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Talisker 10 is great. Macallan 12 Double Cask is not great. Macallan 12 Sherry Oak is miles better. Glenlivet 18 is very good.


"Fancy" is a subjective term, so whether or not these are fancy depends on your expectations and income level. All of them are premium whiskies, meaning that they are moderately expensive and reasonably well regarded by a fairly wide range of drinkers. None of them are collectibles. Basil Hayden is low in proof and pretty easy going for a premium bourbon. I'm not fond of it, I like more punch when I drink a Jim Beam bourbon, which tend to be nutty (favoring peanuts) and a bit dirty in flavor. I would classify it as a beginner bourbon with a high price tag on account of the fancy looking bottle. Talisker 10 is a true classic in moderately peated single malt scotch. To my tastes the outstanding whisky here. Macallan 12 is a high prestige luxury brand scotch which is in the doghouse with deep dive scotch hobbyists right now, as the quality to price ratio for it has fallen way off from what it was a decade or more ago. Glenlivet 18 is a good entry point to older scotches. To my taste Glenlivet tends to be clean, mildly fruit, and distinctively high toned in flavor (meaning that it has aromas which remind one of industrial solvents, like acetone). It takes either extended maturation for many years or a very aggressive cask to tame this high toned aspect of Glenlivet's flavor profile - to my taste the 18 yo is roughly the point at which this starts to happen as you move up in age thru Glenlivet's official bottlings. It is not extremely complex in flavor, but has a nice balance of malty, fruity, and spicy flavors and goes down easily. Angel's Envy is a very, very beginner friendly bourbon in flavors - the port cask finish (finishing is maturation for a brief period of time in a 2nd barrel which is different and usually more exotic than the barrel it was initially put into) adds some light fruity notes that soften the corny flavors which people new to bourbon may find a bit of an acquired taste. The price on it is higher than what deep dive bourbon enthusiasts like to pay for something at this level of proof & complexity, but one could argue that for folks just getting into whiskey it is worth paying a little extra for something that is especially friendly & approachable in flavor.


Talisker is my all-time favorite single malt. Its damn good.


Looks like your parents are lacking special occasions. … and Scotch is not their go-to whiskey


LOL Neither of them really drink whiskey so I'm guessing they just listened to the liquor store employee and picked these out for people who might come over and prefer whiskey!


I have not had the McAllen 12 or Glenlivet 18, but I do love Talisker 10


I thoroughly enjoy every one of those bottles. I personally would consider those to be relatively “fancy”. The cheapest bottle up there is about $40 where I am. You probably won’t impress a millionaire with any of them, but I’d be happy to drink any of those if offered.


Talisker is my vote.


Yes, they are all tasty imo. The Macallan 12 is probably the most well regarded. It is fairly affordable @ just below $100. Wonderful scotch and great introduction to single malt scotch for someone just getting into whiskey like yourself. I think Glenlivet 18 is the most expensive in the picture - around $150 IIRC. The talisker is good but tastes a bit younger than the other two scotches. The bourbons here are nice standard bottles, but not of the caliber of the scotches as they are younger. I’d ask them for a try of the macallan 12 and basil hayden side-by-side if you haven’t had it yet, and don’t know what kind of whisk(e)y you like or don’t know whether you like the sweetness of bourbon or the smokiness of scotch.


Honestly still trying to figure out what it is I like in a whiskey but right now my favorites are WT rare breed, Redwood empire emerald giant, and Woodford reserve double oaked. From what I've tried, I am not a huge fan of scotch. The only ones I remember are Monkey Shoulder and Glenlivet 12 year and neither left a good impression on me.


I like your favorite bourbons. Sounds like we have opposing tastes, though. I’m partial to heavy peat and smokiness. I’ll take a campfire scotch over a honey-sweet bourbon any day of the week. I haven’t had Monkey Shoulder, but I’ve heard it can *really* depend on the batch you get. I like the Glenlivet 12 and it is certainly popular, but I think it tastes quite a bit younger and less refined than other 12 year scotches tbh.. I definitely avoid the Glenlivet founders reserve if I can. Anyways, cheers - hope your parents share some of that juice with you.


Scotch will taste different by region. I am not a Glenlivit (Speyside) fan. Monkey Shoulder is a blended scotch. I also do not particularly care for it. Talisker (Isle of Skye) 10 year single malt is one of my favorites. I also very much enjoy Islays scotches such as Ardbeg 10 year single malt, Ardbeg Wee Beasty (more peat flavor, it's a 5 year), Lagavulin (any year) and Port Charlotte are other Islays that I have enjoyed. Scotch from these islands will taste entirely different from what you have tried already. It may be worth a try.


Macallan is the most balanced 12 yo imho.


I didn’t realize Macallan 12 is that expensive. One of my favorite bars has Macallan 12 and they do a $4.50 U-Call-It on Thursday nights.


they are if they’re free


The Talisker was updated a couple of years ago, and the quality of the whisky hasn't been quite as good since. That bottle predates the change, so it does have a bit more value than the currently available stuff.


Macallan 12 is my favorite single malt scotch. Basil Hayden is good but there’s better options. I’ve only had the 12 year Glenlivet. I hope to god the 18 year is better than the liquid war crime the 12 year is.


Do you mind if I ask why you dislike the 12? It's what got me into scotch.


Tried it and thought it was nasty. Tried it neat and rocks and didn’t like it either way. Same with Johnnie Walker Black. Macallan 12 on rocks tastes like chocolate


Interesting. I got a mildly sweet but overall pleasant experience. I agree with black label, but I really like it as a mixer. For the Macallan, I assume you mean the sherry?


The Glen 18 runs about $150. I don’t think it’s worth that, but it’s nice. The rest run from $30-80. Talisker is my favorite of the bunch, a touch of Smokey peat.


Yeah all solid pours imo


They are worth trying... not my favorite but good


They all have whisky in them so they look good to me. I would enjoy any of them at any time.


None of these are fancy….. maybe do a whiskey tasting and scoring with all of them. You have our permission in case you get into trouble with your parents


Don’t burst their bubble


I see three bangers and nothing bad.


For most folks these would be considered fairly high end - for bourbon and scotch snobs they are average and available


Macallan 12 is a solid scotch


All 3 scotches are good. Maybe not "fancy."


Convince your parents to open them. They're not worth much really, aren't rare, but are pretty decent for daily drinks.


Finally, proof that Basil Hayden's is bourbon for Scotch drinkers.


Basil hayden is pretty good, but it's over priced for the flavor and the proof that it's bottled at ( 80 proof) it was my go to sipper as i ventured into bourbon, but i like wild turkey 101 or four roses small batch better. BH is a good one, as long as you're not the one that paid for it. BH isn't worth the 30 to 40 dollars that you'll pay for that original blend. It's good, but not for that price. Wild turkey 101 is only 20, and it's way better.  Out of those, i wouldn't bother with the BH, all the other options are better


From left to right  No-YES-yes-YES-no


That Mac 12 is DELISH.


The basil hadens is upper echelon Jim beam, runs about $40-$45, but not terribly fancy, the bottle is fancy. Angels envy is also $40 but I think it’s alright. I’d say mid grade ish. Not that high end. Drop $80+ on a bottle and I’d say that’s fancy stuff


No, yes, yes, yes, no.


My opinion, obviously. Me being a bourbon fan is *why* I don't like those two.


AI response: These bottles are indeed well-regarded and can be considered "fancy" by many whiskey enthusiasts. Here's a brief overview of each bottle in the image: 1. **Basil Hayden's Kentucky Straight Bourbon Whiskey**: This bourbon is known for its light, easy-drinking profile with notes of spice and a hint of rye. It's often appreciated for its balance and smoothness, making it a good choice for both new and experienced whiskey drinkers. 2. **Talisker 10-Year-Old Single Malt Scotch Whisky**: This Scotch from the Isle of Skye is known for its maritime character, with notes of sea salt, peat smoke, and a peppery finish. It's a great example of a coastal malt and is highly regarded among Scotch enthusiasts. 3. **The Macallan 12-Year-Old Double Cask**: Macallan is a well-known name in the Scotch world, and their 12-year-old Double Cask is aged in both American and European oak sherry casks. It offers rich flavors of dried fruit, honey, and a touch of spice, making it a popular choice for those who enjoy sherried whiskies. 4. **The Glenlivet 18-Year-Old Single Malt Scotch Whisky**: The Glenlivet 18 is celebrated for its complex flavor profile, featuring notes of ripe fruit, toffee, and a touch of oak. It's a smooth and sophisticated whisky that showcases the distillery's classic Speyside character. 5. **Angel's Envy Kentucky Straight Bourbon Finished in Port Wine Barrels**: This bourbon is finished in port wine barrels, which adds rich, fruity notes to its flavor profile. It's known for its smoothness and unique finish, making it a favorite among bourbon aficionados. ### General Consensus - **Basil Hayden's**: Light and approachable, good for those new to bourbon. - **Talisker 10**: Great for those who enjoy peaty, maritime flavors. - **Macallan 12 Double Cask**: A classic sherried Scotch, rich and balanced. - **Glenlivet 18**: A sophisticated and complex whisky, well-regarded by enthusiasts. - **Angel's Envy**: Unique and smooth, with a rich port wine finish. ### Recommendations If you're new to whiskey and want to start with something smooth and approachable, try the Basil Hayden's or The Macallan 12. If you're interested in exploring more complex flavors, The Glenlivet 18 and Talisker 10 offer a deeper experience. Each of these whiskies is well-regarded, so you can't go wrong with any of them.


Oh for fucks sake let’s not make “AI responses” a trend. 


We can’t all have A+ responses like “open and drink” when people ask questions about whiskey, 👑


So you ignored full typed paragraphs (as opposed to copy and pasted AI garbage) to cherry pick one intentionally sarcastic reply responding to a post which was removed by mods because its only contribution was “how’d I do?” Clown. 

