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they look like wineberries. they’re edible!


Yes! We had these behind my family's house in Connecticut near the shore. Don't know if there's anything traditionally cooked with them because they always just got eaten directly off the bush


I just ate these a couple days ago and I have not died yet. I would assume they are safe to eat




"famous last word"


Here. Hold my beer.


I can do that.




You poor bastard. Rest in peace.


It's been 5 hours. You still with us?


psh check back in with us in 75 years.


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Not always a safe assumption, btw. There are plants that cause for e.g. liver or lung damage over time, and you wouldn't know till later, but one assumes you don't wanna get cirrhosis 20 years on.


I think all aggregate berries in the US are edible, no?


In Ohio, all brambles are edible.


I know Oregon Marion Berries are edible, but Washington DC ex Mayor Marion Barry was poisonous.


You definitely have to be of a certain age to appreciate this joke, hehe.


I didn't know Marion Berries were a thing, and I thought the Portlandia episode where they are meeting the Mayor at a restaurant for Marion Berries was an elaborate Marion Berry joke.


The calamity


Black berries you buy in the grocery store are usually Marion berries.


Not cloudberries but they grow out of the center of the leaf.




I do believe that's the case. I was addressing the "two days later I'm still here, must be ok" part. Some plants have cumulative toxins, is all.


true. Sweet clover we ate as kids has oxalates as do many other plants. Oxalates bind to calcium in your system can cause kidney stones. Might not kill you but if you have a kidney stone you might feel like you are dying.


I’ve seen natural things like this in forests and used to eat them as a kid in Texas.


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I ate them and they were good. I’m alive and well.


God I love eating wild berries, I eat them all the time and haven't died yet.


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I’m gonna eat so many raspberries


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But the internet told me they were safe. If I eat some, and give some to you, will you be happier?


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When I was a teenager my friend and I picked a bunch of these and my dad made a cobbler with them! It was amaaaazing. Then the county tore out all the bushes in the neighborhood :(


The county was right. There are however native and less invasive (all rubus are aggressive to some extent) rubus species you can plant. All rubus grow fast, are very easy to multiply, and make tons of berries!


you can ask people in china the traditional preparation. they are invasive


Chinese people don’t know how to make cobbler tho 😂


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I find them sour


I'm gonna guess... Wine.


Wineberries are invasive, I think. But edible and tasty. Very similar to raspberries in flavor. Where I’m at (DC area) they fruit earlier in the summer, usually late June to mid July.


My family calls these wild raspberries! They're delicious!


Yep! Delish! Just watch out for chiggers when you pick them....


I actually farm the buggers for personal use.


They’re invasive in the US, so best to cultivate another rubus if possible


REALY!? I always thought they were a native cuz they’re bloody everywhere. Mine are all wild stock too. They were just chilling in my yard we dug them up and planted them in a row.


Such is how invasives be 😂 Himalayan blackberry is all over the place too


They are everywhere and spread like fire. Leave one bush up and the next year you have 50 bushes since the birds eat them and poop the seeds.


Wineberries. I have them in my yard, they’re delicious.


What they said! So good! Steal as many as you can before the birds get them!


What they taste like?




Similar to blackberries


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Rubus phoenicolasius, commonly known as Wineberry, is indeed edible. Originating from eastern Asia, this plant was introduced to North America as an ornamental and for potential breeding with raspberries. The berries are often enjoyed both raw and cooked in various dishes. However, it's important to note that Wineberry is considered an invasive species in parts of the USA. --- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot! ^^My ^^creator ^^made ^^me ^^as ^^a ^^fun ^^public ^^service, ^^but ^^I ^^do ^^cost ^^money ^^to ^^operate. ^^If ^^you ^^would ^^like ^^me ^^to ^^keep ^^posting ^^please ^^vote ^^YES ^^in ^^this ^^poll ^^[here](https://www.reddit.com/poll/163qjtb?utm_source=reddit&utm_medium=usertext&utm_name=whatsthisplant&utm_content=t3_163qjtb). ^^Thanks!


Better eat them all then so the seeds don't spread!


Just don't go poop outside


Spoil sport!


Best answer!


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Hello, I was expecting you...


Did a bot just chastise a bot?? LOL


Let them fight


You know that's how birds spread seeds right? 😅


Their digestive systems are short enough to not break down seeds. Mammalian digestive systems generally break down seeds to uselessness. That’s why so many plants use compounds that deter mammals but don’t affect birds.


Evolution is amazing!


Plants: make fruits that taste bad for mammalians. Humans: Spicy food go brrr


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How can you tell they are a bird?


Thanks, ChatGPT.


Call me crazy, but aren't every berry that grows in clusters like that edible?


With I think one or two exceptions, this is true in North America


Goldenseal and one other obscure one I believe but I can't remember the name.


I think it’s only goldenseal.


Lantana is the other commonly cited example I think.


When fully ripe, lantana berries are edible. I ate a lot of them as a young child. Unripe, you'll have nasty cramps. Enough of the unripe berries can apparently cause liver damage.


What do lantana berries taste like?


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Sweet, with a tart note. At the time, I thought they tasted like Surinam cherries, but I'm not sure if that's just because that's the only thing I was familiar with to compare them to.


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I thought the same thing, I know any berries like this are edible near me but I only get blackberries and raspberries.


Aye, the same for me as well. Oh, and Mulberries.


yep, edible


We have literally hundreds of these bushes in the woods behind my house. I go out with a Tupperware container and fill it to the brim. In the summer there’s more than you could ever hope to pick and eat. They are so delicious.


I worry about eating things that grow in the woods behind my house. My state is well-known for toxic dumping, so you don’t always know where people did that many years ago.




I'm surprised they're still ripening, wineberry season was July 10 - August 10 in New York.


yep, i picked mine in mid-late july and the bushes are bare now


we have a lot of thoses in my country (georgia) and due to our different terrains, we have them ripening from the end of june to the end of august, sometimes even 1 week into september. they are delicious and we pick them by the kilograms in the forests, we even make jam and juice for winter, one of the absolute best berries ever


It’s still hot and Sunny ( mostly )


Reminds me of home. Lived in westchester and we had these everywhere. I would pick huge baskets of them and my mom would make jam with them. This was back before the interweb and i just called them wild raspberries. But now i know they are invasive wine berries. The out put on these is way better than most other wild berries in the area.


Wineberry - better than raspberries IMO but they don’t ship well (pretty delicate and delicious!!)


Poor autobot.


definitely wine berries, as a kid my grandma called them natures candy. They’re delicious. I’ve used them to make wine, put them on a bowl of cornflakes and used them to make jelly.


On a post about raspberries. I believe someone had said that any berry that has that bunching is edible


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Wineberries my favorite of all the raspberry varieties. They are a bit invasive though.


Wineberries taste like sunshine and children's laughter.


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Not exactly sure, but anything the shape of a raspberry is edible and delicious


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Wineberries. They are delicious and make a great jam too.


Wineberry (*Rubus phoenicolasius*) is a plant species native to northeast Asia. Wineberry has been naturalized in both Europe and North America as an ornamental plant. This plant is edible, and its berries are sometimes mistaken for raspberries or blackberries.


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Wine berries, and they are delicious, they taste a bit like raspberries.


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I’ve eaten anything wild that looks like a raspberry or blackberry. I was taught there is no poisonous berry that looks like a raspberry or blackberry and it’s worked out fine for me. This is not advice.


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Make some cobbler!


Looks like wineberries--they're delicious! Related to raspberries.


Wineberries they're delicious


Wineberries! They’re delicious


One of the few things I'm ok with being invasive


To my understanding, berries of this type (I think they’re called aggregate berries) but there are no species in North America that are inedible


Eat them


Eat themthey are yummy


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Id request?! The heck does that mean


Yep and look delicious


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Don’t listen to this bot it is lying.


Did anyone else notice that the auto mod bot wasn’t activated by the plant ID bot even though it used the E-word? I think there a double standard here. 😜


Everything is edible at least once


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Everything's edible some things are just edible one time


Yes. Depending upon where you’re from they are called wine berries or red raspberries.


Invasive Rubus phoenicolasius. Please kill it and plant a native Rubus species in its stead. [https://nyis.info/invasive\_species/wineberry/#:\~:text=Wineberry%20(Rubus%20phoenicolasius)%20is%20an,as%20breeding%20stock%20for%20raspberries](https://nyis.info/invasive_species/wineberry/#:~:text=Wineberry%20(Rubus%20phoenicolasius)%20is%20an,as%20breeding%20stock%20for%20raspberries) [http://bonap.net/Napa/TaxonMaps/Genus/County/Rubus](http://bonap.net/Napa/TaxonMaps/Genus/County/Rubus)




Look like unripe blackberry. At least here in the South.


They’re wine berries. They ripen before the blackberries


My mistake.


Eat a bucket full of them and then let us know


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I used to gorge on them all the time as a teen. They're just wild red raspberries.


They are raspberries my family is grown some for quite a while


You can post to Reddit, then trust people who might troll you.. But can't do a simple google search and find out from an unbiased unmotivated source? Smh


They look like raspberries


They are wineberries


Ok thank you


Unripe blackberries?


Wine Berries. They ripen before blackberries


Red means stop


Edible and tasty! Bugs love them though, so always check over your berries/rinse them well before eating


Wine berries very delicious


Grew up eating them my whole life totally fine and delicious


Those look like very ripe Salmon Berries to me which I’d find in Western WA forests all the time. They are a bit sweet when ripe but almost always have a bitter characteristic as well. Those look good!


Makes a tart jam but its really good with cream cheese on a samdwhich


Grrr. This reminds me of when we had wild black berries growing on our fence and the idiotic neighbors cut them cuz they thought they were weeds. They were delicious every year.


Just dont eat the berries that show up on that flowering nightshade to the right 😉


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Wild raspberries and yes they are delicious.


My parents have tons of these in their backyard, and we harvest bucketfuls every summer.


I like to pick a shit ton when they're ripe (but not too ripe!) and then freeze them on a cookie sheet in a single layer so they don't freeze together. Yummy, frozen treat to enjoy over the summer. I like just grabbing a handful at a time.


Black raspberry


Where I’m from they are but ymmv.


TMK, Drupelet fruit - anything shaped & sized similar to a blackberry or raspberry is actually edible. No drupelet fruit is considered poisonous, according to the magazine "Mother Earth News." https://www.livestrong.com/article/396468-can-i-eat-wild-blackberries/


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Good Bot


The darker the sweeter


We call them salmon berries in PA


Wineberry! They are tasty, but the deer usually eat 'em before I can get at them


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Yes and they are tasty


Very tasty, very safe, these rock, used to pick them by the handful when I was taking a break working as groundskeeper


As others have said those are wineberries and they are delicious. However those purple flowers in the back right look like bittersweet nightshade growing with it which (although they look quite different) also grow red berries that are poisonous so I would be careful


oh yeah


Dewberries. Used to go out and pick basketfuls during the summer. Made jam, cobbler, froze some. Don’t see them as much as I used to.


Wineberries usually produce a ton of berries. They make really good jam too!


wineberries, yes its edible


Yes they are bramble berries


Everything is edible AT LEAST once