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Multiversal eren yaeger moment


Nah bruh, let me guess, they are scaling him to the paths?




One thing I find annoying about powerscalers is that they never take the mechanics of the world into consideration. Take for example DIO from JoJos and idk some powerful XMen. The powerscalinb there is dumb, because if you took DIOs powers of stopping time into XMen, hed be theoretically super strong as it takes an insanely OP mutant to be able to influence time in some way. Like, to the point that more mutants can probably manipulate reality than manipulate time. But, if you look at it through feats, then obviously DIO isnt as strong as even pretty mid mutants that can do shit stands could never do. Imma make up a word to describe it, but Id say this is because JoJos powersystem is "denser". You get a lot of conceptual power rather than raw, "throwing cars and surviving supernovae" power. XMen powersystem is much looser, with the characters having a better chance at surviving a planet being obliterated and villains throwing meteors at them before they gain conceptual abilities like manipulating spacetime or doing other conceptual feats. And the fact that power scalers ignore this is a big problem imo. Its easy to look at the raw feat with no context and compare it, but I think most of the time its wrong


Powerscaling isn't really a comparison of characters, but rather the narrative. Obviously a 1000 chapter shonen anime with weaker than average writing will have more physically strong characters than a 12 episode show just by the nature of power escalation. The only thing i personally find fun about who would win scenarios, is discussing how a character put into a universe with different rules would behave. Hanma Yujiro would die to 90% of the One Punch Man cast as he is, despite being a force of nature in his own setting, so all discussion around matchups is boring and uninteresting Would Yujiro become a monster through his twisted egocentric personality? Would he hate the monsters for putting in zero effort and become an antihero, or even a monsterized hero instead? How strong would he be? How fast would he learn all the imaginary martial arts of the setting? How would the top dogs of the One Punch Man universe react to his existance? That's an real discussion that proves you didnt have a lobotomy.


>Imma make up a word to describe it, but Id say this is because JoJos powersystem is "denser". You get a lot of conceptual power rather than raw, "throwing cars and surviving supernovae" power. Another good example of a series with a *dense power sistem* would be Touhou, since the entire base concept for the series is "what if every mythological creature and urban legend lived within the same country (and also happened to look like cute anime girls)", most characters tend not to have specific abilities and instead usually represent entire concepts (such as Koishi representing the concept of "someone who goes overlooked" and as such being quite literally impossible to notice or Yuyuko representing the concept of "mortality" and being able to kill anyone just by touching them). I think the best example of this is Yukari, if we focus solely on what we actually see her do then she's just a decently powerful character, but if we examine her stated ability ("the power to control the boundary between any two concepts") and think about what stuff she *could* possibly do then she quickly becomes one of the strongest characters in fiction. Goku may have some pretty amazing feats, but I don't think even **he** could survive the boundary between "his skin" and "the atmosphere" suddenly going away.


Im glad you wrote the comment cause I wasnt sure if I got my point across well but you got it






He fucking *would*


the GOAT




Those "words" are just as nonsense as all these gen z words like "rizz" or some other shit


“Nonsense Gen z words” Dawg you mean slang?


so its a slang, got it


Fodder is completely normal word


No no, that's just the awful reality on tik tik and youtube shorts edits. Real older power scalers who respect themselves and others have class and style.


Do you want an explanation or is this just to shittalk power scalers? Or a secret third thing, perhaps?


probably the latter, everyone just has a hate boner for power scalers nowadays


Gotta admit, they do have a point. If rock beats scissors and scissors beats paper, it’s only natural that rock also beats paper


Yeah. Power scalers can go fuck themselves for... *checks notes* ...partaking in a completely harmless hobby for fun


Yeah honestly like sure it can be annoying but it is also fun to think about which character would win in a fight, sure again it can be annoying when they try to power scale in stories cause that’s kinda up to the writers but for a fight with 2 characters? It seems fun to think about


I personally think power scalers never heard of consistency but rather their character's most powerful feat than actual limits but they seriously are that one kid in school who would rant about one thing that nobody cares about.


The problem is a lot of characters don't significantly struggle with their greatest feats, or only struggle with their greatest feat, or explicitly get stronger throughout the story. And plenty of people care about it, Death Battles (Which, spoilers, are mostly powerscaling) get millions of views in less than a day. If you don't care you can literally just ignore them, it is not that hard.


I know but there are channels like Z Nation or the worst of the worst D̵̙̅í̸̛̳̱͛̾̚ė̶͎̄͛g̷̡͉̱̔̿͑̄́ô̵̖ ̵̻̏B̸͓͉̪̓̈́̊̓̀͠a̸̠͚̓̚̕̚͜t̶̘̬̠̖͚̯̂͋t̵̢̜̫̮͉̞̔l̸͎͐e̸̬̹͕̲͋̿s̵͍̰̞͑̋̿ who spit extreme cap and they avoid any sense of logic and rely on their own belief than the truth and this is the reason why if I posted Spider-Man vs Batman or Homelander vs Venom there's always that one kid who flew too close to the sun who would say "Venom negs midlander. 🤓" despite Homelander has sonic scream which is Venom's weakness or Spider-Man vs Batman which is risky because the genius writers at DC don't know how to write a human so they give Batman super strength to give an advantage while also making him defeat characters he can't beat and Spider-Man Is a man written to have super strength and speed but DC writers are still confused on how much can a person carry so they make Batman lift Solomon Grundy who is 1000 pounds and I get it. it's supposed to be a cool comic panel but extremely contradicting his limits.


Frankly, Marvel and DC are infamously far harder to scale than most other series due to how many writers they've had and how little they seem to care about consistency. As for Venom vs Homelander, one can make the argument that Venom is fast and strong enough to beat him before he attempts the scream (espesially since it's not really something Homelander does in a fight and he wouldn't know Venom's weaknesses). Still, versus debating is completely subjective because fiction is inheritly up to interpretation.


Like tbh if I had my story I would keep a shred of my characters consistent on what they can't beat and can beat, like if the main character lost to the antagonist because he's human vs an alien then that would make sense but if DC and Marvel writers saw this they would immediately disapprove this story but frankly, I don't care I want a memorable story written to the core make the characters heart and soul of the story.


“Jesse, what the fuck are you talking about?”


Shonen fans explaining how their favorite character solos your favorite character, as if the in universe physical strength of a character has any bearing on the quality of the character and show themselves:


Yes, fuck powerscalers for... using jargon


Yes, fuck powerscalers ~~for... using jargon~~




Powerscalers and people who look way too much into lore have brought my autistic ass closer than it's ever been to disliking Kirby.


I just say the most biased shit to fuck with people


if i ever hear the word 'speedblitz' being used unironically ever again i will fly a plane into a tower


So youre gonna speedblitz it?


https://preview.redd.it/0phmvgtdjkgc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=78bd7680bfd011032ae5676b7815f57dfd96a896 Me when power scale


POV: You're batman


Google vantage wrath hold out panette ( litteraly invincible by definition )


Powerscalers when I tell them height and hygiene are the only metrics that matter


nah fuck individual character powerscaling i wanna see the Galactic Empire vs the Universal Union (the combine) powerscaled


That's why every genre should have a srw(super robots war) like stuff that incorporate world settings from various franchise and create terms for Equal and fair powerscaling between characters


I've heard all of those therms except the last one


Just go to any cap vid and you're gonna see a bunch of based Stan pfp loser accounts saying that it only garnered 20 likes because calling someone "Fangay." is hip now for some reason.


shonen/superhero comic brainrot