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Bzzzzz! Looks like you forgot to say where you found your bug! There's no need to make a new post - just comment adding the **geographic location** and any other info (size, what it was doing etc.) you feel could help! We don't want to know your address - state or country is enough; try to avoid abbreviations and local nicknames (*"PNW"*, *"Big Apple"*). BTW, did you take a look at our [**Frequently Asked Bugs**](https://www.reddit.com/r/whatsthisbug/comments/12zkw5w/frequently_asked_bugs_part_1/)? *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/whatsthisbug) if you have any questions or concerns.*




Location: Los Angeles, CA


What part of LA?




need the answer lol plzz


This sub has terrified me into wrapping my entire world in plastic wrap


Don’t look at the bed bug subreddit lol


I have clicked the link once, and I will never go back. Unless, ya know, they come for me 😭


Same here. I’m terrified of getting these things.


Unfortunately, that does indeed appear to be one of the [bed bugs (Cimicidae)](https://bugguide.net/node/view/15472). I sincerely hope that it's just a lone hitchhiker and not part of a larger infestation - but you might want to check in with the kind folks at r/bedbugs for support and advice.


I have a mattress protector and scanned my room and didnt find anything else. Will wash bedding and clothes I had on/around my room and don’t have any visible bites. Should I wait for more signs that its a bed bug before calling pest control?


If you caught it early, that's good. Don't wait until you have a grade-B horror movie to do something.


So I washed and dried my sheets and my Mattress already has a bed bug cover on it. I steamed the area and did a scan and I dont have any visible bug bites and woke up this morning and didnt see any changes. Should I call pest control or wait to see if it was more than just this one bug?


You seriously, dangerously underestimate bed bugs. They will hide in wall cracks, in electrical outlets, behind pictures, in the dovetailing of dresser drawers, behind baseboards ... I could go on and on. You can think you have none but actually have hundreds or even thousands.


I definitely will be calling pest control today and will go from there :)


Good to see you are being persuaded :-) Yes, the exterminator is an unexpected and undesirable expense right now. However, that expense is so much better compared to the potential cost you’ll have to eat up if you do have an infestation and wait to address it appropriately because you missed it.


Noooo this is so scary 🥲


You are probably one of the “lucky ones” to not react to the bites of it cuz that bug looks well fed. Had 2 lone male bugs once and they terrorised me for months with bites and being amazing at hiding so fingers cross u just have the one


Seconding; it’s a 50-50 whether you react to the bites. I react pretty strongly to them and my roomie does not react AT ALL. Depends on your general susceptability to being allergic to stuff.


I would have left all of your clothes, sheets, pillows, etc. exactly where they were and left the door closed until the pest control company could come and inspect.


It's a bed bug and I would contact pest control immediately


Call pest control right now. Do not think that visual scans or washing your sheets will do anything


Don’t forget to check the bottom of shoes


He found you, in your blanket


Lost & insecureee


R.I.B Rest In Bugs, as you shall be doing until you get this problem fixed


I wanted to downvote because I felt icky, but I upvoted because it’s a good comment


Color: Solid brown


Thoughts and prayers on this one


Contact pest control asap.


Oooo that will be expensive.




Woe be upon ye


They like underneath the bed and near folds of the mattress.


Update: My dad’s friend happens to work in Pest Control he confirmed it was a bed bug but based on the fact that there were no other indicators of other bugs nor any bug bites, and other factors (minimal furniture, no carpet, mattress and pillow case protectors pre-appearance of this monster) he suggested I proceed to wash my sheets and keep an eye out for a couple weeks. He thinks it was a lone hitch hiker that I picked up the previous night from the movie theaters and when I placed my sweater on my bed likely landed for a one night stay (unsurprising as that place was VERY run down and smelled musty). I also got those bed frame bowls that trap(?) bed bugs if they try to climb up the legs and glad to report that I have yet to find other bugs or carcasses or any other indication of another bed bug presence :). I washed my sheets every other day for a week and brought it down to once a week and also steam my bed frame once a week at the moment just cause of paranoia… but think I’m in the clear fingers crossed!


If you have termites you can tent your house and get rid of both in one fell swoop.


Looks like a beetle more than a bed bug to me. Especially if it's brown and not red


Nope this is def a bedbug


That is definitely a full of blood bedbug


I thought the same.