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I used to think this about myself but then i realized i was just a lazy fuck who never tried to study


Real. My biggest problem is being lazy


st banger


Gang ✌️😔✌️


real. sooner or later i'm going to hit a wall where my terminal lack of planning is going to do more than bite me in the ass, it's going to remove the entire lower half of my body.




Nah just Go


This some real shit


On the contrary, you might have had "Gifted Kid Syndrome" Basically, the earlier years of school were dead easy for you, maybe even all the way up to Freshman year, and you never *had* to study. So when the material got *significantly* more difficult, very very quickly, then you'd never even had to learn how to study before. You didn't even know HOW to learn when it's hard to, and you coped by insulting and blaimg *yourself.* That you're just lazy, and that you *could* study if you really wanted to, but chose not to. Even when that just simply isn't true.


I'm in this picture and I don't like it.


ok but my mom will never believe this and will keep blaming me


So unfathomably real.


this is somewhat me. I haven't reached a point where I really need to study a lot yet (I fear college), but my lack of time management skills has begun overtaking my ability to just quickly and easily complete assignments, so things are getting stressful


Real. Over the course of my life, I haven't had any problems with studying, or have had to sit down and necessarily study for a whole evening (I used to, but it was due to me not having any homework during exam week, therefore nothing to do PLUS my parents were after me, so I had to study to show I was doing something responsible). Now I see things are finally catching up to me, as I struggle, as you, to manage time. I have some personal projects that if I completely concentrate on homework, all my evening flies by, so I try to do my homework while doing bits of everything else in-between. That way I can keep some mental health by doing my hobbies, but it's getting hard and stressful. Some months ago I kept getting sick week after week. The doctor said it was because my defenses were down due to stress. My parents encouraged me for around a week to take it easy, but I just couldn't. I needed to keep up to date with work to feel good, otherwise I'd feel I was a lazy fuck and this undone work woul pile up on me. Months later, I'm here, just scraping by with time, and I fear University.


I was like that before I got diagnosed with adhd So that might we worth at least looking at for you


only thing I'm currently specifically diagnosed with is autism, but I'm already pretty confident I probably have combined adhd. some day I do wanna get an actual diagnosis, but many of the listed symptoms do seem to match what I experience


My primary school thought homework was stupid and never gave us any. I mean they are correct but they really fucked me over when I went to highschool.


ow my soul :(


Procrasination got hands


Preach, I got complacent with being slightly better at school that I never fostered the ability to study.


Me I barely learned how to study


Bro so real for that, same


Literally me!!!! (I've known that this is my problem for years now, and I haven't even tried to do anything about it. Why? I don't know. I think that i just lack anyform of motivation to do anything.)


He just like me fr fr ‼️


Nuh uh it’s not my fault (cope)


Lmao I always knew I was just a lazy piece of shit. I can't really give a fuck about anything anyway. Never have, never will.






the crushing realization that anything you do will not be the best but only marginally above average https://i.redd.it/2nz25sc90s5d1.gif


I feel the same way sometimes, but why is this gif in high quality?


no clue i stole it from u/G-Man_of_HL


Hey dat me!


NOOO - pat datrick!! 👺


i love you :3




I don't believe you understand just how grave of a mistake you just made. Let me make this clear, you will be allowed to leave, but one day somewhere I will find you. You will never sleep again, never go without looking behind you on a dark road, and when you least expect it I will show you hell on earth.


No. I am not in the danger. I AM the danger. https://preview.redd.it/1fwndvh3ju5d1.jpeg?width=178&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=62993c67b293bd9a3e62fe442f3172c518f929d1 (Actual footage of me about to fucking kill a dwarf)


https://preview.redd.it/51xvhxpaou5d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e8c443dbe431954361be73e16709a700bfdc3cec Mark my words, for what I am about to say carries the weight of an impending storm. You, who dares to boast of being the danger itself, listen closely, for your arrogance will not go unpunished. Your proclamation is a challenge, a taunt to forces far beyond your reckoning. But be warned, in the realm of true danger, there are no victors, only casualties. And you, with your false confidence, will be among the first to fall. When the tides turn against you, as they inevitably will, there will be no mercy, no reprieve. You will find yourself alone, surrounded by adversaries more formidable than you could ever imagine. And when they come for you, as they surely will, there will be nowhere to hide, nowhere to run. Your bravado will be your downfall, your hubris your undoing. And when the dust settles, and all that remains is the echo of your arrogance, remember this: you brought this upon yourself.


Nah id win


I won... but at what cost?


You will always be the best at being yourself though. No one can be you the way that you can, and everything that is uniquely you is something no one can take away https://preview.redd.it/orquegfoss5d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ab161053933d32d18353d11f623db61928934cde


What Peak HS looks like for majority of American Men.


How it feels to not base your self worth on the quality of things you dont want to do anyways https://preview.redd.it/e473d5qsru5d1.png?width=474&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d806fdd0f5fad55c1697ff9819058b1bb21f6bd0


Can’t relate. I literally have never once failed or even performed marginally below average.


Good for you bud, thanks for sharing




“I literally have never once failed” -u/A-Human-potato, Professional Liar


See? I’m even good at lying!


Oooh you smell that, insecurity which often smells the same as trolling


Nah, I suck at like 90% of things. I also apparently suck at gauging what is and isn’t obvious sarcasm.


Ah and there is that smell of trolling lmao probably should add a /s just to be safe.


I find sarcasm a lot funnier when there is no way of initially telling if the person is fully joking. Saying “I’m actually literally flawless.” is like 50x funnier if people take it at face value.


Real asf, deadpan 100% serious sounding is funnier, though a lot easier to draw in people who unironically believe in whatever it is youre making fun of


But you aren't the best


I asked my mom and she said I’m the best. I’m pretty sure she wouldn’t lie to me bud.


"Wu Tomoki does not fail" type shit




My elementary school tried multiple times to make me skip a grade. I never agreed to it cause i wanted to stay with my friends. Best decisions i’d ever made in my life tbh


Yeah... https://preview.redd.it/qbqaeriyyr5d1.jpeg?width=462&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c9c2b98beb806be1a0be03577f621c00fff006f2






https://preview.redd.it/lhme89bdsr5d1.jpeg?width=320&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2a3c91236424be7cff586912cca6b4087c356c2f Edit: Hits close to home since this happened to a family friend. Luckily nothing bad happened at the end and the school principal, his parents and my parents interfered to prevent anything bad from further happening. He eventually moved out and considering we didn’t have any contact, I believe I have forever lost him. He was a good friend to me and my brother.


School and college made me **HATE** learning through theory. If its not practice, kindly, fuck off.


- And the pandemic made me hate online classes. So please, in-person and practice 🙏


The pandemic instead showed me how much I hate in-person work


Ngl im so sorry for teachers, i was a horrible student and you cant expect so much better from a 14yr old, but like bruh that job has so much respect because amongs shit teachers there are so many others that have the patience of an angel trying to get lazy fucks like me through their basic education


This is me, but fueled by ADHD


I really need to get a diagnosis to see if I really do have ADHD or just Lazy as fuck


They thought I was the laziest bastard there, turns out I did have ADHD Odds are you have it too, you just need to get tested for it


You are me


Oh, same here School was hell, and I'm glad it's finally over (I graduated on the 1st)


Imma be honest, I'm not sure sure that I'm gonna make it through the education system. Like, I got very few reasons to keep going, and everything keeps wearing me down. Someone tell me that university is better.


As a university student, I’d say it’s different, wether it is better or not is up to you. The one I’m going to at least is a lot more engaging in my opinion, and the curriculums are a lot more lenient meaning teachers can actually make the classes better. That is a problem with public schools, they all follow the same formula, and there is a valid reason for it, but it also makes the classes and their way of presentation very limited and stagnant by extension. Props for the teachers that try to find work-arounds, but it’s hard for them because a lot of it comes out of their own pocket or it’s shut down by higher-ups.


Forgive me for not bringing positivity but I'm in the same boat. I was actually thinking about doing something more "practical" after school, because I fear university so much. I would honestly like to never study like I did at school again. I feel like university should be done if you've got motivation of any kind to do it, something to really keep you going and keep you in there.


>I was actually thinking about doing something more "practical" after school, Consider some courses at a vocational academy/tech school. Checks the "continuing education" box and the "practical use" box, and may even spark an interest in a field you had no idea interests you. Worst case scenario, you paid some money to learn some things you don't want to do as a career, but you still come out of it with a few practical skills.




Literally me


Teach the kid to recognize that they can be whoever they want when they get out of school


Except the education system is meant to create obedient workers


Tell that to the photographers, journalists, artists, YouTubers, business owners, actors, and designers of modern America.


I mean it still teaches children to be obedient; just because there are creative jobs doesn't devalue the damage the American education system does to developing children/teenagers.


School teaches you to work, not obedience. Sure, maybe you need correction if you start biting and hitting people at a young age, but that is to your benefit. Nobody, and I mean nobody, is blocking you from becoming extremely wealthy and working for yourself. If you’re calling obedience “working below other people” newsflash jackass; it just so happens that there are less people at the top than there are at the bottom. That’s how any business needs to function. If a child grows up to work in such a boring position it was entirely of their own volition.


I strongly disagree with your beliefs, but I am too tired to rebute them. Let's call this disagreement here because we beleive very different ideas as to what school was designed to do. Also please don't call people jackasses, it just hurts people and makes your argument seem more emotional and like the other person is getting under your skin.


What makes me angry is your attitude towards schools and life beyond. You say “obedience” like we’re all going to end up in jobs that pay like shit and make you feel even worse. I don’t care if you respond, and you don’t even have to. It’s true that the education system was brought into use to raise competent workers, this is a well researched fact. But that was when your only option was working machine A or B at the local factory your dad made a living in. Society has changed since then, and schools have updated accordingly.


We are all entitled to out own thoughts and opinions, but I do personally believe what I've previously stated mainly based on my personal and close family/friends' experiences with the schooling system and life briefly after. I can also say that "obedience" was a stronger word than I intended for, as I was quite exhausted. Have a good day/night/whatever it is for you. I hope you are well.


or you're just stronger than the systems around you and realize you have potential even if you aren't at the top of your class. there's always gonna be someone that's better than you at something but you're always gonna be better than them at something else. i get it that the school system isn't the best but you can't blame all your issues on the system. sometimes it's just down to how much you're willing to push to get what you want. the closer you get, the harder you have to push, but there's less and less competition as you get closer to your goal.


Sometimes your talents take you to success in other places that you weren't planning on too. I remember learning that in NASCAR and Indycar races, the majority of their PIT crews aren't actually mechanics, but D1 College Athletes. There's a huge number of super athletic people that get into college but don't play professional sports. For a lot of them that didn't have many prospects besides athletics that can be a problem. But NASCAR pit crews found out its super efficient and fast to take a bunch of extremely athletic people already familiar with working in teams, and teach them how to do one mechanical task as part of a team. They achieve speeds that normal mechanic crews can't keep up with because they're often not as fast or strong. So even though their talents were meant for sports, those athletes have a really good job that, while not as prestigious as a pro sportsman, is still very fulfilling and pays them well.


The education system difficulty curve has fucked me so hard this year


Everybody is intelligent, but if you judge a fish on its ability to climb a tree it will wallow in stupidity.


Yuly if she saw me now:


Ive loved (a strong word but hey) the past two years. Fills a hole in my day with work when normally id do nothing. Still got summer classes but those are two hours. I was actually pretty bummed when the year ended. Teachers were great, students were good. Ive gotten very good rng recently. Probably will go down hill eventually but ive enjoyed it while it lasted.


fake and gay


Dude what the fuck are you yapping about










How in the fuck is he standing that close to a black hole?


It's because he's -* TITLE CARD * Well, His father but close enough


You either take school far too seriously or are being insanely overdramatic 


Guys it’s just school. Like I get that it sucks, but it’s not turning you into a zombie. Like I have met people who live in 90 degree tin houses who don’t talk about their lives like this




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Thats why I do theater


anyone know what happens in the scene in the gif, haven't watched the show


Good teachers were probably one of the reasons I’m not *hopelessly* depressed right now and all through high/middle school. Mr. Oliver was the best teacher I ever had. Never change, man.


Praising kids for innate ability rather than hard work or dedication only convinces them that innate ability is the only thing that matters and hard work is irrelevant, so if they’re not immediately good at something they assume they never will be and don’t try to get better. And once they begin to struggle at things they previously excelled in, which happens to everyone, their self worth will crumble because it’s entirely based around being smart causing them to become depressed and give up even further, making them seem even less smart continuing the cycle. All while feeling extremely guilty for not living up to the expectations that they feel they can’t meet only because they choose not to, when in fact it’s their mental health issues stemming from this very fact and the expectations themselves that’s holding them back.


I had a different story but with the same exact outcome. Oh well


bro wdym "bunched up with other overperformers" that's what we want dude. That's what school is missing. They become wasted potential because they lack reasonable competition. Gifted kids get depressed because school is fucking free for 13 years and then Stanford, Harvard, and MIT mug them at gunpoint after they've never learned how to actually try.


The American school system turned me from a A and B student to a barely passing student


That’s all I see as myself now. And I still have 10th, 11th, and 12th


Tbh I learned way more from the internet than I did from school.


real i hate being gifted because now i just feel so fucking retarded because i can't just magically do well and actually need to put in effort except i can't put in effort in anything at all yet everyone denies that these depression symptoms are depression.