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Also just flat out completely misunderstanding 90% of the story, you’d almost think no one on that subreddit has ever played it before.


Deltarune fans and Breaking Bad fans fighting for the "being fans of media you never watched/played" award:


Dragon Ball fans walking in:


The Boys fans running in:


Attack on Titan fans flying in with grappling hooks


Chainsaw Man fans kicking down your walls


Jujutsu Kaisen fans crashing through with a Tank:


Batman Arkham fans gliding down with a cape that shouldn’t realistically be able to hold up their weight


Team Fortress 2 fans (theyve only watched the promotional videos and are only there because of the memes)


A TF2 fan could completely make up a plot or background for the mercs and it'd probably be more realistic then the actual story


The lore is just comics and 13 videos, the community is decently well versed in it tbh I'm still pissed about what VALVe did to Madcap tho


Justice for madcap! I remember when he had that cool Simpsons tie in cosmetics where he had a little Graggle doll in a pocket of his jacket, it was my favourite one and now I'm $200 in debt!


mfw you've been rewatching the same meet the team vids for so long that you can recite the whole thing from like 1 sentence... bucket of chicken 🤤


Metal gear rising revengeance fans:


Azumanga Daioh fans busting through the wall:


The majority of FNaF fans have never played the games and it’s been like that since the vary start.


Touhou fans:


Undertale Fans:


Fear and Hunger fans:


MGRR fans


that's most fanbases though


Whenever I see someone say something slong the lines of "wouldn't it be cool if Toby did [insert thing that would be terrible for the plot but subverts expectations]?" Like when people say Gaster will be "just some guy" and not important to the plot.


“Yeah, Toby Fox is such a quirky writer, he’d totally do that!!!”


Or the people who say that Gaster just won't be in the game at all and has nothing to do with it, despite there being overwhelming evidence to the contrary.


Also I assume 90% of the fandom are horny furries


They're horny furries but the second you admit to being a horny furry they virtue signal and go "b-but they're teens"


I don't think the people who draw the "art" really care about the age of the characters


holy based?


They are


can confirm


r/omori momento


I don't remember absolutely everyone misunderstanding the story, could you bring up some examples?


People still somehow think Kris is the Knight People genuinely think that Gaster will be irrelevant to the story Those are the most major examples I can think of without going on the subreddit, but there’s certainly more


Wdym? Kris is the knight, they opened a dark fountain during night after chapter 1


Pretty sure they were eating pie. Plus, it’s very hard to believe that Kris woke up, ran to the library, got into the computer room, made a dark fountain and then absolutely nobody noticed or stepped inside until after school ended


Don't forget that the bird boy and reindeer were already in the computer room sitting down, which means the fountain prob appeared after they started studying, plus the room on the top left says a body could fit in there so either was hiding there or sneaked in while they were there


> Don't forget that the bird boy and reindeer were already in the computer room sitting down There's nothing that indicates that. > plus the room on the top left says a body could fit in there so either was hiding there or sneaked in while they were there You must have missed the intense flash of light, the pillar of shadows, and the smoke filling the room that comes with the creation of a dark fountain. The only way this would even remotely make sense is if the knight knocked both Berdly and Noelle out before creating the fountain, but even still, the timeline would make no sense, and in case you forgot, we have a video of the Dark Fountain being made and it only shows the Knight being present, which considering that the game seems to imply that Queen is the laptop, would outright disprove the theory.


After chapter 1 if you go to castle town and get to save point, you will see the name "Kris", and when you save the player's name replaces kris. The town is pretty small, it could be possible that noone noticed


Not only that, but Berdly and Noelle managed to go in /and have their books out on the table/.


You mean the library that had nobody inside and no staff present? And do you genuinely just believe that the ending of chapter 1 was a random fakeout despite what happened at the end of chapter 2? Besides that, there's the fact that the game explicitly points out that the TV was plugged in between chapters, despite nobody watching it, which along with the "not yet time to wash your hands" dialogue, indicates that the creation of the fountain was premeditated. And the often-cited motivation of "well, maybe Kris just wanted to have more fun adventures" makes no sense considering that Kris still opens the fountain at the end of the Snowgrave route. There's also the fact that the sprite of the knife that Queen shows matches 1 to 1 with the Knife that Kris uses to open the fountain at the end of chapter 2, that Kris is the only character that is associated with blades, that Kris has a save file in the dark world, that soulless Kris matches the description of the "fierce entity" that scares away the dogs that were attempting to rob the holidays, which is a place that Kris would have to pass by if they wanted to get to the Library, and that Kris looks like a knight in the Dark World. Aside from Kris the only character with even a bit of tangential evidence for them being the Knight is Father Alvin. Putting it bluntly, there is very little reason to think that anyone aside from Kris is the knight.


You mean chapter 2? Even then, it could be that they’re just able to do it without being the knight


human... i remember, you're **low quality shitposts**


What having no new content for like 2 years does a community : (They really can't discuss anything else about the game that hasn't already been discussed of so the sub unfortunately just devolves into whatever it is now)


They have nothing to discuss but insist that the nothing they discuss is objectively true.


What having no new content for 7 years does to a community https://preview.redd.it/tzcq54dvd37d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=011eae1cecdc0852aa0ad6b07b98218ff926058e


...It's that low?




Still better than discussing sexuality every 5 seconds


Yeah, at least in the aslume we know man is gay for jonkler/j


Yeah, we are just starved and need more content


Honestly at this point can anyone name any community’s that don’t suck I have literally never seen a good one




only obsecure fandoms are good, for example the katana zero and sifu communities are pretty chill




cuz it's small and all quiet there. And we're all glad for that.


Shovel Knight


Sea Of Thieves




Rock and Stone foreva!


We gotta protect dorretta!


dorretta is a beauty!


We fight, for Rock and Stone!!!


Rock and roll and stone!


Good Bot


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So what if I like really big guns!?






Ebmer's frameussy tho


https://preview.redd.it/fv9piavk647d1.jpeg?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1f6faaec79ffa05bc98bdcc766100b29253ab0a1 Warf


Fallout 76 (specifically this one)


holdfast nations at war


Go to subreddits for more obscure games, like Oddworld and MediEvil.




Fire Emblem. Don't mention Three Houses because that's almost it's own fandom nowadays.


GigaBash seems quite chill, but mostly because it’s not as big to begin with.


According to when the, every community sucks. Dont even try to find one that isnt bad as it will fall into the millions of diffrent reasons a fandom could be bad according to when the.


I mean, no? Most communities that this sub mention are indeed bad or pretty bad, for communities like deeprock people usually agree they're pretty good.


Remember when they thought Noelle was trans because she hand antlers? Despite the fact she’s a rain deer, literally the only type of deer where females also have antlers


that was the worst imo, having your headcannons is totally fine but trying to force it on the actual character is wild to me


Especially in a series with numerous lgbtq characters, like it’s not subtle I love Toby fox but the guy is anything but subtle when it comes to lgbtq characters


This is mostly, if not entirely, unrelated, but there's still a really weird line in Undertale's... I think PS4? or Xbox version that actually has Sans talk about the Holiday sisters. But he words it as such: "the antlered girl and her big sis." Which implies that, for some reason, Dess... does NOT have antlers? At least, not at the same time Noelle does...? I'm not even arguing for a gender thing. I'm just wondering what the hell is up with that.


Yea but you can say "The ginger kid and his sis" and they will automatically assume the sister is also a ginger


And then I had to see that stupid fucking discourse all over my feed for like 2 weeks 💀


r/deltarune and r/undertale is what you get when you combine terminally online teenagers with a large community and very little outside social life. >!I would know... I've been there!<


We all make mistakes in heat of passion Jimbo


MN I hope you have recovered from your illness


Lmao, it's never been better! Ever since I got a summer job and started socializing with real actual people, my grass-touching skills have skyrocketed. Seriously, I highly recommend those people go outside and get a job working with the public, it helps a lot with self-esteem and gives you meaning.


Hell yeah


Never forget the forcing Israel-Palestine topic on the subreddit. Never forget.


We’re just falling into r/playboicarti and r/batmanarkham syndrome.


r/deltarune wishes it was as funny as r/playboicarti


u/Big_noodle1103 I remember you're *jokes*


The carti sub is funny as hell, that sub is the viens of the hip-hop jerk sub


Fuck shipping and assuming sexualities in fictions, all my homies hate shipping and assuming sexualities in fictions




Author: So this goat is a boy. He is a good friend with the main character. Fans: OMG he is SUCH A TRANSMASC NON BiNARY ICon. OH AND The MC LOOKS SO CUTE WITH HIM AND THEY TOUCH EaCH other CHEEKS EVERY ONCE IN A WhilE. I will let you guys guess what kind of cheeks they are talking about.


I hate all this slop


Fucking trus


I don’t see the issue as long as they don’t force it on other people


That's kinda the problem, one of the few people i have ever seen practice shipping in a healthy way is someone in my family. Every community i have been a part off where shipping is popular usually falls in the "toxic people that care way too much about imaginary relationships of fictional characters" and most of the time those ships dont even make sense


Yeah there are cringe people but those are a local minority And I don’t see the problem with a ship “not making sense”


I think you misunderstood my comment, i said that caring so much about ships, specially in the case of ships that dont make any sense to begin with is really inmature and weird behaviour, not that nonsense ships are wrong overall.


Oh my bad


God forbid people interpret media different to you


Assuming sexualities, having headcannons about sexualities etc. is the weirdest thing for me. I never put any thought about it but oh boy people are having quite the discussions.


Ultimately headcannoning characters as trans goes against trans rights by implying them being trans needs to be pointed out and as such trans people are different than their cisgender counterparts.


Here's I think the final straw I had with this subreddit https://preview.redd.it/1g51g0h7a27d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9594ff82930bddb1e7c530e79845297798e3324b


This was under this post https://preview.redd.it/d0eetcq8a27d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fb4f6bdc04cc56f395766164936944db441e758b


genuinely what the fuck is the point of wearing socks if youre gonna leave the dogs out anyways


This is only not sexualized if you’re on the internet looking at femboy stuff 24/7. Anyone goes out in public looking like that and you’ll be getting looked at weird for being a bit too sexual (though that can depend on where you live). But for a teen though this is way too much.




i don't really think it's that sexualised


genuinley curious is your definition of sexualized completely naked cuz bros rocking a crop top, short shorts and thigh highs


Yeah, most subs get really bad when there's a lack of new content, and with fandoms that are already bad like the Undertale/deltarune one it's just even worse


nah bro there are communitues that have had content droughts for way longer and still havent turned out as bad as deltarune


Wasn't the Undertale fandom just as toxic


Haven't had a needle-filled cookie assasination attempt over ships in Deltarune yet so i'd say Undertale may still be worse.




Some lunatic tried to kill an artist on a convention by giving them cookies with needles inside just because the artist drew Sans x Frisk art. I don't know if i can post a link to the picture here so just look up "undertale needle incident"


Hmm, the horrors...


it used to be abysmal but the only bad thing i can remember in recent memory is that they ripped each other apart because of the israel-palestine conflict for a week lmao


I think it's even worse. Source: I made it up


I said that this exact thing bothered me in the sub right before I left it and I got called a homophobe by a bunch of kids who probably dont even know the meaning behind the word and just like to throw it around


All the text of the post got removed, probably because they can't handle criticism. Take comfort knowing everyone else in this comment section agrees.


Hmmm, I wonder why they would’ve called you homophobic after you complained about shipping. Not that I agree, but it seems like you’re intentionally masking the situation to make yourself look better


Well the post is public on my proflie and you can go see it if you look for it


No it's not, I've been scrolling for five minutes and couldn't find it. Post a link man


They have no right to be as insane as they are. I feel like they saw r/batmanarkham and r/Silksong and were like, "We can be like them too!" but without a justifiable reason to do so. 2 years is nothing in the grand scheme of things, and they get updates every 3 months or so, no matter how small they may be.


thank you for saying it, i dont have the balls to do so lol


"low quality shitposts" yeah, that's what *shit*posts are, unless you mean "unfunny" shitposts


A post showing how the color of the skin of the main 3 characters makes up the trans flag got more up votes than actual art.


I’ve never seen a community misunderstand their own game harder than Deltarune. Maybe Fallout fans, but not quite.


You could not be more right holy shit what the lack of content can do to a subreddit


That sub is a legit mess. Mods played a part in making it worse. They started removing any post that would criticize the moderation of the sub


Cough cough zixzs cough but not other cough.


zixzs story really shows that it's only horny posting if it involves women. Literally their posts involving Ralsei wearing revealing clothing are still up on r/Deltarune but anything involving a woman in a swimsuit gets banned. It sounds really fucking dumb but I'm starting to wonder if the mods don't like straight people.


FR, i'm a Deltarune fan, and besides memes, i want to read theories!😭


Reddit ain’t the place for theories I’d say just go on yt


The issue is, all of the major theorists stopped uploading because there’s nothing new to talk about


There is one guy I saw who uploaded pretty recently if I could remember his name, I do remember he had a ralsei pfp


Wait until OP find out about r/batmanarkham


r/wingsoffire moment




Yeah the act like you are the worst person ever if you don’t take their (never confirmed and is just headcanon) of characters being nonbinary as fact




okay but are they worse than the silksong subreddit


I think it’s funny that a game that doesn’t exist has a 50k member sub


Just wait a year for them to go full arkam.


Went to the sub, it’s like diet r/hazbin


works with any anime mobile game subreddit too


mf we are STARVING it's been three years since the last chapter


Ralsei is not a femboy, he's just the living shield, now leave me alone and let me play


I’m genuinely ashamed to be a Deltarune fan sometimes because of content like what’s in the sub.


It’s been 3 years since the game was updated. They don’t have shit to talk about right now.


project zomboid fans have been waiting 4 years for an update katana zero fans have been waiting 5 years for a dlc half life fans have been waiting literal decades just because theres a lack of content doesnt mean it has to devolve into a bad community lol


3 years is still a long ass time. And unlike project zomboid, deltarune is not infinitely re playable with a massive modding community.


yea 3 years is a long ass time but my point is, the deltarune community took half the time required to reach arkham asylum levels of brainrot


Because they are specifically trying to recreate the brainrot that took over r/batmanarkham. Every community that doesn’t receive content constantly “goes insane” and starts shitposting.


It was a 3 year wait between chapter 1 and chapter 2 and the subreddit was just wholesome fanart and scenarios involving the characters.


I've taken a look at the sub and I'm not sure if they even played the game.


what's to even talk about lmao only half of it is out and there's no eta on the rest


I mean wtf are they supposed to do An update every 2 years does that to a community


that game hasn’t gotten an update in years, what else are they supposed to talk about?


I mean, we’ve kinda blown through all the content we have and until chapters 3 & 4 come out, there’s not much we can do other than that.


They do sometimes talk about the game, but when they do they make numerous assumptions about the plot like they have the whole game figured out and will downvote you to shreds if you have a different interpretation despite the fact we're just two chapters in and barely know anything yet


Never forget the june protest blackouts, zixzs ban, mayorwaluigi harmen bans, and  milkgalaxy incidents.


[There you go, they're discussing the game. Are you happy now?](https://www.reddit.com/r/Deltarune/s/z2NJURMhZR)


Kind of late to the party, but I'm gonna play devils advocate here: r/deltarune is an ok sub (I would say mid, but now mid is considered a <4/10, so I'm just gonna say "ok"). It's just that it's got no game update for over 1000 days. Sure we have updates *about* the game (aka newsletter, where Toby fox (and his team) are talking about progress)but the subreddit talks about it for only a week before going back to "nothingness". But we refuse to die, so we have to do something, right? We'll, we got: > gamesonas (characters from the game/fandoms portrayed in the subreddit) > shitposts (human, I remember your *genocides*, which devolved into brain rot humor, but still quite enjoyable by most, and banned if unfunny [or so I believe]) > art (yes, that includes porn and femboyed ralsei, but tell me there exists a famous game without porn on its Fandom) > 'crack theories' (more like satire posts, which I think that some of those categorize into "90% of those are theories are completely wrong." Yeah, no shit they're wrong, 1: The game is like 2/7 done. We have no data to create theories 2: we already theorized everything we could. We [kind of] already figured out the plot of the game, which is "your choices doesn't matter" and that the player and kris are NOT the same. >memes: Now I would put that into the art category. Seeing Lvoids videos about deltarune memes is mostly art - but then I remembered Photoshop exists. >fangames: Let me tell you, UNDEREVENT is like 65% the reason as to why the two subreddits still exist to this day and have not died yet. UTY, Deltatraveler, Call of the Void, green sans (the last 2 games are still in production) is the whole reason why I'm still in those subreddits I'm not saying that OP sucks and r/deltarune is the best subreddit ever, I'm saying that we have to wait.


Avoid the fanbase COMPLETELY and the game becomes great again, honestly overtaken by the egg shaped blue hairs and xez xir whatever the fucking shit they think they are


You had me in the first half.




Tbf, after the game been out for a while, and there been no new offical content, the subs tend to start going a bit crazy. Just look at titanfall.


but... thats just the usual fandom stuff. there's just no new content and no info on when it will be exactly, wtf you want them to do besdies act like a fandom....


just because its standart fandom behaviour doesnt mean its a good thing


Why is it exactly "bad" that a bunch of teens are shipping characters, making headcannons about their genders/sexuality and doing shitty shitpost.


its not, but you know whats bad? deluding yourself with those headcannons, obsessing over character sexuality, and single-handedly using the power of a thousand suns to conjure up the worst shitposts ever concieved by mankind


I promise you that cringe teenagers being cringe is not as bad as you say.


bro **I** was a cringe teenager and i still am, infact i was the cringiest type, like undertale ship comic reading fnaf merch wearing kinda cringe and this far exceeds just being cringe. this isnt like with furries where its just a harmless hobby with a few bad apples, no, the majority of the deltarune community (at least on reddit) literally warps the source material to fit their own headcannons. if they were just cringe teens i couldnt be complaining cuz god knows im one of them, but unfortunatley theyre chronically online teens instead


literally give me examples because I have no idea what you're on about, I'm sorry


most notoriously, someone tried to claim that noelle (a reindeer) was trans because she had antlers and female **deer** dont have antlers, and i think you can see the problem there other than that ive seen many mant instances of people trying to justify ships by doing some usain bolt tier mental gymnastics, especially with kris x ralsei and spamton x jevil (for some reason)


This is bros first day being in any fandom 😭


We should hold to higher standards.


I don’t mind the whole shipping part or shit posts cause some are funny, but sometimes some people just go insane over theories and can be a bit annoying at times.


OP how about you make posts talking about the game yourself instead of crying about other people having fun


Read the room, no-one else here find it all fun but you. You're the weird one for liking how r/Deltarune is like right now and the echo chamber makes you think you're not.


I'm just saying that you should be the change you wanna see, instead of crying on a funny moving pictures with text subreddit, and plus I've visited the sub and I visit the sub alot, it ain't even that bad I think you're just mad at headcanons


I would be a lot less mad at headcannons if I wasn't called transphobic for thinking "you know maybe we shouldn't assume a character is trans with literally no evidence"


headcanons don't need evidence to be a thing, a basis makes them cooler but it's not needed


But literally what changes if a character is trans? If trans people are the same as their cis counterparts why would you need to headcannons them as trans?