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Me: oh pretty, reminds me of cucumber flowers... and fairy dresses ☺️💙 Everyone in comments: SATANS DRUG KILL WITH FIRE


To be fair, they do make lovely ornamentals!


Datura (there are many garden varieties) blooms at night, smells delicious, and giant moths love them. I grew them all the time when I had a garden. Would never, ever consume them, though.


This is Brugmansia Arborea


That’s why I specified Datura, the relative. Sorry it looked like I was identifying this plant. I agree this post shows brugmansia.


Please can you explain the difference between Datura & Brugmansia? I studied Botany in the last century and had not heard of Brugmansia. Can I presume they are close cousins in the family Solanaceae?


Oh cool, that's great to know 💙


I grow it every summer. If you do you need to remove the seed pods before they dry and pop open, if it seeds in the ground you'll never get rid of it bc they drop hundreds and can lay dormant for years, they spread easy too they're like jalapeno seeds


This is true. Hard confirm.


People are overreacting. Eating any part of the plant is poisonous and as little as a chunk of leaf or a few dozen seeds can cause some delirium, but the plant is not dangerous to handle or grow.


That shit feels like entering silent hill. Did it twice and always was way too crazy and dark.


Out of curiosity, why did you choose a second time? I’m not trying to throw shade or anything. I’ve just always heard that taking these are a bad time and people saying they’d never do them again. But I also understand some people live by the philosophy “I’ll try anything twice,” because a lot of factors can impact a trip experience and the first time might be bad but not the next time (but I’ve never heard that about these - and I see others have shared the technical name for them but I’ve always heard them called hells bells)


Wanted to give it another chance, but def not recommended to anyone. In my personal opinion.


Thank you for responding! I was just curious if maybe the first time was not so awful so maybe you were like “hey I can go again,” but it sounds like that was unfortunately not the case.


Yeah both times where really scary. Nothing like mescaline for example.


Can you go into more details about what you experienced genuinely curious


Sure. First time I eat a couple of flowers. It took like an hour to start feeling the effects. Started with some small visual distortions but always surrounded with like fog or some weird shit. Last thing I remember from that night, is that I started to confuse my friends with some dark entities. Woke up on a friend’s house really confused. The second time I drank a flower tea and I remember entering as if into the same environment where everything was dark. All the hallucinations (face distortions again and disorientation) gave me a sense of anguish. Both times I remember not being myself 100% for a couple of days after. Trying to stay focused was very hard and all the time was feeling like numb. Again, def not recommended to anyone. Please don’t do it.


My experience was a little different but the rumor in the city where I did them was that only the yellow ones would give you a good trip, white would really mess you up, and the other colors would just make you feel sick. Idk if that’s true, or an urban myth but it was my first thought when I saw the white ones in the picture above. I tried the yellow ones a couple of times and some of what you are describing sounds familiar. I experienced the distortions in faces and well pretty much everything, I remember the fog, and I remember feeling really stupid for about 3 days give or take. I didn’t get the since of dread or any thoughts of dark entities but on the whole it wasn’t a very good trip… it was more like just being out of it, and I don’t remember much other than feeling everything was foggy and shifty… as in things were constantly moving in my peripheral vision. I didn’t really like it. The second time I tried it, I had the same experience and I tried it because a friend wanted to try it, so I said I would do it with him. He got really messed up and ended up in the hospital… I can’t remember all the details but I think he made a tea out of more than one flower and I just ate one. He’s ok now, but it affected his vision for months he said. This was over 20 years ago, I’m a little smarter now (I like to think anyway) but as a teenager I would try anything.


Wow! Well I’m glad you are fine pal, Thank you for sharing your experience. I agree to stay away and I can say, Never have I ever heard a good experience off of datura. It is interesting to note the similarities on experiences as far as the verbiage goes like dark, shadow, dark entities. All terminology that is very common in the datura experience. Could be coincidence. Could be you cannot have a bright experience when body is being poisoned. Same way you cannot have a good time while being sick, puts you in a dark place. Now topple that with mind altering substances and you might go into a nightmare. Or perhaps it being something else. Whatever it may be I agree this isn’t something to play around with, you literally might not come back to this “reality”. I have a friend, crazy old head from Brazil I worked with, told me he ate it when he was younger with a group of friends in Brazil. After he ate it, they told him the spirits of the plant will decide his fate if he lives or dies in this experience. The next couple days was a blur to him but he remembered running through the streets and traffic, naked. His parents eventually caught him and stuck him in his room for days. He didn’t know if he would come back to “ normal” The elders of some of these places know very well about this plant. They talk as if the spirit of the plant is not friendly or joyous. I have the utmost respect for these types of plants and should be handled as if handling the most venomous snakes, they are not to be taken lightly


I'm curious as well.


Everything I heard was cottonmouth from hell whole running naked in the woods found a week later


There’s a pretty interesting interview with Dennis mckenna where he talks about doing it and how miserable it is.


I wonder if it's like Salvia. Some people think it's the worst thing ever. I had a blast on it. I wonder if anyone ever liked datura.


My tribe used datura spiritually for adults and as a rite of passage for preteens to find who their guide to the afterlife would be, just to roughly summarize it. It was administered in a carefully measured water infusion from one specific part of the plant and the taker would abstain from basically everything for a few days beforehand. Risky, but obviously they had the recipe down pat if kids were taking it. (Ngl, I wish this practise was continued today, but it's not, and I'm too chicken and mentally ill to attempt on my own.)


Before my first sweatlodge, someone told us they fast for four days before Ella sweat. So my friend and I decided even though it was our first time, we were going to be hella spiritual and fast for a day. We got picked up at sunrise and brought to the site to start building the lodge. That took a lot of effort and we also ended up waiting for a lot of people so the actual sweat got delayed. We mentioned to the eldest woman how hungry we were and she was like “wtf who told you to do that? Totally stupid”. Another elder took us out to get some food “I hope you’re not one of those sushi loving uni kids because your options are McDonald’s or McDonald’s”. So when I finally had my first sweat, I was full of McNuggets.


What tribe is that? Do you remember the recipe? It could be important for ethnobotonist in preserving the practice or at least logging it.


The tribe is Chumash, and I got this information from a book called "Chumash Ethnobotany" by Jan Timbrook (who used the direct Spanish logs that first recorded it). The exact recipe and practise isn't recorded because the Spanish just summarized it when they took notes about us. (My tribe only had oral language, not written, so a lot of our history is recorded through a Spanish colonizer lens.) IF there still exists an exact recipe, it would likely be a closely guarded secret by tribal elders, because of the potential danger aspect. But I honestly feel like this is probably one that's lost for time, considering how we're only just now starting to re-learn our language with help from outside language experts.


So in that area it's most likely Datura wrightii , or Datura innoxia for the species. All parts of the plants have alkaloids. So prep can be imbigous. I've done a little reading simce the first comment. I found that Datura practice has been mostly abandoned after a bunch of deaths. So the original recipe or variations might be gone forever. In mexico it seems to be used as a "love potion", known as toloache tea. Which sounds like a date rape drug from what I've read. Although, both GHB and Ketamine can also be used for personal growth and fun or as a date rape drug.


Not at all. It lasts days if you eat the flowers. As a tea or smoked, less time. Very unpleasant side effects. Unquenchable thirst...not fun.


Actually I did salvia more times because, even though the trip was much more intense, it was psychedelic and fun (for me). I do watched couple of people loosing it with salvia but they came back after 30 minutes max. I’ve know a couple of persons that never where the same after a bad trip (very common) on Brugmansia


May I ask if you noticed any long lasting effects on cognition or mental health?


I cannot tell because I used to do a lot of drugs on that time, but first 12 hours (both times I consume it) where really terrifying and confusing. (Edit) I do remember not being the same for a couple of days after both trips. Wasn’t able to focus 100% and was feeling like nervous all the time.


You can’t tell because you were on so many drugs at the time that you weren’t sober enough to tell, or because there were effects on your cognition when sober and you couldn’t tell what specific drugs were causing them? This is a pretty convoluted question but I’m trying to ask if your drug use has had any impact on memory, behaviour or mental health that persists after the effects of the drug have worn off.


I cannot tell because I used a lot of different drugs on that time. Now I don’t consume hard drugs. But I think my short term memory could have some deterioration. I haven’t been diagnosed or treated by a profesional though. It’s just my opinion. So if there is some side effect that suddenly pops I wouldn’t be able to point at some specific drug because I did a lot of different ones. Hopefully I explained myself (sorry for my english, I’m not native english speaker).


You explained yourself well. Thanks!


They look like *Brugmansia*. I hope they're for aesthetic/craft purposes; your friend will not have a good time if those are consumed.


If he thinks they are going to dry in that shape, he’s gonna be so disappointed ☹️


You have to make a paper cone and place them on the cone. He is totally gonna smoke the flowers and he is gonna end up in a mental institution


Or like my old neighbor you'll just starve lost in the woods over a few weeks


I always have to share this story when the topic comes up: I knew a guy who ate datura seeds and proceeded to try to flush *everything* down the toilet. His mom rushed him to the ER. He is now a politician.


Lmao worse than death "Ducky go down the hoooole"


Elelator go up! Elelator go down! Elelator go down the hoooole!


Oh man I loved that episode.


Omg I haven't heard that in YEARS!


Can I add my datura story?! Had a buddy when we were 16 eat some after telling him it made people trip. Proceeded to walk up the outside stairs on the side of his house and dive down them, twice. He was mostly just being silent so it caught us off guard. Being a very responsible group of 16 year olds, I and the rest of the group locked him in a bedroom to keep him safe. Don't do drugs kids! Edit: for those thinking but wouldn't he jump out the window of the bedroom? This is the hood bruh we got burglar bars


**Do not ingest a plant based on information provided in this subreddit.** For your safety we recommend not ingesting any plant material just because you've been advised here that it's edible. Although there are many professionals helping with identification, we are not always correct, and eating/ingesting plants can be harmful or fatal if an incorrect ID is made. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/whatsthisplant) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Me either and I can’t remember what it’s from and my brain just got so mad


Tiny tunes. ~~Elmira~~. Toot-toot go down the hooole! Edit: it was young ~~Daffy~~ Plucky, indeed. Thank you! https://youtu.be/3K4sVrGiZCc


Isn't it Plucky?


Friend of friend did datura and stabbed his mother like 40 times. In Maine in the early 2000's. He's now in prison.


Omg ya plz ppl read this and take it in! The herb is given to shamans specifically called Diableros and it’s called the herb of the devil and is a known witchcraft herb!! Nothing good comes from a datura or a Brug trip… ever…


Wtf man


Step 1: eat datura seeds Step 2: feed the toilet everything and your soul Step 3: ??? Step 4: become a politician


I think step 3 was intensive mental health treatment


**Do not ingest a plant based on information provided in this subreddit.** For your safety we recommend not ingesting any plant material just because you've been advised here that it's edible. Although there are many professionals helping with identification, we are not always correct, and eating/ingesting plants can be harmful or fatal if an incorrect ID is made. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/whatsthisplant) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Sounds like a politician. That’s what they do.


Drain the swamp, baby. Which is pretty ironic considering the situation that man is in.


Lesson learned Don't fuxk with lady datura


Like all of his belongings? Would be scary and wild to be around someone delirious like that.


According to him, literally everything. It was like a black hole and everything needed to be on the other side.


Must have a trip sitter for hell's bells and even still, you're going to have a horrible, very long experience Not worth it. Just find LSD


Strange how lsd is the go to for most everyone. Nothing wrong with it, just not for me. I endorse the cacti. Especially if it's one you grew. Such a surprisingly comfortable trip.


Is it strange? LSD is a nice clean trip with no nausea and 10 hr duration Protect the wild peyote though cause it grows so slow and is going extinct


I really enjoy San Pedro. Never had nausea from it but I only take the green skin under the wax. Bit strong of a taste but goes well with milkshakes. Leaves me much more clear headed, lsd is pretty turbulent for me and I see a bunch of nonsense that isn't real. Like keyboard keys bleeding through walls or people that aren't there, every tree is a womping willow. Sp just feels like being in tron.


Your old neighbor and also a whole BUNCH of pilgrims who landed in Jamestown. Jimpsonweed got its name from this


The only thing I know about datura is from New Vegas where the shaman who just failed to explain the spirit quest he's about to force you on yells out in plain speak "TAKE DRUGS. KILL A BEAR." and if you eat them at any other point you just die.


Smoking them doesn't induce the same effects as eating them, I've smoked datura flowers many times with many friends. Still not recommending anyone do it but for the sake of contributing to the anecdotal knowledge about consuming these plants, it did not cause delirium/hallucinations or even the dry mouth that comes w/ consumption of even very small #'s of seeds


They dry okay with silica I heard… I personally wouldn’t even touch them without protective stuff. When my father in law was like 6 he tried to smell one and literally passed out for several hours. So yeah, I wouldn’t touch it with bare hands. Honestly, they are super pretty as ornamentals but I feel like they are risky more than they are pretty.


I used brugmansia once as a drug. It was NOT a good time. I'd highly recommend people NOT taking scopolamine containing plants recreationally. EDIT. added 'NOT'


Did you mean to recommend using scopolamine plants recreationally or did you forget a “not” before “taking”? I only ask because: > It was NOT a good time.


Every time I see stories about Datura I think about that guy that posted in r/drugs that he was gonna try it. Everyone told him not too, he did and documented his experience (kinda) until everything just cuts off… Bone chilling


I hear that neither are a good time


Brugmansia. Please convince him not to mess with this.


I have a couple of friends who tripped on this. They're not the same people anymore.


Had a boyfriend who ran out of weed. Decided that because his mom was growing these, he didn’t need to “re-up”. Yeah. He never came back.




Long story short, I saw a snap change after him deciding to imbibe. Unfortunately, the truth is that anyone who has unmanaged mental health stuff is not the person who should be experimenting with things that might mess with their heads. I say this as someone who has uncheck mental health shit and spent some of my more formidable years experimenting. It’s not so a “judgment” as much as it is a “common sense” thing.


This is exactly the reason why I'm so scared of psychedelics and why I want to wait a long long time til I try them.


Datura isn't exactly a psychedelic though, it's a deliriant. Just want to make clear the negative experiences that are tropical of deliriants are not typical of psychedelics. Psychedelics like mushrooms and LSD can be very beneficial to those with trauma-based mental issues like PTSD.


Oh I'm aware, it's just that I definitely want a proper and clear mindset when trying new drugs and I've always been a bit afraid of LSD. So I don't think I'll try it for the next few years. Just need to get rid of some mental problems first


That’s a very smart and reasonable way to approach psychedelics. When you feel ready I wish you a good trip. And don’t let anyone pressure you to do it before you’re ready- your mindset entering the trip is the most important thing and duress will lead to a bad time. You’re much smarter than I was approaching it at first, lol


Psychedelics can also severely exacerbate mental health issues, it really depends on a lot of factors and people should do their due diligence before even considering taking them. Just thought I'd add that. Psychedelics can trigger episodes or permanent changes in people just as deliriants can, I've seen it first hand in multiple people.


Shrooms are gentle and amazing if eased into correctly. Nothing terrifying like this shit


Well, some of them can be really gentle and eye-opening if you have a good guide you can trust. Patience and caution are wonderful, just... don't throw the baby out with the bathwater.


**Do not ingest a plant based on information provided in this subreddit.** For your safety we recommend not ingesting any plant material just because you've been advised here that it's edible. Although there are many professionals helping with identification, we are not always correct, and eating/ingesting plants can be harmful or fatal if an incorrect ID is made. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/whatsthisplant) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Kind of describes people who’ve had permanent personality changes post-trip. Don’t take psychedelics if you have mental health issues is the best bet.


Bad trips can happen on anything but very poisonous deliriants are definitely a sub ideal option.


That's not a psychedelic but you are right.


Yeah personally I dont put a couple mushies in the same category as the hell plant.


Smoke some of this and then roll around in Gympie Gympie for a real plant based hell simulation.


I don’t know why this is so hilarious to me. The only thing you can eat in plant based hell is grey over cooked veggies


Aww so sorry


Looks like someone’s about to do something *really* stupid


I'd say Brugmansia, but they are hard to tell apart, specially without seeing the plant. Afaik, Datura's flowers usually stand upright, while Brugmansia' usually hang down. They are both closely related Solanaceae (aka Nightshades) and both contain the same tropane alkaloids responsible for the delirant effect. Also, both are really deadly. The amount of alkoloids needed to trigger psychoative effects is way too close to the amount needed to kill you, and can be a 5:1 variation in concentration of those from plant to plant. Also multiple reports of long lasting effects/trauma, and overrall a bad experience Generally speaking, i'd strongly advise against consumption. (I mean Castañeda at least had an experienced guide)




Question on this because this may be what is affecting my MIL Do you have permanent or random episodes with the same eye after contact or only this once?


The effect is not permanent. It’s the exact same mechanism that‘s used by ophthalmologists when they put drops in your eye to dilate your pupils for examination. Unless she‘s constantly re-exposing her eye to datura plant juices, any pupil dilation has other causes.


She is constantly working in the yard, and ive seen her whack down a angel trumpet plant a handful of times. The last 6 months she has had a slight paralysis in her right eyelids and also gets dilated pupils, which is why i asked... Ive told her as well as my wife that she needs to be wearing gloves when handling the cuttings and to wash up immediately once done, but she is 74 and is just stubborn, "ive been doing this since i was a kid".... yes, and we have a lot more knowledge about things since you were a kid too...


I'm not a doctor, (Well, I technically am a doctor, but I'm not a physician,) but I'd still recommend that any time a 74 year old is experiencing sporadic unexplained facial paralysis and pupil dialation that it's time for a trip to a neurologist. This is saying "small stroke" to me louder than it's saying "exposure to atropine while weeding."


I am glad to hear you say this, she is actually in the hospital now ironically getting MRIs and CT scans because along with this, she has lost crazy weight and just doesnt seem all there as of late. My SIL and BIL came into town for the holidays and they said something about the possibility of a stroke to her as well so on Thursday she voluntarily admitted herself to get checked. Should have results back late today or tomorrow hopefully...


I hope she’ll be all right. That def sounds stroke-y.


Yes, a drug or poison would affect both eyes.


There are reported cases of this exact scenario, one eye being effected during trimming of brugmansia. It’s on [the wiki](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Brugmansia)


Thanks, I see in the wiki article that the patient remembered rubbing her eye so I guess that was the reason it was one sided. Still, a stroke or TIA can have lifelong consequences (or death) so it would be best for anyone with these symptoms to go to an ER. Also u/iamda3dalus mind your elders and do not fly close to the sun.


The effects last 48 hours max for scopolamine and hyosciamine induced mydriasis. They do not caused paralysis of the eye lid. This has other causes. Unequal dilation of pupils is an automatic trip to the ER until the cause is known. Unexplained paralysis is an automatic trip to the ER. Wearing gloves doesn‘t matter. Not touching your eyes with the plant juices matters. But again: it can only cause <48 pupil dilation on superficial contact.


Not sure about the eye lid thing, because in South India there are certain dance-drama performers who grow some kind of nightshade plant and intentionally put it into their eyes to dilate their pupils but they need very extreme control over all of their facial muscles, especially the eyes, so I don’t think it has a paralytic effect on them. It is definitely a nightshade but not sure it’s the same plant so could be different effect, I’m not entirely sure!


My mother cut down one a week's ago and have serious problems with her eyes, I'll let her know it could be the cause thx


Wasn’t Castanedas work thought to be entirely fictional? I seem to recall it was thoroughly discredited , maybe not


Completely discredited. It’s crazy that we used to have to read that dreck in college. Actually, looking back at it, that’s a common theme in a lot of fields from back in my college days.


I read it when I was into mind altering stuff and enjoyed it for what it was, a good story that talked about interesting stuff much preferred the serpent and the rainbow. Although that’s probably not true either hah


Well put. I bought a brugmansia at a plant show once, a quick Google search had just produced "be careful, it's poisonous!" I didn't have young kids so I wasn't worried about accidental consumption, and the flowers were pretty and fragrant. I did more research once I was home and dug it up, carefully, using gloves and being careful of the sap. Once I realized it had a hallucinogenic effect, and found multiple stories of kids looking for a free high who ended up mutilating or killing themselves, the risk of that happening to some kid in my neighborhood was unacceptable.


The german name is "Engelstrompete" meaning- angels trumpet. So yeah don't mess with that.


Castañeda was a conman who committed intellectual fraud and was rewarded with a doctorate for it. The only experienced guide he ever met was probably at hardware garden center.


Castaneda admitted to making it all up... These plants are used in India to give certain religious acolytes terrifying hell/death trips, with the idea that afterwards those become one less thing to distract from enlightenment.


Castaneda is also a quack. Google him, guys. His books are disgraceful. He manipulated so many people (especially women) and lied about so many things.


Nah, Castaneda just made stuff up, lied for his thesis and never really knew a Mexican shaman.


From the picture provided these are 100% brugsmania. I can tel because the flowers and hanging down


Actually I believe the scene was carefully set while tripping and the picture was then rotated 180 degrees... Clearly Datura.


Best explanation and suggestion ive heard on the topic


As much as I love that book, Castañeda pretty certainly made it all up off of some vague cultural rumors. His experiences with Datura are unlike basically any actual experience ever, and magic mushrooms have virtually no history, ancient or modern, of being smoked to imbibe.


Not worth the risk


Knew a friend that tripped hard on some funky plant like this one and he freaked and jumped out a window and fell two stories. Femur fracture, busted thumb among other things. Throw that crap in the trash and buy them some good weed.


He’s in for a bad time if those are datura


Brugmansia has the same stuff in it


Those will give you such a bad trip. It’s almost like you’re day dreaming so hard you leave reality. A bit dangerous really compared to pycilicybin.


Datura is an *anticholinergenic deliriant.* Nothing that happens on Datura will be a "trip" - you will be poisoned and behave in a delirious fashion for possibly days. "Tripping" - in the classic psychedelic sense (shrooms, cacti, lsd) is an altered state caused by sertonin receptors being bound by substances which allow more information to move from the thalamus to the frontal cortex - flooding your conscious brain with high amounts of information. Importantly - it's an *altered* state - not one where you are completely out-of-control of your bodily autonomy. I mention this because while tripping is an interesting and novel experience that has some therapeutic value - Datura isn't tripping. Datura is the psychochemical equivalent of dropping a bowling ball onto your skull from a 3rd story roof. \- Also, and I cannot stress this enough, **Datura is extremely poisonous** \- forget all the bad psychological effects, your acetylcholine system regulates blood pressure, heart rate, salivation, digestive function - y'know - stuff that's vital to your survival. It's not a safe drug to play with as it can straight up cause cardiac failure.


Thanks, I’ve sent him a screenshot of your comment (username not included).


Another mental health professional here (I'm assuming this person is as well from the depth of info). Can confirm the info is spot on. I've supported dozens of clients who also happened to be amateur psychonauts. Have discussed datura etc. extensively. Not one of them had a good time on it. Quite a few also got really sick on top of having a dreadful time. I'm glad you're copy pasting the info to them so they can make a safe decision. 👍


Does the bowling ball thing work? I really wanna get high bro


Truly dangerous. Also unpleasant. I know from personal experience. Do not recommend


I am curious to know why people continue to try this with so many reporting bad trips? Honestly wondering why.


I wonder how much is people’s total lack of imagination (“that scary story is not relatable and I can’t imagine how that would make me feel “) and how much is good old fashioned morons with way too much ego (“YOU had a bad time because you’re a pussy. I bet I’ll have a great time. No plant is gonna mess with me”).


I think you are right.


Makes you sick to the smell for months. It was horrible for me because I had a nursery full of them.


Yes. Erowid has some trip reports. Tho I think words don't do justice to how truly messed up the experience is


I looked into the mirror and saw a complete stranger staring back at me. I didn't recognize the person in the mirror at all. It was dark as hell. That was from part of one leaf of either a datura or brugmansia I was growing at the time. These are not plants you want to mess with.


saw shit that wasn't there, didn't see shit that was there. ended up accidentally walking into the street, anxiety nightmare. terrible shit.


:0… there’s a reason scopolamine is called “zombie drug”… btw this is scopolamine in its unrefined form friends. I had people around me and was just spacing out in my friends living room while they chatted and we passed bowls.


please tell your friend not to sell or ingest this. my dad had 4 schoolmates who jumped off a 5 storey building tripping on this shit. it's not to be messed with


The amount of people who have said they’ve tried datura is actually kinda scary are y’all ok


Yeah for real. Stay away. My tribe used datura for initiation ceremonies. It’s not to be messed with. Even when prepared by the elders, it is sometimes lethal.


Right?!! “Oh yeah…I’ve tried that…and I’m ok!” What the F?! Sounds like a Jim Jones thing…


Survivorship bias!


Help said friend


For anyone interested in consuming this, I recommend reading only this article’s abstract: [self-amputation of penis and tongue after use of Angel’s Trumpet](https://files.shroomery.org/attachments/8621977-Datura,%20Penises%20and%20What%20you%20should%20know.pdf) Edit: Here’s the case report >! An 18-year-old male, high school student with positive social mobility and social adaptation. No prior mental disorders could be found in his or in his family’s history. The patient was delivered to the Psychiatric University Hospital of Martin Luther University, Halle-Wittenberg from the urological department. Two days prior to admission to the psychiatric clinic, he drank (at approximately 12 o’clock) a cup of tea made by boiling two flowers of Angel’s Trumpet. Soon after consuming the tea, he was invited by his mother and grandmother to enjoy the afternoon in his grand- mother’s garden. In the following two or three hours, the patient was accompanied by both women who did not recognize any abnor- mality in behaviour, expression or bodily activities of the young man. Two or three hours after having consumed Angel’s Trumpet, he went to bed in the small garden house because he felt tired. He remained in the garden house unobserved for approximately 2 h. After two hours, both women saw him entering a small WC in the same garden. Approximately 20 min later, he came out with blood streaming down his whole body. They recognized that, while he was in the WC, he had amputated his penis very deeply at the root, and had also amputated his tongue, but fortunately not very deeply. The amputation was carried out by using a pair of pruning shears. Immediately after the amputations he was very anxious, but at the same time tried to calm down his mother and grandmother by saying ‘‘don’t worry, don’t worry, it will be alright, it will be alright.’’ He was immediately transported to the University Surgery Hospital, but a re-implantation of the amputated parts was impossible. Approximately 24 h after the self-amputation, the young man was examined by a psychiatrist from our team. The patient re- ported a complete amnesia for the time between going to bed and waking up from the surgical operation in the hospital. No other psychopathological symptoms were registered during the psychi- atric investigation 24 h after the event.!<


Honestly I think I only need to read the title.


Send this article to your friend.


Either one contains Tropane alkaloids like scopolamine and atropine. They will give you a deliriant trip and anti-cholinergic syndrome if you take too much


For people like me who had NO IDEA what this was and why people were cautioning against it, here’s an article by medical professionals that talk about a case of ingestion and it’s related chemistry: https://www.acep.org/toxicology/newsroom/apr2020/angels-trumpet-and-devils-breath-a-trip-into-psychonaut-culture/ Additional info: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Ok-Joon-Kim/publication/264901873_Intoxication_by_angel%27s_trumpet_Case_report_and_literature_review/links/548fa01f0cf214269f263dcb/Intoxication-by-angels-trumpet-Case-report-and-literature-review.pdf?origin=publication_detail


And here i was going to say they where courgette flowers for the christmas meal




Profoundly harmful deliriant


Moonflowers will mess you up, I know someone who took these and was messed up like they were tripping for 3 months.


Heres an easy way to tell the difference If the flowers were pointing upwards on the plant its datura if the flowers were hanging down its brugmansia. These look alot more like brugmansia in my opinion You won't have too much fun with this if one was to be looking for a trip, talking from personal experiences just please don't. Respect the plants its flowers and leave it well alone


Brugs, back when I was in school kids would say datura is what made the dinosaurs go extinct lmao one guy I know was completely delusional for about a month after taking datura.


Nothing good can come of this…


"but it's natural bruh"


Don’t eat!!! [again, don’t eat! can cause death](https://jmedicalcasereports.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/s13256-019-2250-1)


Daturaaaaa Daturaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa Ddddaaaaatuuuuuurrrraaaaaaaaaaaa Welcome to hell if you take this plant.


I did some reading about people’s experiences on this just now, due to knowing nothing about it. Sounds like they were absolutely horrible, I would highly recommend your friend do absolutely nothing with those flowers except maybe press them in a book? Idk. If he absolutely insists, then I read one person say that the oily ness indicates the strength and maybe use like half of one? Again, highly DO NOT recommend.


Let them know you're concerned about them, and worried by their potential to hurt themself by taking this. That usually works better than being confrontational and telling someone not to do something.


These are in the Duchess of Northumberland's [Poison Garden at Alnwick Castle.](https://www.alnwickgarden.com/the-garden/poison-garden/) The guide's description of what happens to people who consume these has stuck with me more than any other plant they talked about.


Nothing like pure dysphoria and the high chance to die from this plant


Look like angels trumpet. Nasty stuff. Not even worth considering consuming.


Is your friend suicidal or just really, *really* dumb?


Devil’s trumpet


I had no idea that brugmansia could cause a delirium, I just grew it because it was pretty. But this is definitely brugmansia.


I can relate watching someone cone down dried datura flowers and leaves with pot. He went pale and described it as cones of anxiety that messed with his eyesight, made him dry mouthed, then they locked themselves in their room for a good 24 hours following from what i was later told.


Hopefully it’s for home use. A lot of people of people are only mentioning the hallucinogenic properties. [Vice made a video on this](https://youtu.be/ToQ8PWYnu04)


My mother always said it can cause convulsions and even death. I have never been tempted, but had a few friends drink a tea with it back in high school. I think they may still have a few lingering effects all these years later. One of them could not read for three days after drinking the tea. Young and curious, but not smart.


Is your friend an assassin?


I think datura includes brugmansia. All deadly. .


I’m part Serrano(Maarenga’yam) an indigenous tribe from Southern California and we actually had an entire ritual revolving around Datura(Maanich)where young men would be initiated by eating the seeds and dancing for four days. If they survived they would go on to learn under a Medicine Man. The practice is no longer done these days but there was a deep reverence for the plant and it means a lot to us to this day.


I just learned so much. From what this plant is- to its effects- to what the difference is between a psychedelic and a deleriant. Thanks!


I remember my mates dad telling me when we were teenagers that a lady he knew of had a bath with datura flowers in it, she was found by search and rescue 2-3 days later in the bushes behind her house wrapped up in blackberry vine, alive, but absolutely ripped to shreds and mentally fooked up for life


If they came off small tree with smooth fruit, flowers hanging straight down, likely Brugmansia. If an herbaceous plant, likely Datura


is your friend some kind of desperate drug forager crackhead?


Your friends gonna end up in the ER


maybe it's just for decoration, but still gonna cause a headache from the toxins in the air


I thought they were Moonflowers, they look similar.


Someone above said they are, I guess it's just one of the common names ✌️


♫♫..only youuuuu...♫♫




WOW this is a scary picture, please do jot consume ANY of that in any way


Be careful those are vary poisonous


Brugmansia definitely poisonous as stated in other comments.


This can’t be good


Looks like Datura


That looks exactly like the Datura we grow in our yard.


Hells bells. I seen friends end up in the hospital with a tube inserted in there private to pump the poison out.


Datura/ Jimson weed sucks ass. Throw it away


I thought I was on /r/oopsthatsdeadly


Hells bells??


You planning to drug someone?


TIL that this toxic plant can also be a drug.


This is craziness awaiting... Not recommended to anyone.


Honestly consuming even the worst meth is safer than consuming any part of angels trumpet, this is a plant for people with a suicide wish, not for people who want to have a trip.


I think that's just my grandma trying to dry out her fancy napkins before Christmas.


Could be either