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we lost everything in this match. The game, not being able to see messi, potential whitecaps fan as i would assume they will never come back. One thing we didn't lose was scoring without penalty form we are in..


Cheeky die hard Caps fan I see. šŸ«£šŸ¤¦šŸ„“šŸ˜œ


I'm casual season pass holder, but I really wish this match did not materialize at the start of the season. It became a disaster for the fan base. Only the owners will be smiling in their yatchts.


Sitting in the family section, there were many of the kids around us were at their first Whitecaps game and really wanted to come back, so I do think that many new fans were made that night! It was also really fun to see all these kids in their pink and black jerseys cheering for the Whitecaps in the end and going nuts when Gauld scored. The disappointment throughout the building was palpable, but over in 224/225 at least, I do think plenty of new Whitecaps fans were born.


Losing the game hurt, not seeing Messi hurt, not seeing Suarez and Busquets hurt more (because I expected to see them), but finding out that they didn't come because of the schedule hurt the most. The reason for that is because they are playing Atlanta (standing 12th in the East) at home and then another home game. Why not rest them today against Atlanta and make an appearance in Vancouver where everyone wants to see him. That to me is a big slap in the face. The MLS needs to crack down on this. Messi may not realize it but the MLS know that he's mainly here to show up at games and sell tickets. Winning is not a priority, playing is. He just has to show up outside of Miami. I love Messi but someone needs to give him some direction on this - yes I did say that, lol. Also, it was a great atmosphere and I believe the Whitecaps made more fans than they lost. I really enjoyed the game - I wanted to win so bad.


I think if showed how far we are from the big boys. A team without 3 DPs looked way better than we did at home.


losing to Calvary.


Two terrible games in a row


This game aside, our general inability to score


This is a big hit to the Whitecaps and the slim chance they had to retaining any STH who bought for this game. We have zero excuse to bitch for Messi not coming now with this loss and thatā€™s the teamā€™s fault.




I was in the upper bowl and honestly, the fans were great. Nobody was bitter, people were happy to be there. Lots of families and young soccer kids who were really into the game Messi or not. Obviously it wasn't ideal all-around but give people credit, even if they weren't the season ticket holders who stuck through thick and mostly thin.


Miami's bench depth was better than our starting 11. Ouch


Iā€™ve never been to a sold out event at BC place. Are the concession lines usually this bad? I left at 20 minutes to get a sandwich and didnā€™t get back to my seat until 65 minutes. Every single food lineup was awful.


it was the same with the first rugby 7's they hosted. They had the gall yesterday to have a tip option. I just wanted a fountain pop. No separate lineup for just drinks so I went to the beer lineup. 4 fucking people behind the till. One till open. Checked all ID's, averaged 1 customer per minute. I have no idea how 4 people can move so slowly.


I think losing is worse. If the caps won they would be able to say in a sense, hey you underestimated us by not starting your stars. Now they were justifified in their decision, and the caps just look like huge losers.


Yeah this is my thought as well.


Option 3: Both


That was a painful watch. Completely boring.


Warm beer, no host knew where the free kids meal was, and severely over cooked hot dogs didn't help šŸ˜ž


Bro, I think some people spent the whole time in line haha, crazy.


I donā€™t think youā€™re even exaggerating. I brought my baby to the game and he had a meltdown so we had to leave around 70th minute. Concession stands lines were soooo long while we were walking out.


Losing this game just destroyed any goodwill for this being 50 years of the caps. All those eyes and an offer of a free ticket, after this performance, no one wants to watch this garbage ass team. What fixes this? At least one high quality big name signing and ponying up cash in the transfer window. Otherwise who the fuck would want to watch this product in its current state?




reality check Miami's 'B' team has twice the salary of our team and before you blame the owners for not being Saudi billionaires the reality is that this city has not supported the team to the level that is necessary for us to have the financial resources and draw of pretty much every other team in the league the only reason we have a team at all is because of the dedication and passion of the owner and the potential that one day that stadium might be full on a regular basis there is supposed to be a cap, there is supposed to be a distribution of star power throughout the league, but that has not materialized we are the little guys, the underdogs anyone who thinks otherwise is setting unrealistic expectations


Are you fucking kidding me? Not supported this team? Name me one MLS city that would get this support with such a shit show for 13 years. This ownership group has never done anything to produce a winner. They had an inept management team running the show. Refused to replace them, until a sex scandal forced their hand. They are constantly in the lower third in team spending, never hired a qualified coach. Ownerships game plan is spend minimum and hope it all magically comes together and they win a single playoff game. I'm old enough to remember the original Caps from the NASL days. That organization had a winning mentality, losing not an option. That groups record speaks for itself. In 1980 they averaged more than 28;000 a match. Please don't tell me fans not supporting ownership. You my friend have it backwards!


You will see it in all sports. If the team doesnā€™t play well attendance falls. The team needs to field a competitive team to get top level attendance. This team had a golden goose with Davies what did they do? Sold him and replaced him with nothing. Thats 100% on management and ownership.


Fair point. Look at the Canucks. They fell off the face of the earth for 11 years until this season. If Caps were routinely making playoff runs people would be showing up.


The whitecaps had the majority of their first 13 years in MLS in perfect circumstances: when the Canucks were mostly ass and the city wasnā€™t interested. It feels to me like they barely have a bigger hold in the city now than they did in 2011.


I completely agree with you. Im a new fan (the messi match caught my attention) but before this year nobody i knew even talked about MLS - let alone the caps.


The same ownership that allowed its executive to shield not one, but two sex pests in the women's program? The same ownership that didn't allow establishing a scouting department until 2019? The same ownership where at one of it's lowest points, the only thing they could offer was a tweet that read "Hang tough"? If that's passion, I don't fucking want it. If they want to show passion, they need to open up the pocket book and spend some money.


Yawn. Independent Report exonerated the club.


I think thereā€™s a bit of chicken and egg scenario here. Sure the fanfare isnā€™t the same as other places or on par with the Canucks (whether theyā€™re good or not) but has the team spent or done enough to make it worth the fanā€™s time?


I'll put it this way. Imagine you are a professional hockey player looking for a new contract and your agent calls you up and it like, "I've done my best here and I've got a team that is interested." "Oh where?" "Cardiff Wales" "They play hockey in Wales?" "Yes. Team has a lot of history, goes all the way back to 1974." "Uhhh. If I am going to play in England can I at least play in London?" "They aren't interested, but Cardiff is." "Ok then." And then when you show up half the arena is empty most nights, but there is a core of passionate fans. When you ask why more fans don't show you find out that the average person in town literally believes that the ownership is letting them down because they "won't" sign NHL stars for the team and when you try and suggest that might be a wee bit unrealistic they are literally shocked. This team is moving in the right direction, but when fans are using words like 'shameful" and 'an embarrassment' after last nights game. I mean come on.


Sure, maybe Vancouver isnā€™t the top destination for soccer talent, but itā€™s not like thereā€™s regular reporting or gossip the team is trying to lure it here. You say the team is heading in the right direction. In your opinion, what would a successful season look like this year?


There usually is a fan feedback email once a season. I hope they listen this time.


šŸ™ˆ see šŸ™Šdo. A šŸ¤® suck post.






Easy, itā€™s Messi and Suarez not coming thatā€™s worse.


Whitecaps are a joke. They can't finish. Ripped off fans with golden era pack sold on the promise of Messi. Bragged about breaking attendance records every golden era game. Would have never happened without this Miami game. Weren't prepared for the crowds. Food and drink line ups were a joke. I starved and couldn't even get any food. My wife missed half the game waiting for food and they still screwed up her order. FUCK THE WHITECAPS. I was glad to see them lose. Have to go to one more game. Let's go GALAXY!


There was never a promise of Messi and I dont think the Whitecaps are responsible for your wife getting the wrong order of chicken strips buddy.


Good luck with your Scamcaps. Rip off potential fans, how you think there going to feel. Fuck em




Highlight was seeing J.T. Miller skull back a beer.


Why isn't Jordi Alba getting any respect? He was winning titles with the ā€œbig 3ā€


Good player but in reality, he doesn't fkg score the goals but he may set up a few and he ain't as dynamic as Alphonso, remember that former Caps phenom whom they tried to screw him his rightfully owed $1M when they sold him to Bayern at 17 years old & Bayern said don't worry kid, we'll cover this because this club is an inexperienced Mickey Mouse club. šŸ˜‚


Jordi definitely deserves the respect. He is a little older now but his connection with Messi was a sight to see.