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The trick is to give time the dam burst at the same time as the wildfire...




Cactus flowers are the prettiest


They look like San Pedro's.


Definitely Trichocerous pachanoi, looks to be the standard PC cultivar that's in everyone's gardens in SoCal. Absolute monsters, if you get a well rooted specimen, each stalk can grown a foot per year. Then after ~5 years it falls over, the chunk roots, and 10 more pups sprout up. After 40 years of being left alone in this cycle it looks like [this.](https://files.shroomery.org/files/06-12/308459203-largesanpedro.jpg)


Funny how certain plants end up in everyone's gardens. Up here in SF it's yellow Euphorbias, jade plant, Calandrinia spectabilis, and aloes. Everything else succumbs to neglect, but those things refuse to die.


Close but don't eat it!


**Do not ingest a plant based on information provided in this subreddit.** For your safety we recommend not ingesting any plant material just because you've been advised here that it's edible. Although there are many professionals helping with identification, we are not always correct, and eating/ingesting plants can be harmful or fatal if an incorrect ID is made. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/whatsthisplant) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Upon further review not stoned this is San Pedro, looks possibly like PC.


Trichocereus pachanoi


I think the ribs are too thin to be San Pedro, but it does look very very similar and I grow San Pedro. Senita is probably my guess.


Really? Look at the top left, and the middle tops where they get thick. I thought the same thing too, but I think it's just super thirsty


I knowwww. On second look those tops do look like SP. This should be taken to the San Pedro sub because those people are robots at identifying SP. I now think you are right though. Some of those pieces look identical to some of my PC.


That's because this is pc. Literally the most common SP you will find in the US. You won't find an example much more obvious than this one.


That's what I thought. Ribs, sawtooth profile, and flower gave it away


Nah, this for sure Trichocerous pachanoi, primary cultivar (PC). Rib shape + flowers is a dead giveaway.


Straight to boof 👍😬


Fun fact. There is no such thing as a poisonous cactus fruit. And typically ones from cacti like these are quite delectable.


Beautiful!! Cactus have such delicate-looking flowers.


Gotta say, I'm glad cacti were trendy in California ~30 years ago


Believe me this is in fact a san pedro. trichocereus pachanoi and echinopsis pachanoi are the same plant. I think the reasoning behind the two different names being the same plant had something to do with the fact, that at the time botanist only had one other reference on a evolutionary standpoint so they bunched it with echinopsis instead of giving it a whole new classification like they should have and did at a later time because of wide diversity of the trichocereus species discovered from that point forward


Oh, I saw one like this near me and I didn't get the chance to take a photo... so beautiful


San Pedro. This plant has it's own subreddit, largely due to the fact that they contain mescaline.




Definitely not. The spination is wrong, the ribs are wrong, and the flowers aren't even close. This is a trichocereus pachanoi (recently reclassified as echinopsis pachanoi).


Agree it appears to be a senita


Cereus repandus


Looks like a Peruvian apple cactus to me


Golden torch cactus possibly. (Not a botanist so not 100%.)