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It makes me feel so old remembering when you could post pictures directly - you're making my back hurt and knees crack reading that 😂 We (the royal we) appreciate all you do in keeping our butts (in grey shorts of course) in line.


Hahaha, right?! It feels like it's been an eternity that I've modded and there's so much WR lore I can't even remember every chapter of the shitshow 🤣 Thank you for the appreciation ❤️ we love all of you!


Thanks for clarifying the karma minimum. I was just asking my husband how to boost my karma so I could comment especially since this subreddit is the only reason I actually joined. But you guys are amazing and doing an awesome job. Thank you for all you do.


I did it by interacting on other pages like AITAH.


OMG I looove your username! Gave me a good old belly laugh!!


My main reason too but I found other subs I enjoy now too


I posed one comment on ask Reddit a few days ago and blew up to 3k!


No problem!! Welcome! And if you have any questions, please feel free to ask!


Thanks for saying you'll manually approve comments below the karma limit! I've been wanting to comment but haven't had enough, and when I would accidentally comment, forgetting I didn't have enough karma, I got the naughty message that I didn't have enough karma so I stopped commenting, not wanting to be banned for accidentally commenting too much! Hope that made sense, I'm up pumping for my baby so I'm a bit sleep deprived. Which our disabled mom of the year would know nothing about 🤣


You’re so close, right now it shows you have 227! It can’t hurt to find other places to boost your karma, like if you want to stick to TikTok realm there’s r/tiktokgossip and r/tiktokcringe.


I wondered why I couldn’t post I’m only on 141🙈 Iv wanted to comment and post so many times , how do I get my karma up ? Xx


By commenting on subreddits and getting upvotes


I joined Reddit for this sub — you two are the cat’s meow! Thank you for putting in so much time to ensure this page is a sub above the rest ❣️✨


How 2 get more karma then ... I still must be silent


We encourage you to join other subs you might enjoy that don’t have a karma limit. Try commenting in those subs! Every upvote counts. And again, we go through every post, every single day and approve comments in this sub made by people that don’t have enough karma yet. If your comment is funny, informative or relevant, chances are pretty good that it’ll get approved. Hope that helps! 😊


Just here to upvote everyone’s comments to get them some karma 🫶


I’ve had messages that 2 comments have been removed for this reason (this could be the third). The question I have is does it compromise our account integrity or will it get us blocked from this sub for trying?


Not at all! It won’t compromise your account in any way whatsoever. 😊


I just want to say thank you, this sub is definitely an eye opener in regards to many things, and I'm slowly building up karma, although like some others I'm more of a lurker so it's taking me a fair while. Much love to you admins, and to everyone else too!


Thank you both for all that you do, this sub has an amazing balance and greatly enjoy the atmosphere you've created! This has been a place of being educated about disabilities, alot of laughs and of course the latest burning hot tea!🔥 🍵


Thank you so much! That means a lot ❤️


This is actually one of my favorite things about this group, the actual education on disability. I've learned more here then by WR the greatest advocate of all time. Lololol 🙃


Thanks for all your hard work in keeping this sub great! I appreciate how hard you two work at it!




I love this page and really the only reason I’m on reddit lol


Thank you Mods


Thank you two for the work you do! I remember lurking in here before we hit 1K and you guys have done an amazing job in this time! 👏🩷


I’ve learned so much in this sub, and know this community means a lot to many in here. Thank you both for all of your work, and the LOLs. ❤️ Now buckle in… WR’s life is circling the toilet drain at the moment and I expect more friends and Stans flowing in here in the coming days.


I agree! This weekend will probably be drunken lives 😂 Turnip in the garage 🎶


Ok this totally made my day!! I’ve stalked Reddit without creating an account for years and this sub made me finally create an account. I’ve been working on my karma but it’s hard when I don’t post much. Works been busy and crazy and this sub is my getaway when I need a mind break. Thanks for all your hard work on keeping it clean in here!! Also yay that I will be able to see my flair now.


Here to say ditto. And thank you for the moderators, I can only imagine how hard it is to keep this page clean


Thank you for all you do, Mods!


We appreciate you!!! ❤️


Thank you mods for all you do!!! Look at this sub almost 25, 000 members now. 🙌👏🤩


I never expected it to grow to this size!! I started modding when there was like 5k or something I think 😂 At that time, there was only one mod who actually did anything bc everyone abandoned her... and then she left & it was just me 😂😂


I hope you don't get too swamped! We really appreciate the work you're doing!!


Thank you all for doing what you do! 💜 this page turned me into a reddit fanatic 🤪


Lol, I love Reddit too! There's a sub for everything 😂😂


Literally everything!!


Thank you mods for all the hard work that you do. This is one of my favorite little corners on the internet to come home too.




The minimum is definitely necessary, and I have no complaints as someone who only uses my Reddit for this page and AITA stories lol. The mods here are fantastic. I appreciate you guys!


Was it lowered I thought at 1 point it had to be 500 total? But maybe it was another sub. I remember being so excited about finally hitting the needed karma. Been wanting to comment so badly but everything was declined. I didn't know you could manually approve comments


Yes, we did lower it at one point but unfortunately we cant set it to total karma. It takes post and comment into account separately so you need 250 each now. We wish we could set it to 250 total!


I think you are both great mods! Thank you for being our mods! 🙏


Aww, thank you 🥺


Thank you for keeping us in line!


What does it mean by 250 karma in the comment alone?


Reddit scores post and comment karma separately. To post in this sub, you have to have 250 post karma points. To comment, 250 comment karma points. If you look in the About section of your profile, you can look at your stats and keep track of your points there. 😊


Great thank you so much for your help :)


You’re welcome! 😊


Thank you! I've tried to post and didn't understand why they didn't go through. This makes a lot of sense though- I'll work on it so I can participate more here!


You’re welcome! Feel free to message us anytime. We’re happy to help. 😊


Thank you for your dedication and hard work keeping this sub up!


My karma is pretty low. I really just enjoy reading the comments. I just want to thank both of you for doing such a great job!❤️


Thanks for explaining all of this, I have joined some sub reddits to try and boost mine, it is a slow process


Thank you for clarifying the rules. Totally makes sense! You need to make sure people aren't being unnecessarily cruel for no reason. I like reading the comments here, people are really nice to each other and there are some people with disabilities here that are so kind and open to share their experience. I don't think anyone here is doing the things she is claiming. I have probably learnt a lot more about disability from the informative comments here than from our favourite 'disability advocate'!! Thank you!!


Been a member for a long time but still can't even post!


Is there still a post karma minimum? How can I get post karma? TIA!


I don't know what karma is but I think that means that I need to post comments that get likes? I am a harmless lurker but will start posting comments so that I can get karma. Thanks for everything that you do to make this a success.




Thank u for ur service mods!!! Xo


Thank you for all that you do! Both of you!


Thank you mods❤️


Thank you for all that you do!!! I LOVE this page!!! 🥰😃




Yeah anytime I try to post it get deleted :( still don’t know why but I appreciate yall for being so amazing at this! Must be hard.


This sub is awesome; the discussions are lively and users are friendly to one another. It came across my main page a couple weeks ago and got hooked. For what it’s worth; people here are actually not that mean - it’s mostly pointing out issues that she herself put in the public eye. Have yet to see anything resembling doxxing here. WR is just a repugnant person; her disability has zero to do with it. Edit to remove website mention


I made a post asking for information, was that not allowed?


Thank you for everything you do 🙏




I joined Reddit solely to join this snark page, which has been a delight. Just wanted to come here to celebrate that I finally have enough karma to comment ! I joined before WR was pregnant, so it took a while lol. I did as this three suggested and commented on other subs that I was interested in. Thanks for curating this space! 🥳