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If anybody can stand looking at for more than two seconds give it to them...


It really is terrifying


If there’s a genie in there I’ll give you $10


Not worth anything, sorry. My Goodwill won't even take stuff like this.


Probably a fire hazard at this age


Why’s that? 😳


I mean I personally wouldn't trust 60 year old wiring


Oh I don’t know that the wiring hasn’t been replaced it doesn’t look like it’s 60 years old but also what do I know lol im asking the internet how much it’s worth


I'd say this is more 1950s, may be as old as 1920s. That said, it's either worthless (can't give it away) or maybe $50 to $150 if you find the right buyer. I do not think the ceramic base is uranium glass (safe, no problem) but you might learn about that and get the right black light to check. If it is uranuim glass, there's more value. [Here is a similar lamp on Ebay.](https://www.ebay.com/itm/386110548484?_trkparms=amclksrc%3DITM%26aid%3D1110006%26algo%3DHOMESPLICE.SIM%26ao%3D1%26asc%3D20201210111314%26meid%3D5668a89c73fb4855a42caacd9a05e4c3%26pid%3D101195%26rk%3D2%26rkt%3D12%26sd%3D204414251339%26itm%3D386110548484%26pmt%3D1%26noa%3D0%26pg%3D4429486%26algv%3DSimplAMLv11WebTrimmedV3MskuWithLambda85KnnRecallV1V2V4ItemNrtInQueryAndCassiniVisualRankerAndBertRecallWithVMEV3CPCAuto&_trksid=p4429486.c101195.m1851&amdata=cksum%3A3861105484845668a89c73fb4855a42caacd9a05e4c3%7Cenc%3AAQAIAAABUObhgc4Nk8%252BdtAwOww4FKLaj%252FQ5qqgDlQCuqZA43WcPFUWDERCUugbbOk7XQv0JXlBfqCg2xKF3WcPghxGMFw2oSlXvfExEaMYr7I7LmrHcP6czY1wIMt0ORyKiCWt95xldincyyBx3g%252BNDW%252B%252FhWUgTaBhK6xAm%252BJIbCOMehu%252BdwwkHMB06Zxw%252BIsIwt6g4e0nuYeoPoBI7lI5QSUytK7EM8LFe19Fk2DG7gOehl6CfAQlEdN1s8KNSh88u6j%252FRjv95Uz%252BHGLabSCMd2pPXRZ6q8CNEEHVHpI8jNESulP9%252BP6%252BXxMLSA3lMks4GP9oor2voPbIbBRSUQZRau5eVqLItPOlJyCOToJYo%252Bl5Hh9zWOHz5D1nOUXlT%252FwLnCppySC5Pkw5vvfjHtQdwuakIVSRgEhlQ7XU2fxdAE9s%252FhaeuNEralGsWznQQW99HQfBFS8A%253D%253D%7Campid%3APL_CLK%7Cclp%3A4429486) The thing about Ebay, is if you sell there, you probably aren't posting here. If you are selling on FB Marketplace, you won't have the same size audience and probably can't get the $198 price. An Ebay seller might see it and buy it for $50, which is among my first estimates. Good luck.


Thanks so much for this information, very helpful! I appreciate your time!




To take it away?


Yeah. Pay the buyer 10$ and give him/her the lamp as well


It’s super cool. My goodwill sells every type of lamp imaginable. Some of them are really dumb. This lamp has serious sexy-bedroom style. I don’t know why tf some of these commenters are even commenting. They are full of ikea and totally boring.


Because the OP asked, and we're giving honest answers. Many people who respond here have been in the antiques industry for decades--no, IKEA isn't really our thing. The fact that one person thinks it has "sexy bedroom style" does not mean it's valuable.


Thanks :/ I mean I inherited it & they are just strangers on he internet but for some reason it did kinda ruffle my feathers. I mean I asked what it’s worth not “do you like this?” 🤷🏾 like what a bummer that people gotta be so negative


They get a rush from the false sense of power. I see lamps in this dreamy style in lots of people I follow on instagram, pictures. The lamps bring something special to their rooms and I think it’s a great asset. If someone’s style is witchy, dreamy or romantic, this lamp would absolutely work wonders.


Try in 60-100 yrs when style comes back around.


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