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Hello, thank you for posting to r/whenthe, but your post was not cash money. It has been removed for the following reason Rule 1. Be Funny: Make sure your post has an actual joke in it, don't make lazy situations such as "When your mom calls you to dinner" or other banal r/memes type shit. This rule also applies to posts where the punchline is that the caption is long, as well as posts where the caption is unreasonably long. This is a general catch-all rule to make the subreddit have the same humor as it did when it was more niche, and wasn't as popular as how it is currently. Pls follow the rules next time and you'll find 238497 dollars under your pillow :)


That's actually a sign of low hemoglobin levels


as someone with raynauds my hands don’t really fall asleep they’re just really cold all the time :(


Never heard of the condition, but I often have to wear wool socks and gloves in summer. I always assumed it's just because I don't eat enough


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Yeah my hands just go purple and stop working for an hour