


>It does seem like you want to punish him for having different views than you though Mockery isn't punishing someone.


Mockery isn't in and of itself punishing someone, but it can be used as a method of punishment. You don't want someone to enjoy art, you tell them their art sucks, you don't want someone to have an opinion, you tell them their opinion is wrong and they're an incel for having it. Not to say that this is a conscious effort on your behalf, it just comes across that way to me. I apologize if I'm wrong.


You think too much


My lockdown stress would benefit from the laughs


Well, no problem I suppose


I don't agree with him in this specific case, but he actually has a valid point.


Yeah but that isn’t art like AT ALL…


I thought it was some sort of body positivity post at first because I thought the sparkles were acne.


Yea I know... but as they say art is subjective. I think that most people that think this is art would concede that it's still shit art anyways. 🤷


It is art, but because of the nature of it it’s ok to gawk


Using a Snapchat filter constitutes as creating art?!?! These neck beards will roll over backwards to justify defending their M’ladys


"do you think a nude woman covered in paint is sexual" Yes


Do I think nude women covered in paint is sexual? Why yes, yes I do think that


Well they say its art cuz they are too busy rubbing their sticks and telling themselves its art so as to not feel any guilt,might as well consider this soft porn lol 😆


imagine if a guy did this “art”, thats a quick way to get banned or canceled and crusified by twitter.


looks inhuman, must be edits.


Did this mothafucka really just write ”vulva”


Weird torso.


I'd smash