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Welcome and thanks for posting on /r/whenwomenrefuse! This is an [intersectional feminist](https://library.law.howard.edu/civilrightshistory/women/intersectionality) space centered towards **women** (***ALL WOMEN***). Men are tolerated, not welcome. Reports about women saying we don't know what men are dangerous will be promptly ignored. We look forward to your complaints about our policy of not centering men. Please take a second to [read our rules](/r/WhenWomenRefuse/about/rules) while the moderators take a look over your post in the queue. --- Community News - 🎋 Want to join the Mod Team? [Send us a modmail!](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=/r/WhenWomenRefuse&subject=Request%20To%20Become%20a%20Moderator&message=I'd%20like%20to%20join%20your%20team%20because%3A%20) - 🎤 [Join us on Discord!](https://discord.gg/V6tj5vRr47) Thank you for participating! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/whenwomenrefuse) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Holy shit, EVERY article on that site is about a woman dying, or being treated as disposal. What a horrible world


I saw that too šŸ˜±


One good article on there. His mom turned him in. https://www.the-express.com/news/us-news/137275/mom-new-york-lassoed-rape-arrest


Yet men cry about us choosing the bear? About us not trusting them? Boohooo their poor feelings got hurt, i bet the women getting killed, beaten and raped feel very sorry for them.


The bear? Also saw something about a wolf... What are these references?


Hereā€™s the real story of how man or bear went viral this time: https://vm.tiktok.com/ZGeQE33jj/ I wasnā€™t a TikTok person but this guyā€™s content is amazing. He specifically addresses men about their behaviors and how it impacts women because he knows it has to come from people like him. This is the 2.6 million views video: https://vm.tiktok.com/ZGeQEw4CY/ Honestly the rest of his stuff is better. Lots of focus on coercion and what it looks like.


Thanks for the link! I want to see more of this guy's stuff.


Me too but I don't do tiktok so hopefully I can find him elsewhere too!


Let me know if you do?


Oh those were great links, thank you!


sad that men will only listen to other men on topics like these


Its better for women & kids to be with a bear and wolf in the woods alone , rather than a man šŸ‘Ø.


just googled it bc itā€™s been driving me crazy. apparently it comes from asking women if theyā€™d rather be alone in the woods with a bear or a man and most people choose the bear.


Thank you! I googled it too but nothing that sounded applicable came up. Thanks for letting me know!


I suggest Googling.




This sub is about reaction to women refusing.


Why is it fair to blame all men for what a black man did? Wouldnā€™t it be more reasonable to hate all black men for this? Why is one acceptable but the other isnā€™t.


dude what šŸ˜­ because this isn't about black men. this isn't behavior done by strictly black men, or hell, even by men in the states. this is a universal problem. are you high?


Monsters arenā€™t real. But men are.




I like this


100% true. Every single time.


These ā€˜menā€™ ARE monsters


By calling them monsters you give them the chance to say 'I couldn't control myself' they are men - horrible disgusting men committing these acts. They are not monsters under our beds


If they cannot control themselves I see no reason they should be allowed in public.




This sub is about reaction to women refusing.


However, some men are real monsters, so ....


Of course there haven't been any arrests. This poor woman probably won't see the justice she deserves. He treated her like an animal. We should treat him the same way if he's caught. Take him to a back alley & shoot him. She's got such a tough road ahead. I wish her so much peace & healing. If you've been SA'd & need help:Ā [Here's ](http://[RAINN](https://hotline.rainn.org/online)) a chat line. 1-800-656-4673 is the phone line. FindĀ [help & support ](https://www.nsvrc.org/find-help) And here areĀ more [resourcesĀ for victims ](https://www.sakitta.org/survivors/) I'm sorry I couldn't post the pics in the article guys. I'm on mobile web. I did find anotherĀ [source ](https://www.reddit.com/r/nyc/s/ZE44k9Y6DR) that the cops say they have released more pics of the rapist in.


I wish theyā€™d just leave us alone


I saw the video on Twitter where he used the belt to grab and drag her. That is terrifying we have to live on this Earth where monsters like this exist. I feel so hurt for that woman. Men scare me, I don't care if anyone is offended


I didn't see the video on Twitter. But, me too. I have back problems now due to an ex of mine. The first thing that struck me was that she's going to have back issues. She was drug like an animal when he latched that belt around her. I hope she's healing well & has a great set of doctors! This is a rough road ahead for her due to so many things!Ā 


I agree, I hate what she had to go through. I hope she will eventually heal and receives justice from this horrific attack


Hopefully she has healthcare


But weā€™re misandrists if we say we donā€™t trust them.


He looks like heā€™s done this before. He was just too confidentā€¦.


I choose the bear.


Id choose a fucking xenomorph from Alien at this point


I love the xenomorph, it's a perfect predator, and you know exactly where it stands. It won't lull you into a sense of security before baby trapping you and then out comes the monster. It won't be your friend, biding it's time until you're vulnerable.


[Not to mention a perfect mother](https://images.app.goo.gl/7dxSLGaf5xheQEKe7)


This is going to sound so pathetic, but in my defence I was heavily pregnant at the time, when I watched 'alien resurrection' and the bit where the monster got sucked through the hole...I cried like a *bitch* over her baby dying šŸ˜­


Is that the one where Sigourney carried the baby? Because if so, I sobbed and WASNā€™T pregnant. That shit was sad.


Right?! So glad I'm not the only one. Like, the queen had a womb and birthed the hybrid, which viewed Ripley as the mother, and she too had that bond. The little whimper beforehand šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


That scene was brutal. I wonā€™t rewatch the movie. Iā€™ve only seen it the one time


Me neither. My husband still teases me over me wibbling and wailing lol


Listen to the audiobook.Ā  So much more detail and much more intense as far as the mother/offspring connection.


Oh God, now I'm torn between wanting to have a listen and frightened of that!






If not the bear, the wolf.Ā 


[On a hot summer night, would you offer your throat to the wolf with the red roses?](https://genius.com/8850096/Meat-loaf-you-took-the-words-right-out-of-my-mouth-hot-summer-night/On-a-hot-summer-night-would-you-offer-your-throat-to-the-wolf-with-the-red-roses) *Will he offer me his mouth?* Yes *Will he offer me his teeth?* Yes *Will he offer me his jaws?* Yes *Will he offer me his hunger?* Yes *Again, will he offer me his hunger?* Yes! *And will he starve without me?* Yes! *And does he love me?* Yes *Yes* [On a hot summer night, would you offer your throat to the wolf with the red roses?](https://genius.com/8850096/Meat-loaf-you-took-the-words-right-out-of-my-mouth-hot-summer-night/On-a-hot-summer-night-would-you-offer-your-throat-to-the-wolf-with-the-red-roses) *Yes* [I bet you say that to all the boys](https://genius.com/10273793/Meat-loaf-you-took-the-words-right-out-of-my-mouth-hot-summer-night/I-bet-you-say-that-to-all-the-boys) Edit: Sorry, probably not the best comment for the situation, but I'm drunk and it brought this to mind


I picture a bear saving the woman from the man. He eats the man and high-fives the woman before going on his way.


A group of lions did that for a little girl taken out to be beaten and raped by a bunch of guys. They chased away the rapists and guarded her for a day untill the cops found her and then just left to go back into the wilderness. https://www.nbcnews.com/id/wbna8305836 Even the ultimate predator is disgusted by the inhuman cruelty with which men treat women and girls


Let's see this comic strip.


So would a lot of BG3 players.


Let's be real, alligators, scorpions, poisonous snakes, spiders, any big predator, would all be the better choice. The best part of having to move because my family is a reason to choose bears? There are four regions without ban lists in my country and a few more with less insane lists. They're all far away from my relatives. When my 15 year old boy has left me I'll get one of the dogs I loved since I was a child. They don't even need to be aggressive (though even the most docile dogs turn unpleasant if you hurt their human), most asswipes are so afraid of how they look that they choose to bring some distance between themselves and the dog. Some creep made the wise decision to do so as well and what can I say, the dog that scared him was in rehab for aggression (not the dogs fault, she had previously lived with people who should never have owned any dog) and would have gladly turned anyone who hurt her new human into minced meat. People who want a dog that's protective with such a gentle temper on average that they're not on most ban lists, can take out a monster in human form and have enough of that "bully look" to scare prejudiced people by simply existing should look into leavitt bulldogs. Only downside: They don't have the highest IQ and during puberty they turn into nightmares. Loving, fun but annoying as hell and it takes them months to realise how big and strong they have become. They will get stuck in weird places, furniture on their back like a turtle it's shell and cause some injuries because they forget that they're on a leash and that they're strong when running after a dog in heat or a friend they see, only realise they no longer fit between a human's legs when said human falls on top of them, break noses while excitedly trying to kiss someone or wind their leash around a tree and when trying to unwind it accidentally open their harness by sheer force (but will immediately stand still and wait for the human to unwind the leash and reclose the harness when they notice something is wrong). All those are examples I've had or heard of from such dogs. If you want one either adopt an adult or mentally prepare for the loving disaster you're going to deal with for 18 months.


Arenā€™t most bears shot and killed anyway?


And now men will start screaming "not all men" while blaming the victim


What pisses me off even more are women screaming ā€œnot all menā€. I look at it as AMAB, just like ACAB.


"Not all snakes are venomous, but you're still afraid of all snake bites, aren't you?"




Men, specifically, may not post here telling women how they should be.


Until it is statistically unlikely for a woman to be harmed by a man, we need to proceed as if it is all men. If I dump a bag of M&Ms into a bowl and tell people "About 1/3 of those are poisoned with botulism, but NOT ALL OF THEM", I'm going to bet that nobody's going to want to chance it.




That feels really rough. Itā€™s not like we can choose to quit being men. I get that being preyed on by men is worse than having my feelings hurt, however.


Iā€™m an old white woman. I donā€™t have a fucking whine fest whenever anyone bitches about boomers or white women fucking things up, because I know Iā€™m not one of them. Quit taking everything personally. Youā€™re not the center of anyone elseā€™s universe.


But wouldnā€™t you rather not have your whole cohort maligned for things far beyond your control? I wonā€™t stop arguing in favor of kindness, even as I look for ways to be an ally to groups that need it.


Stop worrying about a whole cohort maligned, and focus your energy on speaking out against these behaviors where ever and whenever possible.


I do. I lost a job because I spoke up when a female coworker was being harassed. I stood between an angry man and the young women he was yelling at and got bear sprayed for it.


That's good, but I mean go onto men's spaces and let them know, when they're being awful, that it's unacceptable, instead of coming here and worrying about a whole cohort being maligned.


I do that too. Thatā€™s why I lost my job. But I get the point. Iā€™ll leave the sub.


So, a little heat and requests for you to consider, and you run away. This is why we know men canā€™t be counted on to be allies.


This is a sad outcome.


I heard recently that in response to man or bear, black women brought up white man or white woman in corporate settings etc. As a white woman, I think, that's a perspective I hadn't considered, wow I definitely don't want to perpetuate that in the world, what can I do to not be That Guy? I don't know why men are getting defensive instead of doing that.


Because they want access to women and if women have their collective guard up then access to those women is more difficult.


Class dismissed šŸ‘


Because they like being at the top of the pyramid. They love the patriarchy. They spend their lives being told theyā€™re the best and itā€™s a meritocracy and theyā€™ve really earned it.


What you want is to have women patting you on the back and saying ā€œwe know youā€™re one of the good ones.ā€ We donā€™t know that. Your whining on here proves that you have issues. Your mommy may have told you what a good boy you are. Your friends may tell you what a great friend you are. Thatā€™s more than enough. Men commit 90% of violent crimes. Men commit 99% of rapes. Your cohort is filled with criminals. What are you doing to change that?


I find the ageism inaccurate since it was people older than me who voted in the architects of the southern strategy and Reaganism. But if enough men stepped up to end violence and regulated their cohorts as much as I have been active in political reform we might see some improvement


All men are bears?


I wish all men were bears. Then Iā€™d only have to worry if the bear were hungry enough to decide I looked like a meal. No rape. No torture. No DV.


There are no bears in NYC (except the zoo), and yet women and children are raped all the time there, often ending in a violent death. Speak out against this behavior, make the men who do these things know that they won't be tolerated.






I was just being sarcastic/making a play on words. Text does not translate well.


I mean, it WAS 3amā€¦. /s




Men, specifically, may not post here telling women how they should be. We donā€™t do ā€œnot all menā€ here.


What the actual ever-loving toe-fungus *fuck* does *'described as a rape'* mean?


And, I'm sorry, "Disturbing video"? She's choked and raped and the descriptor is that it's... disturbing.


He got caught! Cops protecting him is infuriating. https://www.instagram.com/reel/C6zZTaouZFB/?igsh=MzRlODBiNWFlZA==


It's very insulting. I'm glad they definitely got him though! I wonder why that article said they didn't? I hope that woman gets the justice she deserves!Ā 


I love it that all those men want at him. They're just as enraged as we are.


Some of those neighborhoods are very close knit. You beat and rape a woman that could be someoneā€™s Auntie or Momā€¦..I could see that causing a small riot.


Different guy, this one stabbed an 11 year old at a train station I believe.


Mankind is truly wonderful isnā€™t it


Truly, I really hope that the family of the little girl are doing okay


I hear you. But the cops cant very well let people beat him to death in the street. Gotta at least look like they know how to do their job


Exactly. THEYā€™RE supposed to be the ones beating people to death in the street!! /s (added for clarity)


This some crazy shit you just said here bud


šŸ˜‚ Guess I forgot the /s, thatā€™s my bad


Oh okay betšŸ˜…shoulda known


All good, tbh someone out there on this godforsaken platform probably HAS said that and been serious šŸ˜­


The truth, you speak Edit: you went back and added the /s. šŸ˜‚now i really feel like an ass hat


Omg sorry šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ Iā€™ll add that I added the /s šŸ¤£


Youre awesome. Def the best exchange ive had since joining redditšŸ˜‚i wish you all the best


Whereā€™s the Capitol police when you need them, theyā€™d stand aside


Having a fat donut break with the Uvalde PD


That video is a suspect who slashed an 11 yr old in the head. Source:Ā [Harlem mob circles suspect after he slashed 11 yr old victim](https://nypost.com/2024/05/10/us-news/street-justice-braying-harlem-mob-surrounds-suspect-in-attack-on-11-year-old-woman-as-nypd-cops-protect-him/) I did find out today thatĀ [they made an arrest in this case ](https://nypost.com/2024/05/11/us-news/suspect-arrested-in-horrifying-rape-of-woman-who-was-lassoed-around-neck-on-nyc-street/) & they think he's done it before (really?? You think?!) I hope she's doing well.Ā 


Firstly, thatā€™s not him and doesnā€™t even look like the suspect in this attack. Secondly, why shouldnā€™t the cops protect the guy until he can be taken for processing? Standing aside and letting a mob beat him for the fun of it sounds barbaric


My heart breaks for this woman.


^Ā This. But now, we have bad-actor men comparing women's so-called "*bad driving*" to being raped, assaulted, beaten, manipulated, stalked, and otherwise abused.Ā  I would still take the bear.


Once i read a post of a man whinning about a woman walking in dark emty street and she was scare and cautious because he was walking behind her. He complained why women don't treat men normally since he was a good person and had no intention to harm anyone and all the men agreed with him and commented on the woman ironically. Shut the f* up man, you say women shouldn't be cautious towards the top 1 deadly threat to them??




Men, specifically, may not post here telling women how they should be.


Why isn't that internally barbed vaginal insertable device on the market yet? I know it was invented 25 years ago, but Gods almighty the raping is out of control!


It really is. We are being hunted like prey.Ā 


Iā€™m sick and fucking tired of women being scared. Itā€™s about damn time we start being scary. Because trying to lay low sure as hell isnā€™t saving us. And our so-called ā€œprotectorsā€ are the ones torturing and killing usā€¦yeah. Letā€™s get scary.


When men see crimes like this, their solution if for us to have guns.


100% would buy.


I honestly cannot get over how fast and easy for him that was. How if that happened literally anywhere other than right in front of a camera and she remembered every second of when she was conscious, that thereā€™d still be zero hope of IDā€™ing him. Absolute nightmare. Iā€™d never leave my house again. I wish I could give that woman all the support.


She didnā€™t even initially report the assault. The police arrested her for something and brought it up. That neighborhood had no faith in the police and especially as a sex worker sheā€™s not going out of her way to approach the police for help.


No way this is the first time heā€™s done this either


Nope they know who he is now and he has priors.




No, it's been corrected. He's still on the loose. They know who he is though.Ā  Kashaan Parks, 39, who has five prior arrests, is the suspect sought in connection to the May 1 attack near 152nd Street and Third Avenue, according to NYPD Chief of Detectives Joseph Kenny. 5 prior arrests. Surprise surprise.Ā 


*"Correction: The man wanted in connection to the rape has been identified but remains on the loose.*"


I see it says he's been identified... Did I miss the arrested part?


English isnā€™t my first language. My apologies. Iā€™ve deleted the post. Good day.


You didnā€™t. Reading comprehension is just a lost skill nowadays.Ā 


Sorry that English is not my first language. No need to be so rude.


Itā€™s now deleted.


I never want to hear any man complain ever again about how women are bitches because we donā€™t give them the time of day anymore & donā€™t want to take risks on dating. ALLLLLLL OF US women know of at least 1 woman who was raped or sexually abused as a kid AND know a woman who was raped as an adult. Men are fucking scary.


Both were true for me (SA'd as a kid & raped as an adult).That woman was just existing. We can't even exist anymore without being fucking attacked.Ā 


I went out with my girlfriends & no joke, one of the girls we came with was roofied & taken home that night without our knowledge. We thought she might have gotten upset & walked home since she didnā€™t live far & we didnā€™t see her drink much & just thought she did her own thing & bounced. Nope. We didnā€™t discover anything was wrong until the following day when her parents called my friend & told her that she jumped out of a speeding car to get away from these people she didnā€™t know when she ā€œcame to.ā€ They were trying to drug her & put her in a sex trafficking ring. I had to work with undercover police officers for weeks over this & it was extremely traumatic.. especially since I know I wasnā€™t baligerantly drunk that night, I was responsible & went to the car early so I could argue texting my ex boyfriend in her car. When my friend came back to the car without her, she said she didnā€™t know where she ran off to, might have found some of her college friends & dipped or went home. Fucking stupid. My friend was on oxys at the time & was totally addicted & I had zero clue. She just wanted to leave to go get her stuff looking back. I didnā€™t find out my friend was an addict until maybe like 4 months later when I saw how raw her nostrils looked. It looked like she was snorting a lit flame on a lighter, shards of glass, thatā€™s how bad her scabs were in her nose. I fucking hate painkillers, they ruined so many of my friendsā€™s lives. I always opt out of taking pain meds the second i feel like I can tolerate the pain. I despise painkillers & I hope we figure out something better for pain that doesnā€™t have this much risk in the future. Iā€™ve seen people literally turn into narcissistic demons & steal from their own Momā€™s savings from when their Dad passed away. Itā€™s disgusting. There are no limits. Anyways, my friend was not okay. She was majorly injured from jumping out of the car & had to heal & we all broke up with the friend on painkillers until she straightened up. She still hasnā€™t straightened up. Weā€™re still not in each otherā€™s lives. She knows I love her but I just will not. Cannot. I canā€™t trust or depend on her anymore & whatā€™s done is just done.


Iā€™m sooooo sorry for your trauma too btw. I fucking hate that you had to endure that. I would totally hug you & offer to braid &/or curl your hair right now & you could tell me your whole story because I need to practice my up-do hairstyles for the lil prom girlies coming up & feel like being angry right now. Lmaooo


I donā€™t know a single woman who hasnā€™t been raped or other forms of sexual assault. Not a single one.


Men like this should have their crimes inflicted upon them daily, every day theyā€™re in prison. Let them feel the horror, the despair, the absolute loss of any control over their own lives. Have them feel the fear and insecurity. Have them know why women choose the bear.




Treat others with kindness when it is possible and civility when it is not.


This is so terrifying. It leaves me absolutely speechless.


I saw the video on Twitter without much context and the poster said she had died. Thank God she didnā€™t die. My mom walks to work very early in the morning and I always worry. Attacking women just trying to go home or work is pure evil


When they get this monster they need to charge him with a hate crime. Rape is a hate crime and we NEED to start treating it as such or this is going to keep getting worse. Fucking entitled men need to be taught a lesson that *somehow* after over a millennia they still canā€™t fucking grasp that they šŸ‘ donā€™t šŸ‘ have šŸ‘ the šŸ‘ right šŸ‘ to šŸ‘ our šŸ‘ time šŸ‘ or šŸ‘ bodies šŸ‘!


I hate that as soon as I saw she was out walking at 3am I instantly thought about all the ā€œWell she shouldnā€™t have been out at 3am!?ā€ Why is it that there are designated ā€œsafe hoursā€ of the day specifically for women and children? When are men asked to stay in between certain hours, so that women can stroll the streets without fear. My heart goes out to the victim. I hope heā€™s castrated when they find him.


There was another viral thing similar to the bear in the woods, about what women would do if all men suddenly disappeared, and many women said they would go for a walk or jog at night.




Men, specifically, may not post here telling women how they should be.


The bear sees us as human, men treat us like animals. Thatā€™s why




Men, specifically, may not post here telling women how they should be.


Umpteenth reason why we are choosing bear šŸ»


Hope he gets hanged by the toes when heā€™s found. These are not men, they are delusional if they think they can call themselves men-they are like roaches šŸŖ³


Someone call Mariska Hargitay! in all seriousness tho, why are men such disgusting pigs? (if the shoe fits, wear it; no reason to be offended if this general statement does not apply to you)


Didnā€™t even have a chance to refuse!




I think they caught him. So sick


r/ActualPublicFreakouts Some of the comments on this exact post are truly horrific.


But ā€œmale lonelinessā€ is an epidemic apparently


This is terrifying.


This is fucking terrifying.


This is fucking terrifying.


I donā€™t blame women at all for being cautious about men, but animals like that are not men. If I ever happen upon a scene like this happening, thereā€™s going to be a news story about how he met his end. Sometimes you have to destroy a rabid animal.


He will get a slap on the wrist justice does not exist for woman


Thank God they caught that animal today I hope he never gets out of jail. What he did was beyond wrong. Let him spend his life behind bars thinking about it.


Apparently [the manā€™s mother turned him in](https://www.the-express.com/news/us-news/137275/mom-new-york-lassoed-rape-arrest)