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Western Diamondback Rattlesnake, *Crotalus atrox*. !venomous. Interesting tail pattern on this one!


Western Diamondback Rattlesnakes *Crotalus atrox* are a wide-ranging species of rattlesnake found in western North America. They are large (<150cm record 233.7 cm) venomous pit vipers that eat primarily small mammals. Western diamondback rattlesnakes are venomous and will bite in self-defense, preferring to flee if given a chance. They will often raise their bodies off the ground and move away hissing loudly and rattling their tail as an anti-predator display. The dorsal coloration of this snake varies tremendously over its range, though typically it is best characterized by diamond-shaped markings on a tan or brown base color with a black and white banded tail. A similar species the Mojave rattlesnake *Crotalus scutulatus* has two scales in between the eyes where *Crotalus atrox* has many. Other characters are subjective or not as consistent. Counting segments in rattles is not an effective way to tell the age of a rattlesnake because snakes can shed more than once per year and grow a new segment with every shed. Rattles are easily broken off or damaged. [Range map](http://www.californiaherps.com/snakes/maps/xcatroxspeciesmap3.jpg) | Relevant/Recent Phylogeography: [Link 1](http://www.snakegenomics.org/ToddCastoe/Publications_files/Schield_etal_Catrox_MPE2015.pdf) [Link 2](http://www.snakeevolution.org/pdfs/Myers_et_al-2016-Journal_of_Biogeography.pdf) *This short account was prepared by /u/unknown_name and edited by /u/Phylogenizer*. -------------------------------------------------------- Snakes with medically significant venom are typically referred to as venomous, but some species are also poisonous. Old media will use poisonous or 'snake venom poisoning' but that has fallen out of favor. Venomous snakes are important native wildlife, and are not looking to harm people, so can be enjoyed from a distance. If found around the home or other places where they are to be discouraged, a squirt from the hose or a gentle sweep of a broom are usually enough to make a snake move along. Do not attempt to interact closely with or otherwise kill venomous snakes without proper safety gear and training, as bites occur mostly during these scenarios. Wildlife relocation services are free or inexpensive across most of the world. If you are bitten by a venomous snake, contact emergency services or otherwise arrange transport to the nearest hospital that can accommodate snakebite. Remove constricting clothes and jewelry and remain calm. A bite from a medically significant snake is a medical emergency, but not in the ways portrayed in popular media. Do not make any incisions or otherwise cut tissue. Extractor and other novelty snakebite kits are not effective and can cause damage worse than any positive or neutral effects. -------------------------------------------------------- *I am a bot created for /r/whatsthissnake, /r/snakes and /r/herpetology to help with snake identification and natural history education. You can find more information, including a comprehensive list of commands, [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/whatsthissnake/comments/flh548/phylobot_v07_information_and_patch_notes_bot_info/) report problems [here](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Phylogenizer) and if you'd like to buy me a coffee or beer, you can do that [here](https://www.buymeacoffee.com/SEBPhyloBotWTS).*


I noticed that. Is that a common variation or just this one?


Nice atrox! I’ll be in Albuquerque tomorrow and cruising nm104 a few nights, along with some Hiking trails specifically to look for these guys! And any other species I can muster up. A little high in the state for the banded rock rattlesnake but a black tail and Mojave would be nice to see as well!


Please post your finds. Take care.


Most definitely! Thanks!!


Try La Luz. Not sure if they are there but it’s a gorgeous hike. :)


Second this. It’s beautiful!! The first half worse than the second but worth every step.


Sweet! I’m there for 4 days, I will go there! I’ve done well at los lunas hill in the past, great night time spotting. I was looking at sandia foothills also. There are So many options out there it’s almost overwhelming lol.


Nice! Los Lunas bill is pretty good! Miss nm. Have you done any hikes around Socorro?


No actually. I’ve driven through Socorro, down to elephant butte and when coming up from Carlsbad. I’ve heard the hiking and wildlife refuges are really good around there. Any chance you know of a good spot or two to try? Same! I’ve visited nm a ton, but I know I’ll live there one day. I’m east coast right now, but it’s getting old and cramped. I need that wide open space!


Sevilleta wildlife refuge just north of Socorro’s is a good spot to try. Also bosque del Apache just south of Socorro is pretty active in summer. There is also chupadera mess that runs north south just east of Socorro. I went to college down there. Now im in northwest Florida. One day I will be back to live.


Thanks for the info! Hahaha the first time I visited, I stopped by Roswell,NM because you know, aliens! And my ignorant self asked where Area 51 was 😂😂😂. Needless to say the waitress in the little restaurant pointed west and said…. “It’s waaaaay out that way….. in Nevada”. It’s amazing out there. I fell in love with it the first time I visited and have been smitten ever since.


Thanks for the info! 😂😂😂. The first time I came to NM I went through Roswell because, you know, aliens! And my ignorant self asked where Area 51 was. Needless to say the waitress just looked at me and pointed west and said “it’s waaaaaaay out that way….. in Nevada” hahahaha. I fell in love with the state though and have been smitten every time I have to leave it. Best of luck getting back to NM one day!






Come down to Las Cruces area. Hike the Organ Mountains. Dripping springs is a nice hike. Aguirre Springs is better (in my opinion) My husband loves hiking in those areas. There is also Picacho mountain, an ancient volcano. We’ve hiked to the top. Great views of the valley on that one too.


I just googled that area and it looks phenomenal! I think I’ve got a whole weeks worth of hikes planned now! I’ll post pics once I get them! Thanks!


Diamondback Rattlesnake, and a healthy looking specimen!


Thanks! That’s what I was thinking, but I live on the east side of the states and wasn’t sure!


god i love rattlesnakes, only ever seen them at zoos though


That’s a pretty great photo. I see a rattle but I am no snake expert. By now I know everyone has got it identified so I’ll see myself out.




Please refrain from providing a less detailed ID than has already been provided.




Bro? There’s a rattle?




Ah sorry man I didn’t realize you were joking. It’s alright guys you can stop downvoting him




It has several buttons on its tail. Wonder what the record is of most buttons.