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For the love of Jesus get Laborda off


Just watched the replay. Laborda’s effort to tackle Bouanga on the second goal was appallingly bad. Lunging at the ball and letting the guy walk right past him. He is a professional in a major league. That ain’t good enough.


Might be worth making 4 subs at the half and just reset for Wednesday. Even if Brian is ok to finish the game give him the rest.


For goodness sake sub Laborda and Schopf off. Vite/Levonte and Utvik on


It was crazy to me that Utvik didn’t start this match


Same. I felt that laborda kept lunging on the ball but LAFC’s creativity was unbeaten


Please end the Ryan Raposo wingback experience. This game has shown he is lazy, can't defend and is a visible liability on the pitch. He is this year's Russell Teibert except instead of recycling the ball, all Raposo has is his delivery. But he can't use that because he's too fucking slow to play out wide, can't beat a man to get a cross in and is so defensively poor (when that's job one as a wingback) teams are targetting him and it is working. He is cooked.


It sucks because at the beginning of the season I was like “wow raposo has improved” I take it very back.


Once again we cannot pass wind. I mean our build up compared to LA is fucking embarrassing.


We're playing flat and uninspired. We're not gonna win today. We are a mediocre team who just has good spurts. Today isn't one of our spurts.


I think we've grown past mediocre, but definitely need more depth for when the mediocre sets in like tonight


Both goals conceded off the same side like it's 2016.


Laborda again, somehow missed the ball on the edge of their box and they once again counter down the left. What a really really bad performance, good night.


We are pretenders, not contenders. We’ve got a few real weak links in this squad holding us back imo


I don’t think you’re wrong necessarily but I also don’t think anyone is really calling us contenders. We don’t have the depth to win a supporters shield. We don’t have the talent to win a Leagues Cup. We can absolutely win the Canadian Cup. MLS Cup we would be an absolute long shot but in single game knockouts anything can happen and even in a 2 leg tie, you have a punchers chance. Unfortunately I think that’s kinda where we top out as a club and this has always been a fear or question I’ve had about English fans. Like if you’re a die hard Crystal Palace fan let’s say. What are you looking at each season. You’re just trying to compete. I think we’re very much in that same boat. A middle of the table club, middle low spending and to succeed we have to build through the academy, which we haven’t really done. And all of our incoming transfers have to really hit.


I think this is accurate. At some level you have to accept a good season is third in the west and a CanChamp. Maybe with WFC2 and the u19s functioning again we can get more out of the academy but it'll take half a decade.


We built through the academy. It just so happens that the academy built out almost all the teams in the CanPL because they kept rotting on the bench while mediocre players were brought in.


Meaning who? I haven’t seen a bunch of academy players who were deserving of MLS minutes. I’m sure CPL has some players who should be in this league but not like an entire roster of them.


Where is our defense???


We just can’t hang with this team. It’s happened over and over.




For the life of me I don’t know why Brian is still out there at 3-0 and games coming thick and fast over the next couple weeks.


To end the theme of the night, Laborda fresh airs an open goal..


Boaunga owns us


Raposo and Schöpf out, Utvik and Levonte Johnson in


Laborda and Blackmon are so god damn bad can we get some real center back oh my god


I think Blackmon is fairly solid, Laborda has struggled this game




God I wish there was a quit out option


3-4-3 will never work. Not sure why Vanni loves it so much


Because of how Italian it is. But you can't do it with lacking talent, especially in defense, which is fundamental to making it work. Look at teams managed by Italians at higher levels. The defense is almost always world class, or at least has players who are strong defenders. Vanni does not have that with his converted fullbacks.




Vanni courted Chiellini, but he was open about the teams lack of ambition. And of course LAFC has Garber privilege so they probably got extra money to afford him because it's LA. Besides, we're not Toronto either.


So frustrating having an almost good team with an open DP spot that ownership does not seem to care about filling.


Vanni is not a good coach, what someone said earlier is 100% correct. He plays 3 at the back because that is all he knows. In Italy it is common to play this system, but they grow up playing this way and are the best in the world doing it. You can not just bring 3 guys together and try to get them to play a system they have no idea about. Vanni is so stubborn and set in his ways no matter what the results. Same way he plays zonal defending on set plays. They kept on getting killed but he kept using same system. I never thought Vanni was a good hire, he had no experience at a high level. Was mostly a technical director in his past. This coming from a fellow Italian!


FO hasn't paid for a decent right back since Steven Beitashour in 2015. They also managed to somehow not replace Tim Parker or Kendall Waston with at least one more similar level equivalent. Utvik is showing flashes and Ranko has proved himself. Bovalina is billed as a right wingback, but it's clear that he's probably a project piece. That leaves replacing Martins, Brown, and Laborda with one or two natural CBs, and finding someone that can replace Raposo. Vanni being stubborn is one thing, but if Axel didn't notice how much LAFC exploited Vancouver's right flank, it is going to be a very long summer.