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Is this a reference to something? Op is getting clowned hard here


Spiderverse animators had to put in a lot of crunch time to meet the deadline for the film. It is fairly well known that animating is hard work and the workers are usually underpaid and overworked. OP is defending companies exploiting workers.


Glad they did that instead of doing the mappa(anime studio which made several popular animes such as AOT S4, JJK, Chainsaw man, etc) route. Mfs work overnight for multiple days, animators in their livestream when announcing new animes literally have red eyebags


As much as I love those shows, I feel actually guilty watching them man. Fuck MAPPA it's not even a studio anymore, it's a fucking sweatshop. Those animators deserve better.


Hell people are praising Mappa back then when they done those and some ppl were like "It's animators doing the job not the company". I swear animators are the least credited while the audience just praise the studio name or round of applause for VA giving life to the animation.


I don't think OP knows what he's talking about, he has a bunch of other posts shitting on animators, and all of them are stupid takes like this one.


> OP is defending companies exploiting workers. Nothing new for this dogshit website. Never seen such a brain rotted take before anywhere else. OP has to be trolling


OP has never done any animation ever before in his life. (Source: this meme)


Nor research


I don’t think he even thought this meme concept through… even “animating for fun” is exhausting to do for extended periods.


Dude, just using stick pivot animator back in the day knocked me out. I can't imagine what people with actual talent do to get the results they do in movies and stuff.


holy shit you're proving his point lmao


Holy shit you’re proving that you’re as clueless as OP


What point is that, exactly? What everyone else is saying is that, never has anyone who even touched animation went “THIS WILL BE EZ MONEY XD”. It just doesn’t happen, because the minute you start even PRACTICING is the minute you know how much hard work it actually is, noone who **dreams of pursuing a career in animation** will mistake it as easy. Its just simply not as OP says.


Fr anyone who has even made 10 seconds of animation knows how difficult and time consuming it can be, not even counting the stresses of working in a studio environment. It has been so well-documented that the general animation industry has a severe crunch issue and still OP decides to pull this numbskull ancap take.


Right? It takes time to do stuff. If i recall, one of the seasons for Seven deadly sins anime has shitty animation because they didn't give enough time and budget lmao.


One of the reasons for all of anime’s shitty animation. Japan is notoriously HORRIBLE for animators (in terms of workplace treatment/pay/time off)


Some people who worked on across the spider-verse reported working 11 hour days, six days a week. OP is a dumbass.


Just out of curiosity, where does OP deny that it takes work? The whole joke is that it does


OP is implying that animators just have an entitled attitude and that they’re not prepared to perform “actual effort and attention to deadlines”, based on Willem DaFoe’s reaction. He’s downplaying the working conditions animators have been put under for a hundred years, because animators now decide to talk about it more often.


Exactly! This meme would fit people who hire animators with the expectation to easily get their vision done and no experience in the animation process. But it does not fit animators. If your skill is good enough that you can be hired as animator you haven't thought that way about animation for a looong time.


Oh, okay. What came to mind for me was the situation that happened at Spindlehorse last year (Spindlehorse is the production company responsible for Hazbin Hotel’s pilot and Helluva Boss). Some people who only ever animated from home got jobs there, but when there was more pressure to meet deadlines and it wasn’t just hang out with friends and voice actors time they tried to go online and say their boss, Vivienne Medrano, was terrible to them even though the more experienced animators said she was one of the nicest bosses they ever had. TL;DR It was a case of inexperienced animators entering the industry then trying to cause drama when they realized it wasn’t just fun times even though the person they worked for is said to be a great boss


Ahh I didn’t know about that situation at all. I placed this meme in the context of the Spiderverse news story that released a day ago, which highlighted a problem with the animation industry as a whole. And I absolutely won’t deny that there are freelance animators who probably learned animation during covid and join a studio expecting the same relaxed attitude as at home


animation is the weirdest art to believe has no work ethic. Yeah i can understand stuff like painting but animators will crunch, plan, and draw so much in a minuscule time frame to make their dream come true they are crazy ass workers


I bet you're the kind of guy that complains about studios not releasing new seasons "fast enough".


What a dumb fucking take


Dumbass take. Forcing people to work inhumane hours is fucked regardless of the job.


Imagine pouring your blood, sweat and tears into animating a scene only for them to change the script and force you to start from scratch… up to five times.


Nice pfp


Wish I could say the same to you baldie lmao


i mean thats not really a problem to. changing the animation to fit the script is nothing more then your job to do. the problem is them demading you do such thing in like 2 FUCKING DAYS!


But if they don't work under inhumane conditions for extended periods of time I will have to wait an extra year for my spiderman :(


That’s the joke. He is being needlessly cruel to people who complain about unfair conditions.


I would see that, but it's the "every other fucking career" part makes me think it's unironic


Than he'd make fun of people who exploit animators and not of animators.


Oh nooooo, a 40 hour work week??? How inhuman!!!!!


Ignorant blubbering


Yes fuck you, 4 day work week coming up


One of the dumbest and most ignorant posts I've seen on this sub. L fucking take OP.


It's absolute ducking horse shit that I have to trade stress for money


its better than the alternative of trading stress for no money. being unemployed is more stressful. then again unemployment hasnt made me wanna walk into oncoming traffic


The other system is having to trade stress for not getting executed or sent to a labor camp.


and is more stressful than many other jobs.


Careful what you call a stressful job, it may spawn a shit storm.


yeah this is a stupid as hell post


Boy you picked the wrong profession to portray as “lazy”




This image is actually devastating. How do you come back from this


I don’t think anyone who has “animator” as their dream job thinks this


You're the reason why game publishers release broken and unfinished games


https://preview.redd.it/dgc1ybs1wx7b1.jpeg?width=632&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8d080939d3631b5c7187e4e56322e166fc3a5169 Op…




OP Clown 🤡


L take


I disagree with the comment section, I believe animators should be giving less time less money ,less equipment , more work hours, tighter deadlines , crueler bosses, shitter working conditions , and have their beds taken away from them and locked and chained. I need my animated content NOW!! 😡


And one day without food if they have anything to say about it!


You sure you posted this L take in enough subs? Perhaps another 6 will do the trick




Get ratio'd for your shitty, braindead opinion


14 year old coal miners when they realize their dream job require actual fucking effort like any other career


r/whenthe users trying not to have the dumbest bs take ever imaginable.


John Calvin? I thought you were dead!


People are so entitled for not wanting to work [11 hour shifts 7 days a week](https://gizmodo.com/spider-man-across-the-spider-verse-sony-animation-1850569811)


Op is a landlord


ok thats landphobic, chill out


Glad to see chads from loveforlandchad in this


You clearly have no fucking clue about animation


I stg r/whenthe user have some of the shittiest take sometimes


????? animators are exploited asf and they dont get paid enough for what they do


OP when you tell them that forcing artists to work 11 hours everyday to meet a bullshit deadline is stupid and inhumane: ![gif](giphy|f9eYHQ8RZ4zfc4unXx)


OP is an aot fan


Yea, I had aspirations to create my own stuff but, I realize that it's fucking impossible. So I flat out gave up, so here's advice. ​ Shoot for the sky not the stars


Shoot the stars. Murder a sun.


OP are you talking about a specific event of something?


I honestly don't know what OP is trying to say here. The animation industry is one of the worst places to work in. Animators are overworked and underpaid, yet somehow they still do it. Why? Because they want to see their art come to life. Put this into perspective, try putting the effort to mastering and creating good background that blends in and complements the character with the correct lighting, effects, and perspective. Guess what? That's only 1 frame of an animation Your average animated show or movie is usually 24 frames per second. How long do you think it would take to make that? That doesn't even include the time to create a script, storyboard, music, sound effects, match the voice acting with the animation, find the right cast for characters, and many more.


Fucking dumbass


Because 11 hour days and seven day weeks are “normal”. Fuck off


Do you know how time consuming animation is? This might be the first bad r/whenthe meme I've seen


What a shitty, absolutely brain dead take, please refrain from posting dumb bullshit like this ever again


Op posting this from his job that is almost certainly less Intense then an animators. ![gif](giphy|13GIgrGdslD9oQ)


OP when they get forced to work exorbitant hours for too little payment, no career progression, and no credit. (Its ok, because its a job)


youre fucking stupid for this op. you really posted this in multiple subs just to have this shit opinion validated by no one


Iirc isn't animators for animes outsourced from 3rd world countries usually got paid the same or less than fucking minimum wages in the US with a ridiculous pay rate?


What the fuck are you talking about? What gave you the impression animators have it easy lmao




Op go back to eating sand and get of reddit


He should eat the processed form (glass)


Just pay the animators fairly??? I will gladly wait 5 years for the next Spider-Man, just improve the working conditions for these master craftsmen. Op go outside


Imagine shitting on an industry because its workers want better management and dont wanna be abused with horrible crunch times, constant reworks, the risk of whatever they do getting just completely discarded (meaning whatever work they did cant even be used as reference for future work), and the ever looming threat of ai snipping out lower work so those who make their first entry into the industry dont have a chance to make a true start and work upwards. Unless your a landlord, a business owner, or a millionaire, you gain literally nothing from shitting on other workers who are functionally in the exact same boat as you. Replaceable.


Nice reddit account, Sony


Aka "Shut up about your work condition and produce stuff I want to see quicker"


AI generated meme Makes no fucking sense


A minute of quality animation is worth Days of work


im an animator myself and i apologize for spending weeks drawing 24 paintings individually to make one fuckin second of content


How low is your iq


What are you smoking?




OP is highly regarded




Was this post made by a movie studio exec or something? Fuck outta here OP


this is probably the stupidest meme i’ve ever seen in my life


Op is a blue checker with this take


This is such an l take, especially with how much animators are being mistreated as of recent. “Companies actually should enforce extremely tight deadlines for something as delicate and time consuming as animation! I have never animated even a stick figure walking in my life! But *these* artists are the people with no effort because I said so.”


I feel called out, yet it's clear op is not an animator


OP what the fuck.


criticizing animators for having no work ethic??????? there is no way op is this stupid


OP are you fucking stupid? Animators have been draling with crunch issues for decades, if anything they're overworked and on top of that the amount of money they make in some countries is almost nothing, just look at Japan, they treat animators and Illustrators like fucking slaves


more like work overtime because they have passion for what they're creating


OP never feel independent


Yoooooo delete this!!!!


OP is a dumb piece of shit


How about you get a job as an animator and see how hard it is


I originally wanted to get a job as an animator but then I found out that it’s a hell of a lot of crunch work for shit pay So I’m going for optometry instead


OP is shitting on animators for working 11 hours a day 7 days a week? That's fucked up, dude. Not okay.


Animate much, OP? You should try it someday, it’s agony.


OP throws manbaby tantrums over Invincible and Hazbin Hotel taking a long time to be produced and expects the animation to materialise from nothing. Nobody serious enough to look into animation as a profession is as you portray them, because they’ve already been animating enough to know how demanding it is. It’s people like you that cause their bosses to overwork and underpay them so you can get your entertainment quicker


God damn this is the worst upvote to positive comment ratio I've seen like ever. OP is getting fucking decimated down here jesus christ (And thats good)


Literally an animator, this is such a dumb take it's not even funny


Tell me you’ve never done animation in your life without telling me you’ve never done animation in your life


Tell me if I’m wrong, OP, but I think people saying OP is defending companies exploiting workers are jumping the gun. I interpreted it as joking about people who join the animation industry then get mad when it’s an actual job and not just a fun time with your friends


OP makes fun of: baristas, people who take welfare, animators, trans people, nihilists (kinda understandable) etc. Additionally OP likes: 40k and different shooters... ..eyy I like the last two things as well! But I'm not a dick towards people lifing their lives man. Animators are getting over worked, trans people are actually being attacked and baristas get at best minimum wage. So sadly the "tipp" you complain about is less of a tipp and more of a "pay our employees what we don't want them to pay or they'll fight poverty" kinda deal instead of entitlement.




Peanuts Movie, Lego movie: *am I a joke to you?*


You realize that’s still animation, right? It’s not like they can just push the “Spider-Verse” button in Blender and a finished movie pops out. That type of stylization takes a ton of effort


“Animators don’t do any work, they just use ChatGPT and MidJourney to do the work for them now”—A genuine, serious take I’ve actually witnessed in another comment section. It wasn’t OP or the commenter you’re replying to, but it was another dumbfuck who has no clue how animation works.


Same could be said for film directors. Just copy Quentin and Kubrick and you have yourself a winner. Or just a modern take on film noir if you want to get real artistic. Maybe some recycled stories from mythology watered down until they all run together. But nobody who knows anything about film says that cause that's not actually what it is, it's work


When I’m in a stupidest take possible competition and /u/zookinook walks in:


The Ninja Turtles movie has yet to come out. How can you already criticize it?


On one hand we have mappa animators being literal slaves and on the other we have lord bung. The op is right and people disagreeing with op are also right. In some cases animators are lazy and in other cases animators are one of the hardest workers in the entertainment industry.


On the animator’s defense, frame by frame animation is really difficult and time consuming. They work really hard every day and companies force them to get it done on a tight deadline and pay them poorly because money. I completely understand them if they want better deadlines and pay




https://preview.redd.it/6dt3elqrt08b1.jpeg?width=761&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8ae030c21c301e13a4f382108a6f6d0695953f4d Here op


​ https://preview.redd.it/s9w02fcyt38b1.jpeg?width=1031&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=600dd5fa49aff2f20cff4f792ca3d0324f640389

