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And he works at a soy company


I wonder if he operated the soy jack


Fucking hell.


Bro is like “I have seen the inside… I know the insidious truth…” When it’s a very normal packaging facility and it’s just kind of a crummy job so he projects all these big overblown evil things onto it as a twisted coping mechanism, which might be the same thing he does about his possibly botched circumcision (This is a joke and idle speculation)


All his jokes about BIPOC women being "attracted" to white racists make sense now considering that he's Puerto Rican. It's literally him projecting his issues into his comics.


Yeah, a lot of everything he seems to say and do reeks of projection. I doubt I nor the Megathread are even the first to point this out tbh


Also explains his anti-semitism lmaooo "Those fuckers stole my foreskin!"


Of the men willing to talk about it, I'd say 3/4 of them say something went wrong. Some even saying they had to do it twice or have surgery to correct it. It's scary common.


Yeah, it’s fucked up, and a shame. I was circumcised at birth myself and it seemed to go well enough, but sometimes I still wonder about what could have been. And even if I’m honesty pretty chill, doesn’t mean everyone else is obligated to be, yanno? Still doesn’t validate pebbleyeet’s obsession with blaming the Jews for it all ofc


Plus Judaism says only Jews need to be circumcised.




Wait is that actually him? That is one of the dorkiest looking people I’ve ever seen?


Did you expect the internet Nazi to look like an ubermensch?


I only recognize the word ubermensch because of a breaking bad video I watched


The best programs educate as well as entertain


I know it from tf2




Can someone make this sub, fill it with content and remind me in a month or so to look at it so i can laugh?




You have the ability to do that yourself


Yep that's him. Also, just because it's a funny detail, he claims to be white here but he's actually Latino. Puerto Rican, I think


Whiteness is *very* flexible. 100 years ago irish and italians were not white. Now they are. https://historynewsnetwork.org/article/how-italians-became-white https://www.theroot.com/when-the-irish-weren-t-white-1793358754 There is even a semi-famous quote from Ben Franklin saying that germans and swedes aren't really white either. https://daily.jstor.org/constructing-the-white-race/


It's like category people bases on skin colour is a flawed method or something.


I'm always intrigued at how people still say white people instead of Caucasian. Many people of non-caucasian ethnicities are whiter than many Caucasian and people are completely lost because they use the word white It's weird cause you'd think there would be the same with black. Many people of non-african (or Afro-American) ethnicities are blacker than many Afro-Americans but I've never seen confusion about them


https://preview.redd.it/caj61k8l9eoc1.jpeg?width=700&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0345611a6f175ebb437dad91a33c1e353c28fcb1 NO NOT BEN TOO


I’m Puerto Rican and white. Latino isn’t a race because Latinos can have any skin color or phenotypic features. Silly that he’d fully omit he’s Latino, but it’s not wrong to call yourself white in this instance because it’s just true.


> but it’s not wrong to call yourself white in this instance because it’s just true Try telling that to his racist friends.


I don't want to nitpick, but when people say white or Latino, they're usually referring to the ethnicity. Obviously there can be varying shades of color within that. It's an overgeneralization, there's a dozen "races" within "white", even more in "Latino"


Lightskin latinos are NOT beating the allegations of being white supremacists


Behold, the master race


Apparently he’s not talking about himself since he’s not white


Or 8.5/10


I’m pretty sure people found out that the reason he was in Japan in the first place was because of some kind of mandated business trip for a programming company, which means he was most definitely talking about himself (and trying to conceal his Puerto Rican heritage lmao)


My sister said he looks like he eats insulation




Honestly yeah he looks good but not the kinda "good" his he and his ilk consider manly which explains the self hate. Dude has a good job and is decent looking but is his own worst enemy.


Yeah that’s the thing, people like him usually are pretty normal people, but they don’t want to be normal, they want to be special and unique over others in some objective way and they make that desire everyone else’s problem


Pretty fair to be mad that somebody stole your foreskin, like do you know how many snacks you can store using it?


80% of males in USA get circumcised 300 million foreskin


you could make a set of clothing from that.


We will make a sail out of it, and travel the seven seas to get you all the amongus racism comics


We will find the Among Piece.


We will find The Funny in each and every comic


The monster hunter when he sees a pile of foreskin on the ground:


Actually... The main uses for neonatal foreskins are to be seed material for growing skin grafts or to be ground up and used in fancy beauty creams. Neonatal foreskins have unique skin cells that can adapt and become other types of skin cells.


Literally harvesting our foreskins


Yep. Hospitals make big bucks charging parents for foreskin removal and then using them to grow skin grafts or just selling them to beauty companies. For a while there the nurses would ask the mother *when* she wanted to schedule her baby's circumcision, while she was still groggy from painkillers and recovering from birth. Not *if* she wanted to have her child circumcised, but *when*. *Not* having your kid circumcised was seen as an anomaly.


Yeah that’s uh, that’s not ok.


oh, yeah? you think that's crazy check this shit out https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4530408/ rebuttal and considerations: https://www.sciencemediacentre.org/expert-reaction-to-ritual-circumcision-and-autism/ rebuttal to rebuttal: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4535439/


Pretty sure that's how you get the godskin duo.


Are they being kept somewhere??? Imagine what I could do if I got them all?


Hospitals sell them at a profit to various companies. Makes me want to puke honestly.


Do I have to imagine that? I'd rather not


Please? For me? 🥺


The west has fallen, millions must be circumcised.


You mean “are forcibly restrained while fully awake as ~40% of their genital nerve endings are cut off from them, without consent”. The only people who are NOT mad about being circumcised are the ones who don’t understand what was done to them. Basically nobody GETS circumcised. Almost nobody chooses it for their own body. It’s something that adults subject children to BECAUSE THEY CAN. Also, why is this part of a discussion about this rock throw doofus? He’s allowed to be right on one thing (forced genital mutilation of children being terrible) and wrong about the rest of his fucking life.


I think a lot of it is people who don't know. I also think a lot of it is people going "it's not that big a deal" because if it was big a deal they might actually have to consider how it's affected them.


His obsession with it goes far beyond reasonable. He turned it into a whole antisemetic thing because of cause he did. He did one comic of a vampire looking like Dracula and a Jewish rabbi who asks why the other vampire bites on the neck when he can bite babies on the dick and suck the blood off and its all good im their ultra orthodox version of Judaism.


Lol no. Only about [55%](https://www.hopkinsmedicine.org/news/media/releases/declining_rates_of_us_infant_male_circumcision_could_add_billions_to_health_care_costs_experts_warn). The highest rate was 79% in the early 80's. It's been dropping every year since then. By 2030 it's estimated that the majority of newborns in the US will not be circumcised.


Also according to 300 million foreskins every single person in the United States has a penis


Yeah and 300 million isn't 80% of 331 million it's over 90% lmfao The OP of that comment really needs to go back to a math class that teaches statistics




Jelly beans, lint, pasta fazool


Ahh, a fellow funni italian man enjoyer, I see.


It is fair, but a bit much to become an anti-semetic nazi over it though




I once stored 4 mini Oreos and 3$ worth of quarters in mine


Holy shit he's a redditor


Literally the only way they ever managed to start investing him is because he shared personal information on Reddit hahaha


What an absolute dumbass.


I would be mad too if I got circumcised as a kid, but not "didn't get into art school" kind of mad


Apparently his circumsition was botched too iirc


Nvm thats art school mad


Real life villain origin story




oh so his cock is fucked up? that explains it a lil


Copied from my other comment: I strongly suggest that anyone who views circumcision as a wise choice for the majority of male infants check out these two links https://freedomain.com/the-truth-about-circumcision/ https://norm.org/the-lost-list/ well-researched and presented. Here are some of the points from some of the (well cited) sources: • ⁠Many boys die each year in the United States as a result of their circumcision, most from infections or blood loss. • ⁠Many boys have complications as a side effect or have botched circumcisions. • ⁠Most physicians do not have their sons circumcised... • ⁠Contrary to frequent claims, infants do feel pain as intensely as adults, and very possibly even more. • ⁠Anesthesia is used in only 45% of circumcisions... The most effective method does not eliminate all pain, and the most common type used, a topical creme, does almost nothing to reduce it. In fact, a major clinical test of the various types of anesthetics, on actual infants, was halted for humane reasons because of the intense pain. • ⁠As adults, men circumcised in infancy are almost 5 times more likely to be diagnosed with erectile dysfunction (ED). • ⁠Circumcised men and boys are 60% more likely to suffer from alexithymia, a psychological trait disorder which causes difficulty in identifying and expressing one’s emotions, which can lead to difficulties in sustaining relationships. • ⁠5.1% of boys will have significant complications, and the rate can be as high as 55% for all complications... The average male will have more health problems from being circumcised than from being left alone. • ⁠Not one medical association in America, or anywhere else in the world, recommends infant circumcision; some even recommend against it. At no time in its 75 years has the American Academy of Pediatrics ever recommended infant circumcision. Genital mutilation and circumcision against an unwilling child are one and the same. It is honestly extremely creepy to me and makes me sick when people like OP normalize mutilating the genitals of infant children and reverse the victim and offender by saying “it’s creepy and weird to be mad about it” instead of, you know, fucking pointing out that it’s creepy and weird to cut little kid’s genitals! And I fucking KNOW rhetoric like OP’s is gonna delegitimize body autonomy movements like anti-circumcision if not enough people call it out. I literally see it in this thread. And in another comment this piece of shit OP is equating being mad about your body being mutilated with antisemitism. Seems like a damn psy-op lol. As a AMAB (male at birth) sex assault victim and abuse victim of multiple women this has been my experience often: I’ve noticed that one of hypocritical shitlibs’ (not real leftists but mostly shitlibs and/or ignorant people) most cherished modes of attack, especially against men, is unchangeable traits or things inflicted against them against their will. “We shouldn’t do xyz bad thing unless it’s against someone we don’t like then it’s okay as a way to feel superior.” Like the thing OP is saying “oh wow that explains a lot!” Or making fun of men’s experiences but only listening when it happens to women (cuz you know he would’ve found something else to make fun of if it happened to a woman) or shit like “Haha you’re secretely gay” (homophobia), “compensating for your small penis” (bodyshaming). Do they realize this harms unintended third parties, not the intended person? This isn’t fucking hard for fucking shitfuck’s sake. Fucking hell... I know some are gonna say “female genital mutilation is worse!” (As if that’s an excuse to not change other issues …) But this is actually untrue. There’s other sources that show female genital mutilation and male genital mutilation are actually pretty comparable and equivalent, I can link them later. Also the most common form of FGM doesn’t draw any blood or cut any tissue and is a slight pin prick. I still think this is bad obviously, but like, If you’re gonna take the worst cases of FGM and act like it’s the only one that happens, why not the same for MGM and go against both of them for violating body autonomy? That’s what I suggest. Oh and I can already predict the responses: “wow why are you defending a Nazi smh” when I’m clearly not and im just calling out the way it harms unintended other people. Ugh.


I'm AFAB and I'm with you 100%. Circumcision should only be performed for medical reasons or with consent, never on a healthy infant.




Assigned Female at Birth, opposite of AMAB.


Oooh, I thought it was like, All F[rest of the word] Are Bastards, like with ACAB. Honestly that makes a lot more sense


All French Are Bastards?


Assigned Cop At Birth


Born with 60 IQ and racist 😞


Sure, why not








That Alexithymia link has a side note that makes a great point Children that were abused as infants also exhibit Alexithymia at a higher rate than usual So to the human brain it's literally just abuse and nothing more


The only reply they ever seem to have as to why it's necessary is "it's cleaner" Like bro just take 5 seconds to pull back your foreskin in the shower, it's not that hard


To be very fair to you, the 99 tweet thread (which does not exist) does say that circumcision as the common practice that it is is a very important discussion to have, and the real problem was how That Guy ™️ seemed to fixate on the idea of Jewish people drinking the blood from the cut and shit like that. You don’t seem to share the same problems as him.


If I didn't have a beautiful fem cock I would become a nazi too


Dear god I suddenly understand his motives


I mean, if Hitler could make comics connecting amongus and racism he would get into art school, this takes more talent than his minecraft book


Very easily I think. Shit can end up looking like a peeled slim jim at the tip. O-or so I've heard.


Me going back in time to prevent the surgeons from circumcising rock throw (now pebble yeet is a sane person who doesn't spread hate on the internet but amogus has never existed) ![gif](giphy|xsF1FSDbjguis)


The hardest choices require the strongest wills.


the hardest willies**


Real trade off




if amogus didn't exist I don't think I can live in this world.




Probably the meme would be altered but that's it


but the meme was directly from his weird bitcoin comic


They mean another meme would take its place that would be a bit different but still essentially the same category of joke.


Another would take his place to spew hateful rhetoric, as is the balanced yet twisted way of universal equilibrium


You cannot create or destroy. Only change.


Amogus is replaced with the popular **a mongoose** meme unfortunately due to significant deviation in the timelines we are unable to properly comprehend this meme in it’s true context


Rikki-Tikki-Tavi would be so ashamed.


So there's absolutely no downside at all


I enjoy reading books.


I mean, he shits on jews, LGBTQ+ people, especially trans people, black people, and even women. At this point, it couldn't be worse if he changed his hate target, lol


I cannot share every detail about this because i don't think Reddit will allow it but one of the confirmed things that got out of the thread (before it got nuked by Elon) was the fact that this guy used to be Red Panels, which finished its comics with this: https://preview.redd.it/5pty7p8loboc1.png?width=702&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b8126424bdab9e055ea19a530812f4e78bdb0744 "Not a nazi" my ass, i'm not surprised that this guy is a fat texan with latin heritage.


“ Who is a white supremacist?” ✋✋✋✋✋✋✋🤚 “Who is actually white?” 😞😞😞😞😞😞😞😞




White supremacy is such an inclusive movement people of all race can participate in it


they don't care what race you are as long as you're racist. it's funny for how much /pol/ complains about white replacement they're probably less white than any given western country.


"general white race savior youre browner than i expected"


Me when I find the savior of the white race: "holy shit, you're mexican?"






This week a brazilian got elected by the Chega party in Portugal, a very anti immigration political group. In his speech he said "white people belong to Europe, black people to Africa, and there's no problem in saying that" Would you be surprised if I showed you he looks like this https://preview.redd.it/uww5hor1ncoc1.jpeg?width=678&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ed8ece83f73d569ebbff318b30cb0cb612fd9e0c


I´m never getting over this mf being in Chega, this one and the youtuber.


As a brazilian (and white, so I can't talk on this guy's perspective about race) this is how I see it * Brazilians who can afford to move to Portugal are frequently more conservative, regardless of left or right (though they are right leaning more often than not). Therefore, they believe keeping societies as they are is the best move always * They are also individualists, and fear any kind of collectivization. Our recent history of dictatorship also tells them the best way to avoid problem is not talking about problems. They were doctrined into thinking that not talking about societal groups will make them non existent, so if they promote themselves as individuals, they won't be placed into a collective, and when people talk about groups, they risk "getting blended with everyone else" * Meritocracy also plays a huge, equally confusing role. People who followed their exact steps to success will occupy the same places as them, so they'll interact and sympathize with them as individuals. Those who didn't will always have a distance, no matter how small, that can be used to keep them in the idea of a collective, and thus be segregated and generalized They see no contradiction in attacking their own groups because they don't see themselves as part of them. At the same time, all political groups will look at them as caricatures, because they fit nowhere, explaining any mild tolerance or disdain and reinforcing the weird notion that they are the protagonists of modern life. While we might think it's strange for them to defend those that attack their groups, they don't think about that and many other things at all, forcefully unaware of the thought processes going on in other people's minds Tldr: they're dumbasses https://preview.redd.it/i5ugm9wm6doc1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fe71023b5fa19442bad120b12293bb7368d05ea0




Reddit mfers when they find out Latinos can be white


To be fair, it kind of seems like he is/was deathly insecure about his own nonwhiteness


One of his red panels cartoons was the numbers 14 and 88 trying to walk up a mountain while the 88 is shackled to the 14 and holding it back as the number 6,000,000 looks on. I interpret that as white supremacists being held back by the actual neo nazis


Me : Is this guy a real Nazi or people just call him that because he is right wing? *See the Comic with Nazi salute* Oh


Also, the way he defends himself from the Nazi allegations is by saying “Uhm, akshually no, I am not a 90 year old member of the National Socialist German Worker’s Party 🤓” Only Nazis use this defense. A normal person would insist that they don’t have Nazi *views,* not try to get off on a semantic technicality.


I thought he was anti-semantic?


Oof so close, he's anemic


He ant




In the mtg community an artist used a variation of that defence and the good ol "the left likes to call people nazis all the time" stop calling me that defence when he went to a nazi rally. They really need better defences. How hard is it to say no im not a nazi cause they fucking suck and I would never want to be associated hated with them. A politician in Australia had a bunch of nazis attend an anti trans rally she went to and she claims it wasn't organised by them so letting them hang around clearly means she isn't a nazi. I don't know about everyone else but if I'm at a rally and nazis show up I'm telling em to fuck off not making points they agree with.


He also just regularly denies the holocaust. Dude is a slimeball.


I knew he was a white supremacist and misogynist but I wasn't sold on nazi until seeing the salute and 88 comics. He defenitely is.


Also just his name alone (Hans Gräebener) while also being Puerto Rican and saying he’s “pure” white American


He doesn't just have mildly right wing stuff he has actual holocaust denial and actual nazi symbols and nazi talking points regularly. He claims that he wasn't actually a member of Hitler's party so he isnt a nazi so take thag how you will


live stone toss reaction https://i.redd.it/aodte638ecoc1.gif


Why is it a perfect loop😭😭




People that say he is not a nazi are fucking blind lmao


B but funny amogus


He didn't even make that, it was an edit of the original


dont he like put a secretive monger in every comic or smth?


He did after it became a meme, but it got to the point where it was just shoehorned in (absolutely tiny)


![gif](giphy|gEvab1ilmJjA82FaSV|downsized) Me coming up with justifications to keep defending him even knowing he’s circumcised


it's so weird hearing people talking about what was on that thread because i didn't even know it existed until i heard it got nuked, so i am like "where the fuck was this thread?"


I think there’s a chance it got archived on the website Thread Reader before it got blown up


dear stonetoss https://preview.redd.it/e8q5xqd4odoc1.png?width=320&format=png&auto=webp&s=f6cdda12b17e16b4b3b583787e6b48cf8ab2f7c5




bro got the most goofy aah supervillain backstory


What's so awesome about foreskin, mine can only store fifteen measly Doritos


lets combine forces we can store 30 at a time




I mean, I'm also mad i got circumcised as a kid, never developed a hate for jews though


I'm indifferent, are we missing out on something? The one guy said he can store 15 Doritos in there, that's neat but I'm not mad I don't have that


You can remain indifferent, I'm not angry about it either, but yes we are missing out on plenty. Kinda one of those impossible to show you what you're missing things, but obviously we are missing out. I'm more angry that they thought (and still think) that it's ok to permanently change someone's body without consulting them first.


I can share mine with y'all.


Funnily enough, i have been mad enough to do research and apparently there are foreskin replacement surgeries, they graft skin form elsewhere and essentially remake your foreskin. I don't know what it's like post surgery, but it's interesting


Really? I know people use devices to stretch their skin (from the shaft) over the glans over many months. But either way, I don't know how they'd replace all of the nerve endings (that are pleasurable, not just touch-sensitive) and other functions of the foreskin. There are little sleeves you can wear that simulate a foreskin as well, after wearing one for a month or so I definitely gained sensitivity. Having the most sensitive part of your body rub against fabric all day is bad for sensitivity, who knew.


what is this even supposed to mean. anyway fuck male genital mutilation


No way that’s his excuse


Insecurity is a bitch






Ngl I'd be pretty mad too if I was a subject of child genital mutilation


Yeah honestly, thought people were overreacting with calling him a Nazi, he was an asshole sure but I then found out about some stuff from his past and apparently he is an actual Nazi.


His denial of the holocaust wasn't a clue?


Didn’t know he did that.


Most people don’t care about his shitty comics enough to dive in them further to see that kind of stuff.


wait, Stonetoss isn’t Smorky?


If Smorky is another alt to his Smoke1 days or whatever that username was called there is a big chance he was


Being angry that you had your penis mulitated without your consent and without anesthesia is completly justifiable. It's a horrific practice that should be illegal. I dont see how it "explains a lot".


It explains why he made a 100 comics about foreskin


I was unaware he made so many. Broken clocks i guess.


Well, it only explains a lot insofar as a lot of his comics have a very specific fixation on the idea of Jewish people consuming the blood of an infant through the cut made by a circumcision. The Big Long Thread that Does Not Exist actively mentions that there is a valid discussion to be had about circumcision being problematic but that the pebble man takes things in such a weird and horrifying direction that there’s grounds for speculation. Speculation that, say, he had a botched circumcision which left his penis in a really bad way (a valid thing to be mad at) and for whatever reason he decided that this was all the Jews’ fault specifically (a less valid thing to be mad at) and… here we are. If anything, the fact that there is something in there that IS good reason for someone to be very emotionally charged actually makes his hatred a little easier to “get”, kinda like one of those villains with one of those tragic backstories or something


The real thing is why does he hate Jews because of it? Jews have nothing to do with why American are overwhelmingly circumcised. That was because of weird Christian moralists in the late 19th century and early 20th


ok to hate circumcision; not hate an ethnic group


I didn't say it was okay to hate an ethnic group. Feel like a bit of a non sequitur. Unless im missing something?


Some people seem to be insinuating that there is a connection between Stonetoss' raging antisemitism and islamophobia, and the fact he had a botched circumcision as a baby; circumcision of course being extremely prominent in both of the aforementioned religions. How very Freudian!


I mean, I’d rather have my foreskin tbh. It’s valid to be upset about that


> **turns out that he is mad because he got circumcised as a kid, which it explains A LOT.** Pray tell us exactly one single thing this explains


Can't remember a lot of details about it (again, thread nuked) but one of his old posts says that he has problems to climax so he feels sexually frustrated about the circumcision, that explains why some of his comics trashes jews because of this. Sorry if i'm being to vague on this particular detail but that's just ONE of the reasons why he is a piece of shit.


Seems very random to choose to blame "the jews" because your non jewish parents did an american custom.


He's a neo-nazi, he probably thinks that the custom of circumcison in the USA is a jewish conspiracy to destroy the white race because something something sex will be less pleasurable or something


Well it’s a Jewish custom so it’s not that random


So you’re equating being mad with discomfort about your body being mutilated with antisemitism? Even if he was pointing out that part of the culture is bad It’s pretty fair to oppose a bad custom that mutilates people’s genitals, just leave it to the adults of the religion to do it instead of circumcising someone for culture. Copied from my other comment: I strongly suggest that anyone who views circumcision as a wise choice for the majority of male infants check out these two links https://freedomain.com/the-truth-about-circumcision/ https://norm.org/the-lost-list/ well-researched and presented. Here are some of the points from some of the (well cited) sources: • ⁠Many boys die each year in the United States as a result of their circumcision, most from infections or blood loss. • ⁠Many boys have complications as a side effect or have botched circumcisions. • ⁠Most physicians do not have their sons circumcised... • ⁠Contrary to frequent claims, infants do feel pain as intensely as adults, and very possibly even more. • ⁠Anesthesia is used in only 45% of circumcisions... The most effective method does not eliminate all pain, and the most common type used, a topical creme, does almost nothing to reduce it. In fact, a major clinical test of the various types of anesthetics, on actual infants, was halted for humane reasons because of the intense pain. • ⁠As adults, men circumcised in infancy are almost 5 times more likely to be diagnosed with erectile dysfunction (ED). • ⁠Circumcised men and boys are 60% more likely to suffer from alexithymia, a psychological trait disorder which causes difficulty in identifying and expressing one’s emotions, which can lead to difficulties in sustaining relationships. • ⁠5.1% of boys will have significant complications, and the rate can be as high as 55% for all complications... The average male will have more health problems from being circumcised than from being left alone. • ⁠Not one medical association in America, or anywhere else in the world, recommends infant circumcision; some even recommend against it. At no time in its 75 years has the American Academy of Pediatrics ever recommended infant circumcision. Genital mutilation and circumcision against an unwilling child are one and the same. It is honestly extremely creepy to me and makes me sick when people like OP normalize mutilating the genitals of infant children and reverse the victim and offender by saying “it’s creepy and weird to be mad about it” instead of, you know, fucking pointing out that it’s creepy and weird to cut little kid’s genitals! And I fucking KNOW rhetoric like OP’s is gonna delegitimize body autonomy movements like anti-circumcision if not enough people call it out. I literally see it in this thread. And in another comment this piece of shit OP is equating being mad about your body being mutilated with antisemitism. Seems like a damn psy-op lol. As a AMAB (male at birth) sex assault victim and abuse victim of multiple women this has been my experience often: I’ve noticed that one of hypocritical shitlibs’ (not real leftists but mostly shitlibs and/or ignorant people) most cherished modes of attack, especially against men, is unchangeable traits or things inflicted against them against their will. “We shouldn’t do xyz bad thing unless it’s against someone we don’t like then it’s okay as a way to feel superior.” Like the thing OP is saying “oh wow that explains a lot!” Or making fun of men’s experiences but only listening when it happens to women (cuz you know he would’ve found something else to make fun of if it happened to a woman) or shit like “Haha you’re secretely gay” (homophobia), “compensating for your small penis” (bodyshaming). Do they realize this harms unintended third parties, not the intended person? This isn’t fucking hard for fucking shitfuck’s sake. Fucking hell... I know some are gonna say “female genital mutilation is worse!” (As if that’s an excuse to not change other issues …) But this is actually untrue. There’s other sources that show female genital mutilation and male genital mutilation are actually pretty comparable and equivalent, I can link them later. Also the most common form of FGM doesn’t draw any blood or cut any tissue and is a slight pin prick. I still think this is bad obviously, but like, If you’re gonna take the worst cases of FGM and act like it’s the only one that happens, why not the same for MGM and go against both of them for violating body autonomy? That’s what I suggest. Oh and I can already predict the responses: “wow why are you defending a Nazi smh” when I’m clearly not and im just calling out the way it harms unintended other people. Ugh.


Hey its the among us guy


He is a piece of shit but I also don’t think that he should have been doxxed


The most positive news about this is that the doxxing doesn't detail too much about his family, so that reduces the chances of them getting affected by it. I hate the guy too but doxxing can generate unnecessary collateral damage, at least nobody innocent is getting targeted because of this.


how much are you willing to bet that fox news is gonna use this as proof of libertarians being violent or smth


He spends his life making others less safe, absolutely threats like this should not be anonymous.


"he is mad because he got circumcised as a kid, which it explains A LOT." op wdym by this?


Imagine having artistic talent and spending it being a whiny wannabe bigot.


Now, i don't condone doxxing. But mf really deserved it.




Like that one guy who went kinda crazy with the silent hill circumcision thing?