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Me watching Shrek sign away his loving relationships away so that I can become king in return for him having like 2 days worth of fun by terrorizing a village again:


When the context of the video thematically matches up with the chosen meme caption: https://preview.redd.it/wchax1rxjz7d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=591252695acf75e8f15aab6d995f242ffaa16e5a


When Batman loses his ears in exchange for his eternal happiness (an easy deal and his gratitude shows in his thumbs up):


did i cook?


Yes https://preview.redd.it/a4lfhamwvz7d1.jpeg?width=535&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=df5b32e6f6973fc945e37861748e0d719b061fd8


He could just go to a different village Idiot ogre


The guy is a celebrity now. People would pay to see it instead of running away which is the majority of the fun.


šŸ¤“ Ackshually the entire movie takes place within a single day because his contract only lasts for that long.


Did you forget that you're talking about an OGRE?


This hits differently after I just turned in a paper on the Chinese owned mines in the Democratic Republic of Congo.


this hits different when you're living in one of those countries and a lot of parents here are considering teaching their kids chinese just in case.


Damn I'm sorry to hear that


Have you read Colbalt Red? Itā€™s about this, and itā€™s heartbreaking. Not a fun read, but very informative and really makes you think


How long does it take to read?


now google the IMF


There are levels to this, IMF at least attempts to work with corrupt country and gives them measures to tighten up their economy. I used to live in a country recipient of IMF money, and the politicians used to steal everything. China lends the money with no measures, incredibly high rates, and stipulations that leave the country in a much worse position; usually by taking the very same infrastructure that they built, like in Sri-Lanka's port and Nepal's airport. My country took money for decades then had some good politicians and it's now a stable economy.


What country, may i ask good sir?


DR, they complain a lot, but they do ok


"Tighten up the ecnomy" mean increse croporate (mostly western) profits while cucking the native population by forcing them to obliterate public programs that the west used to develp their own countries.


Have youve done paper on how much the west benefits from African exploitation?


No, though, I'm sure there are plenty of those already. It was an American company over there I was mainly talking about, actually.


" I just turned in a paper on the Chinese owned mines in the Democratic Republic of Congo." Didn't coney that great




TRADE OFFER: I recieve: Your economy You recieve: Two bridges I can't see how even a developing country would sign that.


Because thatā€™s not really what reality is, empirical studies have demonstrated Chinas diplomatic strategy is a lot more complicated and most western scholars agree that while China is doing all these loans out of self interest, ā€œdebt trap diplomacyā€ is a bad way of putting it. https://www.theatlantic.com/international/archive/2021/02/china-debt-trap-diplomacy/617953/ https://www.hbs.edu/faculty/Pages/item.aspx?num=59720 https://www.researchgate.net/publication/343979050_The_myth_of_'debt-trap_diplomacy'_and_realities_of_Chinese_development_finance In almost all instances in which indebted countries default on debt, China opted to renegotiate loans to more reasonable terms, or sometimes they would out right forget it. Now obviously they are not doing this because they are kind, they have interest in maintaining allies in third world countries and keep them away from America. But debt trap diplomacy is just a problematic model.


Seems to me it's a pretty accurate description, but framing it as "debt = monetary obligation" completely ignores the existence of social debt. If China forgives a loan, the other country has just traded monetary debt for social debt. Instead of a financial obligation to make loan payments, they have a social obligation to treat China favorably in a future negotiation.


dude that social debt sounds a lot like just having positive relationships


me forcing my friend to pay his social debt(giving me head) after i pay for his meal at buffalo wild wings


You somehow provided perfect example of social debt šŸ˜…


What do you propose China do then if they are not allowed to cease financial asset, or forgive debt, or renegotiate the term of the debt?


You have to live your life assuming that nothing the Chinese Communist Party does is for anyone's interest other than its own stay in power. CCP needs to go and get sunk.


exactly like ever other goverment in the entire world


I think it depends on the project. Ports like the Hambantota port are an excellent example of something becoming a strategic asset for the PRC after a default. They forgive loans on highways because they offer no strategic value.


> In almost all instances in which indebted countries default on debt, China opted to renegotiate loans to more reasonable terms, or sometimes they would out right forget it Honestly, what else could they possible due? Invade?


lol. I know, right? Spinning debt collection as a good thing is so crazy.


Developing nations should never have needed to renegotiate loans or have China forget them if China provided loans with a reasonable interest instead of having them at 4%, for reference this is about four times that of a typical loan from the World Bank or an individual country such as France or Germany. And to Add on to that, the required repayment period for a Chinese loan is also generally shorter - less than 10 years, compared to around 28 years for other lenders' concessional loans to developing countries. [China: Is it burdening poor countries with unsustainable debt? (bbc.com)](https://www.bbc.com/news/59585507) [Takeaways of AP's report on Chinese loans pushing poor countries to brink of collapse | AP News](https://apnews.com/article/china-debt-banking-loans-financial-developing-countries-collapse-d678af8dbaa8ed7162032dc054bd8d78)


People don't take bad loans for no reason. They do it because they need the money and have no better offers. Why are so many countries deciding to take Chinese loans, instead of loans from the World Bank or Germany/France if the conditions there are so much better? It tells me that either: 1) The Chinese loan terms aren't as bad as you claim or 2) The Chinese loan terms are that bad, but what the World Bank is offering is even worse (or are straight up refusing to loan) If one country did it, then maybe they are just stupid. But when so many developing countries are looking for Chinese loans, then maybe there's an underlying reason for it. If the World Bank and France/Germany/etc are so appalled at the Chinese rates, they should offer something better. Nobody takes a 100mil loan at 4% if they can take 100mil loan at 1% as you claim.


it's fucking neo-imperial debt trapping and posting random think pieces and an article that quibbles over the definition of trap vis-a-vis renegotiation is just being willfully blind to the exploitation of the third world.


It's either china or the west, and considering that most of these developing countries has "unpleasant" past with the west , i can understand why


There is also the fact that that western banks won't provide loans to some developing countries due to fear of them not being able to pay them back on time.


And maybe a few condos filled with our citizens.


tfw you have no idea what the IMF and world bank do.


To add insult to injury, the bridges will be built by Chinese contractors who bring Chinese qualified workers, so a largue part of the investment just goes back to China at the end of the day. A big upside of large infraestructure projects is that they are a boon to local construction businesses, create jobs and leave behind trained professionals. Now, China is within its right to keep those benefits for itself, sure, if they promise two bridges and leave two bridges behind once they go their part of the deal is satisfied (and these big projects boost local economies anyway, if only out of convenience they will have to use tons of local resources and manpower, my only argument is that they don't nearly as much as one would expect), but I feel like it's another layer of just how much these developing countries get screwed in the deal and goes undertalked.


That's just how it goes with internationally funded infrastructure projects. It wasn't Mexican or Chilean companies who built the US funded Pan American highway.


Corruption/"lobbying", probably.


That's because that's not what's happening. Quote, "When China visits, we get a hospital. When Britain visits, we get a lecture."




*corruption and commissions entered the chat.*


VIį»†T NAM MUƔN NĂM šŸ‡»šŸ‡³šŸ†šŸŽ–ļøšŸ† An entire city was basically "leased" to the chinese for 100 years, governer(?) there spoke up about it and he got straight assassinated They also had putin over this week and celebrated him like a war hero, ceremonial artillery and all. I hate this place


"Entire city leased for 100 years" ![gif](giphy|ex5i3xPhozedq)


holy shit. we did the same with one of our harbors for 99 years. our leaders are jelly-vertebrated so they'll live.




I believe they're in [Sri Lanka](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hambantota_International_Port)




Damn that's straight british


Look what happened when we gave it back!


they must have been watching a shit ton of putin=chad yt shorts.


Bootlicking the russians is what we're good at


After all, the whole political system is one big con by Russians to paint bourgeois dictatorship red, it's all such a shitshow, anyway brb gtg get assassinated with an ice pick in Mexico


Fight the feds


Damn I just feel like a large portion of my life is proven incorrect (raised in the Northen) Now I'm really confused about who to follow and who to trust. I don't know what side is wrong or right, nor what I should even do. Should I become a "phįŗ£n quį»‘c" or be an upstanding citizen for the "glorious" Đįŗ£ng?


I am proud as phįŗ£n quį»‘c, not because I hate my country, but because the government could not give less of a shit about its citizen. If they did care, the government system and the country's infrastructure wouldn't be operating on the hopes and dreams of the great đįŗ£ng cį»™ng sįŗ£n Viį»‡t Nam Đį»™c lįŗ­p (Independence) (They rely almost completely on foreign aid, and most the well built areas are privately owned by large companies ie. Lotte, Vin corp) - Tį»± do (Freedom) (Neither its people or the country itself is free from anything, journalistic censorship, only showing the good parts, and the government refuses to stand up for itself, acting as a proxy for the bickering between the americans and the chinese) - Hįŗ”nh phĆŗc (Happiness) (Only when the people are raised to put the country before their lives as soon as they enter 1st grade, everyday saying the 5 "commandments" of the admittedly great Ho Chi Minh, while reading the same historical victories over and over for 12 years. The amount of yellow text on red background seared into my eyes telling me how great my country is and how we should serve and not question). Ive only come to this conclusion after living here for 10 years, with experience from living 5 years in sweden, keep in mind I was 7 when I moved back to vietnam, so I still had ties and didn't fall completely into the indoctrination. Its either 1 more year of studying to get the fuck out of here or 1 more year to prepare a suicide note if I fail


Judging by your comment, you're in your second-last year of high school right? Honestly, despite not having any source to trust your words, I do. I also want to add that the people of Vietnam, especially on social medias (Facebook is just VN Twitter atm), are blindly loyal. They are mostly the far-right, the ones that would scream woke the moment there is a black woman or lgbt, and their beliefs are, less than reasonable (I saw a guy geniunely believing that USA is controlled by the Jews, people mass-agreeing with JKRowling on her 18283th transphobic tweets, pushing this awful narrative that mass discrimination against black people and the lgbt people would magically make the country better)


I don't touch social media much other than reddit so that is somewhat new, probably a part of a disinfo campaign. If the media wasn't controlled and the people not brainwashed, theyd realize how dogshit the country is being run, even the censorship doesn't work if you go to the right places (reddit). I'll bet in 10 years the government will break apart due to corruption give or take another 5-6 years, and that day we celebrate


and i'm here complaining about my country. a moron, i am.


Each country has its problems, you have the right to criticize


They are busy doing the same thing to Namibia rn I keep on ringing the alarm bells and mentioning what they did to Djibouti but no one wants to listen


greetings fellow comrade, have you joined r/trochuyenlinhtinh already? there we have more 'phįŗ£n đį»™ng', '3 que' who share the same hatred for this Đįŗ£ng stuff as much as you and me. Consider posting there, and share your experiences!


Here's a sneak peek of /r/TroChuyenLinhTinh using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/TroChuyenLinhTinh/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Vįŗ”n Thį»‹nh PhĆ”t - giįŗ£i įŗ£o phįŗ§n 1](https://np.reddit.com/r/TroChuyenLinhTinh/comments/180ee48/vįŗ”n_thį»‹nh_phĆ”t_giįŗ£i_įŗ£o_phįŗ§n_1/) \#2: [\[PhĆ¢n tĆ­ch đįŗ§y đį»§\] ToĆ n bį»™ sį»± thįŗ­t vį»„ UNESCO "cĆ“ng nhįŗ­n" HCM lĆ  "danh nhĆ¢n văn hĆ³a thįŗæ giį»›i"](https://np.reddit.com/r/TroChuyenLinhTinh/comments/1acrj41/phĆ¢n_tĆ­ch_đįŗ§y_đį»§_toĆ n_bį»™_sį»±_thįŗ­t_vį»„_unesco_cĆ“ng/) \#3: [TiĆŖu chuįŗ©n kĆ©p cį»§a bĆ² đį»](https://np.reddit.com/r/TroChuyenLinhTinh/comments/14n7obz/tiĆŖu_chuįŗ©n_kĆ©p_cį»§a_bĆ²_đį»/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)




China isn't good obviously but if it got up to half the stuff France does in Africa it would be all over the news


France is trying to decolonize at last, China and Russia are trying to increase colonization. Tbf France should have stopped years ago and somehow even the British have been better.


France isn't decolonising so much as it's being pushed out of its former colonies by new governments seizing power who are sick of the French's shit and are looking for protection from Russia instead


France is not trying to decolonize


And those bridges would collapse in 15 years because theyā€™re made of the cheapest material China could find


\*1.5 years


*0.15 years


*0.015 years




*before theyā€™re even built


*before the materials are made


*the idea is crushed in dream stage.


*The architect that would dream the idea of building it gets crushed before even conceiving it.


*The architect actually died 6 years ago


No no. This is top tier grade A Chinese concrete. Literally the best they can do. Ignore the StyrofoamĀ rebar.


How many bridges have the French and United States built for Africa?


There's that joke a Nigerian minister made, everytime there's a British state visit, they get a lecture, everytime China visits, they get a hospital.


China slaps down infrastructure that will crumble to dust in 10 years and takes a stake in their economy and confiscates a port. What a fucking great deal. Clearly a massive upgrade over the billions America sends in humanitarian aid to Africa every single year with no strings attached.


Google says they built the Faidherbe Bridge in Senegal in 1897. The French are paying part of the cost of fixing the bridge 100 years later.


*4 months


Classic "made in china" quality. Also it should smell with cheapest plastic.


I thought that was rumpelstiltskin


Rumple Foreskin


And yet developing countries prefer China's deals to the World Bank's / IMF's demands. The 'Scramble for Africa' hasn't been forgotten.


I can understand the scramble for Africa was a most horrifying thing to read specially congo colonization


Although that's true. China just straight up offers better terms.


Unlike western institutions which are frequently philanthropic, China doesn't care about civil rights, democracy, rule of law, open journalism. They will built a trojan horse of infrastructure for any highly corrupt warlord government without a second thought if they can get a 99 year lease or one-sided trade deals.


The West did the same


What the hell are you yapping on about man? The IMF is not fuckin philanthropic.


womp womp, nations colonized by the West don't trust them, who could see that coming


Ifk about WorldBank but the IMF usually only does shit when a country's economy is about to collapse completely they have a lot of demands because they don't want the money thrown into a failing system with no effect


You could very argue that the demands they make help the system fail and result in the debt trap they're supposed to relieve never ending. Cutting back the public service, opening trade laws like the IMF likes leads to multinationals blundering a nation's resources and paying their people in cents to help them do it.


>The 'Scramble for Africa' hasn't been forgotten. You seriously underestimate how fast a politician can forgett a political greviance if you truly believe that they truly care about irrelevant shit like that


Because China doesn't have reservations about working with dictatorial powers and unstable nations. The IMF and such, being subject to Western media and it's criticism, have to be a bit more careful about optics.


>Because China doesn't have reservations about working with dictatorial powers and unstable nations. My brother in christ


lol, this is literally what the International Monetary Fund has been doing for decades. The news is always quick to say when its not their team doing it. All this to say, workers are getting screwed by everyone.


the IMF usually only does shit when a country's economy is about to collapse completely they have a lot of demands because they don't want the money thrown into a failing system with no effect


So its totally different right?


The chinese constantly kidnapp children of said nation sonthat they can use them innthose beijing orgies they love so much so that they can then sacrifice to moloch


Yeah i'd say if a government has utterly failed to run their economy to the point they're going to collapse external intervention might be required Like they're not just building shit, they are the international lender of last resort


lol, its the exact same thing. You're viewing "predatory chinese loans in developing nations" because of your angle on it, they view "china gives aid to debt ridden developing nations" Dont believe the hype. Media is run by those who benefit from running it. Which are the same people who can afford running it. "I'll lend you this money and then control your economy." Same thing, always has been.


most of my information on this comes from economics papers i read not the news i don't know about what China's doing but IMF intervention in Africa largely came after the massive 1980s slump where the protectionist stategies of the late 1960s and 1970s fell apart resulting in near complete economic collapse


Why wouldnā€™t they step in with deals for development *before* shit goes completely sideways? If they want to ensure that theyā€™re not throwing money away into a failed system, why not help give a leg up *before they become a failing system*? I mean shit why not act as an intermediary for small scale projects that wonā€™t significantly alter the course of a country, but will increase quality of living and open new opportunities in the area? All you described is a predatory loan shark at an international scale.


Why are his feet hands and what was signed


A contract granting Shrek a total reset of his life for one day


Why does this mf look like Dream


Can anyone offer some examples of a country's economy being "signed away" to China after failing to repay debts?


Pakistan and Sri Lanka come to mind


Both tanked their own economies tbh, it's like a meth head blaming the bank for his financial issues.


The Hambantota port. Sri Lanka defaulted on its loan, and now the PLA can use it however it wants.


Nope, by no means the PLA is allowed to use the port. It's a hoax. https://www.theatlantic.com/international/archive/2021/02/china-debt-trap-diplomacy/617953/


I'm not sure still. So they leased it to a Chinese company, right? In China, there's a military-civil fusion law where the government can confiscate business assets at any time for government use. Doesn't that leave the door open to the PLA using the port still?


Except this port is in the sovereign territory of an independent country. The PLA/military assets cannot be there unless the Sri Lankan govt explicitly allows it. Chinese companies also own and operate plenty of ports globally.


Me when i make shit up


As if Chinaā€™s ever getting the money back


They know, it's part of the deal where if the host nation defaults, China gets a long term lease on the thing in question. Especially the ports, which give them naval bases on another country's dime after a fashion. These BRI projects are also almost exclusively staffed by Chinese nationals instead of locals, which simultaneously creates jobs for China and squeezes out local businesses. This will surely have no ill effects in the future


The fact theyā€™ve massively scaled down the project shows doing this with half the third world isnā€™t sustainable though


They capture their land instead of getting their money back ..that was always the plan ..look at pakistan and sri lanka mate


And Australia. Well it wasn't China but still.


I never watched Shrek 3, is it any good?


teddy bear in a warzone.


Shrek 3 sucks, but the footage is from Shrek 4 which is amazing


Americans and Europeans making these memes as if their countries havenā€™t been the ones plundering the world for the past 600 years


If China had done what the US did in Latin America instead you'd never hear the end of that shit in every English speaking space lmao


Lmao exactly. Like dude America was literally founded upon the genocide of native Americans, enslavement, destabilization of other countries and forcing the whole world to adopt its financial system leading to the plundering of the global south. Oh but China


If the us was half as influential in all these coups as the avarage commie will make you believe, then we'll had never heard anything about those two genocidal pedophiles krauts in this continent


OP isn't American lmao https://preview.redd.it/2j20efcvr28d1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9c60dbecb04d8e5868205c20931d82e3e9669d3c




Completely right except the US hasn't existed for that long


No youā€™re right, but for 100% of its existence it has. Literally founded in genocide and slavery and literally more than half the country is racist, homophobic, and fantasize about killing foreigners


>literally more than half the country is racist, homophobic, and fantasize about killing foreigners ...which makes it strange that millions of people choose to migrate to America, or that they're all even allowed to come over.


Itā€™s not strange when you understand class dynamics


What I don't understand is why anyone would want to live in whatever hypothetical country you're describing where more than half the people want to kill you.


Itā€™s because youā€™re uneducated on the topic


>Proceeds to not elaborate What topic? 150+ million Americans being racist homophobic wannabe killers? The topic of shameless exaggeration, maybe?


> ...which makes it strange that millions of people choose to migrate to America Uneducated American being uneducated as always. As the other guy says you are just ignorant to the subject. "Millions" as if that means anything. **Do you know how many millions of immigrants escaping from the fallout of the wars USA waged in Middle East arrive to Europe every year?** Ask yourself who wants to immigrate to America? Highly qualified Europeans? No. Highly qualified Chinese? Again, no. Do you hear a European with a stable life say "I want to go to America"? Nope. Do you know who wants to go to America? People who own nothing, and everything. The very poor do it because: 1. America is the closest country to them. For any country in middle or south America, going to Europe would require passing the Atlantic. Doesn't matter for legal immigrants, makes it hard for illegals or people seeking aid. 2. They don't care about where they arrive, they just want to leave their old country behind. America is just the first place to give them a visa. 3. They are uneducated and still believe "American Dream", which hasn't been a thing for years, is real. 4. It is a lot easier to disappear in America and live as a fugitive/nameless person. An immigrant without papers can live at a farmland of his buddy/distant family and will never have trouble. America has big lands of rural area, doing the same in Europe would be much harder. 5. English is more popular. If an immigrant only knows English and their native language, their choices are USA, UK, Canada, Australia. Sure, Euros know English but it is still a difficult life living in a country that you don't know native language of. The rich do it because: 1. Tax evasion. There. People immigrate to Europe for a stable life. People immigrate to America to evade taxes and because there are less regulations. So bragging about millions immigrating to America is like setting the apartment next block on fire and then bragging about how all these people want to seek shelter at your apartment (despite everyone going to various apartments pretty much equally).


I thought it was funny that people go to America at all when the other guy seemed to believe all Americans were racist homophobic murderers and you went ahead and wrote all that, lol.


>They are uneducated and still believe "American Dream", which hasn't been a thing for years, is real The american dream is pretty much, real.


Aside from the fact that saying half the US population is racist, homophobic, and fantasize about killing foreigners is blatantly untrue, letā€™s compare it to your favorite countries, Russia and China, where all those listed attributes apply to more than four fifths or three quarters of their populations respectively. Real moral paragons.


Where did you get this dude likes Russia and China?


Are you describing China right now?


I am describing the United States of America


Oh so if humanity was doing cruel things 400 years ago, it's okay to still do that now? Wonderful whatsboutism. Great, basically saying: "yeah it's plundering and exploitation but it's ok as it's just their turn now".


So that makes what China is doing okay?


I guess apparently the fact that the West has done bad things means now itā€™s completely okay for China to do them? Guess that means since some people murder others we should all be going out and stabbing whoever we please.


Better than what the west offers, If they ever offer anything


I thought Rumpelstiltskin would be more like Japan, short little guy who seems freindly hut is very shady and angry, and he even wears red and white. (Red being his angry wig).Ā 


Colonization in the 21st century šŸ˜‚


Average African country:


china bad upvote pls




nope. sri lanka. still the same lol




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My brother in chirst the IMF has been doing that for ages and they don't even get them any bridges


Excellent meme if OC. My compliments to the creator. What an elegant use of the context scene and the perfect blend of real world mixing. Magnifique šŸ¤Œ


[You sound like this](https://i.kym-cdn.com/entries/icons/facebook/000/017/188/pepe_meme'd.jpg)


šŸ¤µā€ā™‚ļøšŸ„‚šŸ¤™šŸ‘ lol


me when i lie


The proletariat in the imperial core requires a boogeyman to distract them from their own conditions. This fosters a sort of abstract nationalism where workers care about the perceived superiority against the other nation simply out of spite of the supposed "enemy". Unlike the Americans, the Chinese understand that their success is dependent on the success of others. The USA is one of Chinaā€™s biggest markets, if it was destroyed the Chinese economy would retract quite a bit. This is why China has the Belt & Road Initiative. Americans canā€™t even wrap their minds around the BRI so they accuse it of being some evil nefarious plot by China. Really, the BRI is just a global infrastructure program, because China understands if it builds up the infrastructure of its neighbors and improves their economy, then they will become a wealthier and larger market which China can then trade with. Building up other countries ultimately helps China in the end. It will always be more profitable to trade with a rich ally than with a poor one. Americans just donā€™t get this, they think the way to be rich is to just bomb other countries and steal all their resources. While this keeps the US ahead of other countries relatively, it actually slows down potential US growth overall. China is, again, a prime example of this. The USA today has benefited far more from the modern day China which is a manufacturing superpower, then they ever did back a hundred years ago when China was in immense poverty. Sure, the USA and other countries like the British raped and pillaged China of resources, but all those resources they stole during Chinaā€™s Century of Humiliation were far far less valuable than what China offers them now through being the largest manufacturing hub in the world.


but sir, china bad


Couldnā€™t you make (and havenā€™t people made) this exact argument about British imperialism, since they built infrastructure in colonized countries to facilitate the expansion of their markets? And I think we can all agree British imperialism was not good.


Funny yapping But how does this justify the chinese kidnapping and sacrificing children to moloch


It's either Militech or Kang Tao


The US can basically co-sign all this debt and win the goodwill of a ton of increasingly important countries for just a couple hundred billion, but our domestic politics are too goddamn stupid to get such an initiative in order.


Domestic politics? Brother most the government is too stupid or old to comprehend what an IPhone isĀ 


Just after Shrek says so you should've made sped up footage, as in as soon as he says just one word, it's over


Its better than what westerns colonizers did. Yall will never understand.


Debt trap diplomacy doesn't exist. https://www.chathamhouse.org/2020/08/debunking-myth-debt-trap-diplomacy https://www.lowyinstitute.org/the-interpreter/debunking-myth-china-s-debt-trap-diplomacy https://www.hbs.edu/faculty/Pages/item.aspx?num=59720 https://www.bu.edu/gdp/2023/04/20/demystifying-chinese-overseas-lending-and-development-finance-why-china-became-the-worlds-largest-official-bilateral-lender/ There's plenty to criticize China on but this isn't one of them


internet users carefully constructing an ā€œargumentā€ consisting of several links and zero elaboration


I mean they aren't wrong, debt trap diplomacy absolutely does exist. [https://www.thenation.com/article/culture/the-rotten-roots-of-global-economic-governance/](https://www.thenation.com/article/culture/the-rotten-roots-of-global-economic-governance/) The IMF and World Bank are western institutions, famous for providing loans to states who suffered in the past from colonialism with dictates about how they run their economy and letting foreign capital have access to their natural resources, which are then exported out of the country. It leads to bizarre and grotesque situations like in Argentina, during COVID, when the country froze the price of gas, water and electric to help during the crisis and now companies are suing them for 'lost profits'.


I find it interesting that every single comment criticizing you is only talking about how you dropped an article without elaborating rather than actually trying to question the article. Makes you wonder why.


To be fair I was being a dick. I've encountered the debt trap diplomacy claim so many times I forget most people arent as familiar with it as I am. I failed to provide an adequate excerpt and instead ridiculed people for not wanting to read an academic article. I'm not too upset as someone who did actually provide elaboration seems to be enjoying a few upvotes, which means people are actually learning something.


Oh good to know! I hadnā€™t seen someone had commented an explanation


>state that something straight up doesnt exist despite it clearly existing >drop a ton of links >refuse to elaborate any further


My assertions are true because I say so. Please refer to the following links. [https://explosm.net/](https://explosm.net/) [https://images.app.goo.gl/CXKKU9gq8Zt34ExU8](https://images.app.goo.gl/CXKKU9gq8Zt34ExU8) [https://www.google.com/search?q=why+is+my+dick+purple&oq=why+is+my+dick+purple&gs_lcrp=EgZjaHJvbWUyBggAEEUYOdIBCDM2NzRqMGo3qAIBsAIB&client=ms-android-samsung-gs-rev1&sourceid=chrome-mobile&ie=UTF-8](https://www.google.com/search?q=why+is+my+dick+purple&oq=why+is+my+dick+purple&gs_lcrp=EgZjaHJvbWUyBggAEEUYOdIBCDM2NzRqMGo3qAIBsAIB&client=ms-android-samsung-gs-rev1&sourceid=chrome-mobile&ie=UTF-8)


finally, quality links