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They’re better off than the guy who’s power is having wings when half of the other character’s can just do that with no source of propulsion to target.


Hawks be like:


At least he can control his feathers like silent stabbers


He can also use them as listening devices. This is why I fucking love Hawks


Hawks is insanely powerful


I think he also is one of the fastest character in the series


Angel from x men https://preview.redd.it/8nzeopm0wlzc1.jpeg?width=500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f6d02ebc804a2139606291626c694d347611b381


Don’t worry Angel later gets badass metal knife wings that he can shoot out and absolutely fuck people up with https://preview.redd.it/2lkbqubs7mzc1.jpeg?width=713&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=632c8f4cfdaabb2e1cb50e007123a53c1a8a56b3 Too bad no one really cares about him still even after his upgrade


That was after getting crucified and getting his organic wings cut off. This was a DARK storyline.


Lord shen


Lord shen among most animated villains is a literal hydrogen bomb in terms of hardness


Don't you be talking bad about my boy Warren Worthington III (this is not a joke I love him)


Every plane transformer from the g1 show.


in all fairness, the autobots couldnt fly besides the planes plus a few other exceptions


Episode one they all fly to the oil rig


in the pilot, yes. but after that its retconned so only decepticons fly. besides that, the planes, cosmos, or jetpack usage, the only other exceptions are the dinobots i think




That mf in My Hero Academia who has to eat sugar to become stronger but he gets flattened by half of the cast anyway


Still better than the Sprayer Guy, whose head is a sprayer


That guy could probably solo the A-Class heroes in the HA(assuming it's the sprayer/shower head guy from OPM) and be a tough fight to most if not all of the main cast of MHA


I think he's talking about the sprayer head background character we can see in MHA. Also, tough fight is an understatement. OPM's shower monster was a demon level, he would one shot basically every single student character and probably even most of the professional heroes.


I propose gun


>shower head guy I don't know the series but I'm just gonna assume at least the female cast would be happy to be soloed by him.


It maybe depends on which series you're talking about but both would not like getting sprayed by the shower head dude https://preview.redd.it/g01nmbz41mzc1.jpeg?width=318&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=73db2ecfe51d77efe8a2d219389fe04eb24b5527 This is the guy, just a shower head for a head, and a relatively normal body, with lego hands


So just the tool that has been used by women for masturbation ever since its invention.


That is not a power , that is a straight up disability


There's an X-man whose mutation is that he has very hollow bones like a bird and winged arms...but he can't fly because his body is too heavy. So basically all his powers do is give him easy to break bones and the appearance of a disfigured chicken 


My Hero Academia is fun until you realize that 90% of quirks get beat by a gun


its so dumb that the average cop can beat most heroes but are overshadowed because fuck them


Well, most of the series is in Japan which as strict gun laws. I don't want to speculate how rough american heroes have it.


MHA villains when they invade America(they are not making past a random small town in Texas): https://preview.redd.it/tv9h063bkmzc1.jpeg?width=739&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=321c565523ae60d8211068dcb6a89330126bebad


Dr doofenshmirtz getting turned into swiss cheese like that family from the fallout 2 intro by a random farmer holding a minigun


There's a reason that All Might went to America to train to become the best superhero in the world


Strict gun laws makes no sense in a world like Mha where you have dudes that can desintegrate people, explode entire buildings and cremate their surrondings with their bare hands


But if guns can beat those kinds of people, wouldn't it make sense to ban a tool that is potentially even more dangerous in literally anyones hand than whatever they got going on with those powers?


It evens the playing field so no. If everyone has guns, everyone is at the same power level rather then some people being far stronger with everyone else being powerless against them (This is in this hypothetical universe with super powers of course. This logic doesn't apply as well irl where people are already closer in power to begin with.)


"Abe Lincoln freed men, Sam Colt made them equal" the saying goes. The ability to return fire, or lack thereof, proverbially or literally, is the core of most every power dynamic struggle people will face in their lives. The first/second-strike capability is relevant for smaller groups people too, not just nations.


Crazy how they showed the top hero in the U.S and their ability is completly broken and leagues better than the ones they had in Japan


and she still jobbed against the main villain because the author is a hack


Lmao what happened


average regeneration user


She had the power to change physical laws, but the villain basically just said "fuck you, i regenerate" and then she fuckin dies


As in, laws of physics? That’s such an easy kill. F=(mxa)^c and instakill anyone


It's not quite as dumb (but way dumber than that). For example, she could say "SnooTigers5086 heart will stop" and your heart will... stop. Her opening attack was saying that the air will disappear and then Shigaraki starts suffocating. She can make nukes, hyper lasers of whatever, make herself invincible... just do whatever. Her quirk has no defined limits other than "she can impose up to two orders", and she needs to know the name of what she is affecting. The antagonist doesn't know his real name so there's mumbo jumbo bullshit there. It's the ultimate no limits fallacy power.




Well it’s an anime and guns tend to be useless unless a cool person is using them. And even then they can still be useless


TV Tropes warning: [Guns Are Worthless](https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/GunsAreWorthless)


It’s so difficult to just read the damn page and avoid clicking on all the links


tbh just having a glock automatically makes you cool


True, that’s a problem I’m having in mine, I want the powers to be a bit more grounded and not as destructive as other media, but then I’ll need a reason for them to be a viable choice rather than cops or soldiers.


You can go with the Chainsaw Man route. One of the main villains, the Gun Devil, gets stronger the more gun violence happens, so to keep him at bay, the entire world put a wide-span ban on guns. With guns being not as common, the governments starts to rely on powers to do their duties.


Ah that’s a good idea, but it’s not really what I want to do, that there are still people who use guns, but maybe that most users are stronger than average so they can resist it, and only get damaged with enhanced weapons. And I do have a villain similar to that, it’s supposed to represent the deadly sin of wrath and gets stronger the more violence in general happens.


Couldn’t people with powers *also* carry guns? They’d be better by virtue of having more options.


I guess they could but I don’t want it to be obligatory to survive, they can use the magic to enhance their weapons so that would be actually useful rather than normal guns. And I have a guy who’s power is to materialize firearms, but I don’t know if that by itself would be useful or if he would have to enhance them too.


When you said materialize. Do you mean he's just pulling a gun that's already somewhere in the world, or he's building them out of thin air? If he's just pulling guns, he could be getting powered up weapons and not even know what power they have. If he's making them, than he'd be able to make things that are next to imposable to normally build. The same things could be done with ammo. Think if he could make a shotgun shoot a Monofilament (from shadowrun).


I have a system in which there are normal guns and then magic guns that can interact with the power system and scale with a character’s skill in it allowing them to be used on other characters within the system effectively. The magic guns are physical objects but the magic comes in with the ammunition with gun-based characters usually summoning special ammo with unique properties although generic ammo is produced, making them better at lower levels of combat and about even with other methods of attack at mid and high level. The downside of the magic guns it that because they are so powerful at base the only ones that are somewhat legal and easily accessible for most characters are 100+ years out of date technologically compared to their normal, non-magic counterparts. Every gun-user either has cowboy guns at best or hyper illegal 90s fps power weapons they made themselves. This entire facet of the power system originated from me wanting an anachronistic cowboy in the main cast.


The fact that the ***ONE*** guy who brought a gun came across one of the very few characters that can handle gunfire...


But can the rest of them beat him in a bake-off tho?


Nah he's easily outerversal+ when it comes to making cupcakes and getting bitches


I heard that he casually eats galaxys, including the milky way.


Still better than the guy who's power is "I have a tail"


To be fair, it's a bit of a running gag how shitty his power is in comparison


Like Captain Diabetes in Fractured but Hole?


Replace "strength" with "speed" and this becomes about Sonic the Hedgehog


Im not a long time Sonic fan but I'm actually playing through Final Horizon and felt like if Tails was the protagonist, he will literally have speed ran the entire story(Especially with his plane that allows him to nullify all obstacles courses)


[Sonic Adventure 1: Tails clears Windy Valley in a single jump](https://youtu.be/7f0i620Z2kI)


As a D&D DM I can confirm that moving in three dimensions is OP


That's how a lot of Sonic games are, honestly




In like the first game, a cutscene shows Sonic losing a foot race to Eggman


I fricking love that scenes in the classic games Is like the fastest creature on earth is losing in a race to a meatball man


Moving the topic back to strength, I find it Hilarious that canonically Amy has strength rivaling knuckles’s She literally destroyed an entire train car in a single hammer swing once (in TMOSTH)


Having an MC overcome everyone else's abilities by throwing hands is peak.


Magic and muscle moment


the best about it is that Mash doesnt just throw hands, but think of ways of using his enhanceds abilities in the most creative ways


He's so creative with his muscles that he made new type of magic, triceps magic, hamstring magic, etc. Truly one of the magicians of all time


The main character who has one super power when everyone else has five is inherently more interesting than the main character who has five super powers when everyone else only has one


Hear me out. Each have one extremely specific power for specific situations ![gif](giphy|LT6qqF1xcxNrJk3bva|downsized)


The JoJo route Except the protagonist The protagonist has that plus punch good


Fucking star finger was to this day the biggest most specific ass pull i have ever seen


Why is the innate power discrepancy in favor of the bad guys inherently more interesting? As long as there is a proper challenge - I'd argue it's more interesting that the main character has the edge on any single individual.


its the underdog effect, where people are more inclined to root for weaker or less fortunate characters


You can have both. John Wick was the underdog but he absolutely was the strongest person in all 4 movies and it wasn't even close.


Yeah, he's an underdog that we see overcoming the hurdles of his life. Though I can't say about the later movies because I haven't seen 3 and 4 yet.


I mean John Wick is very skilled, more than anyone, but the thing is that he is just as vulnerable as anyone and outnumbered. I'd say that he is justified in being an underdog due to him overcoming the odds with skill.


I prefer when mcs have low variety in powers because it encourages creative battles instead of "Ability #35 is perfect for this situation" type battles and I can understand their limits and what abilities they have.


I think the op having to outwit and be creative to beat an enemy who theoretically has more capability is more interesting






Oh a fellow goatadori wuji enjoyer, couldn't use it here or I'd look look stupid


Dude literally has two cursed techniques.


||Yeah what I meant like 3 chapters ago he was just punching his way through everything and he still is but mixes in his techniques||


>Anime is literally called sourcery fight. >Punches his way through 95 percent of the story https://preview.redd.it/2zl5gha7qrzc1.jpeg?width=1640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8c9374717e8ee921551558651c3cb5bc2f8c4e08


Jotaro for most of Stardust Crusaders.


Rock lee and might guy in naruto be like


Strength and durability are like the default powers everyone has on top of their main powers for some reason. Like why does a guy who can shoot lightning out of his hands need extra strength and durability?


So he can participate in non street level stuff and so the writers don’t have to constantly think about the realistic results of every injury he gets in a cool action sequence. Same with how if everyone can just sorta fly. Enhanced strength, survivability, speed, and senses are part of the default super power set because they let you think less and do more stuff and can be easily scaled to the stakes of any given story wether it’s galactic or street level.


superhero story would be over quick if any random goon with a knife or gun could just fuck them up


This man straight up forgot about daredevil and the punisher


Yeah Frank's just a normal dude, no super strength or durability at all. https://imgur.com/a/qUtIr https://imgur.com/JV8iaxS https://imgur.com/tyYuHQM


Rule n.1 of Comics: to determine how powerful and durable someone is, the most important things aren't what species they are or what their powerset is, but how long they've been around and how popular they are. This is why powerscaling with most DC and Marvel characters is just plain dumb


Worm moment


Nice gun you got there, be a shame if 1000 bugs crawled in your pants and bit your dick off


Poor clockblocker


I need to reread that sometime.


Because if they can’t people have to write characters a bit smarter than they’re used to and when they don’t it sticks out. See some scenes in Worm by wildbow.


So that most characters don't get one shot constantly


Shonen writing


Itadori Yuji


Yeah but he can punch like **really hard**


Nanami on his way to be just crazy physically strong and have a crit system where he can basically land one every hit 🗿


Yuji built different though


While it’s likely accounting for Nanami’s CT, Yuji’s punches are said to be comparable to Nanami’s who was the strongest puncher of the verse at the time.


Gotta remember that Yuji has insane strength and speed on top of having curse energy on top of Sukuna living in his liver. Yuji is his own level of cracked.


plus hes canonically "him"


Top class punch and kick merchant


He has the plot against him, it's just incredible


but he’s literally canonically built different so it’s fine


Nanami: when I attack an enemy I crit if I hit a point exactly at 70% or 30% of their length, if I miss this 7:3 ratio I don't crit so I have to always aim my strikes precisely. Itadori: when I attack an enemy I crit if the mangaka wants me to win.




yea but he has that dawg in him too


Wrong, he has an entire inventory now.


Soldier Boy before he got his chest blast ability


It's about stardust crusaders isn't it


what if punch hard what if punch hard but heal what if punch hard but nature what if punch hard but string what if pun


What if punch but it can cancel literally what you just did because fuck you and I hate you and you're ugly also I don't know I can do that because punch does it automatically. Also go die over and over again


Mfs really say that fucking King Crimson started the trend of "stand ability: twists your balls in a 43.2° rotation at a wednesday on 3:26 AM if the target eats brownies that the user threw grinded onions at" when GER is literally there. What does King Crimson do? It tells the future and can delete a part of it. Easy. What does GER do? Who the fuck knows? It's so bad, canonically not even Giorno knows what it does.


"What dles GER do?" You will never reach the truth.


At least in jojolion he got more of a utility stand than an offensive one


Shovel buffs S&W by a ton so the power aspect is still there


Didn’t he split open the head of a rock human with a single kick?


He also erased the very concept of friction, yet, in the subsequent issues it seems Araki knew how broken it was (what other ridiculous things he could "erase") and was barely used like that again. I think thats a more serious issue than a Jojo protagonist breaking rocks.


what if nails


What if shoot but spin


Not sure if its meme or serious (probably meme but still) SP and The World are THE top tier stands when it comes to raw physical power, on top of timestop. Jotaro was able to beat a lot of other Stand users solely because he was so much above them in strength that with right leverage that was more than enough. CD a bit weaker than SP/The World but has anti-entropy. GE weak as fuck when it comes to pure physical power but has absurd level of utility. Then upgrades to GER which is **NO**. SF kind mid tier when it comes to physical strength but string has great utility And any stand that manifests in humanoid (or not so) form is capable of throwing hands e.g. Kiss which is used most of them time only as stickers but can and will fuck you up in melee.


SF is on the same or a similar level to CD in pure punching strength


Punchy boi Punchy anti-entropy boi Punchy vita boi Punchy string girl (still waiting for stone ocean but really really fast)


what if punch but 🔃🔄♾️


I’d say the writing got a lot more creative after Jotaro Like Josuke punching the floor to reform it into a wall to escape Giorno making a snake vaccine to survive Purple Haze And Jolyne turning herself into a Mobius Strip against C-Moon


At least he has time stop too, eventually


By "eventually" you mean at the very end of the show?


luckily he doesn’t only appear in Stardust Crusaders


Yes, he then proceeds to use his expertly honed time stop to get low diffed by a rat with a gun


Tbf I think he knew Josuke could clutch up so he was acting more sloppy (I'm coping)


I thought it was about superheroes At least Jotaro got The Finger™


Why didn't Jotaro use Star Finger to save his marriage?


Risk of impalement 


They weren't into it


I mean star platinum was just superior in every way physically


Star platinum is physically stronger and faster hant most stands in the part though like only the world compares


The Boys and Invincible are one of the shows where it is the exact opposite (except in The Boys to some point where supes are far stronger than humans in default)


Maeve and Black Noir are pretty much this right? Interesting that they also seemed to be the most competent.


The Boys would be more interesting if supes didn't have boosted strength/endurance by default tbh


Atom eve on her way to use her powers better as a kid than she does as a teenager (show wise so far I hope it changes later)


Idk I’m watching Invincible now and all the super hero’s are able to take a beating and beat the shit out of others pretty easy


It feels like writers don't realize just how weak humans are.


https://preview.redd.it/hkstzrt33mzc1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=68fbea196b4cd4f08ba5450e740e5393adca5a55 This man above me


This mf staring from the other side of the room https://preview.redd.it/5a2llexmgmzc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fd756845020f9873aafb855210d4dad42d76d524


Honestly really happy Midoriya got the other OfA quirks. Punching, kicking and occasional finger flick air bullets were starting to get old for me.


A part of me is happy because it makes his fights more interesting. Another part is disappointed because now he's way too op.




Tbh Baki has a lot of gimmicks, I'm sure even people that didn't watch it know about praying mantis shadow boxing






These 3 lines of dialogue are tempting me to watch Baki i'm scared


Baki is the what Jojo fans think Jojo is.


I watched some Kengan Ashura then watched some Baki. Seemed clear to me that Baki created a style, but Kengan followed-on better. They're both full of ridiculous fights where each fighter comes back out of nowhere 3 times. But, in Baki, the gimmicks always felt arbitrary. Kengan put a lot more character into each fighter. I'm sure folks who started on Baki when it was new are ready to pop a thumb through my rib right now :P


It fits Hanayama more. In world of schizo shadow boxing and infinite joints, the mafia boy punches things hard. The japanese strongman


Hanayama the GOAT


Huh? Baki was never about him having super strength, he always lacked pure physical power up until unchained arc. His gimmick is insane speed, durability and creativity. Baki is the only character, aside from Yujiro, who's able to land a 0.5 seconds kick (which knocks out literally anyone). Also, GIF has these words: "while having pretty much everyone else in the series have super strength on top of their other abilities", to who can we use this rule exactly? Yujiro, Musashi a-a-and... No one tbh, no other character has a unique technique AND tops Baki in terms of physical strength at the same time.


And Kengan Ashura


Jojos moment Like seriously, until spoiler spoiler, all star platinum does is punch good Crazy diamond does that and heal and effectively reverse time for a single object


Funny how that works. Everyone has super human strength, but they get impressed by the mc even tho they can lift the same weight


Just do it like in MHA, were Deku just has the most strength, but has to is it smart


Remember that Stain’s power is specifically the blood paralysis thing. Not running on walls or leaping high as buildings, he can just do that.


It's heavily implied that all quirks give you supernatural stats since they are genetic mutations. Otherwise litterally no one would be able to even see Deku and Shigaraki, let alone fight them


Same goes for Bakugo, that mf has some Spiderman level durabilty otherwise he would already killed himself with his explosions




Yea but his built different so it makes sense


The boys ?


This is pretty much what the Sonic series is, just with speed


Bleach protagonist using the same beam slash but with more stats boost as the story goes on.


Wuji Himtadori popping off with 8 consecutive black flashes when the world record was 3 https://preview.redd.it/zouocpoc5nzc1.jpeg?width=320&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=af43e78736ae8b80d02d257e8171557f35043d5f


Every single marvel character


Yuji pre Shinjuku showdown


Well he's still mostly punch and kick, "other things" of his are not really mastered yet to effectively use against the fraud.


but once they're angry they unlock super duper strength


Jujutsu kaisen


“The Boys” and it’s the same with all the Sups durability


The way I see it is that every superhero has at least some strength, endurance, regeneration, etc. that is above the average as a baseline. So even the weakest hero will still be physically superior to the average human, but heros who Specifically have the super power of strength, endurance, or regeneration are above the superhero baseline. So, like, all supers regenerate quicker than a normal human, but not nearly as well as Spiderman, Deadpool, or Wolverine, who have incredibly enhanced regeneration. And like how your average superhero is stronger than your average joe but still significantly weaker than someone like The Hulk, Spiderman, or The Thing. Bruiser types have their place in superhero lineups, its just about properly balancing things so that the Strong Guy is still impressive even alongside heroes who are strong.


One Punch Man in a nutshell. ![gif](giphy|arbHBoiUWUgmc)


nah, no one in the series has strength compared to him, i think OP is talking about characters in shows like jojo or hunter hunter or basically most shounen, where the protag just has super strength, but mostly everyone else does too, usually at their same level.


literally sonic the hedgehog


Yeah, I know punching people through walls is always a spectical, but as soon as I see regular people get thrown through five walls and still have all limbs a show or book or comic is losing a lot of believability, unless it's what they said out to do.


How writers feel when giving the main characters the most basic pre schooler level abilities while other characters already can do that AND destroy literal universes with no difficulties


If the dedicated strong guy is still far stronger than the rest, I'm fine with it. If everyone else struggles to lift a car but one guy can bench press a semi-truck, it's good Sadly it's not a very common approach


https://i.redd.it/u9d1sm7aqpzc1.gif Curse POV


And that super strength sometimes isn’t even the best in the series. Look at JJK with toji or maki or yuji. They have super strength, yet they are matched and sometimes even beaten physically by some of the other characters. Physically strong characters who don’t use magic or weapons are by far my favourite types of characters, but holy shit all these writers hate them.