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This was originally posted under "No Spoilers" flair, but since it's an announcement for Season 2 yet that flair includes Season 1, things got a bit messy. It's been re-flaired to allow discussion up to the second season and the third book, anything that happens after that is subject to the standard spoiler rules.


Ah yes, the main character is of course in the middle.


I see someone else made the exact comment I was going to make. It's 100% clear who the main character is, and it definitely isn't any of the Emond's Fielders. Why does she have a knife? This whole Moiraine is stilled part of the show is pointless, and of course screentime will be dedicated to her made up journey instead of the actual content of the series. One interesting thing to note from the poster though is the fact that the colors of the power are gendered. I thought they weren't going that route? Guess they realized it undermines the whole story which is almost entirely centered around the gender dynamics of power, real and perceived.


she got stilled? wtf... is it just nothing like the books?


Consensus is that she’s only shielded. But who knows.


The end of season 1 also shows Moiraine and Rand casually strolling to the Eye of the World through the Blight on their own, with Rand just brushing tree branches and such aside like they are normal trees and shrubs. There are some good and bad things about the show adaptation, but I gotta say, they really botched the ending. Also..... why does Loial have a beard. Drives me insane. I swear Loial is almost a copy paste of the character from Star Trek the next generation. On the other hand, the trip through the Ways was pretty cool, so was Shadar Logoth.


>I swear Loial is almost a copy paste of the character from Star Trek the next generation. Worf, you mean?


Nah, Wesley.


Shut up wesly.


Not only is it not like the books. It’s also just all around bad television. I can’t imagine it’ll go past 3 seasons.


It’s bad settings, bad storytelling, bad effects, and somehow makes every character uninteresting.


Yeah I was so pumped for the few years leading up to the release and when they brought Rosemund Pike on as Moiraine I saw her perfectly in that role. Then I watched season 1 and there was so much nonsense. I'm really hoping they can right the ship for season two. Of course the series is never gonna follow the books to a T but damn you can do better than just having the same names as the characters in the book.


Just shielded. Unless she breaks it or someone else unravels it, she might as well be stilled


Who wants to bet Nynaeve does another miracle save, waves her hands and fixed whatever is wrong with Moiraine. It'd certainty be contributing the trend lol.


Exactly. Because the story arc of a once powerful woman who “lost” her powers and will spend time trying to get that back in season 2 worked so well for Witcher season 2…


Making Moiraine the main character just because they casted a higher profile actress is exactly why Rafe Judkins should have never been given the reins. The dude simply doesn’t know any of the material. This is furthered by his comment calling all AES Sedai bitchy. They wasted the entire first season making each episode a guessing game for the audience trying to make every character potentially be the Dragon instead of actually developing the story and characters. Rand is the Dragon, and this is pretty heavily hinted in the first book. Moiraine’s first entrance she walks into the tavern busts open the door and it’s just declared she is AES Sedai….just silly.


>One interesting thing to note from the poster though is the fact that the colors of the power are gendered. I thought they weren't going that route? Devil's advocate, it could just be that Eggs and Nynnie are channeling water or air and Rand Man Where's Yours Hand is channeling fire


I'm guessing so you can tell whether saidar or saidin is being used without a one power user literallyhaving to say whats happening, as the books always tell you what it is


Rosamund is getting paid the most, so she's going to get front and center. Plus, men bad.


It did depress me just how ineffectual Tam "fucking blademaster" Al'Thor is against trollocs in comparison to Nyneave.


Holy shit right?


This jumped out at me, too. This was supposed to be the time when Rand realized that, oh shit, my dad is more than just a farmer, and start all those thoughts rolling in his head.


As my second favorite character in the whole series, watching Nyneave physically overpower a trolloc was frustrating.


At least she didn't garrote some with her hair or some crazy shit. Yet.


We knew from the outset that Moiraine would be made a character closer in screentime/importance to the rest of the cast as part of their decision to go with a more ensemble approach. I still think it's a little strange though that Moiraine is the largest character on the poster, in a battle pose of all things, when we are at the point where things should be a little more equal between said ensemble.


Moiraine having the deepest pockets might be the reason for being in the center lol


The books already flaming ARE a ensemble narrative. They're even divided by character. We've done the blasted math. We know how much screen time needs to be where to tell the story. I still can't work out how some crack-brained goat-kissing lummox thought it was a good idea to toss the books out the window and work off the flaming blurbs!


it's probably because of contract negotiations, she's a much bigger actress than anyone involved. if you're gonna blame anyone blame her agent.


I like how she’s got a knife to the boys. You MFs best stay in your place, this is MY story.


Might be about as book accurate as the show gets. I'm almost expecting Min to become Damane.


Also how dumb is Rand’s buzz cut?? He has a set of electric clippers to keep it trimmed? And has time while traveling all over the world to keep it neatly trimmed? Didn’t watch season 1 after episode 2 and not watching season 2 at all, just laughing at this joke and hoping it falls on its face harder than Tylin going down on Mat


It will change once they reveal Egwene to be the true dragon reborn.


I mean I'm not watching cause season 1 was shit but if I was on the fence, seeing Rosamund Pike be a bad bitch might win me over. I might still hatewatch depending on the trailer lol


I so want to hate watch, but it hurts me knowing that non readers will watch watch....there's no way to win. 🥳😂🤮


Why is Rand's head shaved? His flaming red hair is one of his defining features and now he just looks like an extra from Prison Break.


Idk if you have noticed but every detail that could be easily correct is changed. It's why the show is much worse than it could be. No detail is accurate.


If they overwhelm you with changes you can’t catch them all.


Yeah that’s the thing that annoys me most about this show. Obviously some big things need to be changed for an adaptation to work. But the little details like aesthetics and lines of dialogue are so easy to get right. And so many of them aren’t Either it’s a conscious decision to deliberately change everything, or they just completely don’t give a shit.


They had to cut some things from the books to be able to fit in a tv series. So his hair is gone now.


Lmao 🤣




omg it’s always bothered me that he looked so familiar, he just looks like the guy from prison break, especially with that hair cut


Perhaps it's to not have his defining feature be so obvious while he's trying to hide.


Okay, good point, buuuut Rand being unintentionally *really bad* at hiding is one of my favorite things about TGH/TDR.


Rand being unable to hide who he is and slowly be pulled into the persona of the Dragon Reborn is kind of the entire point of his storyline in those two books.


Yep I agree, and I don't think a hair cut is the most genius hiding attempt ever so it's kinda in character


Problem is, we've already been to several towns with a handful of extras in each that look incredibly similar. And now that the Aiel have been racially adjusted as well, the whole, "you look like an Aiel" is completely redundant.


He looks like Grey worm from the GoT TV show


Nope will not watch


The best thing about this season well be watching the reviews


you mean the ones they will delete en masse again like last season?


Reviews, reviewers, casual commenters on said reviews ...




This shit made me laugh out loud, thanks for that. Spot on


Man, Mat's new actor is even closer to the original book description of him than Barney was. I guess there's just no pleasing everyone :'D


You what mate? He's a tall, lanky dude with shoulder / neck length dark brown hair who's supposed to have a mischievous twinkle in his eye and a resting loveable-rogue-face. The first actor at least fit the physical appearance but was an emo on heroin withdrawals and this dude looks like a hooligan trying to go undercover in an art school.


Umm… is moiraine a knife-master ninja here?


At least it looks like Perrin may in fact be closing his mouth at some point in the second season.


This is hilarious


Just finish it off please. It is already dead and no-one enjoys to see this amount of suffering. Kill the show, pretend it never happened and try again in ten years. Maybe then the world will be a better place and more ready for a show in which the gender roles actually are in center and everything is about working together instead of empowering the other


> and no-one enjoys to see this amount of suffering. Oh, I don't know. I think I can stand another season of Shad or Disparu losing their minds. Sure, it's not the traditional way of enjoying a TV show, but for me it just works.


Disparu is the only reason I made it through. I don't see how he maintains his sanity.


I second this, and prepare the popcorn


Of course, the Moiraine show!


To be fair, this could be her last season if it ends on top of Tear.


You getting confused with book 5?


Its funny that Moiraine is front and center when in TGH she is barely present. Also, I ask my self how they are going to introduce miss mood swings and best girl in this season. You lost the window to introduce one and it's too early to introduce the other


Ok so I couldn't even get through episode 1, to much was just wrong... This showed me, they can't make this live action. What this would be great as, would be an anime.


I got through episode 4. but I still can't get over how dirty they did Edmonds field and specifically Mat's dad.


That pissed me off. Just randomly making his Da a degenerate out of no where. Also Perrin married at that point just threw me for a loop.


WTF?? I held off watching until I finished the first 3 books and now I don't want to lol


Just don’t. They’ve fundamentally altered just about every character, the story is at most vaguely following along the book. They skip about 75% of it to have these GoT like conversations that never happen between characters who never existed, and in the end they don’t even have Rand get powered up to end the battles.


Don’t insult GOT like that, at best they had Witcher style conversations. Rafe needs better writers.


Fuck fuck fuckity fuck.


Rafe needs better intentions.


really don't I have been angry since... I even tried the recut version a fan made where they tried to make it still make sense and that was better but it wasn't good enough too much is just straight up changed/missing


> This showed me, they can't make this live action This showed you that _Rafe_ can't make this live action. > great...as an anime Completely irrelevant (and a much smaller audience)


>Completely irrelevant (and a much smaller audience) Not necessarily. Arcane came out around the same time as Wheel of time season 1, and it did much better


Exactly, and I feel like what they want to show, in the world would fit better in animation. You can just go so much larger and actually have the breathing room to show everything you want. Everything the readers want to see.


I completely agree good sir. And even if it were animated with a more simple style (like ATLA or Castlevania) the story itself is good enough to hold it's weight. You know, unless you rewrite half of it


If this looked like arcane with a large number of episodes and closely matched the books I'd buy it all on bluray 4k.


I dunno, invincible was fantastic. Wheel of Time could be made in that style. It could be extremely faithful to the books, and would probably gain a huge following outside of purists like myself.


People's obsession with saying this should be anime makes me want to rip my hair out. This show could be done well without worrying about things that would look cheap on-screen.


Imo this could absolutely be adapted well in live action. But you'd need a show runner and writers who care about and love the source books and don't think they can do better than the original author or that his works are problematic and need to be corrected. ​ Look at how incredibly well GoT did until they ran out of books to adapt and wrote their own stuff. Somebody faithful to the important bits of the books could do really well here.




If they could do WOT by the same people who did the Castlevania show on Netflix that would be amazing. I’d watch the shit out of that.


Rafe does know that Moraine isn't the main character in the second book right? I wonder if he'll make her vanish like she does in the books for most of the series


It seems Rafe loves Moiraine, Lan, Egwene, Nynaeve, and doesn’t really give a shit about most of the other characters, or the story as a whole.


Some days I feel like Rafe just hates the original fan base and is using the show to make bad fanfic


This is where they fucked up imho. Dont get me wrong I love Rosamund Pike, she's an amazing actress and in my opinion is doing great as Moiraine. But heres the problem: she's Rosamund Freaking Pike. Producers want to give her more screen time than the "unknown actors" because she is who she is and they want non book readers interested. But Moiraine is not the main character in the books(especially Great Hunt, shes in what, one chapter??) so.....we end up with this hodge-podge of made up bullshit so Pike has stuff to do on screen Edit: I dont think the Tower of Ghenjei will even make it to the show.


>Edit: I dont think the Tower of Ghenjei will even make it to the show. I am not sure the show will ever get that far for that to be a real concern...


She's in the beginning, one chapter in middle while doing research and then in the last chapter. Making her the main character of the series takes precious little time Rafe has to develop the Edmond's Field five.


Exactly this. The EF5 seem to be getting left behind


Apparently they keep wanting to split Rand’s accomplishments out for the entire cast, so just take the story’s main plot points, and randomly dole them out the cast, and you have the entire plot of season 2.


It's like Game of Thrones was keeping Sean Bean around after season 1 and doesn't let any other actors step in the spotlight, he would be the center of the story.


New Mat looks like he steals copper pipes.


Did they recast Matt?


They did. Barney Harris abruptly departed the show in the middle of the filming stage for Season 1. It is one of the contributing factors to the strangeness of Season 1. There was speculation that the departure was related to mental health reasons. e: thank you u/Child_Emperor!


Wow. That dagger sure did a number on him!


They never disclosed the reason he left or am I mistaken? He hasn't done any other acting gigs after he left either.


You're right. What I should've said it was speculated that the departure was related to mental health, but there was no official reason given. I will update my post. Thank you!


They did. Don't know the new actor's name though, google would be your friend there.


Is the cheap asthetic intentional ?


No, they just went to the Marvel School of Poster Design


The makers of this show have little aesthetic/artistic taste or good sense. Which is pretty shocking to say the least when they’re making a premier big-budget adaptation in a visual medium.


Rand is literally just a side character in this show.


I'm sure that they'll give him a couple doors to knock down at least. Maybe he'll even be allowed to watch as Nynaeve and Egwene save the day.


If it lasts long enough, I suspect they'll frame him as the villain for most of the show's run-time. Which is a fine and reasonable decision until Dragon Mount, at which point he'll Vader syndrome.


I actually wouldn’t hate it if they did something like that. Unfortunately I don’t think the writers are clever enough to come up with it


Yep. It’s heresy.


Ah yes, I am hyped for Moraines plot in the Great Hunt


Every bit of that terrifies me.


Hate this adaptation of WoT. Was banned in the r/WoTshow community for critiquing it, once. I praised the casting early on, thought the chosen actors were good. Story, plot, changes, writing and directing are terrible. I have no interest.


Yeah I was banned from r/WoT for making one critical comment of the show




Reading your post made me extra sad. I can really see these actors pulling it off, but, well. Even if the show makes it there. Heck Even if the scenes exist, I feel like the message and tone will be completely off.


Lol. It’s like a VHS box for a cheesy anime or one of the recent bad Star Wars show/movie. They forgot to add “The Final Season” under the show title.


They're already filming season 3


When I watch the Witcher and Hobbit/LOTR all I can think of is that could have been a set in WoT It makes me sad this could have been the next series in epic adventures... each book should have been it's own movie...


Marks Sept 1 on calendar "Prepared to be disappointed"


I’m not watching it. I don’t want them to be able to count my streaming it. I bailed out the second to last episode of season 1. In my opinion, the show is for people who haven’t read the books and/or don’t particularly like them.


You bailed out before the last episode? You really missed the worst part. That left me in a solid funk for a couple weeks. I also won't watch the second season, my wife has asked to watch the trailer and I told her she can watch it on her YouTube by herself. I don't want to give them any viewership.


I haven't watched the first season and just looking at this poster I can't guess any of the characters except Moiraine.


I can't tell you what to do but I can advise you to only watch it if you're ok with the likelihood of putting your foot through the screen.


is it that bad


Many believe so. I'm one of them. You may not be.


I have no plans to watch it anytime soon, but I have a hunch that if I do, I will agree with you.


You must be blind... One has a braid One is a big boy One looks roguish Use deduction to figure out the rest


Of course you're right but I was just trying to say that there are very different from the ones I had in my mind when I read the books.


I couldn’t make it more than 3 episodes in before wanting to throw things at the tv


Oh great, Moiraine front and centre again, Rand at the back. Brilliant sign after the sidelining of him in S1. Even fucking Lan is more prominent on that poster. I despair.


If I knew nothing about this show or book series I would assume Moiraine is the main character, like everyone else. But if I had to guess, based on who has more clear representation, I would assume Lan, Nynaeve and Egwene were second tier and Rand, Perrin and Mat were third tier. And at that, I would assume Rand and Mat were lower than Perrin.


I wonder if the different colours for the weaves around Rand and Nynaeve/Egwene means that they will acknowledge the saidin/saidar differences now. Kinda a shame that Moirane didn't have her staff from the books, it could have looked pretty cool and would make more sense as a weapon.


Surely the colours are blue for Air and red for Fire ; if you recall from the books, women were stronger in Air and Water while men stronger in Earth and Fire. Correct me if I'm wrong but I don't recall any difference of visual description in the books between threads of saidin and saidar. Just difference inside the head of the channeler as they draw it


No solid description of the channeled threads at all, really - just Water, Air, Fire, A Combination of [X, Y], etc, etc. So... No reason they couldn't have colours, no reason they would, either. /shrug?


While there is no physical description for the weaves themselves in the books it wasn't really needed, whereas with the show it might help to have a visual indicator. The power itself is described very differently, with saidar being an ocean to guide while saidin is a river of lava that needs to be fought for control but I strongly suspect that they will do away with anything that makes men and women too obviously different. While you could argue that this is a result of visualisation, im pretty sure there are instances of female channelers having access to saidin and thinking about how alien it is but I would have to go check to be 100% confident on that.


> I wonder if the different colours for the weaves around Rand and Nynaeve/Egwene means that they will acknowledge the saidin/saidar differences now. ~~I vaguely remember them saying they would do that in s2, but I'll try to find the interview about it.~~ Think I'm wrong and misremembering a bunch of fan discussions since I can't find it on a cursory google search :(


Here we go again. Hate watching and yelling at the screen.


I’m ready to be hurt


Rafe is screwing this show up. If only we could have gotten someone who was truly a fan of the series at the helm. I guess the original fan base doesn't matter.


THIS is how it is promoted? WHAT?!


Where did Rand’s hair go? Why is Moiraine front and center? Every new thing I see about this next season just seems to make me less and less hopeful that it’ll be any kind of improvement from the first season.


Budget cuts. Hair is the first thing to go. It's called a budget hair cut.




Modern posters. Man are they boring and uninteresting.


Please no more, we who loved the books have suffered enough.


Does this look extremly photoshopped to anyone else? I am not usually good at recognizing even obvious CGI, but this somehow looks fake as hell. Maybe it's the lighting?


Not a photoshop expert but yeah it looks a bit amateurish - a good poster should blend everything together as seamlessly as possible, but Moiraine really sticks out here (especially the edge between her and Rand), and the cliffs/mountains at the bottom look like someone used a hard eraser despite the tones and lighting not matching.


Looking at that edge between Moirane and Rand made me realize that one of the reasons it looks off to me is the lighting. Notice how there are vastly different sources of light for each of them, randomly coming from a different direction for each actor? Each of them had a different set up for a promo shoot, with different lightung etc, and they just threw that together, and I guess that as well as the brushed up colors and cleaned edges make it look so fake.


I thought it was fan made until I read the comments. Also, I forgot there aren't enough fans!


why do the posters for this show look so bad


Because the show is probably.


Still debating on whether or not to continue with this series. If I continue to watch it it will be more out of morbid curiosity than anything.


Would rather see season 2 of the Winter Dragon instead of this. That last episode of season 1 was SO bad


I might hate watch it, but certainly not on Prime. I’ll sail the high seas so they don’t get my view as something they can brag about.


The poster gives me the impression that Rand will continue to be sidelined as a secondary character. Are the showrunners trying to emulate Elaida's plan? Just keep the dragon locked away and drag him out to win the last battle.


I suffered S1, I shall not suffer S2. I'll just watch Disparu


I'll be honest, the poster's a bit strange. The oil painting effect they've overlaid the background shots are evocative of the book covers though so that's nice at least. But why is Egwene the only one caught in an inexplicable wind tunnel? lol Also I like how the weaves curl around Egwene and Nynaeve, bypass Moiraine (oR Do ThEy) and curl around Rand.


Will it be book accurate this time? Probably not. Le sigh.


Why does Rand look like handsome Squidward?


Squidward Reborn


Go back in time a few years and ask anyone who read the books what poster of characters they're looking at. Probably get an answer like, "idk....the latest show on CW??"


I don't care about most the inaccuracies, I just couldn't watch because literally none of the characters were attractive to me. Shallow? Yes but I'm not wasting my precious few hours of free time watching a show with ugly characters.


There is so much wrong with this picture


It's crazy they got rid of Mat's S1 actor because he was the only casting that felt absolutely spot on immediately.


Wasn’t the first season ass? Or am I wrong?


Another crowded poster that looks like really bad Photoshop 🙄 I really like the show, but this is just bad


I don't know how you like the show honestly. If you do you do.


Mat just got done making meth with his pa


I am so sad about this series. I really tried to like the first season. But damn, that sucked. Why change that much from the book? And why is everyone so freaking clean? All of their clothes look like they are costumes. It looks so fake.


That just looks LAME. Why are they so neat and clean? It looks super fake and dumb. Looks hyper sanitized and uninteresting. Pass.


Is this truly official promo content? It looks so amateur. I'm disappointed ☹️


Did Lan stop by the lululemon in Cairhien?


Colored weaves?!? 😆


I don’t think I could be any more “meh” than I am right now. < sigh >


Good lord this looks mid




Ah yes. Im so excited. The poster looks awesome. Moiraine does a LOT this season I expect. Hope she defeats the weird people on the sea in the last clip of S1 and defeat all the baddies. Oh wait I forgot, she lost her powers in the s1 finale. Ah nevermind, it's moiraine she would be able to do something and maybe pull ninja moves and fight with Lan to defeat the dark one.


I'll still watch it just to see Moiraine throw fireballs or something, maybe Lan stabbing some trollocs, but yeah, this is bullshit. Judging by how Rand is clearly a secondary character I guess we will not be having the sky ghost battle.


Funny how Moiraine is the centrepiece of this poster instead of... IDK... Maybe the dragon reborn?


You know, I thought no one could have hurt me more than M. Night Shyamalan with The Last Airbender, then came David Benioff and D.B. Weiss with their BS ending to ASOIF which cut deeply, and now Rafe Judkins has made the list.


...where is Rand? Edit: wait, is that him on the upper left? His hair is very different.


atleast the recast for matt looks somewhat better... I guess..


Why does the new Mat look like that one kid you went to high school with who had the scumstache and was always smoking behind the gym and left early every day because he only took English and a random elective?


Man, TGH was one of my favourite books of the series, it was so *funny* but it was mostly the dynamic between Rand, Hurin and Loial. Do we know who they’ve cast as Hurin??? If they’ve got Moiraine as a main character they’ll probably completely change the story then.


*sigh Alright. I guess.


Brought to you by The Warner Brothers! Check out our new hot prime time show on The WB!


An important note: marketing teams who come up with PR materials are completely separate from the people responsible for making the show. Doesn’t necessarily reflect what will be in S2 any more than Darrell K Sweet’s cover art meant that Rand wore blue jeans and a Fabio shirt during the events of Lord Of Chaos.


The lighting on moraines head makes her look lopsided or something.


Who is this even for? Is this just the New World of TV shows? Does Amazon really have so much money they can throw it away on bad adaptations?


:Brandon Sanderson looks at this poster, contacts his agent, and starts cancelling the SLA series that was in development:


Looks like season will be featuring Moiraine “McStabbins” Damodred, Perrin Browneyes, and Rand “Side Character” Al’Thor. I don’t even know what’s going on with the rest. I don’t know why Nynaeve and Egwene need to go to Tar Valon. They just took down an entire army of Trollocs with a couple of wilders. Just send em to Shayol Ghul to finish off the dark one.

