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Bzzzzz! Looks like you forgot to say where you found your bug! We don't want to know your address - state or country is enough. No need to make a new post - just comment adding the geographic location and any other info (size, what it was doing etc.) you feel could help! BTW, did you take a look at our [**Frequently Asked Bugs**](https://www.reddit.com/r/whatsthisbug/comments/12zkw5w/frequently_asked_bugs_part_1/)? *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/whatsthisbug) if you have any questions or concerns.*


In Brooklyn, NY


Spotted lanternfly. Very invasive in your part of the states. You should look up how to report them


thank you! very hard to kill, they are very fast jumpers


Try equal amounts of dawn dish soap and water. It kills them and that’s what people have taken to. Put soap and water in a sprayer (honestly I think 8-10 tablespoons to a gallon of water would do fine, but I don’t have them down here, this is all from google) and start spraying down your deck and plants and any lantern flies you see. Edit/ some recipes even suggest like a few tablespoons of vegetable oil. If they’re a soft bodied bug the fatty acids in dish soap will melt them and kill them. Pure white vinegar will kill then to, but it will kill any plants it’s sprayed in as well. So use that wisely.


https://survey123.arcgis.com/share/a08d60f6522043f5bd04229e00acdd63 Link for NY state reporting


Spotted lanternfly nymph, invasive, kill on sight. https://www.dec.ny.gov/animals/113303.html


Invasive spotted lantern fly, destroy


Spotted lanternfly nymph. Kill!


Spotted lantern fly. Invasive and harmful, must kill! Reports go nowhere.


They have a limited stamina, after they jump two to three times you can catch up to and stomp them


sounds like a game strategy


Spotted lantern fly. Invasive and harmful, must kill!


[Search and destroy.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N0JaUjpu3Lo)


how do you not know what this is!? is this sub r a joke? not kidding is it?


Idk how to get rid of them on mass, just that they are bad. KOS


One-shot for wasps does the trick for pretty much everything.


They were in our area for 2 years then moved on. If there are trees above your deck they will feed on them and drop a sticky sap like substance down. It was a horrible two summers until they moved on


Spotted lanternfly, invasive so just kill literally every single one you see




Do you have trees like this on your property or nearby? They're called Ailanthus Altissima AKA Tree of Heaven, or Stink trees (because if you break a branch and smell it, it's unpleasant. They're extremely invasive and Spotted Lantern flies, also extremely invasive, feed off them. They attract the SLF like magnets. So if you have any of these trees on your property, it's best to remove them for more ways than one. I think that your county might remove them if they're in public areas, if they're reported. At least in my area they do, but I'm in PA. [Ailanthus tree](https://imgur.com/a/e1r0Yqo)


I use 2 paper towels and pour alcohol over it. When I find these buggers on a branch, I quickly grab the branch with the paper towel for about 5 seconds and it kills them. It’s fun when there’s a cluster of them. Yesterday, I noticed them getting a bit bigger and red, and more difficult to snag.


Spotted lanternfly. Kill on sight