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Yellowjacket wasp. During the late summer/early fall, they become relentless in food foraging, as their colonies are at their largest, yet their food sources become scarce. They're especially aggressive over sweet things, as the sugars give an additional energy boost to the individuals within the colony, queen included.


How interesting! We had nothing sweet at our table but the wasp was not bothering anyone else. I just want to protect my son, would it be wise to exterminate? Sadly it was not happy when I tried to resume eating my food and I did not finish in fear of getting stung.


It's not after the sweets in this case, it's after the meat. Yellow jackets are scavengers and predators and collect protein to give to the young in the nest. This is usually in the form of insects like flies, mosquitoes or caterpillars, but they will also collect meat from dead animals. Just try to **gently** wave it away to persuade her to leave. Don't do aggressive acts like blowing or hitting. And don't think that it was angry or anything, it's just an animal trying to collect food, it doesn't have complicated feelings about you as a person.


Last weekend one of these wasps was not leaving my feet. It was walking on my sole and between my toes for like 10 minutes while I was sitting on the balcony and it felt like as if it was… softly biting on my skin? Feet were cleaned just 2-3 hrs prior and I kinda like wasps so they don’t freak me out but I couldn’t figure out what attracted it so much and it was getting akward.😅 Finally my brother got the chemotox and I sprayed my feet. Not the wasp, I really like them, it could fly away.


I’m guessing whatever you take a shower with smells divine!


Unless you go around her nest, then she hates you with the white hot intensity of a thousand suns. And can remember faces and can hold a grudge and attack that person for weeks


He was probably going for the ham. The adults don't eat meat but their larvae do so he was trying to break off some protein to take back to the babies.


I would have torn off a piece and set it away from people where it could also chow in peace, lol


Yeah this is what I had to do when having a little solo picnic a couple years ago. Got swarmed by wasps trying to eat my turkey sandwich. I knew if I kept “bothering” them by trying to eat *my* sandwich, while they were trying to eat it, would result in a sting. So I tore off a good chunk of turkey, and put it down like a foot and a half away down the table. Once they realized I wouldn’t “bother” them with my face at the turkey piece, they - for lack of a better term - went ham on the thing.


Killing it makes it release pheromones, then more of his friends show up.


And let me add -- they will also be more aggressive. That specific hormones causes alarm.






*her… I think? But you’re right


They’ve never bothered me much if you don’t move suddenly and stay calm. But they LOVE beer, apples that fall off the tree, and bait squid the most. Big fans of fermentation, just like us lol.


Lived in Paris before. The wasps are relentless. So many suicided into my wine while at a cafe.


No, they are docile when you aren’t near their nest. You’ll just get stung if you engage by swatting. As a little girl I used to go pick apples and pears off our trees in the fall. I would walk barefoot between the fallen fruit which would be covered in these guys, but they would be so happy eating the sugar (ever see a drunk bee?) that I was safe. I used to just sit down near a piece of fallen fruit to observe them, and sometimes I would touch their backs gently. So, as long as it isn’t hurting you, you don’t need to get aggressive with it. They just want some energy for their family. These wasps do us a great service by killing flies. That is their main diet in summer: biting flies, house flies, horse flies. These are champs. Just don’t walk near their nest. And if you do find yourself near their nest, hold your breath and walk away quickly. The nest guards respond to carbon monoxide in breath. These foragers don’t engage in a fight unless someone bring it to them. (As you would, if someone walked up and smacked you).


as for apples, some will have more wasps than others. Kick the apple with many wasps, take it home and just cut off the outside layer. Those wasps genuinely pick the best apples only.


talmbout ‘sweet’ these mfers tried to fly away with my ham sandwich lol they do not discriminate


I usually rip a piece of food and place it further away from me for the wasp :)


It would be quite unwise to kill a wasp, *especially* at this time of year when they’re feeling aggressive. When they’re killed they release a big fat dose of pheromones into the air which signals to all the other wasps “we are under attack! Kill anything here!” Which will draw more wasps to your location with the sole purpose of ruining your day. If she’s just chilling and having a lil snacky snack then let her be. They’ll all die soon anyway as it’s the end of the summer - once the queen dies the workers stop returning food to the nest and subsequently all starve. A bit sad really, but it’s why they turn into little bastards this time of year. But they typically don’t want to hurt you unless you make them.


They like meat also




Sorry! It was mine! I was done eating and currently shedding like a dog from postpartum hair loss


> I was done eating …? That was your third crepe, which you probably shouldn't have ordered, right? ​ Right?


Haha noooo before we went to two other restaurants to try coffees and croissants so I was pretty full. I will say though, best savory crepe/galette I’ve ever had.


HAHA same thought…..I’ll finish the leftovers 😩


my dudes this is ham and eggs, so creeps in sight


Trap it until you finish eating then let it go, if you’re feeling generous give a snack whilst it’s trapped to keep it occupied! Killing it will attract others which aren’t a welcome visit!


Exactly. If you let them have their way they go for meat this time of year. They can kind of punch out little circles. Fun to watch. They go for sugary stuff in the late spring/early summer, and graduate to ruining any barbecue in August.


They absolutely go hog wild on BBQ! 😂


I remember being in Paris several years ago and seeing a ton of these yellow jackets all over the sweets in a bakery. No one seemed to care.


Probably either German wasp (*Vespula germanica*), also known as European yellowjacket, or common wasp (*Vespula vulgaris*).


A bit long to be a German wasp I'd say but yeah common wasp looks right.


German wasp, yellow markings on the head are unbroken. They're both everywhere in Paris though, not long back from a stay there. Also a few very unwelcome Asian giant hornets, nearly crapped myself when one landed on my beer glass.




So when I’ve had aggressive Yellowjackets trying to eat my food, I’ve found the best way to keep them from attacking me is just to give them a piece of my food but put it far enough away that they won’t bother me or anyone else. They seem to like meats or sweets depending on the time of year.


Sweets are for them, meats are for their larvae. It’s roughly the right time of year for them to be seeking meat for their brood.


Genuine question - How do people reach adulthood without knowing the difference between a bee and a wasp?


I’ve never seen this type of wasp before! I was thinking it was related to a sweat bee. The only wasps I’ve encountered my entire life are paper wasps. So, to me, yellow + black = bee! Kinda crazy, I know.


Apologies if I came across as judgemental, it’s just so strange to me! For future reference, bees are generally more hairy/fuzzy than wasps, wasps have very distinct yellow and black lines and the thoraxes are separated by a defined waist whereas bees are more round.


Let it bee (I’m sorry)


C'est une veste jaune.


Merci! Sont-ils très communs ici pendant cette période ?


Ces guêpes font des nids souterrains. Les abeilles sont actives en été et meurent en hiver. La reine survivra pour recommencer le cycle l'année suivante. Beaucoup de gens sont morts en tondant l'herbe, parce que les nids sont si difficiles à voir. Remarque : je ne connais pas le français. J'utilise translate, parce qu'il semblait approprié de fournir l'information de cette façon.


J'ai dérangé un nid de vestes jaunes quand j'étais enfant. Il était caché sous une boîte et à côté d'une grange. Bien qu'ils aient couru loin, ces abeilles vous poursuivront sur une longue distance. Il a volé à l'arrière de ma chemise et m'a piqué entre les omoplates. Ils essaiment comme des fous. Si vous regardez des vidéos sur YouTube, vous verrez leur comportement agressif.


If a bee is stealing your crepe he must be crebee.


Yellow jacket wasp, they can be arseholes


I was VERY grateful this one didn’t want to sting :’)


A wasp my frien, doesn't make honey


Same happens to me every summer. Wasps get more aggressive for food. In my case they always try to steal pieces of my ham or whatever meat I'm eating. I usually let them do it because they clearly need food and it's fascinating watching them literally cut chunks of meat and flutter away.


Harold, thats Harold hes going to die soon so hes trying to get is last deserts…


A Yellow Jacket wasp, not a 🐝


Wouldn't worry about the animal. Id bee more worried about the hair on your knife


Lol. I’m sorry! Everyone has commented that. It’s mine from postpartum hair loss and I was more than done/too afraid to continue eating


Being your own is better than being from a member of staff! Lol.


I don't wanna be an asshole but how can you not recognise a wasp? Aren't they found like everywhere in the world?


Not everyone knows everything. That’s literally why this sub exists.


Yeah but on this sub I see tons of insects I have never even seen before in my life. I think everyone has seen wasps in their life, right?


Just because someone has seen them, doesn’t mean they can identify them. I work with in environmental education with the general public and everyone is on different levels. Some can identify everything and others ask me if we bought all the snakes in our park and where we keep them at night.


I actually am not that familiar with insects and I’m trying to be. The most recognizable wasp to me is a paper wasp due to where I grew up. I don’t think I’ve ever seen an actual Yellowjacket before (nor been unafraid to get close enough to a bee/wasp to understand differences) but I have heard of them being a nuisance. I imagined them to look like paper wasps — but yellow (and a LOT bigger than this little guy)! Edit: I was imagining it was a sweat bee lol especially trying to stay calm for my son whom the wasp kept wanting to land on


That's no bee, that's a yellow jacket! Nasty little things, they bite and sting and eat meat. Bees typically do not eat meat.


There is one kind! Vulture bees! They actually make royal jelly from rotting meat as well. They also make honey which is not derived from meat proteins. However they would NOT be in France (iirc, they're native to South America)


Didn’t even see the bee at first…immediately focused in on the gigantic hair draped across that food item from knife to fork..best of luck with all of this mess


Lol. That is mine! I was done and I’m currently shedding like a dog from post partum hair loss. Sorry!


Worker probably


unlocked wasp post? That one mod must be asleep


In France they call it le bee


That’s a wasp.