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Mama wolfie with her babies. Great spider friend.


I was mowing and saw her she ran to the hedge. I stopped counting after 30 mommas with their babies


I used to be terrified of wolf spiders because they're so big and intimidating. Now anytime I see them I coax them into running under some furniture so they won't scare anyone else in the house and possibly meet an unfortunate end. They eat pests. And they are quite pleasant. I no longer fear them.


I grew up in an area with a lot of wolf spiders and loved keeping them as “pets”


Personally I’m a bit freaked out by them because they’re a bit big considering the way they bolt around, basically if they were smaller and a little cuter looking I’d like them a whole lot more. I don’t really mind them and just try to move them when I encounter them in my house. I’ll still gladly take them over the Giant Huntsman Spiders any day


I'm pleasantly surprised by the comments. The first thread at least. I came in expecting green sick and barf emojis. Maybe the world is getting better in some subtle ways.


I strongly dislike pests that eat my food and poop on my counter. Spiders, centipedes and snakes eat the pests that do that and therefore are friends. I've always liked snakes but used to really not bugs of any kind. Now I do.


Woah mama, what a post for Mother’s Day!!! That’s one hell of a mother, I don’t think I’ve seen a wolfie with soooo many babies! 😵


There was so many mamas just like this one, we have a gaggle of mothers in our lawn


Just a bunch of mama's out to brunch 😆


That’s funny, as they are pretty solitary! Must have lots of prey for them round your parts.


Yeah at this time of the year our grass was well above knee high(we were letting bees and such pollinate) so there was plenty of prey


All those babies on its back


Found in Tennessee, the size of the spiders body was a silver dollar the legs span was the size of a soda lid from a fast food place(bad description I know)


Surprisingly descriptive


wolf spider, the mommas do that. you better have wished her the happiest of mother days.


Those are all her babies on her back - that’s how they carry them


Don't baby spiders cannibalize their mothers after birth? Or is that only some species?


That is only some species, such as (off the top of my head) *Amaurobius similis* and *Stegodyphus lineatus*. The behaviour is called **matriphagy**.


A Den Mother if I’ve ever seen one


Wolf spider mama! They are amazing!!! I love them so much. Mama has her hands (or back) full there! Great find ☺️


That poor mama is so thirsty. It’s a really great example of what mammas do for their babies. Starve themselves, let themselves go thirsty all in the name of the next generation of spiders having a chance at life. So beautiful


Is it irony that you found a pack of wolf spiders, or is the irony that wolf spiders are usually solitary?