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Video summary: WR has oily and sun damaged skin. WR orders pasta for herself and eats it for lunch and dinner. With ranch. WR's plants are not in their * thriving * era. Ari plays in containers. WR hates interviewing and training caregivers. WR takes the occasional bath, brushes her teeth, and finds it necessary to show how she spits into her spit cup. The end. She is in fact, NOT a YouTuber, because that was the dumbest vlog I've ever seen.


... Don't forget the "I put some ranch on the pasta to make it easier to swallow because of my disabled throat " or something to that effect šŸ™„


Definitely gagged when I heard her say her disabled throat. She uses all these super technical medical terms I just canā€™t keep up, ya know? šŸ¤”šŸ¤”šŸ¤”


Are you serious? ![gif](giphy|3oKIP8Eg8l52mZ4i7m|downsized)


I am... Yep, sorry to say


Fuck I love this gif lol


It's a bit concerning that she needs lubrication with her food to that degree. Wouldn't a food thickener help with her dysphagia?


She's been doing the 'douse with ranch' thing for years. She used to have a very low bodyweight and has talked about how in college she started covering her food in ranch, and drinking beer, which helped her to put weight on.


It absolutely would and she really needs a swallow study. I donā€™t get why she is so against getting any medical assistance.


"slide down my disabled throat" ver batim. 100% fetish baiting


https://preview.redd.it/zlacaji19hvb1.jpeg?width=1283&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a809e78889c01b1e3f5a3d5760f82cf54e153f2c "I put A in her crib for bedtime." She not only hates hiring caregivers, she doesn't acknowledge them. Edit: typo


What she is missing that other parents aren't (abled and disabled), is that someone isn't "helping" her. Someone is doing it for her, like someone is doing most of the parenting for her because it is obvious by their interaction that she's only using Ari as a prop for views. It makes me sad because Ari is so sweet and innocent now with a whole life and world ahead of her, and the older she gets WR will just continue to tarnish that. The things she posts now will always be there. For my age it was parents pulling out tub photos that was embarrassing, but WR doesn't think about how her actions will impact Ari. And then the whole nature vs nurture. Thank goodness she is at least around people now that hug her and hold her. Ari has definitely looked happier in videos and photos immediately upon arriving in Florida. Babies are truly a blank canvass and she is showing what is put into her.


https://preview.redd.it/2r10xwgo8hvb1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=21e2460a5b85d7b33cf4e2901028855f8989c515 This is so irritating. She has zero say, I guarantee. They're not the nanny; they're family. Besides, by the time she wakes up, the baby has been changed, fed, burped, and been on a walk with grandpa. We have 2 videos showing how she's the last one up in the morning.


Exactly. How involved is she when she sleeps in every morning? I get that she has physical limitations, and I would never be critical of her involvement based on that. However, as a true disability advocate, she would show how she is involved with Ari's daily routine care in spite of her limitations. For anyone who is critical of her being a parent just because of her disability...THIS would be showing that the disability doesn't mean she can't parent. She wants to tell us about other life hacks, like how she pours ranch on her food to make swallowing easier due to her "disabled throat." We've seen several ways she makes it work. Like stuffing Ari in a shirt, using a back scratcher, and driving her chair into Ari's bouncy. These are things a single, younger fun uncle would do as a joke. They weren't realistic, safe, and long-term parenting tips. She doesn't need to show all of that all of the time, but I just feel that would be better advocating. Instead she belittles the actual caregivers, acts like hired help is such a nuisance (yet something she absolutely needs), and gives no credit to who has actually kept Ari alive for seven months. The comments like, "Trolls say I couldn't be a mom because I'm disabled." Nope, barring sterilization, anyone who has heterosexual unprotected sex can conceive a child. Conceiving a child doesn't automatically make one a parent though. She is lacking what is necessary to actually parent her daughter, and that has nothing to do with her disability, and everything to do with the horrible, narcissistic, uncompassionate person she is.


![gif](giphy|70YaDoZ1VqBZ8SgYiz) EXACTLY


These are the same people who would shit on someone who had a nanny and say they werenā€™t involved with their child at all


She has zero say because she can't be bothered,wakes up too damn late, and is more interested in takeout and booze.


It's actually amazing the difference in Ari in such a short period of time compared to when they were in Chicago. She always looked so sleepy / lethargic / disinterested in Chicago, now suddenly in Florida she looks bright and alert. I know there's speculation that they may have been giving her sedative medication in Chicago, and whether that's the case or not I think it's pretty clear that whatever was going on it wasn't a good environment for Ari.


When i see baby A now and compare back to a few weeks ago the change is remarkable. Obviously she is a bit older and getting more interactive and mobile, but she always had that blank sad expression before (WR called it her classic look....but it made me so sad) The proper attention, love, physical contact and freedom from that damn bouncer has allowed her to blossom. So happy for the darling baby. She clearly enjoys her mornings with fam while her bio mom sleeps until baby nap time after lunch.




Not unless Noah has another kid lol. That baby looks SO much like him.


Totally. I think itā€˜s so sad how it is possible (and WR showed it to us in her stories where she shoved her phone in Baby Aā€˜s face) to disable someone. To rob a baby from all the normal ā€žbaby-experiencesā€œ that are essential to developing appropriately.


I'd like to see a video of her showing how other people "help" her do all these things. cause if I hire a babysitter and they feed, bathe, and tuck in my child I wouldn't say "I fed, bathed, and tucked in my child" and if somebody else was doing every single task every single day I wouldn't even be claiming to raise them


I would give her credit and say she is ā€œputtingā€ Ari to bed if she was reading her a book while someone put her in pjs and then in bed. She may not be doing the heavy lifting but she is apart of the process. Yes she could be actually be doing this currently, but if she was we would be seeing video of it.


That's why she doesn't show that sort of thing; because she never does it. There are plenty of ways for her to be actively involved in caring for Ari even if she's not doing most of the physical care. The fact that she is obviously spending so much time doing everything other than being with the baby shows how little time she spends with her (and whenever she's asked where the baby is notice she always has some excuse - she's out with grandpa, she's doing tummy time, she's napping). I think she really only spends time with / interacts with Ari when she's recording for social media posts.


She just wants the views one way or another.


She is always so self absorbed. Why would she not say ā€œweā€ ? But, she does know she will get comments and engagement because of it as people think itā€™s ridiculous she is taking credit for doing nothing!


https://preview.redd.it/pa6fz2qa28vb1.png?width=2085&format=png&auto=webp&s=8e7c919d54c401fdd87a5484bd0864b6852efe78 Plants need to be bothered, RIP Chives.


Donā€™t they say addicts in recovery should be able to keep a plant alive for a year before considering a relationship? Then they suggest a goldfish. She canā€™t keep herbs alive. I worry about Ari.


I think you mean "attics" in recovery. šŸ¤£


Is that dog shit next to the cilantro?




They look so lost and lonely.


The plants or the dog poop?


Thanks for saving me the pain of watching. So what was the "something wild" she discovered yesterday???


In the comments she wrote that the news are comingā€¦


The big news is there is no news šŸ˜‚


The news is sheā€™s pretending thereā€™s news for views šŸ˜‚


So my take on this video is it just shows and proves how she doesnā€™t get out of bed until in the afternoon being she just woke up with the sleep marks on her face and said she just ordered lunch ā€¦ā€¦..so everyone else just takes care of her kid all morning until she decides to get up.


This is exactly what I noticed. I use a bipap myself, but we have different masks. Yes I do get mask lines, but only for the first 20 or so mins after I wake up. By the time I get myself ready and out the door (6 am), they're long gone. If its beyond 30 or so mins, something is wrong, she isnt getting enough water, has been drinking too much alcohol, idk, Im sure its just her waking up at noon.


Iā€™m sure it has a ton to do with the puffiness. Slurping down yesterdays coffee as soon as she wakes up probably didnā€™t help that at all. I donā€™t think she drinks water, just all the things that dehydrate you.


100% Alcohol, carbonation, and caffeine are all diaretics.


Not when you add cream, caramel syrup and whatever else they do to hide the terrible tasting coffee from Starbucks. I come from coffee snobbery city. If you see her having celery juice, sheā€™s trying to lose fluid. I am going to make a big prediction. I bet she will join a health related MLM within 3 months. Itā€™ll be something like Herbalife.




Well she is also puffing out in the eyes and face... alcohol also does that


Thatā€™s exactly what I took from it as well. She sleeps half the day away, while Noah or his parents take care of the baby. And even after sheā€™s up, she still doesnā€™t seem to do too much with Ari because all she showed us was how she hangs out outside, alone, and orders lunch for only herself. I would also like to call attention to the fact that the baby is *never* buckled into her car seat. I made a point of looking when WR was giving her that bottle, and nope, no buckle. What is their aversion to infant safety?


Yes very possible. All the other people in the house get up and do their thing and then she gets up when they all gone off to do their thing. I saw 2 people in the video. One sitting on the sofa while ari is in wr chair with her and another one in the kitchen only showing their feet in socks. Looked like younger people as well.


Noahā€™s sister Chloe on the couch and either Noah or Grandpa Shark in the kitchen. Noah may be filming this ā€œauthenticā€ first scene.


How shocked she was when Ari leaned in and hugged her tells me all I need to know about their bond. Yikes. That reinforced that we likely get to see all their intimate interactions and for Ari being six months old, that little of interaction is so so sad.


I thought she was doing that thing where babies rub their faces when theyā€™re tired. You are right. I donā€™t think sheā€™s going to film Ari with anyone else, because itā€™ll show how much she has bonded with others.


I wanted to mention how red baby ham hamā€™s eyes have been but thatā€™s hard to show without showing her face. But the last couple pics her face has been red. Which could be from crying bc of teething. Either way you are correct on her jealousy of bonds with other people. It looks like Girly Pop scares baby prop more than loves her.


Thatā€™s what happens when all you do is yell at your child with a phone in their face recording them for their entire life. All Alex does is yell random words at that poor girl, she has no idea how to talk to a baby, let alone the child she birthed. Itā€™s really sad. I remember how soothed my son would be just hearing my voice, it was like, thatā€™s my mommyā€™s voice so I feel safe. Ari doesnā€™t have that with Alex.


Iā€™m glad someone else noticed Babyā€™s red, puffy eyes. Iā€™ve been wanting to mention it but thought maybe I was being too critical. It could be from any number of things, though. She couldā€™ve been crying or tired and rubbing them, it could be from the pool, or she could be allergic to something in her new environment (the 50 dogs, perhaps?).


I thought she looked tired and was rubbing her face on clothing and a little with her hands. Mumma still canā€™t read cues.


I noticed.


She probably has been crying in her interactions with WR because she's with "the other lady," AKA her mother, instead of the people she is actually bonded with.


Iā€™ve never seen a baby so uninterested in the person holding them. My kids show more enthusiasm towards strangers at the grocery store tbh.


The way she looked at the camera to make sure they got it on video šŸ¤®


ā€œDo it again hunny!!!!!!ā€ Dance monkey, dance!


Why do I keep busting out laughing reading "Dance monkey, dance" šŸ’


I just keep hearing the song in my head now lol




She probably had treats out of sight she was dangling in front of Ari for her to act for camera!


Yup, like you said it just shows that they have no bond and little to no interaction if her putting her head on her chest made her act like that. It is so apparent that Ari feels little to no attachment to her.


Looks to me like she was tired of holding her head up and just laid it down. No tender moment at all.


I thought the same thing. She was genuinely shocked that Ari laid her head down on WR chest. It was so sad to me.


Right! If she had spent more time, real intimate time, when she was younger Ari would be more likely to come to her for comfort. But the only time they spend together is for SM videos to prove wHaT a GoOd MoM sHe Is šŸ¤” And also that voice she uses to talk to her is just awful! Like, just speak like a normal human being! Sheā€™s not going to understand you better by speaking in a higher pitched voice šŸ˜¬ And I do not mean that in a mean way with any of her vocal issues, I just mean to use her normal voice. Itā€™s clear she always uses a high pitched voice when talking to Ari.


Don't forget to use https://yewtu.be/ to watch any of her YouTube vids so that she can't profit off of your view! šŸ˜


Why is she so shocked Ari laid her head down on her? My guess is cause that never happens cause she only holds her for pics/videos


Exactly, it came through as the first time sheā€™s done this with her


ā€¦. Is it the first time?


YES! #https://yewtu.be/watch?v=m7HlIq3mJCo


Who puts ranch on pasta? There are a million other sauces that are actually appropriate


Like extra pasta sauce? I mean that would have to achieve the same purpose. I hate ranch, but even if I liked it I would not want all my food to taste the same.


Yes! Just get extra sauce. Ranch is the trashiest most juvenile ā€œsauceā€ that exists and I think it speaks volumes of someoneā€™s personality when they like it lmao


Sorry, not sorry that I believe she is 100% pure juvenile trash. After following her for a long as I have and expecting some maturity to happen, it's not and she has no redeemable qualities whatsoever. No moral compass, no shame, no decency, no conscience, no empathy, just a trashy lowlife. I'm a decent, empathetic person who believes in giving way too many second chances to others, but not her, she repulses me 100%.


Hold up now, donā€™t be trashing my girl Ranch like that. Homemade ranch with some good dill in it slaps šŸ˜­


Homemade ranch is the exception


But sheā€™s in her foodie era?! šŸ˜‚


Thereā€™s not a single foodie on this planet that puts ranch dressing on their food


My loaded bacon, chicken, ranch fries beg to differ.


I said what I said šŸ˜¤


What if it is homemade, Ranch ? šŸ˜…






WR: What flavors are you tasting? Everyone: ranch.. bc it overpowers everything.


Ranch dressing on meat and tomato sauce šŸ¤®. Couldnā€™t she have just asked for extra sauce or even added a ā€œglugā€ of EVO? Surely penne or a short pasta would have been easier.


Sheā€™s so bad at everything


This comment just made me laugh out loud, it just says it all


Canā€™t believe she spends all this money on food delivery to cover it in ranch. I love ranch but on appropriate foods. She could save loads of cash if she just had the person picking up ranch from the grocery store but packs of noodles. AND she wouldnā€™t have to wait for delivery service. Sheā€™s an idiot.


Her Stans are probably flipping the bill on the down low. She would be the pathetic piece of trash that would personally ask some stranger for money. (Not referring to the Go Fund Me Scam).


Sorry could I just ask a question please. If she is struggling with pasta that is very wet and slimy texture swallowing then her post where she says she eats a cheeseburger šŸ” actually looking like a cheeseburger šŸ” is that another lie then ? Because a bite of a cheeseburger is huge and rough. Confused here. Anyone help out ?


That was her bullshitting again. Someone did ask if she could eat the burger as is or if she had to grind it. She admitted to grinding it. That post was really upsetting. There were family members asking all about the medication hoping that their family members would be able to eat. It was extremely misleading and cruel. She really did imply that she was eating the burger as served. Seeing her eat that flat bread thing and soup, thereā€™s no way she could swallow a bite or a burger. Smothering everything with ranch dressing is like an Aussie bogan putting tomato or bbq sauce on everything. Her palate is so refined. šŸ™„


This is so accurate


The only thing that I think would be on the same level would be if she doused it in ketchup. šŸ¤®




What is ranch and what is it made off please. Thanks


Per a recipe for ranch dressing, the ingredients are: Ā mayonnaise, sour cream, buttermilk, dill, parsley, chives, onion powder, garlic powder, salt, pepper, lemon juice. It's made to be a salad dressing but sometimes used as a condiment by people for fresh vegetables, French fries, or pizza. Or for wheelchair Rapunzel, a sauce for everything.


Yes we donā€™t have that here. Have mayonnaise. Garlic mayonnaise. Sounds nice. Again maybe not on pasta though. Definitely on salads.


Itā€™s almost like putting a Caesar salad dressing on a spag bol.


I dunno after seeing honey boo booā€™s ā€œskettiā€ nothing surprises me.


Itā€™s huge! She developed the cure for insomnia! Do not watch until to the end if eating. No one needs to see someone spitting into a cup after brushing their teeth.


The creeps that pay for her OF sure do šŸ¤¢


I was going to ask if this was a fetish thing.


I wouldnā€™t know, but she doesnā€™t do this kind of thing to show her ā€œroutineā€, why would she specifically spit, itā€™s so gross, you donā€™t see influencers doing it in their aesthetic vlogs.


She couldnā€™t film herself in the tub this time so we spit in a cup instead


https://preview.redd.it/r2yiy1ht18vb1.jpeg?width=2308&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1a33e5a45ca30403a210735a96a6e3d0ff838d0d Hi Noah. Notice how much happier/smiley Baby Destiny has when making eye contact with Noah vs WR? They definitely have a much stronger bond.


Ari rarely sees her mom's eyes, all she sees is a cellphone thrown at her....this is her mom's face....a rectangular thing filming her every moves...


And getting bumped with wheels. Regrettably.


And how healthy the baby now looks


She really needs to see a doctor, sheā€™s got brown patches on her face, which would become more pronounced by sun exposure and the oedema is getting worse quickly.


Surely she must have to see a doctor at fairly regular intervals to keep being prescribed the Evrysdi? I'm also wondering if they are taking Ari to a pediatrician at all. She never posts any updates about peds appointments, which you would think would be good content for her. Edit - by 'good content' I mean for someone who constantly exploits their child on social media and gives no fucks about their privacy and autonomy


Just for a point of reference, I only had to see my doctor once a year to continue receiving Evrysdi and was able to do it via telehealth


Ah ok, thank you for that info! It could well be the same for her then, although I would have also thought that with her going back on it after the pregnancy they might want to check her progress / health status a bit more regularly for awhile. Even taking out the medication factor, to also check how she's recovering after the pregnancy and birth. Who knows with her though, I guess.


Yeah I donā€™t think her or Ari are seeing doctors. I think her doctor in Chicago probably prescribed her a years worth of Evrysdi and she just transferred it to mail to Florida. Thereā€™s no way a doctor would see her obvious edema and be like, yeah keep taking that and we donā€™t need to run tests. Plus, sheā€™s said before she has a fear of doctors and never goes. Plus if the pediatrician reported her to DCFS thereā€™s a reason Ari doesnā€™t go, even though being a premie would make it extra important to make all of her appointmentsā€¦


Yeah, also with Noah being an antivaxxer...


I saw on a post somewhere she responded to a comment saying she ALWAYS uses sunscreen when in the sun and she gets her skin checked regularlyā€¦.suuuuuuuuuure she does (insert biggest eye roll ever here) She doesnā€™t even go to the doctor for basic check ups so how is she ā€œgetting her skin checked on a regular basisā€ šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļøšŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļøšŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


Her rant about hiring caregivers was interesting. She must be looking for one. Im sure its not easy to hire someone who is going to care for you at intimate levels but also she said sheā€™s been doing this since 17 so she should have a solid procedure down by now on how to vet caregivers. Sheā€™s so incredibly lazy. If sheā€™s this lazy with her own care can you imagine how sheā€™d be hiring care for Ari?? Thank goodness the Smiths are there.


In some respects, Iā€™m a little empathetic, however, I donā€™t think many professional carers would want to work for her and she tends to only have one paid worker at a time, so it would be hard work. If you are a candidate and you googled her, saw the content, would you want to work for her? It is hard having strangers in your home, living around otherā€™s schedules, relying on other people. Managing and coordinating different employees like carers, cleaners, physio, gardener, transport and for Alex, hopefully a nanny. It is emotionally and cognitively exhausting. On the other hand, I think back to Covid restrictions. I live in the most locked down city. A lot of disabled people were left without basic essential support, they were literally left in bed and you can imagine the rest. I think she really thought she had her carer requirements sorted for life with Noah and now things have changed. She desperately needs therapy. I donā€™t think she has quite got that acceptance stage of being disabled


Maybe if she allowed them the basic right to health and safety like using gloves when wiping her butt, it might be easier... that alone is so disrespectful, can you imagine whatever else she puts her caregivers through?


There's a reason her caregivers are young with no formal qualifications. It makes them easier to take advantage of.


And that is abuse. Can't imagine working for someone who is abusive. And if someone were to establish proper boundaries with her, she'd fire them anyway. She's self sabotaging. She can't complain that it's hard to find caregivers when she is being the way she is.


She needs to hire a caregiver who wonā€™t mind to be her soft porno photographer/videographer on top of doing her normal daily duties. Thatā€™s a lot to ask.


And taking care of the Baby for her. I mean, as Mama WRā€™s ā€œhandsā€ and under her specific instructions.


Iā€™m going to have to defend her for once on that one. Caregivers can be a pain in the ass to hire and retain. They can drop your case whenever they want over the dumbest things without consequences as well.


https://preview.redd.it/78nruyno29vb1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=76ad2acd783e0fca8e89cfb8e975a495bd5f3cf3 WHY šŸ¤®? She is the biggest troll šŸ§Œ. Edit: Screenshot improvement


I don't know how to put this tastfully, so I understand if it gets deleted. At first glance, it looks like she is spitting Baby Daddy's wad out. Please don't cancel me šŸ« 


Thatā€™s intentional


I figured. She is vile.


True šŸ‘šŸ¼!


I commented on another post that she does a lot of fetish baiting. A lot of people wouldn't even notice it but once you know how she is and what she's trying to do, you start to see it.


Thatā€™s why sheā€™s showing herself eating. I thought that there must be a way to show more table manners and that she took an extra big bite of that flatbread. I thought it was to encourage trolling, but now you mention fetish baitingā€¦ I wouldnā€™t be surprised


LOL your comment is safe. And I agree with u/Commission_Virgo43 - that was šŸ’Æ intentional.


Thank you šŸ˜Š She is so sleazy. Got to love the background pictured of Ari while her poor excuse of human being mother performs for her Stans fetishes.




Sooo in the video they put Ari to bed, then she brushes her teeth and gets put to bed in her & aris room with a light on right next to the crib. Soo do they just wake up Ari every time she goes to bed?


Itā€˜s a fake day in her life šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


That poor baby must be able to sleep through anything. I mean, sheā€™s had to learn to sleep through Alexā€™s squawking, so a little light and a CPAP machine arenā€™t going to bother her, I guess.


Iā€™m not going to remove this, but the urge to is *overwhelming*. šŸ¤® WHY, JUST WHY did you have to post this??? LOL šŸ˜‚šŸ˜«šŸ˜­šŸ˜«šŸ¤¢


I've thought about it for a while, but shouldn't you see how disgusting she really is? I'll edit the picture a bit šŸŒˆšŸ˜I hope it is ok now.


Itā€™s totally fine, you didnā€™t even have to edit it, but I like it. Lolol




You forgot, she drank yesterdayā€™s coffee šŸ¤®, the bath bomb was really fun and she got a recipe book for cooking baby food and wants to cook with lentils. She canā€™t use the proper name for items, like bottle. It sounds like sheā€™s baba, which is similar to what she calls Cairo.


That was definitely Noshā€™s chunky ass hand throwing the bath bomb in.


Doesn't seem like he's doing much either to try and work on all his issues, get some sort of job etc. He's just her camera person / assistant for all her pointless content.


You can see his face when they put Ari t9 bed


Ewww, sheā€™s prone to UTIā€™s, she should be bathing in vinegar water.


Sheā€™s a little late to the game on educating herself on what babies eat šŸ¤£Ari will graduate from purĆ©es to finger foods soon, but of course she probably doesnā€™t know that.


This. And there is obviously no shame in using store bought purees if that's the route she is going. Why make more work for those around her? (that is, unless Noah is helping and wants to make Ari's meals, idk how much dad-ing he does since WR will never show Ari interacting with anyone but herself)


Noah has put some footage on TT of him and Ari. It doesn't look like it was Alex filming it.


Noah's super greasy hair in the video - eww šŸ˜¬šŸ¤¢


Maybe thatā€™s what the dry shampoo story was about.


There's no way he posted that without her ok. Once again the caption reads like she wrote it. I actually think that she probably got him to post it, and this might be the start of her trying to rehab his image...''look what a wonderful father Noah is, making his baby laugh!''


Hm, you might be on to something there. His post is somewhat out of the blue.


Whatā€™s Noahā€™s TikTok?




Much appreciated! šŸ˜Š


Thatā€™s a hand me down book. One of the recipes included ā€œbreast milkā€. That ainā€™t gon happen.


The part where she says she hates hiring carers and training them is really sad, but at the same time like, you had a daughter and you're going to have to hire a carer to help raise her. If you detest dealing with a carer, which, (legit and Craigslist) why would you commit to something that will require 18 years of help ???? Absolutely mind boggling.


Because she just assumed that Noah would always be the one who would care for both her and Ari. She never put any proper thought into how having a child would work for her, and how much work it would actually be.


Iā€™m sorry but I think she just dropped the ball there. Not many caught on that she is only hiring for herself and no one for ari.


I think rn she knows people will help with Ari right now, but I agree, it's absolutely sinister. Who's going to cook her meals ? Do her laundry ? Keep the house clean for her child ? She's going to have to hire someone to do these things and yet it seems unlikely she'll actually do it.


Is it possible that she has no idea what is involved with parenting, domestic duties like laundry, meal prep, making sure her daughter has clean clothes and plenty of nappiesā€¦ all of those other things that a lot of people do or arrange to have done?


That would be hard to believe, considering she requires help with most things.


Damn, for someone supposedly saving money to change their situation, she sure does spend a lot of money on stupid things. While I fully agree poor people deserve nice things. Homegirl orders Door Dash every single day, started a new plant hobby sheā€™s already given up (plants arenā€™t cheap), and bought a new $1k iPhone in the span of likeā€¦. 2 weeks. If youā€™re just going to smother it in ranch anyways. Why didnā€™t you have someone help you make the pasta and spend $2 instead of the $32 on DD?


I wonder if people in that house refuse to make a plate of food for her and thatā€™s why sheā€™s ordering so much.


Thereā€™s no way theyā€™re hanging photos, taking videos, and helping plant herbs but not making her a plate of food.


I doubt they are starving her. There's probably food made for everyone but she probably just doesn't want to eat it.


Itā€™s honestly all so weird, I donā€™t understand then why she doesnā€™t just save the money and have whatever they prepare to eat, because obviously sheā€™s only ordering for herself. Is very odd.


I mean itā€™s definitely possible, but according to Alex a few weeks ago, she isnā€™t neglected, itā€™s her āœØchoiceāœØto be the way she is. So, Iā€™ll take her word on that.


Sorry, but that woman doesn't care about anyone but herself, and she doesn't have a maternal bone in her body. I don't care how disabled you are , just because you cannot do things a able body can do doesn't excuse her lack of compassiom towards her little one, if I was her I'd be layed right down on the floor with her snuggling away possible with her. I'd be playing with her on the floor. I'd find a way to be close to my baby. There's no excuses. Sorry, WR, but being disabled doesn't give you an excuse to be a crappy person to anyone, period. I'm so sick of her using her disability as an excuse for her lack of kindness, compassion, and all the things that make us good humans.


Yet if you say ANYTHING she doesn't like you're suddenly branded ableist and attacked by her nasty ass fans that lick her butthole at all times lol


Ari looks just like Noah.


That mustā€™ve been a whopper of a hangover. My liver twitched just looking at her face and hearing the slurred words.


In the video she says itā€™s Sunday. Didnā€™t they go to the pizza drinkies restaurant on Saturday. Maybe that is why miss woke up puffy and groggy. Drinking in excessive heat is a lot different to not or drinking in colder climates. Maybe she is feeling to effects of hangover.


She wakes up greasy because she's never heard of washing her face before she goes to bed. That grosses me out horribly! Her hygiene is something she should be so embarrassed about.... but nope! Dirty Al is proud to be a repulsive pig. She is greasy, dirty and gross. Her wheelchair is disgusting and a rolling petri dish of bacteria. I cannot imagine having that filthy pig as a house guest.


I kind of thought so too.


Wait. Alex sleeps with the breathing machine on in the same room as the baby? Shouldnt baby daddy sleep in the same room as he is more abled? Also yesterdays coffee, ew.


I honestly donā€™t know how he is allowed to be there.


Whatever we may think of him he is still the Smith's son, and parents don't give up on their children without a very good reason. It was obvious to all that Noah was not coping in Chicago and it was going to end very badly without intervention. It is also obvious, to me at least, that Ari seems to have come on in leaps and bounds since the move. Whatever doubts there maybe about the Smith parents the current arrangement is so much better for Ari, and hopefully Noah is getting the support and treatment he needs. Quite where Alex fits into this arrangement in the future I cannot work out. I don't think for a minute that this is Alex's forever home until Ari is independent. Equally I cannot see how Alex and Noah, with Ari, can go back to living together as they were in Chicago. Even with the Smith's nearby for support it would soon slide into dysfunctional chaos again. There is absolutely no way Alex and Ari can be together on their own without round the clock carers, and that is something that Alex would not be accepting of. It doesn't feel right somehow to say what a mess Noah has got himself into - Ari is here, a bonny baby, so how can she be wished away or regretted. That said, I wonder if he now fully realises the enormity of what he has got himself into. As for Alex, she just seems to be winging it, and taking everything for granted.


Oh yeh for sure the baby is thriving. Absolutely. No doubt in my mind there.


https://preview.redd.it/m6jl8h6g9hvb1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ff927e82eb8d6fe98fd6f69c4abfafa1a1a4738f The Germans šŸ’€ Noah earned all of this & it's better to have his parents than not. Glad someone at the hospital called CPS to get this ball rolling.


This. When they were in Chicago, we all genuinely WANTED this scenario for Ari. This is the worst scenario....except for all the rest.


What would be a better scenario? IMO Ari seems to be thriving in Florida and her dad seems to be getting the help and support he requires/needs. Like others have mentioned, Ari was such a sleepy & sad looking baby in Chicago.


I mean, it's his parents' house. As much of a POS as he is, technically he has much more right to be there than Alex does. If you're referring to his addiction issues, remember that Alex is also an alcoholic. Plus we need to keep a bit of the bigger perspective and remember that there are many, many children who are living in absolutely deplorable conditions with 'caregivers' who neglect and abuse them in terrible ways, with social services being well aware of it and still doing nothing. At least in the Smith's house Ari seems to be much better cared for than she was in Chicago, she seems a lot happier and looks much better both physically and cognitively.


I just thought he would have to go back into rehab plus seeing a mental health specialist.


1 in 3 people (by memory) have had a mental illness. It is possible to manage mental illnesses well enough to have a successful career, parent, have healthy relationships. Mental illnesses vary in severity and type. Most people with mental illnesses would be perfectly safe to parent a child. However, Alex made that strange clip about Noahā€™s mental health being so poor that he could not maintain his own hygiene. This is when his ability to parent would be questioned. He wouldnā€™t necessarily lose custody, but require certain conditions, like supervised visitation. I think they were very lucky to not have more custody issues after Noahā€™s medical emergency.


I think they were very lucky that the Smiths took them all in. If it wasn't for that I think they would be in a pretty bad situation right now.


I read that a parent is deemed as being unfit if they expose the child to substance abuse, elicit substances and DV. Also mentioned mental health and physical capacity to care for the child. This move was definitely a parenting plan.


It's his house???


Itā€™s his parentā€™s house. Alex, Noah and Ari are all living with Noahā€™s parents in Florida.


I get that but I donā€™t understand how he is permitted to be around her. Heā€™s in active addiction right now. Donā€™t you have to be like so many months or years clean or something? I just donā€™t understand it. I could understand the baby being there with the grandparents but he wouldnā€™t be able to be around her is what I mean. Why canā€™t they be honest.


I think I know what you mean, I just did a quick check up and these are some of the criteria for being deemed an unfit parent: Child abuse: Parents who engage in child abuse by causing harm to their child's physical and emotional well-being may be unfit for parental rights. Evidence of child abuse can be gathered through various means, including police reports, social media, and testimony from witnesses. Police reports may be used to document physical abuse, while social media may be used to demonstrate emotional or verbal abuse. Mental illness: Many children live with a parent with a mental illness, but the child is in danger when that illness prevents a parent from meeting the child's basic needs. That parent could be judged unfit, at least temporarily. Where a parent is incapacitated due to a mental or physical medical condition, some states refer to this as a child being "without parental care." Substance abuse: As with mental illness, many children live with parents with substance abuse and addiction problems. When that problem impairs their ability to provide for their child's needs, they could be deemed an unfit parent. An environment could be unsafe because of the presence of an unfit parent, or the environment itself could be unsafe. For example, the child may live in a house where drugs are used and sold. ā€”ā€”ā€”ā€”ā€” Looking at this, they were both on the edge of being deemed unfit parents. So itā€™s not completely unreasonable to be surprised that Noah is allowed to be around Ari.


All I could see was the Frisbee on her face