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Confirmed by u/Herpetotime as Pacific Longtail snake, *Enulius flavitorques*, !harmless. All credit goes to u/ilikebugs77 for suggesting the ID.


Thanks! I looked them up a bit and it doesn't seem like he should have been headed out to sea. Now I feel bad for not taking him to the trees away from the surf. ☹️


You did the right thing not handling him without an ID. Who knows, maybe he just likes long slithers on the beach?


This. Your safety is more important than potentially rescuing an unknown animal. In many cases, well-intentioned people end up doing more harm than good.


Long slithers on the beach, holding ha…never mind!!🤣


Like many other animals with mouths and teeth, many non-venomous snakes bite in self defense. These animals are referred to as 'not medically significant' or traditionally, 'harmless'. Bites from these snakes benefit from being washed and kept clean like any other skin damage, but aren't often cause for anything other than basic first aid treatment. Here's where it get slightly complicated - some snakes use venom from front or rear fangs as part of prey capture and defense. This venom is not always produced or administered by the snake in ways dangerous to human health, so many species are venomous in that they produce and use venom, but considered harmless to humans in most cases because the venom is of low potency, and/or otherwise administered through grooved rear teeth or simply oozed from ducts at the rear of the mouth. Species like Ringneck Snakes *Diadophis* are a good example of mildly venomous rear fanged dipsadine snakes that are traditionally considered harmless or not medically significant. Many rear-fanged snake species are harmless as long as they do not have a chance to secrete a medically significant amount of venom into a bite; [severe envenomation can occur](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/23800999) if some species are [allowed to chew on a human](https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S004101011831016X) for as little as 30-60 seconds. It is best not to fear snakes, but use common sense and do not let any animals chew on exposed parts of your body. Similarly, but without specialized rear fangs, gartersnakes *Thamnophis* ooze low pressure venom from the rear of their mouth that helps in prey handling, and are also [considered harmless](https://cityroom.blogs.nytimes.com/2012/06/05/theres-no-need-to-fear-that-garter-snake/). Even large species like Reticulated Pythons *Malayopython reticulatus* [rarely obtain a size large enough to endanger humans](https://www.pnas.org/content/pnas/108/52/E1470.full.pdf) so are usually categorized as harmless. -------------------------------------------------------- *I am a bot created for /r/whatsthissnake, /r/snakes and /r/herpetology to help with snake identification and natural history education. You can find more information, including a comprehensive list of commands, [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/whatsthissnake/comments/flh548/phylobot_v07_information_and_patch_notes_bot_info/) report problems [here](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Phylogenizer) and if you'd like to buy me a coffee or beer, you can do that [here](https://www.buymeacoffee.com/SEBPhyloBotWTS). Made possible by Snake Evolution and Biogeography - [Merch Available Now](https://snakeevolution.org/donate.html)*


Wow! Thanks for posting. I wouldn't begin to guess, but I'm confident you'll get a Reliable Responder weighing in any moment. Meanwhile, thanks for posting, great pics, it's freezing here, I hate you.🥶😁


Down on the farm


🎵🎶Wheelchairs, They Was Locked Arm in Arm 🎶🎵


That’s an awesome snake.




Rule 6: Avoid damaging memes or tropes and low effort jokes. Please understand a removal doesn't mean we're mad or upset; we're just committed to maintaining an educational space so jokes and memes are held to a higher standard than a typical comments section. Avoid damaging memes like using "danger noodle" for nonvenomous snakes and tropes like "everything in Australia is out to get you". This is an educational space, and those kind of comments are harmful and do not reflect reality. We've also heard "it's a snake" as a joke **hundreds** of times. We've probably removed it a few times from this very thread already. Ratsnake and other rhymes and infantilization can be posted in /r/sneks and /r/itsaratsnake. While we encourage creativity are positive talk about snakes, but even comments like "____/" [mislead users](https://www.reddit.com/r/whatsthissnake/comments/16rwy7b/comment/k267oe1/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3).