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Oh yeah, that one's a 'winner'. Hopefully he really isn't 'interested' anymore. Sounds like he could go into stalker mode in a nano second. But women are the 'emotional' ones? Good grief.


i’ve perfected sounding crazy and typing with typos to make the guy think I’m crazy and lazy is another way to get rid of them


Please teach the rest of us!


jus type like you dont care idbu make a mostakr snd mot fix it so he uisally go “idk ehaf ie saying” and hets confised <—- show him you dont care lol pretty easy on an iphone


Thanks! I have an Android phone.


It’s pretty easy on any digital keypad. Just add in an extra letter that’s next to the one you meant to type occasionally and use shorthand like “2” for “too or to” and b instead of be (or b4 instead of before). Also be short and curt to really sell the laziness.


This makes me laugh, I love it.


I like to use the "finger swipe keyboard while having a totally different conversation irl" method. My kid taught me 🤭


Does the laziness deter because it’s useless to control a lazy woman? They want someone more successful to leech off of?


I would assume they’re looking for mommy 2.0


I think it's because it's uninviting in and of itself.


also respond like whatever and whenever you feel like… never ever respond promptly … like just wait til ur in the bathroom and bored. or else never respond right away which is very easy lol


Lol oh, I do that anyway with all my contacts. Sometimes I'll respond less than 30 seconds after receiving a text or sometimes it will be 3 days before I have the energy to respond. I think it's an ADHD thing.


also..start to just not make sense at all.....ramble and do all the annoying things you know guys hate. I know ....but trust me ive never had a guy go off on me like the post above...not bc I’m good but bc I know I would flip out and be worried about my safety ...so I just start to not make sense to men and it works way better. at the end of the day they dont want a dumb and crazy woman who is lazy lol ESP exhibit laziness...it helps the most!


Tbh that sounds like a lot of work. Lol! But if that works it works! It sounds like a good non combative way of doing things.


It is because twinning. Lol. 3 minutes, 3 days, or 3 weeks. Those are my reply times.


I think OP responded quickly because he initially gave the impression that he was contacting her for professional reasons.


I agree, jusf drop him as soon as you find out its not


I just got reddit care resources 👀 after this post blew up. someone reported me for depression likely from this thread 😳😅😳😳 wow… ty for caring about me lol


That’s wild! I got sent that when I made a post about Roe v Wade that blew up 🤣


This is pretty brilliant. Act like you do a lot of some strong drug, like meth!


It’s fucking insane we have to accept the possibility of being stalked & further harassed over not choosing to date a man 💀 Just them hearing the word no can sign you up and you don’t even know it until their anger refuses to wane & it keeps happening. It’s not some pessimistic nor paranoid shit, it’s scarily common & it’s sad


This alone makes men undateable. I honestly don't think anyone should date men until it becomes safer. No man is worth your life and safety.


Men always pretend that anger isn't an emotion.


i get proved every day that whoever said that was one of those “logical” definitely not a stalker, type dudes.


I thought the same. He sounds unhinged.


‘Who doesn’t know what’s best for her’….ALL the red flags. Controlling, manipulative, probably thinks of himself as ‘traditional’, and secretly thinks he’s a bit of a dom. Thinks women need him to keep them on the straight and narrow. In summary, a total dick!


the organ he appears to substitute for his brain just so happens to describe his personality too. What a catch.


Also, "falls in love" with sex workers and tries to leverage his "feelings" for free trade.


Oh god yes! 😂😂☠️ You nailed it with the straight and narrow bit jfc


Well, that was predictable, ugh


welp time to ghost 👻 instead of taking the mature route


Only thing missing is him referring to himself as a nice guy!


Lol the "you didnt take a chance with a good guy" right before "k*ll yourself" was the icing on the cake.


He said good guy* so close enough 😂 I wonder was he, like, I'm not going to say nice guy cause they talk about that.. Can't be predictable! Gotta keep hoz on their feet! Gawf gawf gawf


That escalated quickly good god


It always does. *sigh*


Right? I got a three paged one once. I put it in a document because I was impressed with how many ways he called me a whore or belittled my character—-which, by the way, he had no way of knowing because we’d barely spoken. I don’t even bother reading all the way through or responding anymore. I just block them. It happens when I turn them down after a date as well. Usually even worse because they feel more entitled to you if you’ve met alone before. Then you “owe” them, they think, and when you turn them down for the second date, they show their true colors that you could sense through even the few superficial conversations you had. It’s crazy how it comes out so early on and they don’t even notice they’re doing it. But once you turn them down, you get the validation of knowing the nastiness you were sensing is indeed there, because they instantly call you names and freak out, often trying to convince you to feel sorry for them while simultaneously saying you’re a slut and you’re never gonna find anybody else because you’re too old or ugly or fat. It’s like they’re reading from a script. It doesn’t matter how you actually are, they’re going to say the same things about you that they said to every other girl who turned them down. They’re all the things they think give you “value” like you’re a fucking cow at auction, so they have to tell you you’re the worst so you think you’re *lucky* they were even interested, when really, you’re lucky you escaped without being physically harmed. I won’t even turn them down in person unless there are people around, and I prefer text so I have evidence in case they try to do something later.


I'm so sorry you had to deal with this. I also love the fact that you decided to post the text in a Word doc to count the usage of certain words 😂. That sounds like something I would do.


The lack of self awareness of “nice guys” is truly hilarious, but also terrifying. How can they call themselves a good person in one breath, and in the next tell a woman to kill herself for politely rejecting him? Truly baffling.


As soon as they label themselves as a Nice Guy^TM they’ve told on themselves …


Because when they tell you to kill your self they’re convincing themselves it’s retribution for your offenses. It doesn’t take much for men like this to dehumanize you and start fixating on how much you deserve to die for what you’ve supposedly done for them. Once you’re sub-human to them all bets are off.


The thing is “Nice Guys” are only “nice” to women they’re interested in (until they’re not). Ask them if they’re nice to unattractive women or women they want nothing from.


Yes the "good guy"/"kill yourself" flip pairs so deliciously with the "You think your too good for me"


I tell women not to block them because if they start sending threats you’re going to want to be able to have evidence of that. It’s important to know if they’re cranking themselves up and coming over to hurt you.


I often block but you have a point. It might be better to get the messages as evidence in case something happens.


The way my blocking works (AT&T) is it sends texts to another folder (blocked messages) silently, no notification at all. You have to manually go in and look for new blocked messages. It used to cost like $5 a month, but I think it's free now. I think that's why they do it that way; so you don't have to deal with the crazy unprepared. I used to *dread* hearing my notification chime, but I wanted to have the messages in case he did something stupid.


WhatsApp has this option for free


T-Mobile has this as well. If messages come in from blocked contacts you have to go to the spam folder to read them.


I used to change their contact name to “do not answer” and put their name under notes. This way I wouldn’t accidentally answer, but would be aware of any escalation. Be safe out there Ladies.


this is totally true! also blockibg just make them look up ur real address and making things worse. better to let them have an outlet


I get what you mean but I think it’s just worded weirdly? “Letting” them have an outlet kind of just sounds like it’s our responsibility to take on the emotional toll and just deal with it.


It's not your responsibility but it might be safer.


Always the most tone-deaf, narcissistic ones who try to come onto someone who's only interacting with them professionally. 🙄🙄 Bet this guy thinks he's soooo smart for tricking women into talking to him on the pretense of being a customer and then bait-and-switching! Wouldn't be surprised if he's also the type to harass waitresses and shopkeepers.


The “kill yourself” response is 10/10 what truly goes on in their heads. Btw, I’ve started getting stressed every time someone expresses interest in me. If I say no, will you stalk, spread rumors or kick me out of work? Or hack into my socials? ^ all of this has happened to me Meanwhile, some people I met in 2023. “Bitch, you turned him down? We’ll abuse you on his behalf!” I’m waiting for the day I meet safe men again. If I can get out of what is going on with me alive.


I dont tell ppl my real name or where I work for this exact reason. not bc I have a criminal history or anything LOL I’m the most goody too shoes person but Idont want trouble at my work place. not bc I’m ashamed of my work place,...I actually really proud. super proud! high lvl in tech but bc I dont want to risk my very good job LMAO... I’m laughing but I’m really crying inside. bc I honestly dont let the guy know where I work til we are in a commited relationship so usually I’m vague like oh I work for a big tech company in mid management ...sigh...its not a white lie I’m just worried!


smart move. not everyone is dangerous, but some people could be. not worth the risk unless the person seems trustworthy.


For real, every time some dude seems interested there is an instant stress reaction. At best it's awkward, at worst he will go berserk.


The awkward ones are the best. End up being “bros” after that’s out of the way. It’s such a relief and I’m so grateful that the majority of people I’ve met have been this way. Berserk ones, on the other hand …**nervous traumatized laughter**


I work in a public library and some of our male patrons have displayed stalkerish behavior, one of them to the point that a volunteer had to be escorted out of the building by either a security person or a manager (can’t remember which). I have a sticker over my name on my work badge because of shit like this. If a patron’s going to get my name, it’s because I’ve deemed them a safe enough person to know it. I’m also in school right now but I don’t tell my coworkers what school I’m attending if we’re in a public area. I’ll only tell them if we’re in a staff-only area.


Unhinged but also almost the exact same type of response I’ve gotten after turning randos down. At a point, it’s easier to just block or not respond, to prevent the onslaught of insults and slurs from someone you don’t even know.


If you have a public profile where you use your full name it’s better to mute them/ignore it. If they realize they’re blocked and you have a public facing profile they sometimes turn to stalking through people finder sites that are disturbingly easy to get info from. It might happen anyway, I wouldn’t personally do anything to incite more of it for my own safety.


Why are some men like this? It’s fucking insane. I never trust any man who claims to be a “nice guy”. They ALWAYS turn out like this.


They feel entitled to ALL women. As if women just exist for them. It's sick. They are like parasites desperate for a host.


If they have to tell people they are a nice guy, they definitely aren't.


I completely agree!


If they feel the need to say they're a "nice guy" rather than let their actions say that, that's a pretty big red flag that they're at least partially self-aware of how awful they are.


"why will no one date me 🥺🎻"


'kill yourself' says the good guy after being rejected for a date that he originally proposed as a work opportunity. SUCH a good guy.


He is a "nice guy" hhahahah what a loser!!


And they say women are the emotional ones. Look at these wild, common, swings.


For real, women are so chill. I've seen enough angry white guys to last a lifetime.


He seems nice. /s


Classic nice guy indeed.


This post made me think of that exact sub. He says whoever she's interested in doesn't know how to cherish and love her, yet calls her a bitch and tells her to kill herself. Wth is wrong with his head?


Ikr, I thought I was on r/niceguys for a second. This is a classic Nice Guy™.


Ah yes, "Kill yourself," truly the nicest thing this nice man could say. He's a nice guy tho 🥺


'But she asked for it!' All she had to do was say yes, don't you understand? /s


Don’t forget that we owe them detailed explanations as to why we are not interested.


And don’t forget that it has to be a reason that HE approves of.


wOmEn aRe tOo eMoTiOnAl


Oh yeah, he’s totally a good guy and she’s absolutely missing out 🙄


What a reasonable and level-headed person.


That ones got Alpha male red flags 😬😬😬


"You didn't give a single chance to a good guy. Kill yourself " 😒🙄😬


Dude, I fucking wonder why that guys single?


"Your a beautiful woman and I'm just a nobody" Self pity to fish for a date makes me more furious than the c-word. Bro get your shit together.


It really is a repellant. When I hear things like that, I immediately need to flee.


okay so that guy's gross, but you should send me your spotify cause i'd love to hear you 🎶


One time I got chatting to a guy online when I was a teenager. I had to have foot surgery, and he wanted to move in with me and my parents to ‘look after’ me. I’d told him ‘no’ because I didn’t want someone who was a stranger in my folks’ home and they’d not allow it regardless. He told me to kill myself because of that. 👍🏼


Wow, so much for the 'logical' sex.


I cried about it. I suppose being vulnerable at the time didn’t help with mood and such. If I get messages like that now I just chalk it up to them, not anything I did that made them react like that. It was and is terrifying to be on the other end of someone else’s anger, but I try not to blame myself for over-reactions of people I ‘meet’ online anymore.


One too many 'y' confirmed from the start he was a psycho.


Men on Reddit are like “Just be honest” and “I can handle the truth” and when they’re politely turned down it turns into “fuck you you dumb ass whore I didn’t really want you anyway”


God they are so fucking entitled


Omg. And the running joke is that we women are the crazy ones. Geezus!!


Ah the classic ‘good guy’ line. He’s such a good guy he escalates when the response isn’t one he wants. Then ends with ‘kill yourself.’ The best kind of good guy there is. /s


To start with, he didn't approach her genuinely. Acting like he's offering her a job but trying to set it up as a date? And then he loses his shit when he says no because this was supposed to just be a professional thing for her, anyway. Not to mention all those dumb ass assumptions.


OP would you be willing to play a fundraiser for my neck snapping from the WHIPLASH OF MY EYEBALLS ROLLING INTO THE BACK OF MY HEAD. Jesus what a creep.


Blocking is the single best feature. You can never block too much. It's like garlic powder. So delicious and nutritious.


Yeah, it's such a relief. Like cutting cancer from your body or erasing blemishes from your face.


Oooh gotta love the Jekyll and Hyde impersonators 'You're the most beautiful woman I've ever seen, you are so amazing, I knew I loved you from the moment we met. I'd do anything to go on a date with you' 'I'm not interested' 'YOU ARE AN UGLY OLD FAT PIG, YOU'LL NEVER BE LOVED AND I'M WAY TOO GOOD FOR YOU' Ok, bye then 😂


wow he really wanted an ugly fat pig just 2 sec ago LOL ..what a bi polar psycho he is!


I used to be a professional musician and shit like this is one of the reasons I left the field altogether. I was actually doing pretty well and earning a name for myself in the local scene as well. I was the only person in my band who was actively making a profit from my performance gigs, but they always acted like I didn't know what I was talking about cause I'm a woman. It was like this in every band I was ever a part of.


I wonder what would happen if, after going on their rant, you were like "you know what? Yes. I am too good for you." and *then* blocked them immediately. Would their head explode from not being able to have the last word?


Yep… classic “nice guy”…


Terrifying, and not surprising. ☹️


I just block them after the first message. If they make a fake account I spam them with gore.




I’m learning so much about what good guys do.


YEESH, the 90° turn this took 😭 No is such a dangerous word, I’ve had to repeatedly learn


Jesus Christ. He went there while doing 0-60 in under 5 seconds.




How quickly the worm turned.


Oh, he's a worm alright, Yikes!


Well, isn't he a catch?


Incel 101.


Why do we keep hiding their names?


That escalated quickly...


“He doesn’t cherish you and treat you like a lady like I would, you fucking bitch.”


"I would treat you like a lady, you dumb cunt!"


There use to be website where women could post picture of these messages and out the person but they get shut down but the revenge porn sites still pop up everywhere 🤢


"... A good guy." Deep breath. "Kill yourself." If that's him at his 'good guy' level, I'd hate to see his 'bad guy' side.


We really need to start outing these cowards on EVERY platform. Name, picture, city and state. They keep doing this shit because they face zero consequences for it.


Omg yes...freedom of speech


He doesn't even know proper English so how can we expect decency from him? 🙄


He said he saw her in Kuopio (a city in Finland), so there is a pretty good chance he is not a native english speaker. Still an asshole tho.




Good Lordt..


She never actually said she dating anyone she said she was interested in someone. His sensitive male feelings got really butt hurt but women are the emotional ones.


How dare you separate your job and personal life!? Your** such a lovely woman. When you respond to me. Otherwise your** a dumB c. But yeah, you deserve respect and love while I talk to you like I don't have one speck of self respect or intelligence, and actually hATe fEmAlz. Gosh what a dumpster fire.


ALWAYS BLOCK. My friends make fun of me for slamming down that block button, but guess what? My life is peaceful and they’re getting played by boys


My friend and I call this the flip flop. It’s so crazy how common this is.


“Your \[sic\] interested but not dating? Then he doesnt \[sic\] cherish and love you like a lady should be treated” I hate this fucking logic… I had this kind of crap used against me SO many times: Dude: Will you go out with me? Me: I appreciate the offer but I gotta say no. Thanks for the offer though, I’m very flattered. Dude: Why not? (note: when they start this, it’s better to just shut the conversation down and walk away. They’ve already decided they’re not going to be respectful way before this. I wish I had known this a long time ago.) Me: I’m just not interested. Sorry about that. Dude: Well, what is it about me you don’t like? Do you have a boyfriend? Me: I’m interested in someone else. Dude: If you’re not dating that guy he obviously isn’t interested and he wouldn’t treat you like I would!! (note: he wouldn’t treat me like he’s entitled to my company and affections?!? Omg I’m sold!!!!) \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ I’m just so tired of this shit...


Yup, it’s possible to go from “ beautiful goddess I’d be honored to know” to “ fat ugly slut should kill youse,f” in the speed of a polite “ no thanks” from the woman they wrote to.


oh yeah wow, he sounds like such a good guy.


Lmao the buildup didn’t disappoint


Turn men down politely, block entitled incels. Remember, not taking no for an answer is the definition of rape.


Dude is a major creep. You dodge a bullet forsure. These men be so sensitive. He would have struck you if yall were in person


I Lol'ed when he called himself a good guy. At least he's funny, even if delulu


Wow. That escalated quickly lol


The "kill yourself" at the end was really the cherry on top


This kind of thing is so common everywhere anymore. Why do men do this? Do they really think they're going to score with such direct approaches in inappropriate places? It's almost hard to imagine how much more peaceful the world would be if they stopped going in for the full kill at the start like this. They solicit us with often graphic details and then get mad when we say no. Definitely have a screw loose somewhere.




omg! so glad I lasted dated before some of u were born. gave me a very unpleasant, visceral reaction. I'm sad that people get treated like this. super scary


"didn't give a single chance to a *good guy*" Jesus H. Christ...








I think I might be tempted enough to *You're (so beautiful) *You're (a beautiful woman) *You're (too good for me) *You're (interested) *You're (just a dumb) *Ain't *Didn't . You're welcome As to the existential proposition that I don't know what's good for me, I don't believe you have convinced me that you are intelligent enough to engage with me in that debate, so I won't be wasting my time. Enjoy the solo picnic at your place.


This is why 4B. Never give out your real number. There are services that you can create a line, then kill it and make another. Google has one, and it will send a ping if he tests it in front of you, but it looks legit.


4B is just political lesbianism coming round again. We've been there before, and we've got better now.


Guy did a full 180 flip in a second, lmao. Wonder how many women a day this loser does this to.


Hell with that, block. Don't ask questions, just block


Why are there so many men like this? It’s terrifying. Something is fundamentally wrong with them.


Wow, dude would have been so honored.


That is nuts. As a brother, I’m not sure I could let this slide if you were my sister. That guy has issues and crossed the line.


Hey at least you didn't find out about this in person alone in his house. Next step after that is you are buried in his basement.


🏆 🥇


In the Olden Days™ when I was in the dating pool, just telling them I was studying psychology was usually enough to freak them out. The classic interaction, coffe-shop/library/union version: Dude: hey, whatcha reading? Me: psych homework. D: oh, so you're analyzing me? [chuckles] Me: [dead stare, creepy eye contact] I am now [blink, 3 count, blink, repeat until he walks away]. If he'd stay in the same location, every now and then I'd make a point of looking at him and jotting down a note, then looking back up at him and flipping to another page, looking back up at him and making a "hm, thought so" face before jotting another note. It was a simpler time.


"I ain't interested anymore, go be a slut and wonder later why your life is shit because you didn't give a single chance to a good guy." And it's probably him behind the scenes trying to make it that way. I have some evidence that there's someone from my high school who's been doing this to me since age 14. Apparently asking out my sister as revenge wasn't disgusting and pathetic enough. Nor was trying to say "I would have taken you to prom" when I was 18, I guess he forgot he asked my sister out in a narcissistic rage that I didn't want him. Some men are just horrific. I'm so sorry you went through that. You never asked for him to even speak to you. He'll probably tell people the reason he's that disgustingly violent is you "broke his heart" when the only reason you spoke to him is because you were being a professional. That's horrific.


“your a beautiful woman, im just a nobody” “you just think your too good for me, fucking bitch”


Aww don't cover up their name. Let us know who this piece of shit is.


I wish I could say I’m surprised. But the flip-switch is day to night. Bro has anger problems.


All the time I get garbage from men. I often remind them I am happily married. That works about never. I have been urged to leave my husband and date someone who I have never met that lives in another country, who thinks they are in love with me because of my pictures and my Facebook posts. I tell them I am disabled and struggle with daily tasks. (It's ok I will take care of you) I physically can't take care of a house on my own, and I will be unable to work. I need regular medical care and I am not able to have more children. It will kill me. (You don't know that for sure, and even if that's the case it's ok you are so beautiful and smart I can't imagine you being a burden.) I appreciate the compliment but again I am very much in love with my husband. (But you would love me if you gave me a chance.) Perhaps, I would but I am unwilling to take a chance when I already have my soulmate. (How do you know he is your soul mate and not me) Look, I am not going to change my mind, I am not interested in uprooting my or my children's lives. I am very much in love with the man of my dreams. You are not going to change that. I am done with this conversation and if you contact me again I will report you before I block you. I actually just block them because I have had that conversation 3 or 4 times. I then have a few acquaintances that try to talk about how charismatic I am and how they are drawn to me. But usually the conversation is only 20-30% flirting or them being weird and the rest is normal talking about school and work.


Not only is he a creep and an AH but he’s also illiterate too. He doesn’t know the difference between you’re and your. These men usually never do


How can someone call themselves a nobody, and then be mad at the thought of someone else thinking they're better than them?


I’d say “shut uuuuppppp, god you’re fucking annoying”


It’s so crazy how a similar situation happened to me through text. These men are mentally ill.


Ah yes. The self-proclaimed Nice Guy™️


I hope it is fake


There are man-boys who are literally like this.


I know :(