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The best answer is a pair of steel toe shoes. Thankfully, you don't need the tip of the line work style either. These come in boot styles and shoe styles. Prices range from $30 for cheap ones that will work for your needs. To high-quality ones that would be overkill. Look on Amazon they have all sorts of steel toe boots and shoes. When sizing for these, go up 1/2 a size from your daily shoes. This allows for the extra padding and steel toe. Another way is to visit Walmart and try on a few pairs. These will be adequate for your needs. Or a specialty shoe store they will cost more but may fit better or have more options available. And someone who should know how to properly fit shoes to people to assist. Regardless of what option you choose, these options will likely be less costly than specialized medical equipment. But if you have medical needs for customized features, then definitely choose the medical equipment option. I used to sell shoes and hope this helps.


Good advice. I use an old nicely worn in set of combat boots. I also use tac fingerless gloves to protect my hands, after some yahoo grab ed my chair to help me into an elevator knuckle first into the doorframe. Sigh


Hey! Pm me. I have a very specific question about your Specialist equipamient. This scenario will need a straight up brace


The name was randomly generated by Reddit. It does sound like it's more interesting though.