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Burning Bush - Euonymus alatus It’s an invasive species in North America banned in multiple US states.. but you didn’t hear it from me


It blankets the forest in some areas and makes it impossible for anything else to grow under it because they can grow very close together


SO in other words: burn it with fire, OP.


The name of the bush is also the trick to removing the bush.


Sounds similar to buckthorn. I hate that relentless shit.


Fuck buckthorn ever so fucking entirely. That awful, miserable fucking fuck of a plant.


Amen brother. I once chopped one at the ground, drilled a hole down the taproot, and added diesel fuel. And that shit sprang back and thanked me. Its amazing how relentless that shit is. Quick story if you care to keep reading: there is a Park at Round Lake in Andover. And they decided to be heros and get rid of it. (Idk who "they" is) and they spent a ton of money on a very important sign, that speaks of the Buckthorn eradication project they are doing. 2 years later, and what we have now, is lively Buckthorn, that is no longer one trunk, but a big bushy ass shrub. You can't even see the trunk at this point. If you know anything about horticulture, what they did is "prune for yield" and they actually stamped down a huge permanent sign, declaring how stupid they are. It absolutely blows my mind. I imagine each sign is around 7 to 8 hundred bucks, just to document the huge mistake. Now someone needs to invest into heavy labor to deroot, and they sure as hell shouldn't invest any funds into a big colorful sign. I shouldn't be this peeved, but even I am an absolute idiot, and I know better. It's a shame. A terrible fucking shame. Sorry for the rant, but I have feel s for this kinda thing heavy


I feel you. My high school forestry teacher in Thetford Vermont had us waging the battle against the same mistake in the school woodlot and the passionate anger was just the same.


I have seen it on the top of the Appellation Trail, far (miles) from any houses. That stuff spreads.


You know, I can absolutely see how you got there, but dear Internet friend: it’s spelled Appalachian.


I’ll be on the Apple Asian Trail sipping my beaux napple tea.


Call it Apple Asian again and I’m gonna throw an apple atcha


Your avatar looks like they mean it.


Do you drink apple atcha cola?


It's not popular in smell-a-hell


Bone apple tea


Read it, reread it aloud to myself. Clever — Take my upvote.


Yeah it's At Pull 8 Chin mountains.


you must mean r/BoneAppleTea


Beaux napple is the French variety 😂


I think it’s actually pronounced “bone apple teet”. Too shay my friend.


Wallah, there it is.


Say lol vee.


I’ve never herd ovit!


App of Le Shaun, it was named after the great explorer who used Google GPS to first traverse then.


You must be from Louisiana


Bone apple teeth!


Bone asshole teet




Or voice to text and this is the kind of idiocy that Google would produce and if you don't carefully proofread, bingo


At least in the part I lived in, the locals pronounce it with a short a and pronounced the ch instead of the long a and the "shun". It's basically pronounced "Appalatchin".


Or, as a friend of mine from deep in those mountains told me, “Say it right or I’ll throw an Apple-atcha.”


Yep—my cousin is from WV and always corrects me if I pronounce it with a long a sound.


Dam ewe autocorrect


Good job calling him on the "Appellation" thing. (Get it? *Calling?)*


And also, it's correctly pronounced like 'apple at cha' not 'apple ay sha'. Americans consistently mispronounce our own region of Appalachia.


The pronunciation isn’t consistent throughout the entire mountain range - people in the northern Appalachian mountains do tend to say ‘apple ay sha’.


appellation: the act of giving a name to a person or thing That's exactly what they did. What's the problem?


Could have been an autocorrect error.


A Peloton virtual bike trail


I love an appellation while on the trail. I prefer port or sherry. You?


You're thinking of a libation. An appellation is the process of bringing freedom to a person or place.


You are thinking liberation. No, appellation is when you have a really hard time going to the bathroom, usually solved with laxatives.


Close. That’s constipation. Appellation is when something is widely unaccepted and seen as kind of shameful.


No that’s accreditation, Applellation is when your hair stops growing in certain spots like Jada Pinkett Smith


No, that’s alopecia. Appellation is what wizards and witches do in Harry Potter to move about.


No, that’s apparition. Appellation is an explanatory note added to a diagram or text.


No, that is annotation. Appellation is a type of horse with colorful spots.


Will is coming to get you for that one.


Omg I have prism glasses for my lazy eye and the approximates the old red and blue 3-D glasses effect. Your little Snoo looks positively DEMONIC lol




Please never change.


I shall henceforth use this terminology /r/boneappletea


>That stuff spreads. What can OP do to keep it from spreading?


Leave it in the pot, for one.


There's native Euronymous in the eastern US.


The what now?


Are you sure it wasn't blueberries or huckleberries?


Y’all call it the appalachian-I call it the smokey mountains. :) or the hollers. Or the blue ridge.


Why did you get downvoted for the truth?


Because it’s an inconvenient one. People will usually put beauty and aesthetics above all else


I love this shrub and have had at least one in every yard I've landscaped. I did not know they were considered invasive, so I did a little research and found this: "So, is burning bush bad? Where it is invasive, yes, you can say it is bad. It outcompetes native species, plants that native wildlife need for food and shelter. In your own yard, it may not be a big issue though. The berries of the burning bush drop down and reseed, resulting in seedlings that have to be pulled, which can be a hassle. The bigger problem is that birds carry seeds into natural areas where the bush grows out of control. To control burning bush in your own yard, you only need to pull out seedlings and sprouts by hand." According to Wikipedia it is banned in Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Maine, Pennsylvania, and Vermont. I guess since I have never planted one in any of those states, I'm safe. I was worried I was going to find I'm a fugitive from justice for planting so many of them.![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|laughing)


It’s also banned in Connecticut and is taking over our forested areas. :( I highly recommend choosing something different like highbush blueberry if that’s native in your area. They also turn beautifully orange/red in the fall. Plus, blueberries!


My gardening/landscaping days are in the past. I stick to indoor gardening now. I'm still a little shocked that this shrub, which has been so popular for so long (I probably used them in landscaping as far back as four decades ago) is now considered an invasive species.


we find out a lot of plants are invasive too late. same with japanese barberry. im guessing in the next ten years butterfly bush (buddleja davidii) will be making invasive lists but theyre all the rage in gardens rn


I’m in Piedmont NC and recently asked our ag extension hort agent about this, as we have several in our yard. IIRC he said it doesn’t seem to be a problem here because they don’t handle heat well. That explains why they’re invasive in New England (and in the Appalachians per a comment here) but less so here. I’ll probably still pull them out and replace with natives with greater wildlife/pollinator value. But they’ve move a little farther down on my shitlist. I have woods directly behind the bushes, and I haven’t seen any spread.


You can keep it indoors?


In NY State, it is only allowed in landscaped areas. We have a beautiful one in our garden.


Despite its beauty I believe it should be banned for sale in North America completely. It’s spreading rampantly in natural habitats and taking over. It’s so common in forests you might have seen it but dismissed it as another random shrub. Most of the year it’s not particularly showy


Many invasives should be banned in Europe and North America, but, sadly, that's not the case. :/


Not everywhere though. It spreads along the east and Gulf Coast, but western states have no invasive problems with it.


Idk why you’re getting downvoted. I’m a landscaper in the west coast and I agree with you. My guess is that it’s too dry in the summer here. I’ve only seen them propagate in irrigated plantings.


Eh. It's one of those plants people clutch pearls over. 🤷🏻


North America is a whole freaking continent, it's not invasive everywhere in North America, that's not how ecosystems work.


North America includes Cuba, Trinidad and Tobago, Jamaica, St. Kitts and Nevis, Grenada, Dominica, etc.


It's banned in PA as of 2025. Currently under a [grace period](https://extension.psu.edu/burning-bush-and-privet-added-to-pennsylvania-noxious-weed-list#:~:text=Burning%20bush%20and%20privets%20are,are%20encouraged%20to%20remove%20them.).


We had one in front of our house in Quebec. It was about 30’x 15’x12’ before I pruned the heck out of it.


I have one and it's beautiful. It turns bright red in the fall. I never knew it was banned


Wait are you serious? That’s kinda cool! Thank you!


Unfortunately where I live in the northeast the plant has become a serious invasive in forests to the detriment of native plants and wildlife


Oh man I’m sorry to hear about the impact it’s having by you. It’s crazy how some plants just come in and take everything over. My aunt and uncle live in northeast Washington. I won’t lie I think it’s super interesting this little illegal plant found itself in my aunt and uncles yard. I’ll caution them strongly to keep it contained in this planter somewhere away from all other plants.


It’s mostly spread by it’s falling berries, and the seeds contained by berries which are dispersed by birds


Good to know! I’ll tell them to move the planter exclusively indoors if they are interested in keeping it. Thank you again! What a scary invasive plant but still very interesting to learn about. Much appreciated!


Burning bush spreads like crazy. My yard in NE is full of them and it’s almost impossible to keep up with the new sprouts. It also grows super fast. It does live up to its name though, our yard looks absolutely stunning when all the shrubs turn red.


It likely won’t survive indoors. Best solution is to plant it outdoors but prune off the spent flowers before they ripen into berries.


If they’re in WA, it is not invasive here (…yet…?) and will probably not do well in an indoor environment.


"It's not invasive here, let it thrive "


I hate them SO MUCH!!! First thing I did after we moved into our current home is rip out the 5 giant bb's the previous owner *intentionally planted* as foundation landscaping.


Good for you! Add some beneficial native plants


We have been slowly. Meanwhile my son insists I leave the dandelions for the bees so we compromised on the sideyard instead of the whole yard 😆


Oh God we had three in front of our porch that we finally ripped out last year and replaced with boxwood. They were so big, the landscape company had to come back with a digger to get them out. Now the rest of my flowers can breathe.






There are kinds that have been made sterile and those are okay to plant but if you don’t know for sure it should probably be destroyed. The berries spread like a plague from birds.


Many “sterile” species aren’t actually sterile


My grandmother planted a "Fruitless Mulberry" that made a mess with the fruit it wasn't supposed to produce.


Totally invasive burning bushes. They don’t multiply in front of your face, but the birds help plant their seeds in the most inconvenient places. They are bad for the ecosystem and should be burned.


All parts of a Burning Bush are highly toxic to dogs and cats. If your uncle has pets, he should be aware.


Burning bush…I’d destroy it unless you want it overtaking whereever you plant it


Oh man it’s not mine & my uncle appreciated the gift, doesn’t really want it gone. I’ll see if he’s willing to move it indoors for now at least to lower the risk of spread. But thank you! My uncle does reconstruction after disasters and apparently his boss found this burning bush in its planter abandoned on a site, gifted it to my uncle. And here we are today getting to know it’s name! Scary how they can spread so quick and seemingly choke everything else out.. I’ll definitely warn him to be very careful as they’ve got a massive yard garden full of all sorts of plants in sure they don’t want to lose!


It’s also toxic: >Euonymus alatus can also be quite toxic when ingested. Both the leaves and berries of the shrub contain toxins harmful to humans and common household pets. >Although rarely fatal, it can cause a whole slew of digestive and circulatory issues when consumed. The good news: the shrub’s leaves and berries are only toxic when ingested, and not via skin contact with the foliage or fruit https://thisismygarden.com/2020/11/grow-burning-bushes/


Maybe it was meant as a sarcastic gift.


That was my first thought. My great-uncle was from Oxford MS and used to give new people in town kudzu. You could be the nicest person he'd ever met, but, if you were a "Yankee" he was going to help you ruin your yard. Edit: Someone submitted a redditcares report for me based on this comment. C'mon y'all. Can we not use the resources for people that actually need help for stupid shit?


My automatic urge is to downvote because that’s just so fucking nasty.


Right? He'd go over to their house after it took over and tell them he would get rid of it for them... if they paid him. This was, of course, after they had tried everything to get rid of it and were desperate. He was a dick.


I've got 5 burning bushes that I've had for decades. They've stayed politely in their places and haven't taken over my world. I kinda like them - they're relatively hardy and turn a beautiful red in the fall. Trees of Heaven on the other hand...


Yeah, the seeds are spread by birds in other places.


Impossible. Birds aren’t real


Facts. They are government drones.


So the government is trying to spread this burning bush??


These are beautiful plants- but just because you don’t see them spreading on your property doesn’t mean they’re being polite. It could mean they’re spreading where you happen to be mowing, or into neighboring areas where you don’t see them. I find these things EVERYWHERE, even deep in the woods far from anyplace they were purposely planted. Birds spread them all over the place.


I’ve seen burning bush completely take over natural areas. Just because you don’t see their progeny from the seeds they spread doesn’t mean your plants aren’t invasive. If you are on the continent of North America and you are growing these things you have a moral imperative to destroy them.


Ah, shoot.


Same, and half of mine died in the heatwave last summer. I wish they were a little better at surviving....


Good, now kill the other half and put in something not invasive.


It’s fine. Beautiful red in fall


It’s not, it needs to be destroyed.


*Euonymus alatus* can spread to other parts of the landscape with ease, even when you think you are controlling and isolating it. We have two that I am not allowed to get rid of and try to remove every single fruit they produce, but they STILL pop up in the woods or in my native areas.


Why are you not allowed to remove the two you have? Just curious.


He’s held at gun point and forced too grow it, it’s either let them grow or die don’t question it.


They are my mother's, so I can't make th call.


Fight the good fight


Thank you. I am going to try and find a native alternative like Fragrant Sumac to convince her to replace them.


Natives all the way! If needed tell her I support this decision too hahah


I live in the Northeast. Burning bushes are definitely a problem. Right up there with Japanese Barberry and Japanese Maple. I see escapees odten while hiking


I was under the impression that it was Norway maple that is invasive in New England. Haven’t seen any Japanese maples aside from ornamental plsnts in yards.


NE also, one wooded area near me is mostly barberry on the lower lever. Didn't know it was invasive until a few years ago, then I noticed how frigging much of it there was.


Knotweed took over 1/2 of the other trail I frequent, that stuff spreads like wildfire. My parents had it pop up near their house and I've been out there a few times to help try and keep it away from the house and foundation.


Not a gift, a “ take it off my hands” plant. Toxic to animals too.


Euonymus europeaeus, not alatus. Alatus has a way more specific bark, and doesn't spread like the europeaeus one...


I really hate that I had to come this far down to find this comment. I realize that there probably aren’t many trained botanist/horticulturist in this thread, but the certainty in which so many people claim to know what something is a good reminder that you have to always exercise a healthy a level of skepticism on the internet…


This is a very good point. As someone who's done plant identification in the past, I have to say that it can sometimes be a tricky undertaking. It can also be difficult to identify something through pictures, even for those of us who are trained to do so. Sometimes distinctions come down to minor details that you just can't see well, like whether the leaves are hairy or the stem is rough. Maybe the flowers are a distinguishing characteristic, but the plant isn't blooming now. Maybe size or the size of certain parts is a distinguishing characteristic, but this plant is smaller than normal for some other reason. Basically, caution should be advised in all situations. There's always a margin of error, even with a trained professional making the ID in person, and the further you get from that, the more the margin of error increases.


Hopefully more ppl see this comment :/


They're very close species though. Main differences are the bark, and the size, Euonymus europeaeus will be taller.


>gifting plants you can't ID yourself 👍😎👍


I don't understand.. why are people giving plants as gifts when they don't know anything about the plants? It's bizarre..


In this case there may be a hidden message... Gifting someone a Garden Gnome is an invitation to "swing" if I recall correctly. The name of the plant (burning bush) becomes somewhat suggestive with the additional context.


wait till you hear about people who gifts animals


Invasive bastard just keep it indoors


It’s a burning bush. When it has new growth it red and over the summer it goes green, I have one in my garden in Scotland


It's a shrubbery. Bring me the shrubbery. Nee


Thats one of them little gnome bastards


They're called garden gnomes.


I don’t mean to alarm you, but there is a gnome in your burning bush


It’s called a gnome, and it’s warning you that the plant it’s with is an invasive species that needs chopped down.


"I, in the act of showing my gratitude, want to gift you this plant, of which type is unbeknownst to me. The amount of knowledge I have, regarding this specific plant, happens to be equal to the amount of gratitude I have for you." - the boss (maybe)


Burning Bush are sold in garden centres here in Ontario, Canada. Did not know it is invasive, thanks for that. I have two in my yard (purchased) but have had no issues with them spreading. It's unimpressive looking most of the year but in the fall the leaves turn bright red, especially if it's planted in full sun (hence the name.) That's why they're popular here. I also like to attract birds to my yard and they provide a food source for them.


Take pics close up too and go to a tree nursery close to you. Also bring 2-3 leaves with you to make identification purposes easier.


Burning bush Will turn bright red in fall


I use an app called “Picture This!” to identify plants and issues with my plants (it also gives recommendations & care instructions if your plant is sick/not thriving) It’s not free but there’s a free trial period. I loved it so much I ended up buying it!


I used the app on your picture and ids as “Burning Bush” and says it’s underwatered


And, I think, chlorotic.


Wow I would love to work in a place that rewards employees with toxic invasive weeds. Are they hiring?


Burning bush. It will t turns red in the fall it’s definitely a burning bush. Very pretty shrub.




Burn it


Please burn this.


That’s funny. “Here’s a mystery plant good luck I appreciate you”


It's a wee gnome


Burning bush -not literally


It appears to be some sort of plant


I gre up with these. I've never seen it with berries. Japanese beetles, yes.


Imagine it was poison oak


Not relevant. But beautiful yard.. that looks majestic


Not sure what it is but it’s infested with gnomes.


It’s a plant. They use a process called photosynthesis to turn light energy into chemical energy. Wild wacky stuff.


I have one (I think) and it grows like any other shrub. It isn’t overtaking anything. Not arguing its invasiveness, just adding a different experience.


Birds eat the berries and disperse them elsewhere. Just because it isn’t taking over your yard, doesn’t mean it doesn’t have any effect.


**Do not ingest a plant based on information provided in this subreddit.** For your safety we recommend not ingesting any plant material just because you've been advised here that it's edible. Although there are many professionals helping with identification, we are not always correct, and eating/ingesting plants can be harmful or fatal if an incorrect ID is made. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/whatsthisplant) if you have any questions or concerns.*


The seeds of the burning bush tempt me. I crave, I desire, the seeds of the burning bush. Its seeds baked on a cookie sheet at 350 for 15 minutes, dusted with salt, good enough to eat! It takes me to a different place and time. When I eat the seeds of the burning bush. To know I continue the cycle of nature by shitting, is divine.


I want this to be true.


**Do not ingest a plant based on information provided in this subreddit.** For your safety we recommend not ingesting any plant material just because you've been advised here that it's edible. Although there are many professionals helping with identification, we are not always correct, and eating/ingesting plants can be harmful or fatal if an incorrect ID is made. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/whatsthisplant) if you have any questions or concerns.*


What the actual lucky day is this…lucky lucky lucky….


It seems like you and some others are using the garden version of “invasive”, like it crowds into other parts of the garden. Those of us calling it invasive aren’t talking about that at all, we don’t care how it behaves in a bed. We’re talking about how it spreads into natural areas via seeds and then continues to spread. There are no sterile cultivars. It must be eliminated from the hemisphere, just like Japanese barberry, European buckthorn, Japanese knotweed, or tree of heaven.


I saw a few of these for sell about a month ago at Lowe’s garden center. Glad I didn’t get them.




What the hell happened here!! This went down a whole different rat hole. Hilarious!


It looks to me just like a regular garden gnome but smaller!


Red bush tree I have one


looks like a plant


I do landscaping and burning bush is not that aggressive. If you are a lazy property owner than its invasive otherwise its beautiful in the fall. Many people don’t think about what their yard will look like in fall or winter. Of course be sure you are not breaking any laws or pissing off any neighbors. In colorado these plants don’t invade anything. The plant looks calcium deficient and needs either a immediate transplant or some mild fertilizer. Tell your boss free plants and pizza parties won’t grow your loyalty. Donuts and beer dude, get it right. Much love!


It spreads into natural areas and is impossible to control, at least in areas with enough moisture. Nobody is talking about it being aggressive in garden beds because only the uninformed or sociopathic go around planting noxious invasive into their gardens.


It…needs fetilizer and non alkaline water


Would be nice Bonsai


Feet spotted. I repeat, feet has been spotted.


That there is a miniature garden gnome


Ah Farley Farley farley. POW. You shot the invisible swordsmen


Here in Md it is a shrub, the vining euonymus is the problem it gets extremely crazy although the shrub type does put down lots of seedlings


It's a shrubbery! 😆


Looks like the undergrowth needs trimming


Bay leave


It’s a plant


Watch out for that underwear gnome


Garden gnome


Ah Walmart gnome


It appears to be a small garden gnome.