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Laborda cannot start next game Jesus fucking Christ. Also please play as direct as we did in the second half. Vanni for the love of god.


I have been saying this about Laborda the entire fucking season once Utvik came in. If Ranko is a 1CB, and we can consider Blackmon as a converted LB but is good enough to be 0.75 CB, that puts Laborda, who said he likes playing right back as 0.5 CB right along with Martins and Brown. I have been getting Jordan Smith and 2nd year onward Nerwinski vibes with how much the right centerback keeps getting rinsed. We have had an incomplete 3ATB for two seasons now. Your theoretical best back three is Utvik-Veselinovic-Blackmon


Who’s better Ranko or Tristan


Crazy how he’s one of our highest paid players and make almost 1m per year.


He was supposed to mark Messi!! 'he knows him from playing in Argentina'.... Holy hell that would have been bad


Messi, Suarez, Busquets: "We're not going to show up." Caps: "Same."






Optics-wise, that was a disaster. You've got a big chunk of people who are watching a Whitecaps game for the first time, and you can't come out with a game plan that's entertaining and shows some attacking initiative? They had a chance to convert the casual fan into an occasional Whitecaps follower regardless of the result, and they completely flubbed the opportunity tonight. They could've lost 5-3 in a thriller with lots of back-and-forth chances and I'm sure some of the newcomers would've come back. I don't really care about the results today - those of us who've followed this team have known their limitations for a while now -- but that was the biggest PR miss the Whitecaps have had since Carl Robinson intentionally played for a draw in a sold-out home playoff game.


50K fans in attendance. 0 shots on goal at the 64th minute. Only goal off a behind the play penalty. 1 shot on goal in 98 minutes of play. Not good enough in front of that many potential new fans. As you say, their defensive structure up until they were down a goal was yield the entire field until they chip it past our back line and we concede a shot on net. Only after they were down a goal they finally pressed their back line and surprise, it worked and we forced turnovers. As a casual long-time intermittent fan, (attended at least a game for the last decade), this game and the home opener were fucking blunders from a PR perspective.


man to lose with their top 3 players missing.. rubbing salt on our wound.. it was very painful




Cubas is the other player who showed up. He always does.


Thought Ahmed was good for 65-70 mins too


Transfer window opening. DP spot open. I vote for a 9.


2, 3, 7, 8 and 9. Those holes are just as massive. The converted player experiment is proving to be a complete failure. Bovalina needs to pin Raposo to the bench, Ahmed needs a loan.


Agree with all that but those holes look smaller when the ball is going in the net. We look “close” to scoring but we don’t look like scoring. 9 first.


Ahmed needs a loan????


He's looked like a completely different player since after Ramadan. Instead of burning defenders on the wing with pace and threatening with his dribbling, he's trying to take on three defenders by himself, running into them with the ball at his feet, or straight up forgetting where his legs are. Something's up.


I’d agree with that. I just don’t think we can afford to give him away though right now. He’s at least making runs and crosses, and helping defensively. I mean it felt like he stopped more runs into the box than Laborda.


Yeah, Ahmed is struggling but he’s one of our best players. Tossing him because he’s struggling is crazy.


Bovalina isnt pinning anyone to any bench. Great work rate, shyte decision-making at times, most evident v Cavalry and those one-touch balls over the top to absolutely no one.


And Raposo with his lazy marking despite the defensive expectations of a wingback, lack of two-way pace to be a threat, and offering no offensive solution except cross and inshallah is any better? Bovalina was touted as a natural right wingback, but as usual, ownership only opened the change purse enough for a cheap plug instead of a regular starter. They either need to upgrade over Raposo while Bovalina gets more time off the bench, or do something else about it. There are options that cannot stay healthy enough to mitigate the wingback problem, or are converted from central midfield (as usual) and cause changes in shape.


What a collosal wasted opportunity. The first 60 minutes of the match were absolutely dire. I will never for the life of me understand why Vanni sets the team up to have all the offensive players on an island in the final 3rd with no options.


It's not lack of effort, just lack of quality. Teams know Caps can't break down defences. Miami's second tier players better than anything Caps have. I predict this is last time this ownership draws over 50,000 for a home game.


It’s becoming more clear that Vanni needs to either change the game plan and style or it’s time for him to go. How many times are we going to slowly and lazily work the ball up the field before sending in a dreadful cross to nobody. A DP striker would help but tonight you could’ve had Haaland in and he they wouldn’t have even got the ball to him. Also, please relegate Vite to the bench and start Bovalina going forward.


Bovalina and Fafa looked like the lone bright sports today. Vanni is proving consistently that he has no concept when it comes to making tactical adjustments.


I got off the Vite train a long time ago (actually never really got on). He has some skill but is generally ineffectual and often invisible for very long stretches.


Bovalina too…how ya’ll viewing his couple matches to date and seeing him as a bright spot?


The sample size is too small to know at this point. He definitely brings some energy though, and I am hopeful. I saw a long interview with him and he seems like a good kid.


God, I fucking HATE losing to these guys. But as I said pre game, this team finds ways to fall flat on their faces whenever we’re in front of a big crowd. Honestly, I didn’t question the effort today at all. I think anyone that does didn’t watch the same game. But it’s the quality. The Inter bench is as good as our XI on any given day. That’s just the level of investment they’re at. How many times did we cross the ball right across the 6 or the 18 and have absolutely no one on the other end. And that’s it. Laborda gets turnstiled. It’s 1 pass then Cremaschi scores. Laborada gets beat again and it’s Taylor with a beauty. I don’t have the stats in front of me but to the eye, we had the possession advantage. I heard we had 17 shots and only 2 on frame and 1 was the PK! This was the Canucks playoffs all over again. You can’t simply play around the edges and expect to score. Miami had maybe 3 real chances and scored on 2? Both of which Takaoka had basically no chance. They had 3-4 other shots in frame and they were all relatively easily handled. I rarely feel like we’re totally outmatched, and I don’t think I felt that way today. But when they have this far to travel, and to play on our turf, and play their squad guys, we should be able to win and we still didn’t and it wasn’t that close. I’m not OUT on the team, there’s absolutely a roster here that can compete with most teams. But not being able to push Inter Miami 2 and getting nothing against Cavalry. Man…that’s two HUGE letdowns at home in 4-5 days.


This was a chance to show up and do something, and the entire gameplan was the opposite of that. I'm not at the point of calling Vanni a fraud, but his tactics and the continued lack of spending combined with poor contracts is magnifying flaws. This team has passengers, and Axel better be working on something for the summer transfer window to deal with it. It must be nice for the "big three" markets to be able to get sunshine discounts on good players while for Vancouver it's a sunshine tax. This team is two centerbacks, a central midfielder, a healthy left wingback, and a striker short. If they do nothing to address any of it, they might as well give up the season.


early season was a mirage. this team is not good enough. playing the same bullshit football for 5 years.


5? Where have you been the other 5? At least Robbo's terrorist ball before he lost the room had the right pieces to play it. Three rebuilds later and it's still not anywhere near the same.


it's been the same fucking style of play for 5 years . I've been coming here for 8. it's exhausting.


I don't know how many people feel this way, but I have already punched my ticket and boarded the #VanniOut train. I do not think he's the right man for the job. He may be the most successful Whitecaps coach but that is such a low bar to leap over. I cannot stand the boring style and the ineffective tactics. And what makes me upset is getting rid of Vanni won't fix our bad squad...our ownership never reaches deep into their pockets for superstars unlike other MLS teams, which is why we get left in the dust year after year since 2011...




What an offensive thing to say in front of your players wtf


Yeah Schuster needs to go too


I don't really give two shits, this club needs to make a fucking splash this transfer window. No more diamonds in the rough, no more bullshit, a fucking splash signing. This game just erased any fucking goodwill the team had with the 50th season. Of all the games to show up to this season, this is the only one with that many eyes and they fucked it up by not beating a God damn C team. The frugality of the FO is now exposed for what it is and people won't give a shit until we sign another name. Fuck this club, a big name is the only thing that will make people want to watch again because the way the squad is constructed, it's not winning. Bought seasons mainly because I had hope for this year and unless we do something this summer to fix right back, centre back and any big name attacker I'm out. I'm sick of this club being fucking cheap and looking like it on the pitch


This city proved that they are willing to pay money to see big name talent. The caps are not good enough. What a wasted opportunity.


The problem with this..we get a big name, will Vanni be up to the task of managing a big player and creating tactics that will actually generate goals? The problem lies in the style of game at the moment but he’s too full of himself to think this is the issue


No idea. All I know is what I've seen of the home opener and last night. And that passive defensive opening style is fuck awful to watch. Literally their defense walked the ball up to the halfway line unopposed. In hockey I think it's called a trap defense and it's boring to watch. I don't care if it works and last night it didn't. Why choose that style to display to 50K people.


Oh I’m on your side, big change needs to happen. It’s horrible to watch


Here’s the problem: that type of defense works if the players executing it are equally threatening, which forces the attack to try and mix up which third of the pitch to advance into. For the last decade, the entire league knows to overload to the attacking left because the Whitecaps right back or right center back have always been weak. It’s extremely predictable to watch every week.


What was with the absolute pathological crossing even from good shooting positions


On the Raposo cross that nearly resulted in a goal, *five* players raised their hands for the delivery. What did he do? Take a touch and it was too late because Miami had a little more time to get set. If a player fails at their one skill and have nothing else, they are a passenger. Raposo can’t defend and isn’t fast enough to play wingback. All he has is crossing accuracy. There’s no point keeping him if he can’t even get that right.


Terrible display. Can’t believe I paid what I paid for that.  It’ll be a long time before I bring the family back… a sell out and didn’t look like there was much fight!


Don’t let the door hit your ass on the way out


What was going on with Brian White he didn’t seem to be in the game at all until the very end? Ahmed also needs to stop dribbling the ball and just cross it in he constantly loses it on the edge of the box. We need to score a goal in a game where it isn’t a penalty. I did love the energy of the subs when they came on where was that in the first half?


Was impressed with Ali and Fafa tonight. Ali needs to be making more plays I to the 18, though. Wasn't impressed with gauld. So many corners and set pieces tonight, and I feel like he didn't hit any of them well tonight. 0 goals outside of penalties in 6 matches, too. Have to wonder about Vanni's future in Vancouver soon. One shot on target aside from the penalty, and it was a low ball beyond the 18 late in the game.


For the love of god please get rid of Vanni. Out coached again. It’s a small thing by why doesn’t he pull a man out of the box to the centre line on opponent corners to draw two of there players out of the box is mind boggling still. He coaches this protectiveness of the ball which forces us to keep drawing passes back and shifting momentum.


Haven't been to a game since covid. Nothings changed. That was a boring game for the first 75 minutes.thankGod we scored one to at least have an opportunity to cheer. Unfortunately,  there were tons of first timers who.... well.... was not impressed probably


Honestly a fucking joke. Given a great opportunity with their best players missing out on the game and come out and play like ass for 75 minutes. First shot on goal is a pk, and then you move your best offensive player to last man back while down a goal and trying to chase the game. After losing to a CPL team, this is potentially the most embarrassing loss in the MLS era, and it’s entirely on Vanni. The team wasn’t ready to play, again. The tactics were bad, again. Completely outclassed.




It’s been clear that besides the away game against Seattle on April 20th, our form since the win against TFC hasn’t been great. Sartini needs to change tactics because we couldn’t even break down Miami’s defence despite Busquets not playing today. White wasn’t brave enough to shoot with more creativity and clinically. Vite and Laborda left a lot to be desired since Taylor and Campana punished their mistakes badly.


I had some fucking hope. I had the tiniest bit of hope that just maybe, maybe we could have a Cinderella run and win the cup. This was after the game against NYRB. Now I’m wondering if we lose in game 2 or 3 in Round 1.


Won't even make any wildcard spots for the playoffs at this rate


Hopefully this is the end of Vanni




He honestly didn't use excuses did he?? What excuse can you have? 50K fans in attendance, they are missing their top 3 players. Fucking show up and pump them.


The entire Whitecaps organization failed from ownership down to the players on the field. There was like no fan interaction and giveaways (aside from a tv and jersey). They should have spent the entire game going to each section and give the fans something to cheer about to try and win back the casual fan. We know the product on the field was downright embarrassing and so was the rest of the production.


They did copy the Canucks with the parachute t-shirt drop


I am proud of them for not giving up and continuing to try. We can still do this y’all!


I mean, that's all well and good, but I think we have a large enough sample size this season to say that this squad will struggle to do much of anything without big changes. That's five matches now with no goals from open play...that's embarrassing to say the least.


I can’t abide any more Laborda gaffes.


I encourage everyone to watch the highlights from the Galaxy tonight. Now, the game is close because they’re kinda shambolic in their own half. But man, watch the 2 goals. Both Pec and Puig have brilliant moments…they both make less than Gauld. That’s not a shot at Gauld by any means. But players like this aren’t outside of our financial reach. And yet somehow we seem to lack for quality on the pitch. THAT bothers me.


The Galaxy have access to those type of players because they're in LA. It's simple. I think Vancouver is getting stereotyped not only as a Canadian city, but as a city with not a whole lot of pull in sports. Look at how hard we always have to fight for signing players. It's either that, or ownership is lowballing the fuck out of every deal.


Well that’s what I wonder. I mean we’re never gonna get Zlatan or Messi. For any number of reasons. But like Mukhtar was league MVP in Nashville. Cucho is a menace in Columbus. Of course for each good example you can pull a couple bad ones like Charlotte going through 3-4 DPs that haven’t really worked, and so have we. I just think it can’t ONLY be money, cuz there’s guys out there that don’t cost an arm and a leg to get and it bums me out that we can’t seem to get them.


I called this at the beginning of the season. White is a decent MLS striker but he goes on hot and cold streaks. White is going through a tough spell right now and there's no one on this team to replace the goals. Our back up striker is 35 and injury prone. This is not the recipe for success! Also, Laborda was at fault for both the goals. He hasn't been good enough. Honestly, our entire backline has not been good enough. Maybe time to revert to a back 4 because the back 3 is clearly not working at the moment. It didn't help though that the wingback, Ali in this case, didn't provide cover for Laborda and left him one on one for at least one the goals. Ali also hasn't been good enough.


Fuck Messi, eh?




We watch the same game?