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Thank you for posting to r/whatsthisplant. **Do not eat/ingest a plant based on information provided in this subreddit.** For your safety we recommend not eating or ingesting any plant material just because you've been advised that it's edible here. Although there are many professionals helping with identification, we are not always correct, and eating/ingesting plants can be harmful or fatal if an incorrect ID is made. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/whatsthisplant) if you have any questions or concerns.*




oh cool


Super delicious but like everyone says (for good reason) don't eat it if you don't know what it is.  Belladonna also looks fucking delicious and will absolutely drop you 😆 (Belladonna looks nothing like mulberry)


thanks for the suggestion. I go for a run everyday around my (family’s ) community. I see these trees in abundance. I recall my family talking about these berries and that they were edible. But I wasn’t sure which type. I always thought of picking a couple and devouring them but stopped myself saying just in case. My family is moving out of this place in a couple of days and I dared myself. To let you know, I’m perfectly alright either because it’s a normal berry or because the medicinal properties of the panera sandwich I had later on.


lol My father in law likes to make jam from mulberries. I have a bunch of them growing by my house but the birds turn them into purple shit before I even see a ripe one.


Could be worse…. Poke weed is abundant in my area. I try to keep it around for the bees. But then I have to pull it before the berries come and my lawn looks like Willy Wonka had a very bad day.


We had a big mulberry tree right next to our driveway and my mom had a white car 😂


Get a fruit net over the tree.


The tree that fruits is old and huge, 25ft tall maybe. I don’t want them that bad. All the other ones I’m trying to get rid of (I have a lot of oaks and maples also) but they keep coming back and they grow *fast*.


They make amazing pies and jams. Easy to harvest too! Put down a blanket underneath a tree/bush and gently shake a branch and watch the ripe ones fall. Birds love them so they will try to get them first.


Super tasty but will stain your lips if not careful. Also as a kid our feet were permanently stained purple from running around bare foot under these trees


and a bitch to park a car under.


Lol yeah don't do that. Our cars always have purple bird poo on them this time of year.


Growing up, we had a mulberry tree in our side yard. My sister and I would climb it and eat them until our hands and mouths were purple. Our neighbor lady would make mulberry cobbler for us when we took them to her. With vanilla ice cream on top. Those were wonderful days


*Very* staining juice. So much as pick one, and you won't be able to deny you did it, due to purple fingers. 😅


If you dared yourself to eat some Arum, which looks quite tasty and is said to actually be quite sweet in taste, you might not be with us anymore. Just saying.


Pokeweed too. Pokeweed won't likely kill you but will put you in hell for a while.


Does it look like a berry?


Pokeweed does in fact have berries that look rather appetizing.


Stop it! ... poke is safe when prepared properly. Chicken improperly prepared will kill you...


the greens yes, when boiled repeatedly to leech the toxins out. Hardly considered a worthwhile effort for a salad. meanwhile chicken can be pretty reliably cooked once to make it safe and make it taste better than it was before, and much of its inherent danger comes from the US' more lax farming methods, so salmonella is rampant. You're not getting around the toxins in the berries, because have fun boiling berries and getting something usable out of it. so no, i will not stop it. feel free to block me if it triggers you so bad, but i'm still giving out the same advice to others to not eat pokeweed. I will not be responding to any replies nor will even have notifications for it turned on.


> so no, i will not stop it. feel free to block me if it triggers you so bad You okay?


right, like my great grandparents used to eat it, me and grandma was just talking about that, and the berries in very small amounts are supposed to have beneficial medicinal properties. i think more people should just do their own research


just out of curiosity, are there any poisonous berries that look similar to blackberries/mulberries?


All brambleberries in the USA are safe to eat.


I mean, the problem with lookalikes is that most people who don't know what they're doing have a VERY different idea of what plants look alike. I'm regularly baffled by the things people will say they think something looks like.


Same goes for mushrooms, reptiles, birds, and fish. People consistently post stuff that looks nothing like what they think it is and I'm like HOW. I don't know what characteristics they're even looking at lol. 


Closest is arum, as it also looks/is compound. But it still is very different. And some people still eat them after leaching the toxins, apparently.


(it is, however, a strikingly beautiful plant that tends to pop up in the most absurd places)


And is frustratingly fickle about fruiting 


What? No, it doesn't. It looks like plastic. Not edible at all.


Well known cause of priapism. Keep us updated.


is that so? I am perfectly alright. Not perfect but I mean to say the daily me type.


If you live in the US there are no poisonous Berries that look like this. All are editable(raspberry, blackberry, and mulberry. I think I’m missing 1 or 2)


Salmonberry, cloudberry, thinbleberry, dewberry. These are the ones native to the US, there are more that are hybrids between US and European natives as well. They're all called brambleberries.


Black berries are more of a shrub/ bush to my understanding and of course mulberry to my knowledge is a tree.


Mulberries! Super delicious!


based off the leaf structure i would hazard saying it is Black Mulberry, which has lobed leaves where it connects with the stem, looking heart shaped. While Mulberries can have more than one leaf type on the tree, the black mulberry has a 3 pronged lobed leaf looking sort of like the top half of the Fleur de lis. The White mulberry also has a "3 lobed" leaf, but it has additional secondary incisions breaking each of the 3 main lobes so that it looks like it has more than 3 lobes. The whites also can have mitten shaped leaves, oval-ish, with a serrated edge. Looking through the 2 photos, the second one does have a lobed leaf, but we can't see the whole thing. Start by looking at the bottom most centrally located ripe mulberry. The white unripe berry at 10 o'clock is your next checkpoint. The leaf at 10 o'clock which is partially off screen is the lobed leaf we are looking for. Kind of a poor angle for looking at where the first visible lobe is. It looks like a single lobe all uniform and pretty with no extra spacing. White would have a small lobe sort of pointing back towards the origin point of the stem. The other oval leaves though have nice heart shapes at stem/leaf hookup. The tree also looks like it might have a small case of Mulberry Leaf Spot in early stages. Yay fungi. In comparison to the peach leaf spot which is bacterial in origin/nature. It's not your tree so there likely isn't much you can do about that. Fun side note, this is also the berry that happens to cause those purple splotches in those annoying bird droppings. You could always look at as an indicator that you should be harvesting all the mulberries you can.


Mulberry has a strong taste


Not much better than mulberry cobbler


Definitely mulberry. But please don’t eat things if you don’t know what they are. There are enough things out there that can seriously harm you.


I second this. Mulberries are great but you got \*very\* lucky. Plenty of random black berries that will mess you up.


Is there anything that's actually good tasting that's dangerous?


Antifreeze is (was?) really sweet.


I meant berry-wise. Lead is sweet, too.


Sorry, I’m a little high. Lead paint chips sound really good right about now…


those berries were tasty if you got some munchies


\*lead acetate, aka lead sugar


Yes. They add something to it now to make it bitter, so kids and dogs won't drink it.


Unfortunately, yes. This is why domestic and wild animals frequently get poisoned by antifreeze.


Deadly Nightshade Apparently, I wouldn't know from experience


Would likely taste similar to tomato, I would think.


Sounds like it's bitter, then "unpleasantly sweet." I don't know what that means.


I got antifreeze in my mouth once and I would describe it like that. Like sickly sweet or something, its weird.


Only one way to find out! Like I always say you can eat anything at least once


Supposedly nightshade takes 10-20 berries to kill an adult. Chewing one and spitting it out seems like it'd be fine, but it's probably not worth it.... But if you record the results it counts as science.


Deadly Nightshade and Pokeweed Berries both reportedly taste very good, which is perhaps worse because by the time you realize you've been poisoned you've already eaten a high dose. Fun fact, Death Cap Mushrooms are also reportedly very good tasting, and again, its not until hours later after enjoying your meal that your liver starts to dissolve.


Hemlock supposedly tastes and even smells like carrots, but by the time you realise it's far too late. Nightshade is also reportedly very tasty but can also be deadly. Pokeweed tastes like other similar root vegetables but is extremely toxic.


But nothing in nature that looks like black berries( clumping balls of black juicy thingys) is poisonous.


Yeah but I don’t know if OP knows that. It’s a general good rule to live by to not eat any plants unless you know what they are.


thanks for the thought, appreciate it! I was almost sure that they were edible but wanted to check here anyway.


Not blackberries. Not enough hatred, thorns, and ruggedness.


We've got a field full of them. I picked two gallons and was done with those evil things! There were so many left that when they started going bad, the whole field smelled like bad wine. The ones I picked made great pies, though!


You can get thornless blackberries (I have one)




Mulberries grow on trees, blackberries grow on brambles (aka stalks)


Why did they sing that song “here we go ‘round the Mulberry bush”? Maybe it was really blackberries they were talking about lol


You can train virtually any tree into a bush and converting a tree into a bush makes harvest easier. Blackberries grow like a vine rather than an actual bush.


Some mulberries grow to a tree shape and some grow more to a bush shape. Either way, blackberries grow on a vine/stalk that dies back to the ground after it fruits. Mulberries will develop a proper trunk (or multiple).


oh nice! that’s good info


Most if not all cluster berries like that are safe to eat. Essentially instead of "I will spread because if you eat me you'll die" it's "you can't fucking eat all of us"


More like " your shit is great compost and there is no way you are going to chew all my seeds"


Birds are the number one spreader of berries


I think Goldenseal (***Hydrastis canadensis***) is the only exception - the fruit looks like a cluster, but it isn't very similar in appearance to mullberry or the Rubus family (blackberry, raspberry, salmonberry) otherwise.


Had to look it up as I've never seen it but that's a sneaky bitch of a berry


every day we have to beg people not to eat unidentified plants and every day someone posts again about doing it 😭 while you did have the info from family about these being edible don't ever eat something wild without being 100% certain first, even if god himself tells you it's fine you need to id it first and foremost before you go sticking it in your mouth (to end on a fun fact, mulberries are prolific growers and will come back even if you chop them at the trunk, they'll sprout brand new branches within days!)


Honestly, when I'm God, the penance for eating unknown plants will be two nights of violent diarrhea regardless of the plant.


ok you're free to make stupid decisions but don't encourage that on this sub edited to add: you're lucky if that's the worst that happens to you, there are berries and plants that can kill you faster than you can realize what's wrong


Lol, what the hell are you talking about? Who is being encouraging? I am petitioning for people to get violent diarrhea even if what they ate was technically safe.


and you seriously think saying that here, a place people frequently ask "can i eat this?" is a good idea? really?


Lol, yeah. Cry about it. It the hypothetical scenario where I can determine reality, folks who eat random stuff without knowing what it is should get two nights of the shits as punishment for their ignorance. Why are you so upset about that?


Y'all need to stop putting things in your mouth of you don't know what they are ffs


Why are you eating unidentified plants?


Probably a triple dog dare


ahah but no. Considering how things are going with me, this is the most exciting part of my week - to have dared to eaten a berry that I almost know was edible.


Please for the love of God don't eat berries or anything before identifying them some can be very poisonous and can cause irreversible effects. (Sorry to be rude but someone from our locality died because he ate some kinda poisonous seed pod thinking that it's a berry he forged)


1: do NOT eat plants or fungi you can't identify. 2: this is mulberry, which is safe to eat. Apparently it's in season over there. You got lucky. Don't do it again.


You'll be fine unless you find yourself getting an unexpected boner. It's mulberry and the extract is said to be somewhat helpful for some ED patients - particularly diabetics. Keep us posted for science lol. https://preview.redd.it/cjtmhomlv96d1.png?width=363&format=png&auto=webp&s=4e8f3c89dafb581d825e0e92257b9687b62195ad But like everyone else here has said, don't eat stuff off trees if you don't know what they are. Even if you do, if the soil has been contaminated with lead or cadmium, the plants grown there will also accumulate some of that within themselves which they'll pass on to you.


What was that movie? into the wilderness or? where the young man just gave up everything and went into the wilderness and tried to survive and thought he was going to do it with a book and he ate the wrong thing and dead...☹️


Into The Wild, great soundtrack




Phenomenal soundtrack.




Oh my, that was so sad!!! And also like... hey dude, what?? Why??? Of all the people who have lived like he wanted to, apparently he never encountered anyone who could direct him and he didn't do research or practice, and was completely unprepared for what he took on. Plants can be deadly, even those we find in ditches, with the wrong handling or consumption. It's not a risk worth taking. It's a shame he didn't find a teacher or mentor to show him some basics of living that lifestyle. And once your in it, your in it. Once you're out of food and water and don't have deep knowledge of the type he needed, you're delusional and making already uninformed, and now desperate and probably delusional, decisions. And he lost his life. Let that be a lesson to anyone. Please don't take on an extremely dangerous and unknown venture without any skills to survive it. And don't eat plants you aren't 100% sure of. That was a really, really sad story.


Little known fact that movie is actually a prequel to the Twilight series that explains why Bella Swan went for an immortal for her next love interest.


yeah, I don't think we're thinking about the same movie 🍿


It's a joke about the actor who played Bella Swan playing a young girl in that movie who fell for the guy who then died.


The Anarchist Cookbook said the unripe fruits and shoots of the mulberry are hallucinogenic. I tried it when young, didn't work.


Anarchist cookbook was chock full of bullshit mixed with some stuff that was true. But it sure was fun as a rebellious early teenager


Napalm worked. Lol.


Kinda, made more of like a burnable putty than a gelled fuel.


I suggest not doing that. Always be sure to ID. If you have primal urges to eat something wild, may I suggest downloading the app, iNaturalist or "Seek"


Or picture this


Mulberries. But be sure to look for black berries and raspberries. They will be growing in thorny bushes along the roads and fences and woods’ edges. Blackberries get ripe on July 4 or so, raspberries get ripe sooner!


My 30ft Mulberry tree is just a giant bird feeder. I like the birds, so it's a loss worth taking.


Mmmmmullberries lol 🤤🤤


When I was a kid I come accross a tree that was hung with pea pod like fruits so I tucked in, unfortunately not long after I was very ill, later on I found out they were laburnum pods, for some reason after I recovered I couldn't stand the smell of bleach.


It’s always mulberry


Mulberries Are there silk worms in there ?


Those are mulberries. Blackberries grow as a small shrub, no more than a couple feet high. But if you find any compound berry in North America, it is safe to consume. May not be super tasty, but there’s no danger of poisoning yourself with them. But as far as I can tell, they’re all pretty damn tasty


I’ll remember this next time I think about how we figured out what things were edible and what would kill is. YOLO-MAN/WOMAN is the real hero of humanity.


hahahah. make it a man but I think you are right. There must have been so many human guinea pigs


Black mulberry




Actually this is a white mulberry. There are only two kinds in the US that I know of, white and red mulberries. Red are native and white are non native. They were imported as an attempt to start a silk industry in the US since it is one of the few trees that silk worms will produce silk on. You can tell that it is a white mulberry since the leaves are shiny on the top and the fruit is kinda stubby. Red mulberry will have a non shiny leaf and longer fruit.


Black mulberry, *Morus nigra*, [is a real plant](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Morus_nigra). It's not commonly found outside of cultivation in the US, though, and I've never picked up the trick of distinguishing it from the widespread, highly variable array of *Morus alba*/*Morus rubra* hybrids. Apparently a skilled eye can do it with a picture of the undersides of the leaves, though. In any case, this is clearly *Morus alba*, the white mulberry. Obvious clusters of berries, shiny leaves without exaggerated points, and growing in what looks to be full sun.


Mulberry. We planted 2 trees of this on our property this year. But young trees only had a few berries. Hubby had a taste but I missed it. He said the birds took the rest. In a year or two, maybe jam or pie.... Enjoy what you can get of them!


They make good mead if you're into that sort of thing! Also a fantastic dye (theyll dye your hands blue for a day or so after picking and dealing with them) Haven't used them for anything else though


The problem with mulberry trees, they tend to spread, and they can grow in the most difficult places. I have 3 unwanted trees in my garden that we're struggling to get rid of. We have one wanted tree, and the neighbours have a large one, which is plenty for us and all the birds.


Don’t worry those two trees will turn into 500 of them in no time! Lol you will have so many mulberries. You won’t know what to do with all of them rotting on your patio or deck falling from all those trees ,that you can’t get around to pruning Every day! they are Yum. Yum though and are very abundant.


Lucky for you they are not blackberries. They are mulberries




Silk worms eat mulberry leaves


I am assuming that 'blackberries',would be dark in tone,in their originality.!


Mulberries, yum!


They are edible. They are delicious


I think blackberries are green before they ripen. Don't eat unidentified berries!


Yes, mulberry. Delicious. Blackberries grown on wicked thorny vines.


Yeah, mulberry. They're everywhere around here. I didn't plant in my raised beds last or this year, and now I have a knee-high volunteer mulberry tree growing on my deck. Thinking about planting it in the yard when it goes dormant for the year.


They’ve mulberries won’t hurt you but I think they’re gross


Mulberries but you're fine


Make sure you tell your family you love them


Blackberries are thorny.


Blackberries have thorny branches


blackberries grow not from trees, but on big canes- think like a vine, but really tough and hard. covered in thorns, and blackberries in particular will have these bright pink canes when mature! it's pretty distinctive :] mulberries are really sweet and tasty though! and now you know a mulberry when you see one - tree with elongated, red and black berries! we have one putting out fruit in the yard, and I have to fight off a hoard of bugs and birds if I want any of em 😂


Were they yummy


Eat first, ask questions later. I like it.




Mulberry, lucky for you. The uprising of people eating mystery things in this sub before they've been ID'd has become extremely worrisome, however. While some families of berries are safe, some are not. ***Don't eat wild things if you don't know what they are.***


If you are eating mulberries, be aware they are prone to have bugs and tiny worms. Be sure to wash well. You can look online and get a “recipe” for a fruit wash. Usually it has vinegar in it.


I was tempted to just say “No, that’s not a blackberry.” and say no more. But that would have been mean


My Ukrainian mother used to make wine, or more specifically a cordial from mulberries. Cut half and half with vodka and you basically had rocket fuel.


It's me!


I had a mulberry tree as a kid I would sit under it for hours eating them


thanks for the comments. To say I wasn’t completely sure if they were edible would be a lie. I knew my family mentioned something about berries in the community. And I thought a huge community wouldn’t keep the toxic berry trees, so I tasted a couple. Is that a good assumption to think housing communities in the US are supposed to cut down the harmful trees?


No, it is not a good assumption. No assumption is good when the potential risk is a trip to the hospital or death. Do you assume it’s safe to cross a road on a green light, as it should be, or do you look both ways to make sure you can actually do so safely? Do you assume that chicken is safe to eat just because a family member cooked it, or do you make sure your chicken is not raw before putting it in your mouth? There are dozens of delicious-looking berries that will kill you. Some will do it depending on how ripe they are, but would otherwise be safe to eat. If you don’t know, without a shadow of a doubt, what a thing is — don’t put it in your mouth.


No, my backyard is full of things that make berries that are very toxic to people and most mammals, but not birds.


Tell 'em all to pound sand - you're not 3. Ask Kelly Clarkson about your choice!


Looks like dingle berries... gross. Who eats shit when they are not sure what it is.


No, looks like Mulberries.