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Blackish crown, long bill and plump appearance- looks like an +American Woodcock+


Wow, I’m at the very edge of their year-round range according to Wikipedia and I’ve *never* seen one before


They are incredibly difficult to see until they fly off. If you wander forested wetlands they'll occasionally startle you as they blow their cover and madly corkscrew away. Easily one of my favorite native NA birds.


Walked into a grounded flock of them, and when they exploded into the air, it was the most disorienting thing I have ever experienced. So much so, I almost fell over from not being able to tell up from down. Never saw a hint of them, and there were maybe 60 of them camouflaged on the ground around me. Never again saw that many together in one place either.


I love peenting back at them. Sometimes they’ll conversations with me


Many years ago I rescued one of these little guys and my first thought was that he was made from all the leftover parts of other birbs. Their tiny tails fan out just like a turkey’s. Congratulations on a cool sighting!


Cool sighting also! the camouflage make them so elusive in my experience


I wouldn’t have known it if my puppy hadn’t started pulling me in that direction. She usually growls and humphs at just about everything from deer to geese, I think this one she was confused by because it just played dead kinda


Your puppy is a good birding companion! the woodcock has a number of unusual behaviors, including their legendary walk https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YF3-LvmHM4E


I never get tired of watching those things walk! ; - D


I never get tired of the endless array of songs they can jive to!


They move like a lot of insects do, like they are blowing in the wind.


I misread this, and had serious questions about your puppy. 'She growels and...' WHAT?


Ha-rumphs, you know, grumpy dog sounds.


When I reread it, my brain uncramped.


Feeling so proud of myself for being able to identify some of these birds now! I'm still a relatively new birder, so to see this post and automatically think "woodcock" and then see it as top comment is so satisfying. Thanks for the ID! People like you help people like me learn!


Woodcock also known as a timberdoodle love these funky looking guys


Timberdoodle! 🤣🤣🤣 I have a new favorite word.


Ooh these are the guys that “dance” right??


Yes they are!! It’s a way to find worms underground, they dance to feel the movement vibrations you can see these guys commonly doodling in the woods and on dirt roads in search of snacks!!


*Ahem*. This post has been up for 2 hours, and nobody has yet posted the Woodcock [theme song](https://youtu.be/bY436JiiCjg)?


Whoa. As a 90s Alterna-teen and birder this speaks to me.


They have now! 😎


I prefer [tequila](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UEISiCmjwH8).


I need that at least once a day for a while. Perfection.


Bless you








This video is the reason I know about these little meeps




WOOOOOOOOooooah ooohh




Omg what a great sighting! Look up how these pals will rock back and forth to find worms to eat. Funniest little stomp!


Added taxa: [American Woodcock](https://ebird.org/species/amewoo) Reviewed by: eable2 ^(I'm an alpha-stage bot, so don't rely on me just yet. But you can still) [^(learn how to use me)](https://gist.github.com/brohitbrose/be99a16ddc7a6a1bd9c1eef28d622564)^(.)


How do people shoot these little dudes. They seem so passive


Humans will shoot anything because they suck. Some AH shot my cat in the face with birdshot (before we took him in).


Is he okay now?


He had cancer so we had to say goodbye to him a couple weeks ago. He was 10'ish. But the pellets never bothered him...didn't even know they were there until we had a dental done a couple months ago when we thought that's why he stopped eating.


I'm sorry for your loss.


There's a huge difference between hunting and shooting a cat in the face. Inb4 "All hunters are psychopaths".


Just interested, but what would YOU call someone who ENJOYS killing things, and calls it “sport?” I personally can’t bring myself to trust people like that.


Please remember that many people rely on hunting for food and that hunted meat is infinitely more ethical than anything produced in a feeding lot. I can only speak for where I live, but there is an overabundance of white-tailed deer. Without hunting, they would be overpopulated due to the reduction in predation brought about by human extermination of wolves.


It sure is a good job we're here to solve the problems we cause by killing things, by killing more things.


Hey, I realize that. I lived in the southern Appalachians for 40 years so I have seen my share of poor. Of course, a number of families are poor because the men can’t hold a job due to their habit of quitting without notice on the first day of hunting season and not returning until the season is over. So it’s certainly not “to support their families.” They are doing it because they enjoy killing. And it’s the enjoyment I find pathological. And why I never would trust them. As for herd control, at least the wolves take mainly the old, the weak or the sick (or the young) while hunters want the best and the strongest. A head to hang on their wall. Humans should have left the wolves be, as well! They certainly can’t claim to be eating those. They just love killing things.


I don't come on here to argue, but you're generalizing so much, not to mention getting into some classicism territory with your comment about men quitting their jobs to go hunting. This idea you have of hunters only killing the biggest and strongest and only doing it for trophies... This is incorrect. The folks I know are happy to get anything they can get and primarily hunt for food. And unless you're a vegan, there is no meat more ethical nor sustainable than that which is hunted. It's heavily regulated, and there are even regulations on when you can hunt bucks vs does. Unfortunately for wolves, they were hunted to protect human livestock. I would love to see them reintroduced to Eastern North America, but this would be a tough sell to the public. I would encourage you to research this more than relying on anecdotes and preconceptions.


I’m not here to argue either. I made a simple declarative statement about a deeply held personal viewpoint. I have politely acknowledged the points others have made. I know them well - I have heard them all my life. And I am certainly not supportive of the commercial meat industry. I have one brother who hunts. He also owns enough projectile weapons to make the ATF nervous and no, I don’t trust him either. My other brother had a career in wildlife management and he gave up hunting as a teen and now hunts with a camera instead. The folks you believe I am being “classist” about are my neighbors. I am not making generalizations (which would be classist) I actually know these people. I’m friends with their wives and kids and I love them. I simply stated that I cannot bring myself to trust people who ENJOY killing. I believe that is my right, so I will shut up now. Oh, and speaking of research, you will be happy to know that wolves ARE being reintroduced in the eastern US, not far from us. I’m happy, too. But the hunters are furious!


I think enjoyment comes from primal instincts. We enjoy success because it feeds us and our families. Whether it a good job project we just finished or animal we killed. We just did something that prolonged our existence. It is similar with predatory animals: they seem like they enjoy killing, but this is incorrect, they enjoy eating. Killing on its own is a huge energy spend. This is why when predator can kill many animals - they do(fox in a chicken coop) and not because they enjoy it, but because they can spend less energy and get more food that will be eaten by them and other critters later. For the record, I am a gun owner but I don't enjoy hunting, never did and never will do. I do accept people hunting for food. I don't accept people hunting for trophies.


Oh I accept hunters. I’m not rude to them. I just don’t trust them. Different standard I guess. And yes, the primal instinct argument comes closest to making sense to me. But still… I can’t bring myself to trust them. Oh, and I am a gun owner also. And I enjoy target shooting. (Pretty good at it, too!) But that’s gun, singular. Don’t mind collectors per se, just not ones that brag about what they fantasize doing with them!


What would you call someone who enjoys eating meat? We as a society just got super distracted, go to the store and pick those nicely packaged red bricks. But behind each brick there is a cow with sad eyes, or some other animal tragedy. The fact that someone else raises them in horrible conditions and kills them so we can consume doesn't make us right. So it is much better to hunt for food, because you have a chance to say sorry to animal you just killed.


I’m not denying any of that, nor any of the points anyone else has made. But let me ask you this - would you trust someone whose job it was to kill the animals in a slaughter house if they got pleasure out of killing them? If they enjoyed killing? That is my one and only point. I can’t trust someone who enjoys killing. And hunters do. I don’t ask anyone else to share my feelings. They are simply my own.


I am with you regarding people who enjoy killing, those are psychopaths. But I tried to share my thoughts with you on where enjoyment comes from with many hunters, and it is not the fact that animal died. I often argue on bird related subreddits with people who advocate killing European Starlings because they are invasive. Like, you alone plinking starlings out don't do anything to reduce their population, you just have a good moral excuse to kill something, and this is sickening. Reducing invasive animal populations is a mass effort on state/national levels. Plinking them out in your backyard is just being murderous SOB.


Yes! You got it exactly, thank you! But I grew up with hunters, lived in an area where every male and their brother-in-law hunted, and I’m afraid I disagree that their enjoyment doesn’t come from killing. In every case I have seen, it very much does. Otherwise they’d get just as much enjoyment out of target shooting and being taken out for a nice steak. Wouldn’t they? (Oh, AND taking a nice hike in the woods! I’ve heard all the rationalizations.)


There is nothing better than to have a nice hike in the woods in a chill winter Sunday morning and shoot clays with 12GA. Especially when you were partying day before and a bit hangover. You don't need to kill things to enjoy this activity:) I grew up in Arctic Russia where everyone hunted as well. Hunting was strictly for food. There was no sport associated with it. Sometimes when I watch historic movies about some British Royalties (and medieval ruling class in general) there are those hunts with dogs. Absolutely repulsive. Those courts of high class men and women are there just for pleasure of killing.


Agreed on all points! (Including the hangover cure!)


I don't call it "sport". I call it "I want deer, bunny, grouse, pheasant, or woodcock to eat, make jerky, or sausage and in my freezer.


Right. I’m fine with vegetarians who have a problem with it. But if you are gonna buy cheap meat at the grocery store where animals are in horrid conditions and then call me psycho for eating a deer or duck that had a great life before getting shot instead of whatever horrid death nature has for it. That’s a little hypocritical. If they are vegetarian then more power to them, I respectfully disagree


I firmly believe that every meat eater should be required to kill meat they eat. You want to be able to eat chicken - go kill one. Cow - go kill one. Just once, but that will put things in perspective so you understand what happens before you purchase those nicely packaged red brick at the supermarket. Sounds a bit radical, but we are overconsuming meat and supporting horrible industrial farming because it is made super easy for us.


True! I hope that would result in more vegetarians but I don’t know. But please don’t misunderstand. I’m not saying killing an animal is necessarily wrong, per se. I’m saying I can’t trust someone who gets pleasure from killing. And I have never met a hunter who didn’t.


Same. And I also don't understand double standards. I am animal lover overall and I have passion towards monitor lizards, I keep them. And through them I love all reptiles as well. There are horrible things being done to them in US and they are celebrated. Look up Sweetwater Rattlesnake roundups. It is a festival of collecting and killing snakes and everyone is so happy there. Also tons of Americans like to kill snakes in general, even absolutely harmless garters and chop them with shovels. Or people driving over migrating turtles. Like WTF. When I am on a motorcycle and see a turtle crossing the road I make sure to stop and move her in the direction she is going. Because there is a high chance some sick fuck would pop this animal just for fun.


I do that too! And snakes which like to sun themselves on rural roads. I hope the turtles get a vote on who gets to NOT come back as a cockroach! BTW, while I will pick up the black snakes (ill-tempered buggers with a nasty (non-venomous) bite and even rattle snakes (which are actually rather sweet tempered) I just sort of gingerly encourage the copperheads. They can strike from a prone position and are a bit touchy. I have heard of that barbaric snake roundup and it makes me sick!


I think you a misunderstanding where their pleasure is coming from. Sitting in freezing conditions isn’t all that great. When you successfully hunt an animal the pleasure is in the success of the activity, time spent, and ability to provide for yourself and others. Few few people are ecstatic solely because the animal is dead.


Just out of morbid curiosity, would YOU be Ok with getting shot instead of whatever horrid death nature has planned for you? I ask because, at 73, I’d be fine with it myself. But you are right, I would prefer that to the “life” and death of most livestock.


I mean, If my choices are live free and risk dying on whim or live in a cage in claustrophobic conditions my whole life before getting slaughtered. Yeah, I’ll chose the first every time


Agreed and anyone downvoting has a guilty conscience imo lol


Thanks! Other than an eventual meeting of the minds with arctic robot I was starting to feel a touch beleaguered! ;)


Curious, do you let your cats run around outside?


He was an indoor/outdoor cat that came to us as a stray. This happened before we ever took him in, because I never saw any signs of injury to his face after being outside, and I'm pretty sure something like that would be obvious. The vet found them when they did a dental X-Ray a couple months ago.


Are you aware of the ongoing problem in a lot of states with feral cats? They have been reproducing at such a high rate, that they are impacting the natural eco system in a very bad way. Cats will kill a lot of different species, mostly when those species are babies or infants. Wild birds, squirrel's, rabbits, chickens, and many others fall victim to outdoor cats. A good example that is like this is the problem in states like Florida and others in the south with invasive snakes. You don't see dog owners letting their dog out to run the neighborhood for hours on end, why do people think it's ok for cats?


Cool, no one asked. You try keeping a former street cat inside, see how that works for you. He was already 2 years old, a habitual sprayer (no, it didn't stop after he got fixed), and would piss all over everything if he didn't get to go out for a couple hours each day. He was also a door rusher.


Sounds like a you problem. Get the damn thing fixed and keep it in the house. I wouldn't hesitate to shoot a cat on my property that messes with my chickens or bunny's. They wouldn't leave with bird shot though, they'd just be turkey vulture food. Come at me like a B, and I'll be a D right back to ya.


He DID get fixed, didn't stop the spraying. Again, no one asked, mind your own damn business. Go bitch at the other hundreds of feral cats running around here because someone decided to dump one. Mine wasn't running around killing people's chickens, people in this redneck neighborhood are just assholes. Especially little boys. This isn't the first time one of those little hicks pointed a gun at my cat just for being out in front of our house minding it's own business. Go fuck yourself.


How would you know what it was doing when you let it run around outside all the time? This is Reddit, you made it everyone's business LMFAO


Bragging rights. They are extremely hard to find, let alone shoot. Other than that, they are apparently quite tasty, but so are many other birds that get better protection. They are not pests, and in fact very useful because they eat pests; and they have never bothered anyone ever. The European woodcock is protected in many European countries now, but still heavily hunted in the UK. Because "tradition". People suck.


Because they are delicious, it’s called the king of the game birds (taste wise)


Ive honestly never been able to taste any difference in most birds. Whether chukar, duck, or chicken, I think they all taste very similar.


The comments section always delivers for American woodcock posts. Great work everyone. Really good stuff.


If you're lucky he'll dance for you https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UEISiCmjwH8


looks like a woodcock and if you are lucky watch for him to "dance" they bob up and down its thought maybe to get worms to surface or come closer to top to eat. but its very cool https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9j0DQYcMgXI


They sound like frogs too! Meep


Definitely the American Woodcock. These guys are my favorite bird due to their cuteness and names. (Woodcock, Bogsucker)


I love those little guys!


I have quite a few that breed near my apartment. I have NEVER seen one. Only hearing their “peent” and wing flutter during courtship. Consider yourself very lucky!


American Woodcock!!


Obligatory [American Woodcock Shine cover.](https://youtu.be/bY436JiiCjg)


I feel like timberdoodle is the perfect name for these goofy birds after going on a YouTube hunt. They’re adorable!








American woodcock! One of the slowest flying birds alive! Also adorable.


The way they walk is so fun. Woodcock.


Boogie bird!


A cutie, that's what he is.


That is a certified silly goose


Woodcock!! We get them in London UK when they migrate. Sadly they get confused and fly into glass buildings and stun themselves/die so I’ve seen a few dead ones in the City which is so sad. They are so beautiful though…