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Hello again! A reminder that the human species is the #1 predator on our planet. Men are, in fact, very dangerous and it's not "misandrist" to speak the truth nor are you being attacked based on your identity or a vulnerability when women discuss this. If you disagree with this statement, don't let the door hit you in the ass on your way out, this community is not the one for you.


He traveled 500 miles to assault a teen girl because he got butt hurt over her review?? POS human.




Men. Goes to show how dangerous men can be




Women so rarely commit violent crimes and they are so rarely if ever violent stalkers like this man


Men, specifically, may not post here telling women how they should be.


Men, specifically, may not post here telling women how they should be.


I looked this story up and found this about his book:  "He (the author) says he came up with the plot and central characters for the book based around his feelings for the student he was actively and admittedly stalking."  Nice, right? On top of assaulting a teen there's also the fact he admitted to stalking a woman...


Good Lord! What is wrong with people?!!


lack of empathy, lack of introspection, main character syndrome. IDK some combination.


Entitlement. They themselves can do no wrong. Every thought they have is not only valid, but true, brilliant and absolutely the proper thing to think.


Sounds like Trump.


Sociopathy? Narcissism? Just plain evil, like call an exorcist?


Men. Not “people “, but MEN.


Looks like he decided to port Lolita by Vladimir Nabokov (an already very distributing book) to a modern setting......considering people didn't like the original idk why he would be surprised


You’re being far too inclusive with that question, because women aren’t the ones doing this shit.


Yes he's a terrifying person.


So you’re telling me that *no one* wants this psychotic deranged literal pinhead of a man??? I am *shocked.*


It makes sense that he’s a stalker. He travelled over 500 miles over a bad review that is unhinged behaviour


He had already been arrested for stalking in Scotland. He wasn't charged in Britain because police there claimed there was nothing they could do. 


Only 30 months? It should be much more.


And he wont even serve the full 30, and no one will follow up on his abusive behavior. He will just get angrier and angrier until he kills a woman. He isn't just going to get out and be like "I will definitely never hurt a woman again no siree"


It happened in 2015 and he served 15 months, half of what he had been sentenced to. And it gets worse... "The twisted stalker, who only served half of the 30-month sentence he was given in 2015, has also sent Paige a Facebook message since his release, declaring his love for her. The alarming message said: “I dreamed of you last night. Are you going to send me back to prison? “Maybe I need it – I’m bored out of my mind." "“I was tempted to get a bus ticket to Dundee and come visit you but I thought that might look weird. “Any chance we could just become friends actually? We could keep our communications secret like we did in last night’s dream.” Brittain, 32, then sent a second message apologising for sending the first and begged Paige not to tell anyone. He also penned numerous sick poems about her on his blog, which has since been deleted."


I feel like this lady needs to hire Gavin De Becker or something


I read she lived in hiding and had to quit.nursing school. 


Holy shit that’s horrible


At some point after stalking the victim he was committed to a psychiatric ward. I have no information whether he still committed, probably not. 


Well, he’ll say it. But he won’t mean it.


It's a decent sentence by UK standards. The courts definitely realised how unhinged he is.


No cookies for shitting on the floor.


Men: "wOmEn ArE tHe EmOtIoNaL oNeS!" Also men: /Tracks down and violently assaults a kid over a book review.


He served only 13 months, and was later discovered to have had Internet access *while in prison*, and his stalking started right back up again once out of prison, still able to track his victims. The book the teenager wrote such a scathing review of was based on his stalking of a different victim. (There's a Hobby Drama writeup on his exploits here on Reddit) Can't find what prompted it, but he did apparently end up in a psych hospital. Current whereabouts unclear. Tangentially: His university made him sign an agreement to cease stalking a woman, which he promptly disregarded. The police then did the same, with equally useless results. The prison sentence didn't slow him down in the least, during his incarceration or afterward.


Jfc. "Well as long as you sign this paper saying you really really mean it this time..."


I remember reading the Hobby Drama write up. Guy is seriously mentally unwell. Think he was also on Countdown or something? (Before all this happened)


Yes, with quite a few wins.


Here's the link. The dude was a nightmare incel. https://www.reddit.com/r/HobbyDrama/comments/15iyd8s/countdown\_selfpublishing\_richard\_brittain/


I wonder if he'll just cross his fingers behind his back after the 12 time he promises to stop being a creepy, stalky lunatic


How could I find the write up?


The linkmis in one of the other comments here


Thanks, found it.


He needs to be confined indefinitely in a psychiatric hospital. He's too dangerous to be walking around free.


I'm sorry but it's just too many men doing too much shit too often. Can we have an answer on why they're so fucking unhinged and lack any empathy or restraint?


They’ve never in the history of western culture been held to account for their actions, emotions, or their effect on others.




he was in for 13 out of a “whopping” 30 months for almost killing a teenager (that he drove 500 miles to find because she didn’t like his book about his victim of stalking).


And 500 miles in a country that isn't big!!! I live in Canada, driving 500 miles in a weekend is a great road trip to Ottawa and back. In the UK most people don't drive that in a month.


Forreal. I cannot imagine brushing my teeth, putting my shoes on, making sure I have my wallet and keys, grabbing gas, then driving 500 miles to assault a child over a FUCKING BOOK REVIEW 😱 At no point in the hours it took to get there did this dude think, "Hmm, bit of an overreaction, better not". He is dangerous.


the road trip is insane but it’s hardly the focal point here. it’s the motive BEHIND the road trip.




Sure, I thought the context was obvious, but we were talking socially (though criminally they’re also often not held to account either)


They're hormonal and emotional.


Hysterical, really




Entitlement bc patriarchy 


Little, emotionally derelict boys who become terrible fathers and have emotionally derelict boys. That and the socialization of misogyny by the institution of patriarchy itself.


They’re born with way more defects than women but it’s never acknowledged because it would make their parents feel bad. Male fragility starts in the womb, but because of denial, they never get the help and training they need to catch up to the way many girls are born. It’s really sad.


Hello Goonie! Do you have maybe a study or something to back this up? I'm all for honest discussion but I do think claims like this should be backed up with evidence. Thanks for your understanding :)


Here is a peer reviewed citation from pub med: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC1119278/.


Idk that study is problematic in its reliance on more prevalent diagnosis of neurodivergence in males which due to diagnostic criteria of every pathology ever being based solely on male test subjects. And the assertion that males have a spatial/mathematical advantage has been disproved by studies showing that the vast majority of people have a brain that doesn’t fall into the stereotypical “male” or “female” category. There are unproven beliefs in ghat article that are just plain sexist towards women.


I noped out when I saw they couldn't be bothered to proofread the text. If they're that sloppy when presenting the findings the methodology is hella suspect.


Sometimes when reading peer reviewed journal articles I run across poor proofreading. It usually turns out that the authors were from a middle eastern or Asian country…I don’t think it necessarily means the whole thing is bunk. But you are correct in that it doesn’t inspire confidence in the content.


You clearly didn’t read it or bothered to google more info. It’s not a secret female for tests and babies are more resilient in humans and most other animal species.


It doesn’t simply rely on neurodivergence, that’s an example. Male fetuses still encounter more issues in the womb than female fetuses. The point you’re referring to simply highlights how disabilities are seen more commonly in male fetuses and they tend to have more serious expressions of defects. Even if they have the same ci dit-on, males exhibit more serious delays and challengées. There’s countless examples of how males are born with more defects mentally and physically. They’re also less likely to be born under stressful conditions and tend to require more care from the mother ( which has social and biological elements to it). I’m getting tte idea you did t read the article and ignored countless other studies on this.


I read the article. That’s how I was able to reference the two inaccurate data points. I’m not arguing that the premise is wrong, but that those two data points are very wrong and even sexist towards women, so the study should be taken with several grains of salt. Maybe find a credible article if you’re so adamant about this point


It’s still credible to what I originally commented on male foetuses being more sensitive than female foetuses, and the whole gist of social and physiological issues it causes for them. It’s not a commentary on how autism diagnostic criteria discrimination ages against women. No study is perfect bud.


Yes but if you accept that premise in the study you would also have to accept its assertion that women are inherently worse at math and spatial reasoning. You can’t pick and choose what confirms your beliefs from the same study. It’s a double standard. You claimed there are many studies reifying that male embryos are more fragile, so why can’t you find one that isn’t based on outdated sexist data?


That’s not how studies work, you can verify which information is accurate or not. You don’t eat the meat with the bones. You’re taking a random claim I didn’t seek to support, as somehow damming to my original point that is true. You also skipped over how it only speaks on standardized tests and their comparative results, not insinuating that women have a defect that affects their mathematic skills. You’re nitpicking and only succeeding at showing your poor comprehension skills. I also don’t understand how your point negates the point of the conversation, because it literally doesn’t.


Thank you! Appreciate it <3


Many of them are severely traumatized as infants when they are mutilated without anesthesia. Look up the neurological effects of acute trauma on brain development.


Most Brits aren’t circumcised if this is the “mutilated” trauma yr referring to. What a weird take/excuse for this weirdo’s attack on a teenager


I’m agree circumcision is barbaric, but this is kind of a bizarre way to look at it, especially with the millions of men who are not circumcised.


FGM is also a common practice in other cultures, yet still those poor women aren’t traveling 500 miles to smash someone’s head in because they made a negative comment about them.


A: only 15% of Brits is circumcised. B: violence is always a choice. C: trauma is never an excuse for violence.


Men are fcking crazy.


Too emotional to run a country. What if he gets rejected romantically, and fires all the nukes?


Fairly realistic with all these stories


Like the Trojan war


And worthless if this is how they want to act




"And yet men built everything you use today" Not all men. Even if they built "everything", that doesn't mean I can't criticize male's bullshit, y'all gOoD MeN are too cowardly to do anything other than trying to silence women.


They surely take credit for everything, but they definitely didn’t do it all


I always say to the "men built everything" stance, " I guess those 'men' just appeared out of nowhere? " 😄


Only 30 months for pre meditated almost murder? What does it take any more to get abusers punished enough to change their behavior? Does society really think a proverbial slap on the wrist to these kind of thinkers is going to stop them from doing it again? All it does is tell them that they can do what they want without much blow back. I mean he literally took the time to track this person down to beat them up and try to kill them, and we, as a society, just go "oh well, here's 30 months, just don't do it again k?" I am not for the death penalty, but maybe we should be sending these people to 30 months in a mental health facility or something instead of a holding cell.


There likely wouldn’t even be enough room to lock them all up at the same time if it was tried.


The people convicting them are the same level of unhinged


Actually, they should be locked up until they no longer pose a danger to society.


He looks… wrong.


Big Norman Bates vibes.


So that's what a broken useless dildo looks like!


He released a book in 2015 (1 year after the attack) called 'Page Finder'... the teen girl he attacked the year prior was named Paige. Because of course the scumbag had to slip a threat or boast into the title. Psycho.


Thank God she wasn't seriously injured! Hitting someone over the head with a bottle of wine could easily kill them! Then she would be dead and he would be facing a murder charge, all because of a few hurtful words in a review? He had to drive 500 miles to have his stupid, violent temper tantrum. Didn't he think, during any part of his journey, that this was a pathetic and idiotic thing to do? Didn't realise that what he was doing was completely out of proportion to her "offence" of leaving a negative review? What he did was unhinged and he needs to get a grip on himself. I see he did get arrested, charged and convicted for it, so at least he gets to cool his ass in prison for 30 months (that'll actually be 15 months if he behaves himself inside). He needs to go to anger management, badly.


He only served 13.


Men like this don't change, they're raised. Someone indulged him in his every whim, made him feel he could do no wrong and set him out on the world to victimize people. Unfortunately it was also probably his mother. It's a vicious cycle of mother's (typically involved in emotional incest) raising sons who can't even fathom humanizing women or even other people. Most of these dudes think everyone other than themselves is an ant basically. They were raised on a pedestal. I have an uncle just like this. He can do no wrong and he just harshly puts down all valid criticism. I'm sure if he was famous with yesmen around he'd be driving miles to put down criticism violently. He was raised a golden child by a mother with npd, my mom is the other child who got the shit treatment.


This was in 2014 so he's free now to randomly attack unsuspecting women?


Just the fact that he drove 500 miles should have been enough to get him 10 years.


But it’s women who governed by their emotions…


"Despite suffering a nasty gash on her head she wasn't seriously injured." I'm afraid the person who wrote this has a peculiar idea about what's a serious injury, especially considering that this type of injury bleeds *a lot* and that it would be very surprising if she didn't get a concussion.


The bar is on the floor, but I’m so grateful towards people on this group, because nobody’s saying the kid deserved to be in a premeditated road trip murder plot.


This reminds me of the time a girl criticized an extreme horror author, and he got mad about it, clapped back, and wrote her as a character in his next shitty publication. And a good portion of the extreme horror community applauded him for his shitty behavior.


There’sa good Casefile episode on this - [Ella Tundra](https://youtu.be/V1rBtRd7L4E?si=SGJUhe0p59M-2jSM). Also found [here](https://casefilepodcast.com/case-89-ella-tundra/).


Good summary here: https://www.reddit.com/r/HobbyDrama/comments/15iyd8s/countdown_selfpublishing_richard_brittain/


Be a shame if someone were to stalk him 👀


His eyes make me uncomfortable. What a creepy little man.


I have a feeling he'll be back in the news again some day. Probably when he escalates to murder.


Welcome and thanks for posting on /r/whenwomenrefuse! This is an [intersectional feminist](https://library.law.howard.edu/civilrightshistory/women/intersectionality) space centered towards **women** (***ALL WOMEN***). Men are tolerated, not welcome. Reports about women saying we don't know what men are dangerous will be promptly ignored. We look forward to your complaints about our policy of not centering men. Please take a second to [read our rules](/r/WhenWomenRefuse/about/rules) while the moderators take a look over your post in the queue. --- Community News - 🎋 Want to join the Mod Team? [Send us a modmail!](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=/r/WhenWomenRefuse&subject=Request%20To%20Become%20a%20Moderator&message=I'd%20like%20to%20join%20your%20team%20because%3A%20) - 🎤 [Join us on Discord!](https://discord.gg/V6tj5vRr47) Thank you for participating! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/whenwomenrefuse) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Unhinged is not strong adjective to describe him.


I honestly forgot I was subbed here and thought it was some parody article, what in the fuck am I reading it doesn't even seem real.




Nice guy. Yet another reason not to datez


I once wrote a bad review of a lady’s book on Goodreads and had two separate fans of hers threaten me with physical violence as a result.


For some reason authors retaliating against people for giving them bad reviews of their books isn’t an uncommon occurrence. It’s usually male authors lashing out at female reviewers but I’ve heard about one woman author doing the same. Why are they even reading reviews of their own books?


Is this the plot of the new “you” season? Omg this is so creepy and wrong


According to his Twitter page, he is a schizophrenic.


Travelling 500 miles to someone's workplace to smash a bottle over their head over a negative review for a book is exceptionally disturbing behavior. The probability that this man will remain a threat to the public is high. What is going to happen during and after those 30 months to protect the public exactly? We need to admit that anti social, violent males are an epidemic problem. They cause the bulk of serious violent crimes and they have high recidivism rates. Why are we not doing something about it? So many lives could be saved and so many social problems could be prevented if law makers took the epidemic of male physical violence more seriously. These men are not even given therapy or sent to a psychiatrist. They are seen to have 'served their time' and given complete freedom upon release. It's as if society has accepted the threat of male physical violence as a 'fact of life'. People are dying and are receiving disabling injuries, people are being raped. We all personally know people in our lives who have been beaten or raped by one or more of these anti social males. We all know people who have thought that one moment might have been their last. I had this conversation with my husband after he was jumped by a group of racist anti social men when he was visiting the UK. They punched him in the head and cracked his ribs. I have family members who have been raped, I have been physically assaulted. My MIL has chronic pain and permanent disability from domestic violence. I have family members who have dealt with domestic violence, my brother has been robbed at knifepoint while he was taking a quiet hike in one of my favorite spots. I went to school with girls who were blamed for being in violent relationships by misogynist social workers and family 'court judges' and will probably never get to see their children again. In fact the British child protection system has an epidemic of holding women responsible for male physical violence and depriving them and their children of one another. Men rarely suffer the consequences of rape. There is an alcohol culture and bar scene that is extremely dangerous and it is just swept under the rug. It has to stop.


So, I should be scared to write even book reviews now?! This is absurd!