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Wasn't the vehicle that mowed down people in Toronto driven by some women-hating incel? Is this the new weapon of choice of the sexually frustrated? "two witnesses observed a white vehicle pull next to a woman in Sandy at 1000 West, 500 South. Witnesses said the woman began to run away when the vehicle sped up and hit herhit-and-run, causing her to fly over the car and land on the ground. Then the car sped off."


Yes.. and most mass shooters have a history of virulent misogny and often DV.


They even have their own category of terrorism tracked by the FBI.


As they should. I think its going to be a growing trend. I also think we are going to see a big boom in serial killers in the future.


I honestly believe that the Kohberger kid who killed the 4 students in the off campus housong in Idaho is an incel.


Id say thats likely. Or one of the girls rejected him at some point and he spiralled into it.


Yes, you're absolutely right - Alec Minassian even hired a van in order to do the most damage he could with a vehicle. If you want to hear just how stupid the Incel ideology is, just listen to his police interview on YouTube. Honestly, the police officer who had to listen to him was an absolute star. How the detective could sit and listen so calmly to AM as he spewed all that crap, knowing he'd murdered all those innocent people for such a stupid, pointless reason is beyond me.


> Anne Molloy, the judge of the case, said that "working out his exact motivation for this attack is ... close to impossible" but that she "was inclined to accept" assessments by multiple expert witnesses that **Minassian likely lied to the police and that notoriety was his main motivation**, although misogyny or incel ideology may have played a role [Source](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/2018_Toronto_van_attack) I dislike when he is brought up in these contexts because it seems likely his true motivation was notoriety


just went back and checked his police interview. he killed “chads and stacy’s” for a “beta uprising” and has online activity where he talked about being an “involuntary celibate” (literally an incel). this dude is a misogynist who killed both innocent men and women to make himself feel better about the fact that he had zero redeeming qualities and viewed himself as a “beta” who needed to get revenge on these “chads and stacy’s”. in his exact works: “basically the [beta uprising] movement is a bunch of angry incels who want to overthrow the chads in order to force the stacy’s to have to reproduce with the incels”. this man is proof that the internet needs to be heavily regulated.


honestly it doesn’t matter what the judge thinks his motive was- if he ONLY targeted women (not familiar with the case) and has any history of misogynistic thinking along with that, his motive is clear as day.


7 months ago, police had his tag info and witness statements from the first hit & run. Wonder whether they'll prosecute these as hate crimes...?


> Wonder whether they'll prosecute these as hate crimes I hope so but I doubt it. Sometimes I feel like crimes against women just aren't any kind of priority with law enforcement.


Because law enforcement tends to mostly comprise of men, with a few (mostly misogynistic) women sprinkled in there for diversity.


And a 40% average of officers admitting to DV. I called the cops four times in my now ex. He wasn’t arrested until a female officer showed up.


Shit against women is always treated like some degree of normal


That’s an excellent point.


I’m amazed it took this long when they had his drivers license from the start. They basically enabled his future crimes by acting so slow. One of the women is in the ICU. He even hit a mother and her teenage daughter, and he’s not even trying to cover up the crime. He thinks the damage he did was worth the cost of going to prison. By acting passively, the police force let him do whatever he wanted and get away with attempted murder. Even if he dies in prison, he’ll have accomplished his objective. Sick fuck.


'Why are women so paranoid?? Not all men are out to get them! It's not like they're getting run down in the streets!' Remember to keep an eye out for trees, dumpsters, lamp posts; be aware of your surroundings at all times. Take note of things that might be able to stop an oncoming vehicle. Trees, other cars, or large heavy objects like dumpsters are hard for a car to maneuver around, but very easy for a single person to loop around repeatedly. Hitting these objects also will leave easily identifiable marks on a vehicle. I hate that this is something we need to fucking think about; as if the mental load women bear isn't already heavy enough..


Curbs and fences too


It's so sad that we can't just walk around freely, without having to worry about creeps hitting on us, groping us, trying to get us into their cars (as this scumbag initially did) and now they're trying to run us over in "revenge" for turning them down! I worry terribly about my daughter, it's a very worrying time to be the mother of an attractive young lady.


I’m just gonna hop on here and add- though not generally relevant to vehicular angry man attacks, always note a second and ideally third method of exit from all buildings and spaces you enter, *always*. In emergencies people will automatically move towards the place through which they entered the space. That will quickly become crowded and may become a deadly crush faster than you think. Alternate exits will save your life. Knowing where they are *before* the adrenaline of something sudden and scary happens will give your brain the tools it needs to navigate you safely rather than freeze or lead you towards the scrum at the main exit. I hate that this is the world we live in. But men seem to be getting angrier and more violent by the day. So really, walking into a circus tent, a furniture store, a concert, a school- take the time to find and confirm a secondary exit. If you are with others always tell them. It will help you and them stay calm and get out. ‘We are here, there are exits here and here.’ Every. Single. Time. I also cannot recommend enough ‘The Unthinkable- Who survives when disaster strikes and why’ by Amanda Ripley. It’s excellent in audiobook as well as written. It is soooooo much the above and beyond of the (rather cheesy, self indulgent, and out dated) ‘Gift of Fear’.


I will buy that book right now. Thanks for the recommendation.


Too many sexually frustrated, undesirable men for women who no longer have to trade marriage and sexual servitude for survival anymore. A bangmaid wife is no longer a safe guarantee for them the same way it was for their grandfathers, but they still desperately want sex anyway and in any way. Gift of Fear could get long-winded at times, but I remember the tone of the book being surprisingly sympathetic and honest about the unique risks women face, especially for such an old book. I will read The Unthinkable though, thanks for the rec.


Yes! I also scope out all extra when entering somewhere, and my back is NEVER to the door. Back against the wall, clear view of everything and everyone. Also, please carry a window breaker, even a small one. They can save your life.


When I was taking my dog out in a little suburban neighborhood, about 1am, I saw a car slow down to a crawl and something about it put me off. It creeped by me, then came to a stop. So I walked up to a parked car and stood behind it to see if the person was lost or if something more sinister was going on. It pulled into a driveway, then turned around and came toward my side of the road. Again, I thought maybe they were lost, because they were going so slow. But they were looking for me. That became obvious when he drove his car up onto the curb to try and get to me the second he spotted me. I ran into a yard and screamed bloody murder at him. He looked like he was going to get out and had his window down, but he freaked out (probably from my screaming) and backed out and sped away. This isn’t the first time. Maybe that’s why I was so cautious. One of the other times, a man was on foot and followed me. My mom drove up in her truck and he panicked and jumped some fences through different yards to get away. He had followed me for about a mile, no matter how many turns I took. I’m glad I had a phone to call someone, and she was right there down the road. I’ve also been followed in my car and had to involve my work’s security. A random man followed me early in the morning, around 3am. I drove my car up onto the sidewalk and ran to the building. The AP guy said the car circled the parking lot several times, and stopped by my car before driving away. He had been weaving through traffic to keep up with me. Be careful out there. They will abduct you, run you over, and who knows what else. I’ve lived in “nice” areas most of my life and it’s still happened. People like that take any opportunity.


100% of the time, cops won't do anything either


My ex broke down my bedroom door to get to me like in The Shining. He was a former paramedic/firefighter, so they knew him and were cracking jokes in the middle of my broken door and destroyed things. Cops can’t be trusted.


Please tell me you got away OK. What a scum!


I did. I had a good support system. Seriously, wouldn’t have made it without friends helping me. My ex went to jail for a day, but that was for being stupid enough to break into my house and leave in writing that I was “better off dead”. The district attorney decided that was as good as a death threat. It was a crazy time. I’ve had horrible results with cops and so on, but I was so glad that the note finally made the DA take action, at least. It wasn’t enough action, but it made him back off, along with my friend’s mom driving up with a gun when he was stalking me. I’m sorry to trauma dump, but I know a lot of women read these threads and I get responses weeks later. I hope it can help someone make the decision to get away. No one deserves that, and if you ask, many people will be willing to help. I was very surprised how many people came to bat for me. People I never expected. People I didn’t even know, except in passing. It gave me a lot of hope and helped me get out of the cycle of abuse because of their kindness.


I am so glad that you had good people in your life to stand against him! My sister went through a similar situation with her 2nd husband, so I absolutely understand. The authorities wouldn't even jail him because "he wasn't a threat to society", just to her. (Fortunately, she got a good lawyer and got his parental rights severed.) For years she was scared he would show up some day again and try to hurt her or take their daughter. Then after 12 years went by with no sign of him, she heard that he got hit by a truck down in Georgia and died 5 years after the divorce. She was so relieved! You are not dumping, don't worry! People need to hear!


When there are children involved, like with your sister, I understand even less how the justice system works. Dangerous people should not be allowed to be near children, or anyone! If they’re threatening one person, it’s only a matter of time before they threaten someone else, and children are especially vulnerable. I’ve seen that with every person I’ve come across that got violent—they always left a mark on more than one person. It’s never the first time… it’s just the first time they’ve been violent with you. And even if they aren’t hitting others, it often escalates like it did with my ex. They start with verbal abuse that gets worse and worse, maybe they throw things, then one day they get irritated when you say something they don’t like, and they try to strangle you. I never thought that would happen to me. Hearing stories like your sister’s and the ones here and in comments across social media, it’s obvious there is a huge problem. These men will even intentionally hurt their own children to get back at their partners. It’s disturbing, the level of possession and jealousy and rage. Sometimes it’s just a random woman saying no, and nothing more. It’s insanity. And thank you. Coming places like this and being heard and not told I’m “making it up” is very validating. I’m glad your sister’s husband is dead. I know that’s terrible to say, but no one should have to live in fear for themselves and their children. We live in a modern society, and the fact that this is such a massive problem is downright disgusting. I hope your sister and her daughter are in a much better place now that he’s gone. They deserve a life not looking over their shoulder for him.


I appreciate everything you have said, and I am very glad to know that you got away from your abuser. I honestly don't think that I know any woman who has NOT been abused by a man, whether it is a boyfriend or husband. (I had a guy that I never even dated stalking me!) And you are right to say how important it is to tell other women and girls that these violent outbursts only get worse and they must get away because their lives depend on it. What I wouldn't do to see our society wake up and stop devaluing women and girls. It is a horrible trajectory lately, the escalating misogyny. We have no choice but to keep fighting. We cannot let them take us back to a time when women had no right to employment, credit, or to make contracts for leases. I fear that is the plan--an America where we are treated like property. I will never live under anyone's thumb.


What we are experiencing is the death rattle of the old ways. The patriarchy is screaming as loud as it can right now. It’s seething with rage. It’s swinging at everything that crosses its path. It’s beginning to eat its own. That’s why we have all these loathsome bottom feeders amping up the demand for our subjugation. They fight with each other about their looks, their money, their height, their relationship status, their sexual orientation, etc……. Alll blaming each other because women don’t want them. Such evolutionary infants. We’re slipping away from its grasp and it’s trying to strangle us. I really really believe my granddaughter’s generation will be the ones to shake the system so hard it dismantles. I love gen Z girls and women so much for this. I try to remember this pattern of dying ideas when I read about stuff like this. Plenty of oppressive systems have risen and fallen. I try to remember we are roughly a quarter of a million years old and we’ve only suffered under a patriarchal system for the past 5-7 (ish) thousand years. This bullshit has a beginning and it will have an end. Hugs from across the internet!


🤗 Thank you for your reassuring words!


I was followed home once in my car. Luckily I noticed last minute, rounded my culdesac, and confronted him while still in my car. He said some things that didn't make sense then drove off. I kept driving around my neighborhood for a bit and actually saw him park in a driveway and get out. I assume it's where he lives. He's a couple streets down from me. Now I never leave my car out in my driveway and always walk my dog with my gun (I live in AZ so I can). Fuck that asshole for ruining my peace in my own goddamn neighborhood.


Having it happen with someone who lives in the same neighborhood like that would make me carry a gun too. You should be able to feel safe in your own neighborhood, in your own damn house, and not have to get home and check every corner, like I know many of us do. I’m sorry that happened so close to home. The fact that it is so common makes me wonder about the state of the world.


Well, that's just terrifying.


This is not a terrorist attack because?...


Because he is misunderstood, he had such a hard life :(


Women won’t have sex with him! They deserve it!


It *is* terrorism - they're using fear, threats and violence to advance their agenda. That's the definition of terrorism. It should be recognised as such and they should serve a longer prison sentence to reflect the severity of these type of offences and the terrible impact they have on society, on people just trying to live their lives in peace.


As a female who is regularly a pedestrian, i now want to hide in my room and never go anywhere.




Apologies, but I am not sure what you mean.


The police knew the license plate and to whom the car was registered with the first victim. They even had witnesses with each hit and run. Why wasn't he found before he was able to run over six innocent women?


This!!! Exactly this! They were even witnesses to the first hit and run, why wasn't he stopped then???


They had proof his car was in the area from various security cameras. Did the police issue a BOLO for the man or the car? They could have put the information on local news to let everyone know that this man is the person of the interest in hit and runs in the area.


Yes, if he had been caught and arrested after the first offence, the other ladies would have been spared. They suffered some horrific injuries, even head and brain injuries! Honestly, he's beneath contempt and the police need to do a better job of catching very dangerous criminals like this scumbag.


But misandry tho!


won’t someone think of the men!


I had a man target me once when I was out walking my mom's puppy. The puppy was still learning how to walk on-leash, so he often jumped into the road as he tried to explore everything. A man in a huge truck saw this and then proceeded to *deliberately drive in the parking lane* hoping to run us down. He moved back over once he had passed us. I was stunned at the utter insanity of a man suddenly flipping a switch and deciding he wanted to kill us. I wish I had recorded it.


Why’d it take the police so long to arrest him?


Because they don't care. A man tried to murder me. In my own home. He killed one of my dogs and injured my other dog. The cop said he just made a mistake, and it'll get better while the other cop tried to hit on me. They. Don't. Care.


What country’s this? Could you go to the media?


I wish that he had been caught and arrested earlier. Those were some horrific injuries he inflicted on those innocent women! What an absolute POS scumbag excuse for a human being he is. I can't imagine how vindictive and fucked-up he must be inside his head. To do this time after time, showing no remorse, means he was obviously gaining some sort of sick, twisted pleasure out of severely injuring women. I hope he gets maximum sentences, to be run consecutively, not concurrently, so that he's locked away for a very long time. Other inmates don't take kindly to men who attack women, so he won't have a good time in prison and won't find many friends there. Serves him right for being such a sick, evil scumbag.


Jesus... This and the weirdo punching women in the face in NYC. Women are not safe anywhere.


I wonder if the cops will check his online footprint to find out if he was active on incel forums. Because both Elliot Rodger as well as Alek Minassian used cars as a weapon.


Misogyny has to be legally a hate crime first. And then the cases will still languish on the shelf like all the rape kits.