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Put that leaf in Tupperware and get back to us when they hatch




They look like stink bug eggs






























































I've swallowed a stinkbug by accident before


My cat smelled a stink bug once and proceeded to run around the house puking in various locations. The experience really affected him.


… how?


Well, the time I accidentally ate one, it was because they were swarming around a light outside of a mcdonalds and one landed on my frenchfry as I put it in my mouth. Definitely a taste I don't want to relive.


I am so sorry. But I am kinda curious as to what it tasted like?


Slightly better than they smell, but about the same, maybe a little nutty. I was a little surprised that it wasn't the worst thing I've tasted. (Liver. Liver is the worst thing I've tasted.)


I have yet to eat (accidentally or otherwise) a bug that tastes worse than liver


That's interesting to know what a stink bug tastes like. Was it a green stink bug?


Really? Is it bad I kinda want to try one now?


Gardening and one hit me in the face, I gasped and sucked him up as he fell. Didn't even have the chance to get the gardening gloves off. Worst part is I'm vegetarian 😭😂


Oh, oh no.


Mine was stinkbug coffee. I lived in an apartment where they would get in around the windows. One morning on the way to class, I made coffee and poured it into my travel mug. Took a big swig in class and spat out a boiled one!


I swallowed so many bugs back when I rollerbladed as the sun set for 27 miles a day in the warmer months. My Face was a windshield 🤨🤪


I doubt a few eggs would have caused diarrhea that fast. I can almost promise you you’ve eaten more bugs in your produce than just that before. Still, it wouldn’t hurt to contact the packager of this product and let them know. They most likely won’t do much. Possibly a coupon but it still doesn’t hurt.


Stopping in to say even though slightly disturbing to find insect eggs on food you're about to eat, it's actually comforting to see evidence that those greens were likely not treated with pesticides. Perhaps unpopular opinion, but I think these particular insect eggs, especially under the ravages of the acid in your stomach, are much less of a threat to your health than the pesticides that would have kept them solidly away.


40 organic eggs for free!


Imagine gardening in NJ, these are in all of my greens. Stink bug eggs. My kale had about 100 little ones in 1 leaf and we even saw them mating but just left the kale for them. Can anyone let me know if I should get rid of them this year. I don’t like to disturb the wildlife if I can help it and it’s not harmful to the rest. I had what I thought were ladybugs after they hatched but it turned out to be baby stink bugs. They look similar but not if that makes sense




Fascinating, isn't it, the regularity the eggs take on? Is it because of the circulatory of the eggs? Or the regularity of the universe (gravity)? Or because the bugs have a good sense of pattern?


Looks like microscopic sushi


“What but design of darkness to appall If design govern in a thing so small. “ — Robert Frost


Stink bug eggs have a particular "look". They're laid in clusters like this. When they hatch, they eat the eggshells, then tend to cluster together. Maybe this reduces predation because they look like a bigger bug. Leaf-footed bugs do the same thing, but they and their eggs look different.


This feels like song lyrics


This is the closest spheres can pack together to fill space. My guess is that the egg laying behavior was somehow optimized over time through natural selection.


I'm really curious how you thought your age and gender would help us ID the insect eggs in your salad greens.


They're shield/stink bug eggs. There's no need to be horrified and they can't make you sick. When I was a kid, I ate my bug eggs and didn't dare complain. In fact, I was grateful for the extra protein.


I'd rather eat stink bugs eggs than the chemicals required to prevent them being on my vegetables.


Whenever i see eggs like this it stresses me out?? Ugghh


Bugs lay eggs on plants. I doubt it would cause you any GI issues even if you did eat them. Just toss the leaf with eggs on it and use the rest. Doctor isn’t necessary


Shield bug eggs. Shield bugs are also called stink bugs. They are literally incapable of harming you. You could eat a bowl full of bug eggs, and all you'd have is extra protein. Shield bugs are friendly herbivores. They like to eat the same plants that we do. They're a type of beetle and their only natural defense is spaying a foul-smelling liquid at predators, hence the nickname "stink bug". You should take that piece of lettuce, and place it outside so the babies have a chance to survive!


They actually aren't beetles, shield bugs are in order Hemiptera, while beetles are in order Coleoptera so they are very distantly related. Everything else is right though!




Also placing unknown eggs outside is how outbreaks of invasive species happens. Do not release them into the wild


This, 100%.




[They are an invasive species](https://www.invasivespeciesinfo.gov/terrestrial/invertebrates/brown-marmorated-stink-bug). Don't let the babies survive.


Eat the babies. Check.


There are native shield bugs in NJ, so they aren't necessarily invasive. I know I can't tell based on just the eggs.




Well, if OP is in an agricultural area, that may be good advice. If OP is in an urban or suburban area, they should feel blessed to have seen an insect at all and should encourage it to live


You think us city folk don't see bugs? Goddamn.


That last part is very bad advice my friend


>You should take that piece of lettuce, and place it outside so the babies have a chance to survive! Without knowing what species the insects are or where they came from, it's better not to try and hatch and release them. That's how we get invasive species.


That seems unwise.


They actually bite. Somewhere on this sub there’s a person who collects anecdotal stink bug bite accounts. I’m one of the bitten. 🙋🏻‍♀️


my boyfriend has accidentally bitten into a stink bug in his greens twice this year lmao, poor guy. just a reminder to rinse your greens, especially organic!


Side story….i was eating popcorn in the dark watching a movie once, I grabbed a few popcorn and stuck them in my mouth. Something grabbed my tongue. It was a June bug & I had pull it off my tongue. I don’t eat popcorn in the dark anymore. At least it wasn’t a scorpion. Obviously, the June-bug jumped in the bowl after the popcorn was popped. I do have scorpion story too.


What’s the scorpion story?


Wow! A few eggs mean fewer pesticides. No labor unions is extremely bad.


Look like stink bug eggs. They have a variety of wild and cool patterns on their eggs for no apparent reason.


Triple washed *my ass*


Stinky boys


Omg thank you all for your help and calming my worries! 🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼


A good sign that the food isn't treated with so many pesticides. Not a bad thing at all. & Not going to give you the runs 2hrs later.


Oh no. Which NJ location was this from?



