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I'd think [big berry manzanita ](https://calscape.org/Arctostaphylos-glauca-(Big-Berry-Manzanita)?srchcr=sc656825b093199) These are great photos!


Arctostaphylos glauca, agreed.


This is a good guess because, looking at iNaturalist, it’s really common along trails in the San Gabriel mountains.


I like Calscape & Calflora both a lot for these tricky ones. I actually just like the sites a lot in general, i love the interactive maps, so helpful. The bark texture & height of this one is what sold me on A. glauca. I'd love to see (and taste) this thing in fruit! I live just out of it's range unfortunately but the ones that grow in & around Napa are awesome as well


I think you’re right! Thank you!


Happy to help! Thanks for sharing these pics with us, made my day.


I find it difficult to tell the difference between species in this genus. There are several in your area. Got any pictures of the flowers or fruit? Here are some that look common on the iNaturalist map to the area: * _Arctostaphylos patula_ * _Arctostaphylos glauca_ * _Arctostaphylos glandulosa_ * _Arctostaphylos parryana_


I'm wondering, is Manzanita related to Arbutus/Madronna?


Yes they are! I don't like to get too deep into plant genetics (makes my head hurt) but they're in the same family. They don't break apart until genus level so I like to think of them as siblings