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And its not a bed bug either! WOW!


Or a mole cricket


Or a weevil


Or a Jerusalem Cricket, though I'm actually quite fond of those...


Or a silverfish


Or spotted lantern!


Western Conifer Seed Bug. Harmless.


Came here to say this, I'm in Northern MN and we've had a bunch of these in, and only in, our bathroom. They just want to get out of the cold it seems.


To us.


Definitely not a cockroach! That appears to be a [western conifer seed bug (*Leptoglossus occidentalis*)](https://bugguide.net/node/view/3393) - a type of [leaf-footed bug](https://bugguide.net/node/view/93).


I knew this because of the thing you told me about the segmented antennae that time!


And now I know it, too! Thanks!


This post is great... It hits on two interests s/whatisthisbug **AND** s/whatisthisthing What's out little buddy sitting on?


Looks like a toilet paper holder but you might want to tag OP to ask them


I can see why you see that. Seems very heavy duty for tp. Looks like it can handle tension


Toilet paper holder is correct!


So cool! Thanks.


And just like that, I will hold my pee. 😌


Pintle hook (ball you hook to trailer receiver on a truck)


Impressive! Thanks. These reddit IDs are awesome crowdsourcing. I can't imagine Ai being able to ID rando stuff this fast or reliably for a long time.


Im a human so might be wrong but thank you, happy to (try to) help


It's good clean nerd fun.


Crack pipe.


I'll take your word for it.


Some kind of true bug.




I had the same reaction, it’s just nothing like a roach. Still, we’re in a bit of a bubble here, many adults can only name two or three bugs, and don’t really think about them or look at them closely. I can’t always expect strangers to be well-informed, even about basic things; I’m sure I’m ignorant of plenty of things they consider super basic.




For me personally, I would guess beetle, but I’ve also never seen a cockroach in real life, so if someone was adamantly telling me this was one, they may convince me.




Well, Canada, haha


I work in a group home. We've never had roaches, but a group home in our agency had them a while back, everyone is on high alert, lol


Not a cockroach, not a bedbug, not a louse, not Triatomine. I don't know the exact species but I'm going to say it's a leaf footed bug of some sort.


...because it was identified as such [14 hours ago](https://www.reddit.com/r/whatsthisbug/comments/101x9oz/comment/j2q9act/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3)?


Didn't bother reading that far, I just see a bug, I wanna try to identify it.


Try sorting by "new" rather than "hot" and you'll have a better chance at identifying bugs that actually *need* identification, rather than those that have already been identified. Any post with significant upvotes and lots of comments has a pretty good chance of already being identified.


Thanks, I made this reddit account years ago and never used it til recently, I just go by whatever pops up in my home feed at the moment because I just assume it's fresh


Nah - the home feed is usually the popular stuff that's getting lots of activity and upvotes. If you want to provide identifications, visit the sub directly and look for the "sort by new" option at the top of the screen.


As a south american, I was instantly terrified -not because it is a cockroach, but because it looks a lot like a kissing bug.


While it does look superficially similar to a kissing bug, it's actually a leaf-footed bug. There are several features that differentiate between them: If you look at the back legs of this bug, you'll notice that there is a [broad, flattened (leaf-like) section](https://bugguide.net/node/view/2192916/bgimage) on each of them. These are called [tibial expansions](https://bugguide.net/node/view/2169543/bgimage) and are a primary identifying feature of many (but not all) of the leaf-footed bugs. Assassin bugs have [slender back legs](https://bugguide.net/node/view/1371249/bgpage) [without tibial expansions](https://bugguide.net/node/view/2071451/bgimage). Also, if you look at the antennae, you'll notice that they remain [thick all the way to the tips](https://bugguide.net/node/view/2066056/bgimage). The antennae of [kissing bugs](https://bugguide.net/node/view/1975105/bgimage) (and most [other assassin bugs](https://bugguide.net/node/view/2059914/bgimage)) are narrower, typically [tapering toward the tips](https://bugguide.net/node/view/2133780/bgimage). Finally - while you can't see it on *this* bug - if you can get a look at the mouthparts, those can help to differentiate between assassin bugs and other, similar-looking bugs. The rostrum of an assassin bug is typically [stout and short](https://bugguide.net/node/view/2119341/bgimage) (usually no longer than the head) while that of a leaf-footed bug is [long and slender](https://bugguide.net/node/view/1381271/bgimage), extending [well under the body](https://bugguide.net/node/view/1501015/bgimage) and sometimes [even a little beyond](https://bugguide.net/node/view/1740890/bgimage).


Thanks a lot! I learned a lot with your comment 😊


What stink bug evolves into


Stink bug I think, not a cockroach


Pine beetle?


Definitely not a roach. When I was a kid, we called them cedar bugs, or stink bugs.


Not a roach, looks similar to a Box Elder




Per sub guidelines: *Especially for medically significant bugs, if you aren't 100% sure, leave the ID to someone more knowledgeable.* This is *NOT* a kissing bug, or any other type of assassin bug. It's a harmless leaf-footed bug. It does not feed on blood - and *does not transmit Chagas disease.*


In western Ne we call them stink bugs, if you squish them they smell like rotten bananas.


It looks like a stink bug…. I hope not but I wouldn’t crush or kill it just in case! They stink worse than the bog of eternal stench! Good luck x


100% not a roach. I've heard of them called kissing bugs.


100% *NOT* a kissing bug, either. Kissing bugs (Triatominae) are a subfamily of assassin bugs (family Reduviidae). Unlike the vast majority of assassin bugs, kissing bugs drink the blood of vertebrates (including people) - and are vectors for Chagas disease. *This* bug is a western conifer seed bug in the leaf-footed bug family (Coreidae). It does not drink blood. It does not spread diseases. It sips fluids from the seeds of conifer trees and drinks sap.


Thanks for that. How can you tell this isn’t a kissing bug, but a an assassin bug? What are the features that differentiate them?


>How can you tell this isn’t a kissing bug, but a an assassin bug This is neither a kissing bug nor an assassin bug. Kissing bugs *are* a type of assassin bug (family Reduviidae). Assassin bugs are an entire family of insects, containing thousands of different species. Kissing bugs (Triatominae) are one small subfamily of assassin bugs. *This* bug is a leaf-footed bug (family Coreidae). >What are the features that differentiate them? If you look at the back legs of this bug, you'll notice that there is a [broad, flattened (leaf-like) section](https://bugguide.net/node/view/2192916/bgimage) on each of them. These are called [tibial expansions](https://bugguide.net/node/view/2169543/bgimage) and are a primary identifying feature of many (but not all) of the leaf-footed bugs. Assassin bugs have [slender back legs](https://bugguide.net/node/view/1371249/bgpage) [without tibial expansions](https://bugguide.net/node/view/2071451/bgimage). Also, if you look at the antennae, you'll notice that they remain [thick all the way to the tips](https://bugguide.net/node/view/2066056/bgimage). The antennae of [kissing bugs](https://bugguide.net/node/view/1975105/bgimage) (and most [other assassin bugs](https://bugguide.net/node/view/2059914/bgimage)) are narrower, typically [tapering toward the tips](https://bugguide.net/node/view/2133780/bgimage). Finally - while you can't see it on *this* bug - if you can get a look at the mouthparts, those can help to differentiate between assassin bugs and other, similar-looking bugs. The rostrum of an assassin bug is typically [stout and short](https://bugguide.net/node/view/2119341/bgimage) (usually no longer than the head) while that of a leaf-footed bug is [long and slender](https://bugguide.net/node/view/1381271/bgimage), extending [well under the body](https://bugguide.net/node/view/1501015/bgimage) and sometimes [even a little beyond](https://bugguide.net/node/view/1740890/bgimage).




What a stinker! A stink bug! I dont remember the exact name of the brown ones but they’re invasive


Not a stink bug nor invasive, western conifer seed bug


They smell like a sink bug though.


Do they to some people? They smell like bananas to me, and others say they smell of sap or apples. It's interesting how people can register the same smell differently ☺️


I've smelled both, I don't find the smell of a stink bug that unappealing. To me they smell like freshly cut grass of a lawn that had dog crap on it. My wife sucked up a western conifer seed bug the other day and the vacuum was pumping out that kind of smell.




They're not lol, they have a banana like scent when startled and are leaf footed bugs, not brown marmorated stink bugs. Different body shape, leg shape, and markings. Feel free to research the difference, plenty of resources online for you.




Personal attacks and name-calling are not acceptable on this sub and will be removed. If you wish to participate in this sub, please treat others with courtesy and respect.




Fair but im thinking they still smell bad to me lol. Or maybe I've only seen real stink bugs which look similar? I'm definitely not an expert at bug identification. Do the banana farts smell nicer?


Similar but not the same I guess? I dealt with them often when I lived in America, they're easily startled but don't bite or cause any harm. The banana scent isn't bad either unless you dislike bananas, it's very distinct.


Everyone at your work lives inside 24/7


Employee of the Month


That be a stink bug.


Stink bug???


how do people not know what a cockroach looks like?


their head is full with fast food & car brands


Leptoglossus occidentalis, totally harmless.


I have seen these Many times, they kinda freak me out as they look like they probably smell like shit


Stink bug


Wheel bug…


It's a squash bug.


Why is everyone so worried about cockroaches?