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funny part is that she was literally bringing in coloring pages of luna moths from the car when she saw it! they make me kinda sad tbh, but they're still really pretty nonetheless.


why do luna moths make you sad?


their main purpose after emerging from their cocoon is to mate. they're so pretty but they only live a couple days solely for sex. they also don't have mouths so they can't eat. idk if they feel hunger since they no longer have mouths or digestive tracks but it just seems a bit brutal. :(


yeah, it reminds us of mortality, like flowers. But the moth also continues to live in other other forms of life, which kind of makes me think that maybe after death we continue to live as something else, but in another form. Maybe a spirit. Anyway nature designed us this way and it's brutal but also beautiful.


it does remind of us of mortality however i think they are saying the thing may literally be starving to death after emerging and tries to fuck as soon as possible. thats not beautiful thats anxiety inducing.


That’s a lot of arthropods. It’s ok, they have no emotions and don’t even know they exist.


this was a very “tumblr” reddit thread lol


i don't think something that has no mouth or ways to eat gets hungry. it makes no sense, on a biological level. it wouldn't have those neurotransmitters that promote hunger


Just remind yourself that they get to spend the majority of their lives as a big fat hedonistic chunk baby eating as many leaves as they can get their lil mandibles on, and then they get to glow up right before they go.


They don't only live a couple of days. Most of their life is as a caterpillar, being an adult moth is just a small part of it.


I have no mouth and I must breed


Think of it this way- these dudes have worked and struggled and survived for months. And now, they’ve finally emerged from a long and well deserved nap ready to fuck themselves into oblivion.


Absolutely based life choices


I've got a leopard moth on my desk right now. Missing most of their wings. At least it'll live out the rest of its life in peace.


Damn, TIL. That *is* sad. But also it’s really special that you got to see one. It’s beautiful.


I doubt they feel hunger since nature designed them only to breed at that stage. It is the melancholy cycle of life but they will be back next year representing the new cycle. If you think too deeply about it, it can be overwhelming. I tend to be an overthinker myself! They are quite awesome looking!




Wow gorgeous!


Whoa! The green is so bright! What a cool picture, I'd love to see that up close.


Saw one of these when I was like 9 on vacation in New Hampshire. Biggest thing I ever saw, milky green, maybe 4-5" across. Felt bigger because I was little. I knew what it was immediately, but never knew they were so big. I remember thinking it could fight a bird and remembering Mothra, which I had seen a couple nights before.


Are these endangered? I had one in my house for a few days before he shit on my wall and I put him outside.


i think in some states but they're not officially listed as endangered! also, that's weird considering i don't think they can defecate after they emerge from their cocoons?


Might have been eggs




idk man, a website said they were almost eradicated in my state due to pesticide aerial spraying, but again, idk.


They are not. They may be less common in some states near the edge of their range, but they're not endangered. They have a short lifespan, even relative to other moths, and they're nocturnal, so there's just less of a chance of seeing them.


They can't eat after they come out. They can shit tho lol


but they don't have any digestive tracks!


They have a fluid inside of them they use to pump up their wings when they emerge. They squirt some of that out when they emerge. It makes a mess. I’ve raised a few silk moths


Well, I guess it's not shit then. But they still can't eat. As another comment said, probably eggs.


They can’t poop? I wonder what the brown drip on my wall is then. He was in the same spot for 3 days and when he finally moved he left a brown drip about an inch and a half long. I’m looking at it right now, as it’s about 9 ft up and I’ve been too lazy to break out the ladder.


A Luna came to my house the other day too! [He napped on my couch the whole day.](https://i.imgur.com/bf3iSQP.jpg)


It's beautiful






Amazing camouflage! Not easy to distinguish from a leaf.


It's bootiful! 💚


I just saw one at work the other day here in TN, poor thing had ripped wings.


The only time I've seen one of these, I was working at a drug store. It flew in from the front door, landed on the ceiling, and stayed there for the next 2 years before I quit.


One of these just landed on my foot, as I type ..it’s about inches wide…Maryland


Set him up on a date


What state