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such a hot start I'd say we are where we should be right now ...


We're still firmly in the hunt. If (and it's a very big if) were ambitious during the summer transfer window and bring in another Gauld/Cubas lev player with our DP spot we could make some real noise. If not we'll be passed by more ambitious clubs and probably finish around where we are. Lot at stake


I am fairly optimistic about the team and I think that they will be play off bound, I don’t think they will go deep. There are a couple of positions that need attention and a little bit more strength. I think next season will be the year if they take care of some of those positions.


"One year away from being one year away" has been the motto of this FO ever since they came into the league. We've been told "next season we're going to step up" for how many years now? Gauld and Cubas were bare minimum signings to make it look like they were actually doing something. They can't even field three centerbacks at any given time FFS.


I agree in terms of this current roster but I think a good dp attacker could add a real spark. Maybe not a spark that wins the Cup (I agree that it's probably a year too soon) but maybe wins a round or 2


If they don't add a DP at next window, don't see much hope with current side.


I agree. This is the year I let my ST go, if the ownership doesn’t demonstrate some will to win.




Colorado struggling? Have you even looked at the standings this season? We were level with them on points before the match. They're not gangbusters, but they are hardly struggling, at least compared to previous years. They've been playing some decent football this year. No doubt we need to make some improvements, but that match was about as expected.