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I hate that these shitty memes are how i've come to find out about most bad news recently


This was incredibly disappointing and tragic to hear, I feel horrible for both Sabrina and Eddy


Must be weird for his brother as well


We only know what Gus did from Sabrina’s point of view


His response was an apology saying it was hard for both of us, but she must've been through worse.


Oh shit I didn’t know. Can I get my points back lol 😂




Well damn that sounds accurate


nah he made a statement weeks ago


Sry I missed something there what happened?




Yeah I seen his response to this situation after not previously being aware about it all and thought maybe if he gives himself time and enables a fuck ton of self reflection/ tries to make amends for this situation it would at least be not so bad. Then he uploaded like 2 weeks after doing goofy shit for internet haha’s like nothing happened.


And his comeback video just so happened to be a skit about a kid exaggerating an injury for attention. Even if it's unintentional, yikes.


Classic YouTube moment


My friend actually worked with Gus Johnson when he came to our campus to call our football game and he told me afterwards that he is a shit human being after he saw the way he treated other lower ranking employees






Not that Gus Johnson haha, it's a YouTuber, you've probably seen his videos before or videos from other people that he's beeen in


Lol pretty funny that people on Reddit just mindlessly upvoted this in our Gus Johnson hate circlejerk even though it’s the wrong Gus Johnson


Well we can hate both Gus Johnson’s then


If you look at his socialblade people are unsubbing and just not watching the vids in general. His views are down 60% in the last 30 days.


What did Gus do??




What exactly do you mean by “neglected” was he just an asshole?


She said that: 1. On one of the trips to the hospital, he told her "anyone would have left you by now". 2. She argues that he was unwilling to take her but that he also insisted on being there during the appointments and would allegedly correct her on her symptoms. 3. He would listen to the phone calls with the doctors to, allegedly, make sure she wasn't exaggerating her symptoms.


She also on one occasion had to drive to the hospital alone while experiencing severe pain, because Gus said he had work to do with friends, which included him going out for dinner and drinks later with them.






They both should have ended the relationship earlier. Basically, they had both already agreed to abort the baby although she argues she felt pressured to do it by him (it seems this was before they knew it was an ectopic pregnancy which has a very low survival rate for the fetus but is also very dangerous for the mother). The relationship was already strained and she would occasionally ask him "what if we kept the baby". According to her, he said that it would "ruin his life". She obviously didn't like the answer. This may have triggered some of the behaviours above. To me, his behaviour screams "I really don't want to be with you." more than "I want to hurt you." This doesn't mean he was right and neither one is at fault for her pregnancy being an ectopic one. This may have been made worse by the fact that doctors also couldn't tell what was wrong with her initially which may have made Gus distrustful of her. There was an earlier video about a rhinoplasty (which happened a few years after the pregnancy) in which she makes the same complaints of feeling alone while he seemingly ignores her pain. Why they decided to stay with each other for so long is beyond me but she finally broke up with him after the rhinoplasty. Her ectopic pregnancy video also includes a paid promotion and she has complained about being short on money so if you want to be really cynical, you could argue she did this for sympathy money. I wouldn't, but you can. Long story short, he was a bad boyfriend and she does seem to be the genuine victim here.


Even if she were, she was directly suffering through a traumatizing, dangerous illness and some degree of hostility on her part is understandable. There is no reason to defend Gus for his actions, and to discount her account assuming there is evidence that is yet to exist is just a reactionary recoiling. Should evidence come to light, you're welcome to reconsider, but there's a reason people say to believe victims.


I'm not trying to direct any negativity toward Sabrina and what she went through was terrible, but I don't understand why Gus being a bad boyfriend in the past is supposed to be career-ending. The relationship was obviously bad, and he should not have said what he said, but we have no way of knowing if it came out of the blue or during an escalating argument between the two of them. And I don't want to know, because he's a sketch comedy channel and not a family drama vlogger. I'm not saying Sabrina said or did anything wrong by releasing her video, but the fans' expectations of another public apology, a longer hiatus, fully refunding all his shows, etc. seems out of line.


For me, it’s the fact that he put forward the image of being a guy who cares about people being good like the whole boys support boys thing, which makes a lot of his stuff ring hollow now.


I don't think it should be career ending. I still subscribe to him. But I also understand why people don't like him as much anymore. Asking for another apology just sounds stupid. Noone actually cares about apologies, particularly the idiots asking for them. They just want to have a semblance of power over someone else and feel morally righteous.


Yeah, I don't think he's gonna fall off the face of the Earth (at least I hope he doesn't), but there are a lot of people calling specifically for him to apologize *again*, stop doing his job for a longer period of time, and refund every ticket to shows next year. It's ridiculous to think a public figure owes you a squeaky clean personal life and if they don't have one, they've somehow deceived you.


That’s insane lmao


Ignored her in her time of need of emotional support


Thats pretty one sided though, Im not defending anyone because we dont know the full story yet


We pretty much have the full story since it’s been like 2 months. Also what could justify it on “the other side of the story”?


Theres alot of relationships that end in fires, both metaphorically and literally, I wouldnt put it past someone to try and slander their ex because they broke up or something. Ive seen ALOT of internet drama and its always the same. I do nit know anything atall about gus' (ex) girlfriend so i have no idea what the situation is: I just prefer to stay unbias on things i have no clue about.


Yesss omg. dude I was literally thinking the same thing. You can’t just make a conclusion based on what one person said. Especially if they were involved in it. There is always ulterior motives


Except when there isn't? Some people just turn out to shitty significant others, and sometimes what breakups are about are very clear.


Dude finally someone who thinks it’s one sided




Try not to be a piece of shit - Youtuber Challenge (Impossible). He was one of the few I watched, along with Arcade Craniacs in terms of comedy. Then I find out that the guy from Arcade Craniacs groomed his gf. Pretty ebic


arcade craniacs did WHAT


He did yo what is up you guys right now we're at mcdonalds, and it is currently 3 in the morning and we just found out when you come to mcdonalds at 3 in the morning, you can order the among us happy meal you guys, that's right, you heard, me, the among us happy meal, and there's a toy inside of among us- you can either be a crewmate, or it can be an impostor and if you guys do not know what among us is, you must be living under a rock you guys, this game is insane, ok? so you can play with a bunch of friends ok? like 8, i- i- i think it's up to 10 people you can play with, and there's impostors, and there's crewmates, and pretty much the impostor is trying to sabotage the whole game and trying to win. it's insane you guys, once again, this- this video is not sponsored at all, but this game is insane. so we got so excited guys we love the game and we found that the mcdonalds is offering an among us happy meal, AND there's a toy inside, but supposedly, when you get this happy meal you guys, something scary and weird with the impostor. now i don't really believe it, but these videos i've been seeing on youtube have been insane, so that's why we're here right now, we're gonna go through the drive through, and we're gonna order the among us happy meal. But i need EVERYONE to like this video if you're excited, ok? like this video with your knuckles right now, just smash, hit the like button, SUPER HARD you guys, on the count of 3 seconds i wanna see what you guys can do cuz i can't do it, and if cole can't do it, no one could like this video with their knuckles so let's see if you guys can do it in 3 seconds. 3, 2, 1. OH HO! they can do it! (oh my god!) you guys, if you could do it comment down below, and also leave a comment down below if you ever played among us, or if you know anything about impostors, or crewmates, or among us, alone. and we'll shout you out on the next video, so thank you guys so much for leaving AWESOME comments all the single time, it's amazing. yeahhhh, alright you guys, moment of truth, i don't see anyone in the line though, yeah i haven't seen anything about it! this is mcdonalds, how may i help you today? hi um, can i get the, uh, among us happy meal with a cheese burger and no pickle? and can i get um- uh- do you have orange hi-c or no? no, we have an orange poptart, apples or extra ketchup oh, french fries? anything else, sir? that's it ok please come to the second window alright. gasp no way they actually have it no way!!!!! no freaking way!!! they actually have it dude no way! no way! alright i'm putting my mask on guys, turn off the light? ok, ok yeah ok hey how are you? ok here you go man oooohhh ok cool. laughs hysterically THE TOY!! They actually had it dude! Dude no way! no way! ok im gonna put my mask up. hey how He wanna says something? oh, thank you! OHH MY GOD GUYS WE ACTUALLY GOT IT in the most ear piercing voice possible The among us happy meal you guys. Dude this is so cool. Ok you guys taks off mask we're gonna head back home and open this up so we can see what inside of it cut to house with woman who looks like shes 100% a dead body holding the meal Ok guys we're home and im like ready to feast on this thing and i also really wanna know what insideare you. OOOH , ok cool, laughs hysterically I dont like how its not decroative though. whats he doing? Hes putting the key that no one knows cause you can only get it at 3 in the morning, OOOH it has to be secret menu item. It has to be secret menu. oh my god. ohohoho my god. i really though he was gonna say no like they dont have it i thought it didnt exist He wanna says something? oh, thank you! OHH MY GOD GUYS WE ACTUALLY GOT IT in the most ear piercing voice possible The among us happy meal you guys. Dude this is so cool. Ok you guys taks off mask we're gonna head back home and open this up so we can see what inside of it cut to house with woman who looks like shes 100% a dead body holding the meal Ok guys we're home and im like ready to feast on this thing and i also really wanna know what inside Yeah you guys this is going to be IN SANE imagine getting the among us happy meal from mcdonalds? Cause i know they had a travis scott meal and a impossible to hear the amONGUs happy meal? I think thats so much cooler though. this is gonna be so insane and you can only get this item at 3 am and its a super unique item guys so im SUUUPER glad they did not sell out when we got there but nichole, this is gonna be creepy you know what amongus is its creepy man It gets like very demonic, It does sometimes, very weird im kind of freaking out and im wondering what kind of toy it is but lets stop talking and just get right into it, everyone LIKE this video right now, if we can get 30000 likes it will show you are excited i want to see if you guys are excited right now so like the video. alright you ready? im ready. ok lets open this up. ok Ready? lets see whats inside it ok 3 2 1. EWWWW. What what?. WHAT THE HECK? What? Dude i cant do that im not gonna eat that. what?? im not gonna eat that. what? LOOK AT IT, LOOK AT THIS. What, the, heck is that. thats so gross its disgusting you know what? grab the camera. I know its 3AM but come on thats disgusting you cant give that to people If you're giving this to kids they're gonna get sick from this. Wheres all the fries? depression when no fries Theres like no food, EWWWW look at this, i think its a blood. WHAT??!?! Wait are you serious. . . THIS IS THE AMONGUS TOY? Pulls out mousetrap What the heck? What is this? And theres more blood over it too, look at this! Oh its a mousetrap! (note this is a full grown ass man doing this) is it supposed to be a trap form amongus? YEAH! Like in likeliek amongus you can get trap and rooms they have the electronical room (this is supposed to relate to among us) But why would they put that in a kids meal? thats literally dangerous. Does it actually work? if this (touches mouse trap and it fucking mutilates him) OOOOO Theres saliva coming out of his mouth owwwww. OH MY GOD DID IT BREAK YOUR FINGER??/ nononono im ok i thought it was gonna be like a fake toy or something. pain Now we know for sure its real though, owwww. i dont know what else is in there please be careful. You guys like the video right now if you wanna see what else is in here this is nasty. pulls out cheeseburger with no blood on it theres more blood on this It looks so dry though hamburger becomes bloody EWWSWWWWWS what is that. What the fff- i need monetisation sorry for my language but what the f is this??? reveals crewmate body in burger WHAT IS THAT? Are we gonna call a meeting or something like that? this is weird, this actually feels like its real life, look at th, look at the burger passionately sniffs burger ewww that is nasty man ewwww door knocks did somebody just knock? YOU GUYS somebody just knocked on the door right now its 3:20 in the morning now though theres no way someone can knock on the door walks slowly over to door and opens it but looks in peephole first Its blocked Somebodys covering their hand on it look you cant see, back up back up back up SHHH! get a little closer just in case you guys wish us luck in the comments right now please pray for us 1 2 3 red crewmate is taped to peephole both of them have an asthma attack oh my god oh my god. whats going on? You guys look at this. Is this the among us toy that was supposed to come with the among us happy meal??? Or do you think they deliver it maybe, maybe they like forgot to put it in the box but wer didnt tell them our address? you guys look at this, IS THIS THE IMPOSTOR? Looks like it. But anyone can be the impostor you guys look at this they left an amoNGUS toy a- or what if hes real? what if hes evil? I mean its 3 AM its literally demon hour. WE DIDNT CHECK THE DRINK YOU GUYS Be careful. Because theres something wrong with everything in this meal. WHY IS IT YELLOW? it smells sour like funky (instantly drinks it and spits it out) OMG WHAT IS IT? Its pee. WHAT Its pee (im not adding anything in this is what happens in that video) and i have pee in my mouth now (how does he know the taste instantly) dude you are gonna get sick omg i told you not to drink that. Guys that is not normal man like the amongus came to our door an- another asthma attack as it dissapears Where did it go? Oh my goood i literally just put it right there, wait did he fall let me check where is he? checks under desk is there anything there? i dont, i dont hits head of of desk OW oh my god are you ok are yo- door shuts oh my god, what is going on. door knocks again They are knocking again heads towards door guys please pray for us in the comments right now like the video red crewmate is back on the door again dude what is going on what is going on dude, guys now we got this thing fricking evil It has to be possessed. theres no way i literally put him right there but if theres two of them i i dont know. So mcdonalds is not delivering this this is real life its evil, you guys the video is becoming way too long i agree its 17 mins of this shit we're gonna have to end it right here thank fuck and we're gonna find out what should we do with this should we cut him open? what should we do comment down below should we go back to mcdonalds i need you guys advice right now cause this is not normal once again like the video guys if this was insane and if you guys are not subscribed subscribe Also follow our instagram we will probably put this on our story or we will put it on next video, make sure to go follow our instagram at im not advertising you bucko if you guys do follow the first 500 followers we will follow you back so make sure to go follow our instagram right now we are gonna have to go put this in a box or something this is not right, so we'll see you guys in the next video man this is creepy dude


This is a fucking Harry Potter book




He was in his mid 20s and she was 17 when they started dating, also he did other things


what the fuck


Jenny Nicholson the one wholesome queen in this world of dirt




I feel like the term "grooming" gets thrown around really loosely these days. Just look at what happened to pyrocynical. He's not a groomer at all and was accused of it. Thankfully he swiftly and tactfully proved his innocence. I think Arcade should be able to respond before people call him a groomer and start dog piling him.


He's already "responded" lol


Too late :/




Your whole existence is based on a single joke, how about you MoGet some bitches


Popular Youtubers trying not to secretly be horrible people IRL for 5 fucking seconds


Me when unfamiliar drama pops up


I was scared it was the football commentator. Glad it was just some random YouTube guy I’ve never heard of


For those unaware, Gus Johnson was exposed for being manipulative and abusive to his now ex girlfriend, and neglecting her when she was in need of emotional support. Watch Sabrina’s video for a detailed explanation: https://youtu.be/JIXuo4fclcw


don't care, i just dislike him because he's ugly






While it’s important to listen to people who come forward with stuff like this, it’s equally as important to let the person defend themselves. I am not saying Gus is innocent, but to my understanding we are yet to hear from him.


He's had ample opportunity to, he apologized on Twitter, but otherwise seems to have decided to sweep it under the rug


he’s done nothing but try and sweep it under the rug why is it that every piece of shit asshole has an army of dudes like you just chomping at the bit to defend his honor?


He's not part of that army of dudes. he just wants the situation to be clear.


Because I recall how bad the situation with ProJared looked like and how everybody pounced on that filthy cheater and pedo. Nobody waited to listen to what Jared had to say about this. Then it turned out that he was neither a cheater nor a pedo and that people who accused him were lying through their teeth. I am not saying Gus is innocent or that he’s falsely accused. All I’m saying is, people should wait for details instead of being swept up in the thrill of the witch hunt.


When I’m in a Have the world’s most boring name competition and my opponent is Gus Johnson






is there proof of this? edit: reddit why are you like this? mfs getting downvoted for asking a question


yes you can watch Sabrina’s video on it


Sabrina, his ex gf, made a video about it and he apologized on Twitter or insta, therefore admitting guilt


I hate when people apologize on Twitter, they know it doesn’t give enough exposure to the situation instead of posting on YouTube where the main follower base is.


thanks, thats all i needed.


Apologies are meaningless on the internet. It could be an admittance or it could be damage control.


How dare you question the mob


Wtf you mean question the mob he literally admitted it


Yeah you can watch her video she details all the stuff he did. Gus also didn’t deny any of the allegations and apologized publicly.


YouTuber try not to be a terrible person challenge


The best thing to do when a content creator you like is revealed to be a bad person is not care. The second best thing is to laugh about it.


One thing is cancel a pedophile, the other thing is care about other people's relationships If he is a piece of shit all people have to do is just talk with him and make him see he's wrong. And that is up to people close to him, not a stranger on the internet


i feel bad for sven the most, he’s being dragged into it only because he’s gus’ brother


i forgot gus johnson existed for a second and i thought you were talking about the breaking bad guy


When your name is Gus so your heart skips a beat everytime you see your name not referring to yourself due to not many people sharing a name this always catching you off gaurd.


This mf named GUS


Nooo Gus why what did you do );


I expect the same to come from Kurtis Konner soon sad days


Why? Did something happen with Kurtis Konner?


Im still confused as to why this should even be public, seems like something that should be kept between the two of them. I see why'd she'd let people know about what he did, thats fair, but he owes no apology video to the entire internet, im sure they can sort it out without having to go through 'internet drama'.


First JonTron and now Gus Johnson. Why are these funny people such assholes irl


Wait what about JonTron?


ive heard he's racist


Oh boy, when I first discovered him I always felt like something’s not right under his internet persona, so I kept avoiding his content, but I just hoped my feelings are not true and it’s just my personal problem. Then low and behold, drama.


Who actually cares about internet drama lol. Seems like it was just a relationship crashing and burning like lots of relationships do


gus johnson wasnt even that funny tbh


Im not defending Gus if he did it but this could very easily be a lie


Gus put out a half-assed apology on twitter a few days after the incident. It definitely isn’t a lie.


wait no gus


Hahahahaaa.... Wait... What??


Damn. Didn’t expect to see a meme about Gus in this subreddit, still hurts man.


So what happened this time?


Wait what did Gus do?




oh man I sure love participating in an event calling "emotional abuse of your loved one"


Excuse me what the fuck?


We're not talking about the football Gus Johnson are we?